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Elin Farnell 《PRIMUS》2017,27(2):202-211

In this article, I present a collection of puzzles appropriate for use in a variety of undergraduate courses, along with suggestions for relevant discussion. Logic puzzles and riddles have long been sources of amusement for mathematicians and the general public alike. I describe the use of puzzles in a classroom setting, and argue for their use as a basis for discussion of the nature of mathematics, for development of problem-solving skills and confidence, and as a means of engaging students from a broad range of mathematical backgrounds. I suggest a consistent use of puzzles in a low-pressure setting as a possible means of fostering inquiry and a positive learning mindset among students.  相似文献   

罪刑法定的司法化是通过贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法司法运作来完成的。同其它部门法司法运作相比,贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法司法运作表现出对刑法正式规则、显型规范的巨大期待。这种期待表现为立法者对法典编纂的热切和司法办案人员对成文法的强烈渴望和绝对的依赖。但是,纯粹的正式规则、显型规范治理的理想主义模式是不存在的。贯彻罪刑法定原则的刑法的司法运作,或言之,罪刑法定原则的司法运作同样需要非正式规则、隐形规则的介入,这是由刑法正式规则、显型规范的局限性及法律运作的规律决定的。  相似文献   

试论闲暇与闲暇教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
闲暇不是无事可做的一段时间,而是人脱离繁忙的一种悠闲、自由、内观、宁静、从容不迫的沉思状态,也是一种个人从文化环境和物质环境的外在压力下解放出来的一种相对自由而有沉思参与的活动过程;所以闲暇教育不是在人的空闲时间对人进行的教育,如假日教育,也不是为填补个人空虚、丰富个人业余生活的教育,而是以关注受繁忙捆绑的个人自由解放为旨趣,以培养能拥有和操持闲暇的个人为目标的教育。它与职业教育互补而共同构成对个人的全人教育。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of reading a model written assignment, generating a list of criteria for the assignment, and self-assessing according to a rubric, as well as gender, time spent writing, prior rubric use, and previous achievement on elementary school students' scores for a written assignment (N = 116). Participants were in grades 3 and 4. The treatment involved using a model paper to scaffold the process of generating a list of criteria for an effective story or essay, receiving a written rubric, and using the rubric to self-assess first drafts. The comparison condition involved generating a list of criteria for an effective story or essay, and reviewing first drafts. Findings include a main effect of treatment and of previous achievement on total writing scores, as well as main effects on scores for the individual criteria on the rubric. The results suggest that using a model to generate criteria for an assignment and using a rubric for self-assessment can help elementary school students produce more effective writing.  相似文献   

关中影戏中的碗碗腔、老腔、弦板腔等已被列入“第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录”,根据田野调查结果,关中影戏的演出种类有庙会戏、还愿戏、驱邪戏、平安戏、山神戏、祈雨戏、丧戏、寿戏、满月戏,等;演出程序有奠酒、本戏、捎戏,等。  相似文献   

Doctoral students experience many challenges on the long journey towards completion. Common problems include: synthesising data, working at a conceptual level, clarifying the relationship of the parts of the thesis to the whole, finding a voice and completing a viva successfully. Few authors have addressed the use of visualisations to meet these challenges. This paper focuses on the use of visualisations in doctoral writing. It presents narratives about seven ways that visualisations can help students to make breakthroughs in their writing, namely, as an organiser of the relationships of the parts of the thesis to the whole, a trigger for peer discourse, a vehicle for conceptual work, a metaphor to express key concepts, a trigger for professional development, a visual aid for the viva and as a prompt for freedrawing and freewriting.  相似文献   

教育的希望:科学人文主义教育   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
现代人在获得了物质、思考的极大自由的同时 ,感到了与自然、社会和信仰的隔离 ,感到了价值、文化和意义的危机 ;他渴望着和平、安宁和真正的人道 ,要求加强与提升精神生活。唯理式与机械式的科技社会导致人的价值的沦落和生活内在意义的丧失 ,以及教育过度地服务于实用和功利是造成现代人困惑的两个主要原因。人类的理想追求和社会发展的要求都呼唤着新的教育 :变人为的教育为为人的教育。祈望真正人道的教育、重塑人的价值、重塑人的信心、谋求新的精神境界 ,已成为现代人越来越普遍的心态。从一定意义上讲 ,科学人文主义教育正是人们的希望所在 ,也是新教育的希望所在。  相似文献   

This article begins with a brief résumé of three selected texts which have, in different ways, been influential in setting the agenda for thinking about the long‐term future of English. Discussions held at the 1999 NATE conference in a ‘Future of English’ commission were a response to a challenge by Gunther Kress (1995) to try to say what English is for. The working definitions which were achieved are used as a basis for beginning to consider, rather more briefly and tentatively, how the content of English should be defined, what progression would look like in the proposed curriculum, how it should be assessed and what the implications would be for teachers. Finally, the article puts forward some suggestions for a strategy which would aim to ensure that the challenge for a radical review of the English curriculum is addressed in time for 2005.  相似文献   

分布式认知理论的提出,为研究认知活动提供了全新的视角,也为元认知培养方式提供了新的可能性。分布式认知理论强调媒体的作用,多媒体环境不仅能为外部表征提供多种辅助手段,还能为认知活动提供具体情境。在多媒体环境下,直观的外部表征、可视化的知识交流和实时线索的提供为元认知培养提供了全新的视角。  相似文献   

评价高校办学效益的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对高校办学效益进行评价是高校改革与发展中的一种外在要求和内在需要,由于学校办学活动的复杂性,现实中对办学效益的评价往往存在一些值得反思的问题,这主要体现在:以数量评价取代质量评价、以经济分析取代整体评价、以单一评价取代全面评价、以学生评价取代学校评价、以绝对评价取代相对评价、以短期评价取代长期评价。科学的评价应坚持全面的、整体的、长期的、相对的、数量与质量相结合的指导思想,并考虑评价的成本,兼顾评价的科学性和经济性。  相似文献   

当前,我国中央和省级政府掌握了主要的财力,但承担义务教育的财政责任很少;县、乡政府财力薄弱,却承担了举办义务教育的主要投资责任.各级政府财力与义务教育的投资责任极不相称.义务教育经费缺乏保障,义务教育发展举步维艰,困难重重.要改变这种状况,提高义务教育财政重心势在必行.分税制改革后,中央财政收入占全国财政收入的比重显著提高,为提高义务教育财政重心提供了有力的财力保障.义务教育法律体系日臻完善,为出台并实施提高义务教育财政重心的措施提供了有力的法律保障.正在进行的义务教育管理体制改革,为实施义务教育财政重心上移提供了机遇.  相似文献   

通过对贵州省高等教育持续扩张的意愿和供给能力约束条件的分析,探讨约束和影响贵州省高等学校教育扩张的诸要素,分析贵州省大学教育扩张的调节机制和个人支付能力约束的条件,如生源情况约束、公众的教育需求、居民的教育支付能力等,为贵州省高等教育持续扩张提供理论支持并进一步推动贵州省高等教育的发展。  相似文献   

《动态几何》课程的开设在数学教与学中的价值   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
有关动态几何作图的理论和应用的学科,就是《动态几何》.动态几何图形有两个基本特点:图中的某些对象可以用鼠标拖动或用参数的变化来直接驱动;其它没有被拖动或直接驱动的对象会自动调整其位置,以保持图形原来设定的几何性质.《动态几何》课程在数学教学中主要有5个方面的应用:日常学习的工具、课件制作的平台、实验探索的环境、创新思维的触媒、艺术欣赏的园地.  相似文献   

谢有顺的学姿态是独特的,首先他是读是学爱好最后才是批评家,个人的写作状态处于游离状态,游离在作家与理论家之间,时刻呼唤当代大师梦想未来。这样的姿态得到了作家的尊敬和理论家们的宽容。他的梦想是给作品带来生命。他的学姿态给当今坛带来另一种新的气象,蕴含了一种有颠覆力的预言。即使他很有才华,但他也有关注的空白或说不愿深入的领域:比如说今天中国作家们并不太自由的物质精神人际关系生存环境,还有评价标准的过分格式化和泛化,以及对学史权力的忽视等等,这些都埋下他写作困境的伏笔。我的疑问是,他身上浓厚的大师情结,过分寻找追求大师的激情,会不会使自己成为造神运动中的一颗棋子?  相似文献   

对<离骚>"求女"隐喻内涵的解释,不管是"求贤君"说,是"求贤臣"说,还是其他种种学说,均有明显的不足.正确的解释应该是,"求女"的"女"指的是理想,"求女"也就是追求理想.当然,这里的理想有其特殊所指,必须结合<离骚>所求的几位女子来具体分析.在深层意义上,<离骚>"求女"展现了屈原追求理想时的二难处境与矛盾心态.  相似文献   


Sessional teachers in universities are often marginalised by their part-time status, availability for training, and invisibility within the institution’s infrastructure. Nevertheless, tutors as a subset of this group, regularly have access to some training and development. This paper presents a methodological approach for implementing the BLASST framework for sessional staff at a New Zealand university, based on a project to benchmark support for tutors. Using Activity Theory, I discuss tensions associated with developing a training programme for tutors and how such an approach can aid the development of similar models for all sessional teachers.  相似文献   

高校大学生逐渐以"90后"为主体,这些"90后"大学生自我发展的责任意识、对父母的责任意识等较强,但是对身心健康、对婚恋、对集体、对自然等的责任意识较淡薄。加强培养"90后"大学生的责任意识,应从丰富角色体验、培养情感、尊重权利要求、扩大实践覆盖面、多举并措营造良好氛围等方面入手。  相似文献   

Faculty-student support groups have the potential to promote strategies for co-mentorship in places of learning. They can also function to facilitate alternative forms of pedagogical practice in the context of lifelong learning. The purpose of this paper is to describe ideas and practices in the innovative development of faculty-student support groups in higher education. The authors provide a context for introducing the model of a co-mentoring support group, for considering institutional dynamics in forming co-mentoring support groups, for illustrating a case study analysis of a university-based support group, for providing a collegial response to the mentoring literature, for considering the need to formalize mentoring programs and outcomes, for exploring challenges to and benefits of the support group effort, and finally for envisioning co-mentoring support groups more generally. The authors argue that more attention needs to be given to studying alternative pedagogical practices that enable mutualistic relationships to endure. This article accordingly offers an original holistic guide for viewing mentoring as interconnected cycles and phases of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

In recent years, the pervasive use of computers and the Internet has created an unprecedented environment for e-learning. However, the rapid expansion in the number of disparate information sources and variety of data available affects e-learning significantly. Nonetheless, there has been a growing awareness that courseware should automatically adjust to the profiles of individual learners. Over the past few years, much effort has been expended to enable personalization for e-learning by semantic web techniques. Although the semantic web offers a theoretical framework for flexibility and interoperability in e-learning resources, there is no consensus ontology that can be used to describe learning profiles directly for personal e-learning environments. This means that their actual applications are as yet unknown. Positing that ontologies actually provide viable solutions for knowledge management, in this article, we present a three-module architecture for a personalized e-learning environment for bioinformatics. The architecture facilitates a personalized e-material recommender that does item-based collaborative filtering (CF) + adapted vector space model (VSM), explicit and implicit scoring, and a concept of tasks focused on rating literature for the e-learner. Meanwhile, the knowledge discovery process can be tailored to acquiring knowledge for professional requirements. Validation for our architecture is provided by a case study for biological institutions. The experimental results show that our architecture is helpful for professional requirements, improving recommendation quality, and satisfying users.  相似文献   

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