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<正>儿童问学课堂重塑了教师与学生的关系,这是一种相互启思、相互作用的新课堂样态。教学内容的设计是基于学生的问题,通过“问”去确定和延伸“学”的内容,在“学”的过程中产生新的“问”,“问”与“学”在循环中获得新旧知识的链接和内化。儿童问学课堂的其中一个目的是培养学生好问、善问、勤问的学习习惯,从而达到提升学生思维能力的目的。思维是抽象的,用柏拉图的话来说“思维是灵魂的自我谈话”。思维能力的这种特质,  相似文献   

"问学课堂"以"问"引学,以"学"促问,"问"与"学"相互促进、同构共生。通过"问",开启学生的心智,通过"学",砥砺学生的能力,"问"与"学"相长,"问"是"学"的发端,"学"是"问"的积极践行。在"问学课堂"中,学生永远站在"课中央","问学"的学习方式是合乎学生天性、顺应学生天性的学习方式。  相似文献   

课堂上,老师通常问学生“这堂课你学了多少知识?”而不会问“这堂课你觉得幸福吗?”教学中,教师通常注意学生的学习效果,不注重学生的学习过程。其实,数学学习的效果,很大程度上取决于学生的学习兴趣,学习兴趣的来源在于老师的教法和引导。在新课改的今天,教师更要注重学生的学习过程,让他们体验成功的喜悦,变“要我学”为“我要学”,将数学课堂打造成幸福课堂,促进学生有效学习。  相似文献   

随着课堂改革的不断深入,“培养学生的创新意识”“学生是课堂的主人”“自主学习、探究性学习”等教学理念,已成为大家的共识.但在具体教学中,教师还是较多地考虑如何教,如何让学生学会知识、掌握技能,很少涉及学生如何学,尤其是让学生带着问题去学.新课程所倡导的师生共同研究的过程、学生自主创新地学习都离不开问题这一支撑.没有学生的问,哪来的研究、创新可言?问得多,必然想得多、问得深,必然想得全面.所以,要使学生真正积极主动地参与到教学中来,就要保护和培养学生的问题意识.  相似文献   

人们常把知识称作“学问”,可见学与问是分不开的,教学的过程本身就应该是一个见疑、质疑、释疑的过程。在物理课的课堂教学中,合理的提问,可以激发学生的兴趣,集中学生的注意,调动学生的思维。 一、启思必须置疑 课堂上教师的提问,可以完成这样几项任务。(1)通过提问对学生知识的掌握程度有一个了解,使讲课中“讲”与“听”合理地结合起来,作到课堂教学有的放矢、启而能思。(2)通过设置问题,使学生处于一种积极的“等待”解答状态。以问题的解答作为目标,能激起学生对规律和方法的掌握欲望,使学生在整个教学过程中,处于一种积极的等待状态,注意老师的解释和推导。(3)  相似文献   

学问、学问 ,顾名思义 ,就是既要学又要问 ,光学不问 ,构不成完整的“学问”。问是学的手段 ,学是问的目的。在教育教学过程中 ,如何引导学生积极发“问” ,是进一步开发学生智力 ,促使学生不断获取新知识的一个有效途径和方法。一是鼓励学生“敢问”。现实中 ,有的学生怕出丑 ,不好意思问 ;有的学生胆小 ,不敢大胆问 ;有的学生迷信书本、迷信老师 ,在学习中不善于提出自己的不同意见和对问题发表新看法、新见解。因此 ,在教学中 ,我们首先要引导学生敢于问 ,敢于大胆思考 ,敢想敢说敢问 ,敢提出异议 ,努力为学生发问创造宽松的条件。二要鼓…  相似文献   

建构“让学课堂”不是让教师“无为”,而是要将课堂学习的主动权真正赋予学生。在建构“让学课堂”的过程中,只有教师“让”得巧妙,学生才能“学”得深刻。“让学课堂”是一种开放性、主动性、深刻性的课堂。建构“让学课堂”,要求教师打开“学”的动力源,打通“学”的障碍点,打破“学”的边界线。构建“让学课堂”是对学生学习权利、学习时空、学习能量等的多维度赋予。  相似文献   

现代教学观认为,学生应是能动的认识主体,是教学过程的积极参与者,我们坚持主导与主体结合的教学原则,教师的“教”服从于学生的“学”,把“灌输型”教学转变为“导学型”教学。具体做法是:1.教师由主讲、主问改变为主导。在处理教与学的关系上,学生是学习的主体,教师的“教”不是单纯传授知识,而在于引导学生去猎取知识。在学生从不知到知,从少知到多知,从获取知识到运用知识  相似文献   

高中学生学习任务繁重,如何打造精品课堂、高效课堂,是每一个教师必须研究的问题。“先学后教、以学为主”在构建高效课堂中起着关键作用。学案导学与小组合作学习是“先学后教、以学为主”的充分体现。学案导学与小组合作学习使“教室”变“学室”,“讲堂”变“学堂”,“师长”变“学长”,教师变“教”为“帮”,学生由“被动”变“主动”,让学生乐学、好学、会学,使课堂教学更高效。一、学案导学,自主探究充分的课前准备是高效课堂的保障,优秀的学案是实现高效课堂的关键。设计学案应依据新课程标准、教学目标、教学内容以及学生的实际状况。学案设计要有启发性,应将知识点转变为启发性的问题点、能力点,引导学生质疑、释疑,激发学生的求知欲,引导学生自主探究。对教材中学生难以理解的内容搭建学习“支架”,设置情境,引导学生自主学习,在知识的生成过程中培养学生获取知识的能力。复习课学案的设计要加强知识梳理,对比总结规律,建构知识网络,使知识规律化、零碎的知识系统化。  相似文献   

“教”与“学”是教学过程中的一对矛盾。“学”是矛盾的主要方面,因为“学是学生知识变化的原因,“教”是外围,只能起帮助,促进学生掌握知识的作用,教师的作用只能通过学生才能得到发挥。“教”和“学”这对矛盾处理得好。有利于学生主动积极地学习,有利于学生素质的提高。本文主要谈谈在数学教学中。如何处理“教”和“学”的关系。  相似文献   

刘德堂 《成才之路》2020,(5):124-125
语文课堂教学应从活跃课堂氛围、激发学生学习兴趣入手,以调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高课堂教学效率和教学质量,提升学生语文核心素养。学生的学习积极性一旦被成功地调动起来,就会带着强烈的学习愿望走进课堂,能取得事半功倍的学习效果。文章结合教学实践,对活跃课堂氛围提高语文教学质量进行探究。  相似文献   


The flipped classroom can support the implementation of a communicative, student-centered learning environment in the English as a foreign language classroom. Unfortunately, there is little research which supports the incorporation of flipped learning in the English as a foreign language classroom. Numerous studies have focused on flipped learning and other subject areas, but more research needs to be done on the English as a foreign language classroom. With this in mind, there are many effective tools available to enable teachers to create a communicative, English as a foreign language learning environment. Even though technology is constantly changing, the tools presented here will give teachers an idea of how to incorporate and use technology when developing an active, communicative learning environment.  相似文献   

王迪 《天津教育》2021,(9):88-89
智慧教室的设立和运用,将大大改善学生枯燥的学习氛围,优化学生的学习形式,进一步加强学生在课堂学习中的主体地位。因此,本文结合智慧教室的教学特点,对小学信息技术学科的校本开发展开研究。  相似文献   

学生的课堂参与程度直接影响视听说的教学效果.利用学生工具型学习动机,采取加大平时成绩比例与课堂参与相结合的方式,使不同层次的学生得到合理的奖励,将会提高学生学习的热情以及参与视听说课堂的积极性,从而达到提高学生听说能力的目的.  相似文献   

In reform-based science curricula, students’ discursive participation is highly encouraged as a means of science learning as well as a goal of science education. However, Asian immigrant students are perceived to be quiet and passive in classroom discursive situations, and this reticence implies that they may face challenges in discourse-rich science classroom learning environments. Given this potentially conflicting situation, the present study aims to understand how and why Asian immigrant students participate in science classroom discourse. Findings from interviews with seven Korean immigrant adolescents illustrate that they are indeed hesitant to speak up in classrooms. Drawing upon cultural historical perspectives on identity and agency, this study shows how immigrant experiences shaped the participants’ othered identity and influenced their science classroom participation, as well as how they negotiated their identities and situations to participate in science classroom and peer communities. I will discuss implications of this study for science education research and science teacher education to support classroom participation of immigrant students.  相似文献   

In any classroom, pupils will be drawn together for many purposes and we can refer to such within classroom contexts as ‘groupings’. The teacher often creates these, and the way that they are set up, and how they are used for particular learning purposes. If the relationships between grouping size, interaction type and learning tasks in groups are planned strategically then learning experiences will be more effective. However, research suggests that the relationships between these elements are often unplanned and the ‘social pedagogic’ potential of classroom learning is therefore unrealised. In this paper we explore the notion of social pedagogy in relation to group work. It is argued that research and theory relevant to group work in classrooms is limited, and that a new approach, sensitive to group work under everyday classroom conditions is required. This paper identifies key features of a social pedagogy of classroom group work, which can inform effective group work in classrooms. It also describes the background to a current large scale UK project which has been set up to design with teachers a programme of high quality group work in classrooms at both primary and secondary phases.  相似文献   

学习型课堂不仅是一种课堂形态,也是一种课堂理念、课堂结构与学习机制,它是课堂发展到一个较高水平阶段的标志。基于学习型组织的多维理性,实现学习型课堂三个维度的合理与均衡建构,就要将课堂目标资源凝聚成课堂愿景,重建学习共同体,促进学生从单维学习者角色向学研一体的双维角色的转变。  相似文献   

和大多数的语言教学理论一样,合作性语言学习理论既有语言理论的支撑,也有学习理论的支持。合作性语言学习在英语课堂教学中的具体体现是小组学习活动,成功的英语小组合作学习的实施能够促进学生语言能力和认知的发展以及自主学习能力的提高。然而在实践中英语小组合作学习常常出现一些导致活动低效的问题,例如教师指令语不清晰、班额大导致小组活动难以实施及监控、话霸及角色僵化、学生在活动时使用母语等。为了提高合作性语言学习的成效,教师需要提高任务设计的能力、提高指令语的素养以及课堂管理和掌控的能力,等等,使学生能够切实运用英语完成语言学习任务。  相似文献   

As interreligious educators we challenge our students to engage in hermeneutical self-reflection. In this article, I turn the tables, and engage in an exercise of reflective practice: I look back on my own pedagogy, consider my own religiously diverse classroom, and ask in what way the theoretical framework from which I approach interreligious learning has facilitated and hindered the learning process of my students. I especially inquire into chances and limits of the hermeneutical approach of interreligious learning, an approach with which I identify. I will first elaborate on the importance of the so-called hermeneutical approach to interreligious learning and dwell on my own appropriation of this approach. Here the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur and his hermeneutical anthropology will occupy center stage. Next, and triggered by my own experiences as an interfaith educator, I will argue that the hermeneutical approach to interreligious learning has a tendency to level relations between self and other and falls short when it comes to reckoning with unequal power relations. I will illustrate this shortcoming on the basis of a concrete case of testimonial injustice that has occurred in my classroom.  相似文献   

在语言教学的课堂中,教师和学生是最为重要的参与者。而学习动机是影响学生的语言学习成效关键因素之一。教师在课堂教学中有意识地运用动机策略,增强学生的学习动机,能改善学生在语言课堂上的学习效果。通过采访对教师在实际课堂中运用的动机策略作调查,并通过问卷和统计的方法分析从学生的角度对教师在商务英语课堂教学中运用的动机策略的看法。试图能从结果中得出一些给商务英语教师的启示和对商务英语教学的改进方法。  相似文献   

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