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论广告与新闻邱沛篁广告学是一门综合性学科,它与新闻学有着最直接、最密切的联系。广告与新闻,它们之间有着千丝万缕的联系,研究广告不能不研究新闻,弄清它们之间的关系,对于彼此的健康发展,对于广告、新闻事业比翼齐飞,有着重大的现实意义。广告与新闻的相同点(...  相似文献   

广告学是一门独立的学科,是研究广告历史、广告理论、广告营销策略、广告制作与经营管理的学科.广告学一般被认为是市场营销专业的核心课程,涉及社会学、新闻学、心理学、美学、传播学、语言学等众多学科,内容复杂,艺术性强.由于广告在创意、色彩、文字、修饰等方面都需要运用到艺术原理,都需要体现艺术感,因此需要在广告学的教育中加入有...  相似文献   

中外新闻学最初都是人文学科的旁支,新闻学专业大多起源于文学专业,新闻学缺乏受人尊重的学科地位。经过一百多年的学科建设,新闻学逐渐摆脱了"新闻有学无学"、"新闻是学非学"等问题的困扰,逐渐发展成一门人文与社科交叉的学科。然而,新闻学总体上还是一门理论门槛低的学科,它所研究的核心问题不够聚焦,学术共同体达成的共识性理论不多。进入21世纪新闻传播权的分化使新闻传播逐渐向公共传播转变,新闻学的知识体系和课程结构均出现了重大变化。当前新闻学研究需要不断创新研究范式,努力规划新闻学的理论谱系,重建新闻学在学术场域中的地位。中国学者应该充分发挥"新闻学想象力",不断从民族场域、国家场域转向国际场域、世界场域,努力为全球新闻理论建设提供中国经验、中国智慧和中国理论。  相似文献   

在碰撞中反思--新闻与传播学科发展座谈会综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
4月16日,中国社会科学院和中国人民大学、复旦大学、北京大学、中国传媒大学等高校30余位新闻与传播学知名学者应邀参加清华大学新闻与传播学科发展座谈会。学者们就国内新闻与传播学的学科建制、新闻传播理论的创新、新闻与传播教育的改革等议题展开了广泛深入的讨论。学科发展走势与建构新闻传播学的历史相对其他学科来说比较年轻。19世纪与20世纪之交,新闻学在德国和美国形成学科,20世纪40年代传播学在美国形成学科。新闻学在中国作为一门学科,以及中国新闻学教育的开端,通常以1918年10月北京大学新闻学研究会的成立作为标志;而1978年7月…  相似文献   

2005年,四川大学新闻学学科经国务院学位办批准获得博士学位授予权,成为我国西部首个新闻学博士点。为了加强新闻学博士点的建设,我们在新闻传播学科发展规划中提出编辑出版博导自选集,后改为新闻传播学名师自选集,鼓励支持新闻传播学科的知名专家、学者对自己的成长轨迹与学术  相似文献   

论广告学学科建设与研究生培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨海军 《新闻界》2005,(3):56-58
我国高校学位点的申报一般是依托二级学科来进行的,学位点申报成功后,也多设在二级学科之下。目前,新闻传播学一级学科下面,只有新闻学和传播学两个二级学科。这就意味着,迄今为止,我国广告学招收的硕士研究生均为新闻学或传播学二级学科下所设的方向。这个问题的澄清,对于我们正确认识广告学在新闻与传播学中的地位及研究生培养在广告学学科建设中的重要性具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

河南大学新闻与传播学院是河南省第一所培养新闻与传播学专门人才的学院,设有新闻学、编辑出版学、广播电视新闻学、广告学四个教学系和编辑出版科学研究所、传媒研究所。学院有新闻学和传播学一级学科硕士授权点和新闻学、传播学二级学科硕士学位授权点(招收编辑出版学史论、编辑出版媒体应用研究、新闻理论及应用、广  相似文献   

本文对新闻传播学科的基本发展历史做了简要阐述,重点论证了这个学科在世界和我国范围内各方面的基础文献建构,包括世界新闻学早期基础文献、中国新闻学早期基础文献、1978年以后中国新闻学基础文献、传播学文献基础、广告与公关文献基础、媒介经济文献基础等六个方面,涉及17世纪末至今代表性论著约百种.作者认为,目前制约学科发展的主要问题是:高校新闻传播专业的过度扩张掣肘学术质量的提升;“经世致用”的要求造成学科长期处于不断解释眼下问题的困境中.  相似文献   

安平 《今传媒》2007,(11):74-74
(本刊讯记者安平)传统文化的勃兴,为广告界提供了从传统文化角度探讨广告的契机。2007年10月20日,由西北大学新闻传播学院广告研究所主办,陕西省传播学会和陕西省广告协会协办的"中国广告与中国传统文化研讨会"在西北大学新闻传播学院召开。来自全省广告学界、业界的专家学者和相关管理机构的领导齐聚一堂,共同探讨广告与传统文化、广告教育、陕西广告业现状等话题。  相似文献   

一直以来,学界业界都有对彼此的要求与期待。学界:教学与科研不可脱离新闻实践。徐宝璜的《新闻学》包括新闻的定义、新闻的价值、新闻的采集、新闻的编辑,以及广告、发行等。新闻理论、新闻业务及广告经营等内容,都与新闻实践有很大关系。新闻学作为比较年轻的学科,其理论架构尚稚嫩,许多部类的架构大而不详。有些部分仅仅是经验积累,还未上升到理论层面。这种情况正好表明,新闻教育不能脱离实践,而要积极吸收优秀的新闻研究成果。  相似文献   

本文对2011年中国新闻传播学理论研究方面做了扼要的梳理,划分为新闻理论、传播理论和新闻传播史三部分。文章认为,这年的新闻传播学研究基础渐厚,但理论创新有待加强。  相似文献   

In the second half of the twentieth century, the volume, content and appearance of arts journalism in Western daily newspapers have changed significantly in accordance with wider transformations in the arts and journalism. Previous studies have focused on (1) which culture receives attention, (2) the way culture gets attention, and (3) economic pressures underlying transformations. In this article we aim to bring these strands together by analyzing how changes in the packaging of arts journalism have evolved in relation to the cultural content which is discussed and the volume of (cultural) advertising that is featured in newspapers. We conduct a content analysis of the coverage given to both “highbrow” and “popular” art forms in French, German, Dutch and US elite newspapers for four sample years: 1955, 1975, 1995 and 2005. The results show that newspapers all seem to converge into a balance between news reporting and reviewing. We find evidence for an increased catering for the needs and interests of audiences in some aspects (e.g. more popular culture) but not in others (e.g. no more human interest). Finally, most newspapers show an increase in cultural advertising, although the European newspapers in our sample contain much less advertising than the American ones. A stronger presence of advertising is positively related to both a lifestyle orientation of newspapers and a focus on popular culture.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):322-338
In a time of declining public trust in news, loss of advertising revenue, and an increasingly participatory, self-expressive and digital media culture, journalism is in the process of rethinking and reinventing itself. In this paper, the authors explore how journalism is preparing itself for an age of participatory news: a time where (some of) the news is gathered, selected, edited and communicated by professionals and amateurs, and by producers and consumers alike. Using materials from case studies of emerging participatory news practices in the Netherlands, Germany, Australia and the United States, the authors conclude with some preliminary recommendations for further research and theorize early explanations for the success or failure of participatory journalism.  相似文献   

以2004-2006年新闻学与传播学期刊为研究对象,从文献计量学的角度对新闻学与传播学期刊各项计量指标进行分析比较,分别用期刊论文的篇均引用文献数、期刊基金论文占有比例、期刊作者地区分布以及期刊标注有作者机构的论文比例这四个指标,对新闻学与传播学期刊的编辑状况、学术规范程度和学术水平进行综合比较和研究。  相似文献   


As traditional news outlets decline and corporations cultivate publisher ambitions, brand journalism (i.e., native advertising and content marketing) has grown robustly. This paper examines and critiques the various ways in which those corporations have adopted and mirror news production practices, given the “techno-logics” of convergence culture and the political economy pressures of our media era. The research draws upon 28 in-depth interviews with brand journalism professionals who operate in the United States along with years of trade press coverage of the phenomenon. Findings illustrate how brand journalism is informed by traditional reporting fundamentals and techniques, the affordances and demands of online environments, and industrial shifts in media labor allocation.  相似文献   

关于新闻与传播教育的四个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
这是作者在研讨会议上的发言,涉及新闻教育的指导思想、如何理解教育的全球化和本土化、课程安排和培养学生的职业意识等问题。  相似文献   

While media and journalism studies focus on advertising pressures on news producers, media pressures on advertisers are overlooked. The present study is the first to analyze media pressures on advertisers and the ways in which all participants interpret the phenomenon. This study used ethnographic methods to study 10 Slovenian television stations and 10 corporate marketing departments, as well as in-depth interviews with key actors. The research showed that television advertising practitioners and journalists exert pressure on advertisers to pay for news that either promotes products/services or suppresses information that reflects badly on advertisers.  相似文献   

二次文献和网络文献的利用,增加了信息交流和原始文献的利用率,也向读者揭示了期刊论文的学术价值。本文就我国新闻学与传播学期刊的二次文献转载及Web即年下载率的数据进行比较分析,客观评价新闻学与传播学期刊的学术水平与学术质量,同时也为期刊发展方向提供参考。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):161-176
Journalism education is increasingly located within universities where much of the teaching is carried out by journalists and former journalists known as “hackademics”. Yet only a minority of journalists-turned-journalism-educators are engaging in the scholarly research typically expected of academics. Should this grouping be expected to undertake academic research into journalism and, if so, how might they be supported in becoming scholars? Such issues will be explored in this study of journalists-turned-journalism-educators in the higher education sectors of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Their experiences of, and attitudes to, academic research into journalism will be reported and analysed alongside the perspectives of journal editors and in comparison with the experiences of academics in other disciplines. Within the context of a growing literature on journalism education, the concept of reflection-upon-practice will be discussed as one with resonance not only for the graduate journalists now being turned out by universities, but for journalism educators internationally.  相似文献   

本文通过对2006年度学术期刊的回顾分析,从媒介形态、新闻理论、传播学、网络传播、新闻史、广播电视等六个方面综述了2006年国内新闻传播研究的进展。  相似文献   

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