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陆文采、王建中合著的《“时代女性”论稿》一书,最近由沈阳出版社出版.这是一部对茅盾作品中的新女性进行全面而深入研究的论著;也是一部对我国现代女性文学探讨的论著.全书探讨了茅盾作品中的一系列女性形象,虽不能说是作家所创造的女性形象的全部,却可以说这些女性形象在作家作品中是举足轻重的.多年来,国内外有关茅盾创作的评述文章令人目不暇接,但抓住茅盾最倾心创造的女性形象群,将她们的思想、性情、行动、经历放在一定的历史背景下进行综合研究,并恰如其分地分析她们或正剧或悲剧的命运以及她们在社会中曾起过的积极或消极作用,从而对她们进行时代的评断和排列,却是十分新颖和引人入胜的.依我看来,《“时代女性”论稿》有如下特点.  相似文献   

茅盾笔下的时代女性形象群是一个特殊的群体。她们身上有着强烈的悲剧色彩,具体表现为自身无法摆脱的矛盾冲突:梦想与现实的冲突;灵与肉的冲突;情与理的冲突;生与死的冲突。这种精神悲剧的形成有其深刻原因。  相似文献   

在某种意义上说,茅盾作品中的都市新女性形象创作填补了文学史上的空白,其笔下的时代女性沐浴着"五.四"文化运动之后开启的新思潮,以迥异于传统女性和初具现代思想萌芽的准现代女性的鲜明个性特征,尤其是获得了社会话语权而具有典型意义。回顾传统女性形象带来的审美疲劳,结合茅盾特有的都市认同感、对寡母的崇敬和其所持进步女性观、中西合璧的文学素养,不难理解为什么只有茅盾能将时代女性纳入审美视阈。立足对《蚀》的分析,我们不难发现茅盾对时代女性毫不掩饰的偏爱和男性作家少有的宽容,总之,茅盾笔下的女性系列形象因其最具文化内涵、认识价值、研究深度而具有里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   

时代女性形象是茅盾小说创作的一个母题。茅盾通过《蚀》、《虹》、《腐蚀》等小说的创作,真实地再现了“五四”落潮后的时代女性在新的历史转换中的人生演变轨迹。这一母题的成因是多方面的。它与茅盾早年投身妇女运动、《红楼梦》女性现的影响以及作者深层的文化心理意识密切相关。  相似文献   

论“时代女性”梅行素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要论述了茅盾《虹》中的梅行素,她是作者塑造系列“时代女性”形象中具有独特美学价值的人物。梅行素形象的塑造成功,说明了中国的新女性,当她们将个性解放和时代解放融为一体,并在革命的洪流中,克服了自己身上的弱点和缺点的时候,她们的生命就会闪出时代的火花。同时,梅行素这一形象的出现,标志着茅盾“时代女性”系列形象创造的完成,人们从中比较清楚地看到了茅盾的美学追求和美学理想。  相似文献   

在中国现代文学的人物画廊系列中,茅盾早期创作的“时代女性”形象群是一个独特的存在。“她们”真实反映了时代和生活.凭借其内蕴的丰富性和特异性一出场就为人们所瞩目。这些女性形象塑造方面的成功主要是受茅盾自身独特的生活体验、茅盾现实主义创作方法和作为一个男性作家作者在塑造女性过程中的无形介入等因素的影响。这一形象群无论是对中国现代文学史还是作家自身的整个创作历程都有重要的价值和意义。  相似文献   

人们早已注意到,茅盾小说最富艺术魅力和美学价值的地方是尸“时代女性”形象系列的塑造。即便是那些不怎么喜欢茅盾小说的人也不得不承认,静女士、孙舞阳、章秋柳、赵惠明……这样一些心性高洁、孤傲不羁、散发着奇情异彩的时代女性,曾在他们心中划过了一道颤动的音符。正是因为章秋柳们所独具的艺术风格,吸引了众多研究者在这个“女儿国”里流连、沉思。国内研究茅盾笔下“时代女性”形象的论著有一些,但是,象陆文采、王建中两位教授所著的《时代女性论稿》那样,从女性文学的总体视角切入,高屋建瓴而又细致分析专著却不多见。  相似文献   

纵观茅盾所有的小说创作,我们不难发现,女性形象在他的小说中占有非常瞩目的地位,从而形成了一幅绚丽多姿的女性形象的艺术画卷。在这些女性形象中,蕴含着茅盾对生活的深沉思考,诉说了他寻求女性美的美学情愫,同时,也为他的小说增添了不尽的艺术魅力。正如有的论者所说:从“时代女性”的群像“终因茅盾的倾心尽力的描绘,而在文学史上灼灼生辉,成为一个自成体系的,具有永久艺术生命力的文学形象类型。”①不可想象,如果没有了这些独特的女性形象,茅盾的小说将会变得多么苍白而乏味啊!也正因为如此,对茅盾小说中女性形象的审视…  相似文献   

李多林 《孩子天地》2017,(5):244-245
张爱玲是我国的著名现代女作家,她创作了很多散文和小说,她的文学作品中有很多女性形象,这些女性身上都带有传奇的色彩和时代的印记。张爱玲的小说作品是对当时社会现实的写照,张爱玲将自己的经历渗透到小说作品中。张爱玲小说作品中女性身上都带有悲剧色彩,女性的婚姻、家庭、所处的时代对于女性命运都有着不可替代的影响。研究和分析张爱玲小说中悲剧的女性形象,对于了解当时的社会背景和分析张爱玲文学作品中蕴含的女性人文情怀有着重要的意义。本文指出了张爱玲作品中女性悲剧意识形成的原因,从不同的角度对小说中悲剧的女性形象进行了剖析。  相似文献   

在我国现代文学史上,在小说中有许多的新型女性形象,她们都有着各自的特点,都非常的鲜活.而茅盾描绘的女性形象却具有与其他小说中形象不同的特点,茅盾小说中的女性形象是独特的,可以说是一种新型的女性形象.  相似文献   

In contrast to the first generations of university‐educated women, this article will suggest that later cohorts no longer transgressed conventional expectations by rejecting marriage and motherhood on the same scale as their predecessors. Post‐1945 society was a period within which theoretically women could ‘have it all’ and arguably graduate women were under even greater pressure to conform. By exploring the life‐histories of a group of women who graduated between 1947 and 1979, this article explores the individual stories behind the quantitative data to consider the attitudes of highly‐educated women to marriage and motherhood and how they have balanced their personal and professional lives.  相似文献   

《玉台新咏》这部诗歌总集,作为宫体诗的代表作品,大多诗人将他们的笔墨放在了对女性的描写之上。而作为表现女性之美的服饰成为一种意象频繁出现在诗歌中,它不仅体现的是魏晋六朝诗人的一种审美观念。而且有些意象还深深地表达了诗人相思之意或者愁苦之情。本文着眼于服饰意象,力图从"罗类衣物"、"带"、"巾"等意象群来分析诗人的情感,解读六朝诗人的美学思想。  相似文献   

卢德仪为晚清台州名媛的代表,被当时著名学者张文虎赞为孝女、令妻、顺妇、贤母和贞女,是封建时代妇女的道德典范。同时,她又是一位能诗能文的才女。卢氏今存诗歌33首,集为《焦尾阁遗稿》一卷。内容上其诗可分为感怀、写景、思妇和闲适诗等。艺术上其诗常直抒胸臆,感情浓烈,多愁苦之音,风格凝重,语言平实质朴,有口语化倾向。以卢氏的成就,在清代妇女文学史上无疑应有她的一席之地。  相似文献   

本通过对李昂小说《迷园》的解读,从三个方面梳理其体中对女性自身及台湾命运的深切体认:从鹿港菡园处,作着力叙写女性隐含着的种种失落的欲望;从成长状态的焦躁里,表现女性叛逃于男性世界外而不得的异化式成长过程;表明在欲望的角逐中重新回到社会的女性,如同台湾的命运一般漂移不定。  相似文献   

民国初年潮汕著名学者温廷敬编著的<潮州诗萃>50卷汇集了白唐代以来6000多首与潮汕有关的诗歌.本文对其中200多首妇女题材诗歌的艺术风格进行了分析,论述了清淡气与金粉气的差异,崇高格与庸俗格的差异,柔之美与雄之美的差异,清晰图与朦胧图的差异.  相似文献   

通过文献法搜集新中国成立以来男、女运动员在奥运会、世锦赛等重大国际比赛上获得金牌的项目、人数与个数,指出中国竞技体育的"阴盛阳衰"现象;利用逻辑分析法分析形成这一现象的原因:举国体制是制度保障;世界各国女子竞技体育开展滞后是国际背景;"男陪女练"是制胜动力;妇女解放是社会基础;坚韧品质是主体性基础.  相似文献   

本文的"医"指从事管理、药物、治疗等活动的各类医务人员.本文的"师"是标志人的职业身份的名词."医"作为行业,是个大的门类,其内部又可以分为不同的专业,这些不同的专业人士,均可称"师",从而构成表示行业标志 身份标志的称谓--"X师".通检<四库全书>,医者称师计有:医师、侍御师、御师、针师、灸师、咒禁师、禁咒师、按摩师、药园师、采药师、药师等11种.本文运用系统科学的方法,对这些词语的语义、源流、理据及构成做了详细的考论.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the extent to which childbirth may function as a retraumatization of childhood sexual abuse, and may exacerbate postpartum posttraumatic stress reactions.MethodsData was obtained from a convenience sample of 837 women in mid-pregnancy, at 2 and 6 months following childbirth. Three groups were drawn from this sample: women who experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA), women survivors of trauma other than CSA, and women who reported no-trauma experiences.ResultsPTSD subcategories of intrusion and arousal were increased in the CSA group following childbirth, although the overall PTSD score did not increase following childbirth in any of the groups CSA survivors scored higher at all data collection time points.ConclusionsCSA is a traumatic event that has greater negative long-term effects than other traumas in the population of pregnant women.Practice implicationsIdentifying women who are survivors of CSA early in their pregnancy and establishing a risk assessment may significantly reduce delivery complications and consequently mitigate postpartum PTS outcomes.  相似文献   


This article explores the way in which the "city" Throughout this article "city" functions both as place and representation. was represented in popular imaginations as the site where the metamorphosis from girl to woman could be achieved in late 1950s England. It uses a socio-semiotic theoretical framework in order to tease out the relationship between the city as an imagined space and the actual experience of living or working in the city. The article draws on material from both interviews and career storybooks for girls. The discourse of the city as representative of sophistication and freedom, at a time when the rules of society were still fairly rigid, is one which occurs in both areas. The city provided a site where girls could grow up away from the surveillance of parents and school. It was an educative space in which boundaries could be challenged and crossed without upsetting the established conventions of gender roles. The notion of the career girl was in its infancy and women were still expected to prioritise their domestic role. After a brief flurry of (relatively) independent living or working in the city, girls could emerge as young women who, having met Mr Right, returned to the suburbs or provinces and conformed to the gender expectations of the time. There was never any suggestion in the novels, or in the interviews, that the period spent working or training in the city was anything other than a transitional phase. The perceived sophistication of city life acted as an informal educative site where girls could learn to be women. They learned to dress properly, work through relationships and grow in worldly wisdom away from the safety of their home environment, to which inevitably they would return.  相似文献   

In West Germany, women have traditionally worked in a very restricted range of jobs, with skilled women workers being concentrated in administrative and service sector employment. The article reviews the reasons for this situation and the initiatives which have been taken to increase the proportion of women in jobs traditionally undertaken by men, including technical jobs at all levels. The Federal Government supported by the Lander (West German States) has introduced a number of projects across the country to train more young women in non-traditional vocational areas, especially in the mechanical and electronic/electrical engineering fields with a view to producing skilled craft workers and technicians. The difficulties faced by young women who have taken up such training, both during the training period and when seeking work subsequently are discussed

The situation for women engineers at the professional level is also outlined and a number of strategies which may be helpful in improving the position of women in engineering in the Federal Republic is outlined. Recently, computer courses organised by women's groups have proved successful in attracting women students from a wide variety of backgrounds and age ranges with little or no previous technical or scientific training.  相似文献   

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