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斯坦贝克的中篇小说《胜负未决》是一部寓意深刻的象征主义小说,作者运用大量的象征手法,赋予作品丰富的思想内涵和生命力。作品的标题、颜色及场景的描绘中蕴含丰富的象征意义,这些象征意义背后隐含着作者的创作意图和作品的主题思想。  相似文献   

This paper examines the work of one of New Zealand’s most acclaimed writers, Maurice Gee, and the use of his children’s fiction as an experimental ground for postmodernist techniques further developed in his writing for adults. In particular, it considers Gee’s borrowings of his own and others’ non-fictional and fictional material, to produce richly literary, historical novels. The paper argues that realist and postmodernist features are woven into the children’s and adult books, but that the balance is differently skewed in each. It thus addresses an area largely atypical of the children’s novel, but one that should be of concern to children’s literature critics.  相似文献   

Autobiography presently occupies a beleaguered place in education, not unlike teachers, whose lives have been diminished through the current emphasis on testing outcomes. This paper uses WG Sebald’s writings as a place from which to relook at the relationship between writing and a life lived. Sebald was a German writer born in the shadow of WWII who wrestled with his difficult inheritance. The paper considers the ‘phantom traces’ of the author in Sebald’s creative writing, using the example of the story he tells of Paul Bereyter, Sebald’s elementary teacher. Paul committed suicide by laying himself on the railroad tracks of the town that first denied him the opportunity to teach during WWII yet accepted him back to the classroom after the war. Apparent in the telling of Paul’s story is Sebald’s interest in an ‘invisible subject’—the prolonged effect of the past, especially traumatic events, on thinking, feeling human beings. The paper draws on Sebald’s particular way of writing about his subject ‘at a slant’ so as to argue for a hermeneutical approach to currere, or autobiography in education.  相似文献   

蒂利希提出"文化神学"的意图在于寻找基督教与世俗文化的结合方式,寻求人类文化中关于宗教的表达。在对艺术的分析中,他采纳了艺术的三要素理论,并得出样式在题材、形式中起决定作用的结论。样式之所以重要,在于它显露了终极眷注。蒂利希对艺术的解读受到存在主义的影响。但是,蒂利希并不是真正的艺术家,其对艺术三要素、艺术样式的重要性的探讨,缺少艺术史上的论证。本文主要探讨蒂利希所论述的艺术样式,艺术样式何以重要,以及对蒂利希艺术样式理论的批判。  相似文献   

废名一直被认为是现代文坛里风格独特的小说家。《桥》作为废名的代表作,也体现了废名写小说的独创性即诗、画、散文皆入小说,从而形成三位一体的小说。本文通过分析《桥》以更好的说明废名风格的独到之处。  相似文献   

赵本夫作为新历史小说作家的先锋者之一,在国内文学界极少有人从此方面研究作家,九十年代的《黑蚂蚁蓝眼睛》、《天地月亮地》以及新世纪以来的《无土时代》是他早期在新历史小说方面的延伸与深化,本文试从这三部系列作品来解读新历史小说的历史结构,开拓一个新的阅读角度。  相似文献   

《儿子与情人》是20世纪最具创新意义的小说之一。小说讲述了莫莱尔先生、莫莱尔夫人、保罗、米丽安和克拉拉几个主要人物的生活,描写了他们之间的关系。文章以贯穿整个小说的具有悲剧色彩的“爱”为视角,分析保罗和三个女人之间的不一样的爱:保罗和莫莱尔夫人之间不正常的爱,保罗和米丽安之间纯粹精神的爱,克拉拉对保罗纯粹肉体的爱。  相似文献   

陈雪 《海外英语》2012,(11):175-176
Ecocriticism is the combination of contemporary ecological thought and literary study,which has the double features of both literary and cultural criticism.The Call of the Wild is Jack London’ s masterpiece,and also one of his most successful animal novels.This paper attempts to interpret this novel from the perspective of ecologism to analyze the symbolic meaning of Buck’ s desocialization and his returning to nature.Also it emphasizes the theme that human beings should take their obligations seriously and live in harmony with nature.  相似文献   

威廉·福克纳是战后美国南方最重要的作家之一,其短篇小说《干旱的九月》凝聚了作家丰富的艺术构思,体现了福克纳对故乡的爱恨交织的矛盾情感,本文以精神分析学为理论依据,指出故事中人物精神扭曲的内心实质,从而进一步探讨这部小说的艺术内涵。  相似文献   

《还乡》是哈代第一部真正意义上的悲剧性小说,标志着作家文学生涯中一个新阶段的开始,他大胆地将悲剧文体运用于小说,自觉地承袭了希腊的悲剧元素。此后,悲剧主题就一直贯穿于哈代的小说创作中。《还乡》中凝聚着哈代浓郁的故土意识和悲剧情结,充分诠释了他独特的悲剧思想。  相似文献   

藏族作家阿来的小说充满诗意和灵性,其诗性的气韵和优美、空灵、睿智、幽默、行云流水般的语言是他小说的主要特色.本文从情趣、意趣、理趣三个方面对阿来诗化的语言特点进行论述,进而对这三个特点中蕴含的影响阿来文化心理的民族自我意识、西方文化的心理印痕和多文化碰撞的思考进行阐述.  相似文献   

劳伦斯在《儿子与情人》中通过描述主人公保罗与三位女性的情爱纠葛,展示了工业文明带给人与自然的伤害,作者在这部自传体小说中追求的是和谐的两性关系和纯净的自然世界,表达了只有灵肉合一、天人合一,才是现代文明的出路。  相似文献   

This paper argues that Paul Willis's latest article is important in highlighting unemployment as a major form of inequality but that, just as in Learning to Labour, Willis's orientation is a male one and that this has the effect of marginalising and misrepresenting the interests of women. The paper further suggests that some of Willis's recommendations are somewhat anachronistic and also too class oriented. While we believe that class should be central to any analysis of unemployment, we would stress that gender and ‘race’ should also be central. Willis, we argue, has made an attempt to broaden his analysis but this has been largely unsuccessful. The paper concludes with a critique of some of Willis's terminology.  相似文献   

"爵士乐时代"的命名者司各特·菲茨杰拉德以其自身的经历和感悟留下了许多惊世之作,《重返巴比伦》即为其中非常重要的短篇小说之一,描述了以其独特的视角对战后美国社会的荒唐与无奈作出了生动的刻画,延续了菲茨杰拉德一贯的悲观灰色的基调,并以主人公的所思所为作出了对无奈现实的反抗;作品人物面对无情现实所作出的自省谴责与努力补救,正是作家本人对自我及社会大众的救赎,借助小说的力量向大众布道,给精神空虚的人们加以指引,从而使得这篇小说成为具有历史时代意义的佳作。  相似文献   

Biman Bagchi 《Resonance》2018,23(10):1061-1071
Lars Onsager can be rightfully considered as one of the most influential theoretical physical chemists and theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. He is often grouped with Linus Pauling and Paul Flory, representing the three pillars of theoretical physical chemistry. The impact of Onsager’s work continues to be felt to date.  相似文献   

本文从三个方面解读保罗的批判性思维理论:重塑人的思维以抵御自我中心倾向,通过智力特质的培养发展人的道德推理能力;信息识别能力是衡量教育的标准,人们需要具备分析和评价信息的能力以确定相信或拒绝信息.学科内思维是获得学科知识的要件,关键在于掌握基本概念和提出深入的问题.  相似文献   

刘丽曼 《海外英语》2012,(11):183-184,199
"A Farewell to Arms" is one of the most famous works written by Ernest Hemingway.It displays two main interwaving themes of war and love by the narration of a young soldier ’ s experience and his love affairs with a beautiful nurse in the first world war.The novel reflects the author ’ s strong hatred of war and exposes that the war is the real root of the couple ’ s tragedy in this novel and the "Lost Generation " in the real society.  相似文献   

This article offers a sympathetic interpretation of Paul Feyerabend's remarks on science and education. I present a formative episode in the development of his educational ideas—the ‘Berkeley experience'—and describe how it affected his views on the place of science within modern education. It emerges that Feyerabend arrived at a conception of education closely related to that of Michael Oakeshott and Martin Heidegger—that of education as ‘releasement’. Each of those three figures argued that the purpose of education was not to induct students into prevailing norms and convictions, but rather to initiate them into the ‘civilized inheritance of mankind’. I conclude that interpreting Feyerabend's educational ideas within this conception of education as releasement lends a new coherence to his remarks on science and education, in a way that renders certain of his political proposals—such as the ‘separation of science and the state'—both more coherent and more compelling.  相似文献   

英国小说家哈代的代表作《还乡》集中反映了他的生态思想。对埃格敦荒原的描述体现了哈代的生态整体观:自然环境不再纯粹是人物活动的背景,而具有积极的生命形态和独立的生存意蕴,人物不再是世界的中心,只是生态体系的一个组成要素,与自然环境保持着相互依存的关系;对荒原动植物意象的刻画,表达了哈代对人与自然应该和谐共处的生态渴求及对非人类生物形式的同情与关怀。而哈代对主要人物与自然的三种不同关系(亲近自然,远离自然,回归自然)的对比述写则进一步加深了小说的生态主题:人类只有和大自然保持亲密和谐的关系,才能获得幸福生活。  相似文献   

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