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This paper is a study of textbooks in chemical technology in Sweden during the industrialisation in the 19th century. In this period, teaching in technological education in general became more and more founded on science. However, there existed very few textbooks in chemical technology, and it is argued that the reason was that the essentials of the knowledge used for developing chemical industry were of a tacit and local character. Such knowledge could only with difficulty be transferred through textbooks with scientific ambitions. Thus the textbooks written or translated by scientists were not as widely used as the ones written or translated by chemical engineers. The usefulness of the latter group can be explained by the fact that they had been adapted to local circumstances, and expressed generalisations, not as scientific laws, but as rules of thumb. Finally, a model for the diffusion of knowledge is suggested, by which the role of textbooks in chemical technology better can be understood.  相似文献   

郭戈 《课程.教材.教法》2022,42(1):24-31,39
人教版第一套教材是人民教育出版社最早编辑出版的一套通用教科书,也是继开国教科书之后的新中国第二套教材。这套教材开始使用于1951年春季学期,终结于1954年春季学期,涵盖中小学主体学科和师范教育科目,以教科书或课本为主,以修订再版或改编为主,并较多地借鉴了苏联经验,带有明显的过渡性质。但这套教材也有部分新编或重编,并且在编辑方式和出版设计上有不少创新,更为重要的是建立了全国中小学课本由国家统一供应的基础,为之后新中国第一套统编教材提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

文章概观新中国成立后出版的汉语口语教材及其研究,发现近60年特别是近30年来,汉语口语教材总的特点是总体数量迅速增长,各类教材比例不均,领域和地域针对性日渐增强,从单一重视语言知识到突出实用性交际;汉语口语教材的研究主要集中于语言的口语化、语言要素的编写顺序、语言内容的安排及运用等方面。文章在综述总结的基础上,对口语教材编写及研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Nearly four decades of instability and fragility have led to many changes in the status of women and girls in Afghanistan. Yet, little research focuses on these changes within the education system. To understand the country’s stance toward gender issues in formal practice, we examine gender representations in Afghan primary-level Dari language arts textbooks. Using a qualitative content analysis and longitudinal data, we examine how ideologies about gender have been politicised in Afghanistan and are reflected in school textbooks from 1980 to 2010. Findings suggest that tumultuous political events and power struggles in the recent history of Afghanistan have led to many changes in how the daily social and working lives of Afghan women and girls have been portrayed in textbooks. As seen in the textbooks, it appears that efforts are being made within the current regime to balance competing gender norms. We conclude with suggestions for policy-makers.  相似文献   

Polysemy in graph-related practices is the phenomenon that a single graph can sustain different meanings assigned to it. Considerable research has been done on polysemy in graph-related practices in school science in which graphs are rather used as scientific tools. However, graphs in science textbooks are also used rather pedagogically to illustrate domain-specific textbook content and less empirical work has been done in this respect. The aim of this study is therefore to better understand polysemy in the domain-specific pedagogical use of graphs in science textbooks. From socio-cultural and cultural-historical perspectives, we perceive polysemy as irreducible to either the meaning-making (semiotic) resources provided by the graph or its readers who assign meaning to it. Departing from this framework, we simultaneously investigated: (a) the meanings 44 pre-university biology students assigned to the Cartesian plane of a graph that is commonly used as a pedagogical tool in Dutch high school biology textbooks (an electrocardiogram); (b) the semiotic resources provided by this graph; and (c) the educational practices of which it is supposedly a part according to the actions constituted by the textbooks that were to be conducted by students. Drawing on this case, we show polysemy in the pedagogical use of graphs in science textbooks. In turn, we show how this polysemy can be explained dialectically as the result of both the meaning-making resources provided by the textbooks and the graph-related practices in which students supposedly engaged by using their textbooks. The educational implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are: (a) elaboration of a history and philosophy of science (HPS) framework based on a reconstruction of the development of the periodic table; (b) formulation of seven criteria based on the framework; and (c) evaluation of 57 freshman college‐level general chemistry textbooks with respect to the presentation of the periodic table. The historical reconstruction of the periodic table showed that the periodicity of the elements could be construed as an inductive generalization or as a function of the atomic theory. There is considerable controversy with respect to the nature of Mendeleev's contribution, and various alternatives are discussed: ordered domain; empirical law; and a theory with limited explanatory power. Accommodation of the elements according to their physicochemical properties is considered to be the major contribution of the periodic table by all textbooks, followed by contrapredictions of previously unknown elements (30 textbooks), and novel predictions (corrections of atomic mass) of known elements (10 textbooks). The relative importance of accommodation and prediction within an HPS framework is generally ignored. Few textbooks have attempted to explore the possible cause of periodicity in the table and very few textbooks have explored the nature of Mendeleev's contribution. The development of the periodic table as a sequence of heuristic principles in the form of a convincing argument has been ignored. The textbook approach of emphasizing that the development of the periodic table was an inductive generalization, and that Mendeleev had no model or theory, does not facilitate the spirit of critical inquiry that led the scientists to grapple with alternative interpretations, conflicts, and controversies. It is concluded that the development of the periodic table went through a continual critical appraisal (conflict and controversy), in which scientists presented various tentative theoretical ideas to understand the observed phenomena. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 84–111, 2005  相似文献   

Textbooks are a multimillion dollar publishing business in the United States. Even as 21st-century classrooms become more multimodal, digital and hardcopy textbooks remain a key feature of American education. Consequently, classroom textbooks have been shown to control knowledge dissemination across the content areas. In particular, health texts have been uniquely shown to communicate values that validate or marginalize students and encourage healthy or harmful activity. Thus, what textbook makers choose to include as worthy of study, and how they portray various groups of people with regard to race, gender, and sexuality has societal implications. Employing quantitative and qualitative content analysis methods, we analyzed 1,468 images across elementary and middle school health textbooks to examine the portrayal of race, gender, and sexuality. We found that, although gender and racial diversity are well-represented in texts, women and people of color were frequently portrayed in stereotypical roles. For example, girls were depicted daydreaming about heterosexual marriage. Furthermore, this analysis revealed limited representations of sexuality. Findings suggest that focusing on the numerical representation of marginalized groups is not enough to address issues of equity and power in classroom curricula. Instead, we argue, educators must consider the ways in which people are positioned in curricular materials, and ask if portrayals perpetuate or challenge traditional stereotypes.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate students’ ability to discern conceptual variation and the use of multiple models in genetics when reading content-specific excerpts from biology textbooks. Using the history and philosophy of science as our reference, we were able to develop a research instrument allowing students themselves to investigate the occurrence of multiple models and conceptual variation in Swedish upper secondary textbooks. Two excerpts using different models of gene function were selected from authentic textbooks. Students were given the same questionnaire-instrument after reading the two texts, and the results were compared. In this way the students themselves made a classification of the texts which could then be compared with the researchers’ classification of the texts. Forty-one upper secondary students aged 18–19 participated in the study. Nine of the students also participated in semi-structured interviews. Students recognized the existence of multiple models in a general way, but had difficulty discerning the different models and the conceptual variation that occurs between them in the texts. Further they did not recognize the occurrence of incommensurability between multiple models. Students had difficulty in transforming their general knowledge of multiple models into an understanding of content specific models of gene function in the textbooks. These findings may have implications for students’ understanding of conceptual knowledge because research has established textbooks as one of the most influential aspects in the planning and execution of biology lessons, and teachers commonly assign reading passages to their students without further explanation.  相似文献   

As the levels of scientific literacy and science achievement have become issues of concern, the necessity of investigating possible causes becomes more urgent. Since textbooks have been shown to have a tremendous impact on curriculum, this is one variable of science instruction that needs further investigation. The purpose of this article is to describe how three biology books present the content related to photosynthesis through the construct of elaboration. The textbooks were selected for their differences in target audiences, as defined by student abilities. Results are discussed in terms of quantity of elaboration, relevance of ideas used to elaborate major concepts, relationship of the nature of elaboration to intended readers, and the general relationship between how texts present information and student learning.  相似文献   

教材的规划是高等职业教育发展重要组成部分。多年来,在全国范围内职业教育的中职、高职(专科)教材已层出不穷,但高职(本科)教材却无人问津。随着高等职业教育本科的发展,这个领域无疑应该更加值得高职院校广大教师关注。通过阐述目前教材的来源及问题,提出规划会计专业本科教材的设想。  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis of the structure of scientific explanations included in physics textbooks of upper secondary schools in Greece was completed. In scientific explanations for specific phenomena found in the sample textbooks, the explanandum is a logical consequence of the explanans, which in all cases include at least one scientific law (and/or principle, model or rule) previously presented, as well as statements concerning a specific case or specific conditions. The same structure is also followed in most of the cases in which the textbook authors explain regularities (i.e. laws, rules) as consequences of one or more general law or principle of physics. Finally, a number of the physics laws and principles presented in textbooks are not deduced as consequences from other, more general laws, but they are formulated axiomatically or inductively derived and the authors argue for their validity. Since, as it was found, the scientific explanations presented in the textbooks used in the study have similar structures to the explanations in internationally known textbooks, the findings of the present work may be of interest not only to science educators in Greece, but also to the community of science educators in other countries.  相似文献   

对中小学教科书循环使用的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学教科书循环使用问题,在广泛热议了若干年后,终于出台了教育部、财政部联合发布的《关于全面实施农村义务教育教科书免费提供和做好部分教科书循环使用工作的意见》。但目前的循环使用仍然是局部的,有限的,全面实施中小学教科书循环使用还有很长的路要走,还有很多问题需要思考、研究,如循环使用后学生学习模式、教师教学模式、学业评价模式如何改革,教科书蕴涵的文化情结问题如何解决,出版行业如何面对由此引起的挑战,教科书循环使用管理工作如何做深、做细等等。唯有深入分析、跟踪研究、切实解决这些问题,才能推动教科书循环使用成为一项长远的、利国利民的教育制度。  相似文献   

历史教科书中如何认识和描写“南京大屠杀” ,关系到如何认识历史 ,如何教育下一代的大问题。中国很重视对学生进行关于“南京大屠杀”的教育 ,各家教科书对这一事件都有详细描述 ,都配有插图 ,都设计了针对这一问题的习题 ,由此揭露日本侵华战争的残酷性和野蛮性。日本历史教科书把重点放在这一事件增强了中国人民的抗日意识上 ,描写这一事件的分量也很少 ,同时还存在着史实错误。我们希望日本能正确对待历史 ,教育好下一代 ,让中日两国人民世世代代友好下去  相似文献   

目前全世界汉语教材无论从种类还是数量都在快速增加,但是适用于东南亚学生的教材却不多,本土化教材稀缺,教材实用性、趣味性有待增强。针对这些现状,可通过转变现行教材的设计,在对象和教材内容的安排上考虑到东南亚国家语言与文化的特殊性,以此来提高教材编写的针对性;可以通过对东南亚国家汉语学习者学习需求的了解和选择贴近实际的教材内容来提高教材的实用性;另外教材的趣味性也有待提高。  相似文献   

语文教材功能的研究主要反映在两个领域,一是对教材的一般功能的研究,二是对语文教材的独特功能的研究。在这两个领域,研究者从教育学视域与社会学视域对语文教材的功能进行了多角度多层面的相关研究。  相似文献   

教育学教材的“知识点”问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教材知识点既是制约教材质量的基本要素,又是发展学生思考能力和实践能力的核心基点,我国现行的教育学教材在知识点存在类型单一、重点有所遗漏以及规范性不强等问题,致使这些问题产生的原因是相当复杂的,最主要的是教育研究水平不高、体系的不同设置和缺乏足够的教材研究,为了控制教育学教材知识点的质量,我们在教材编选时必须把定知识点的结构性,可检性以及教学适宜性三个标准。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, amid the surging tides of reform in China, the editorial board of history in the People's Education Publishing House released a set of history textbooks for junior high school nine-year mandatory education (hereafter, the new textbook). This set of textbooks has now been in use for a few years. It has been evaluated positively by teachers, students, and experts, and has also been officially approved by the State Education Commission. Since the early 1950s, the People's Education Publishing House has compiled many sets of textbooks on various school subjects for our country's primary and secondary schools. We have gained a great deal of experience, but we have also learned quite a few lessons. The new textbook is a bold and creative innovation created on the basis of previous textbooks. As the chief editor of the new textbook, I want to talk about our experiments and explorations, hoping thereby to exchange views with our colleagues both at home and abroad.  相似文献   

The concepts of physical and chemical change have been treated in a variety of ways in textbooks. In this study 527 chemistry/science textbooks from a variety of countries and written at different levels of education were examined to see how they dealt with the topic of physical and chemical change. Textbooks have continued to cover this topic for over one hundred years. What evidence do textbooks contain about the purposes and methods of teaching this topic? Is its coverage in textbooks increasing or decreasing? When was physical and chemical change first taught and is it still appropriate to teach this topic? These and other related questions are considered in the paper.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the extent to which rights-based education is utilised in textbooks from conflict-affected countries. Drawing on a unique dataset of 528 secondary social science textbooks from 71 countries from 1966 to 2008, we analyse factors that predict a rights discourse in texts. We find that textbooks from conflict-affected nations are significantly less likely to emphasise a rights-based discourse, while more recently published textbooks from more democratic countries are more likely to emphasise a rights discourse. Our findings have ramifications for curricular reform and rights-based education in conflict-affected nations.  相似文献   

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