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作为一种研究意义理解和阐释的理论,阐释学的历史由来已久。与此同时,阐释学翻译观则致力于从哲学层面解释和理解翻译现象。文章通过对阐释学理论的相关梳理,发掘其对翻译研究带来的启示。  相似文献   

伽达默尔哲学思想经历了三次转变,贯穿这三次思想转变的是伽达默尔对亚里斯多德实践智慧伦理学思想的继承和发展.《真理与方法》作为伽达默尔的代表性哲学著作,更为典型地体现着伽达默尔哲学思想的伦理学特点.借助国内外专家的哲学解释学研究成果,阐述伽达默尔哲学诠释学的核心概念:视域融合的伦理内涵.  相似文献   

文本诠释是诠释学研究的中心问题。在现代诠释学形成之前,诠释的重心是对作为“经典”的文本之理解。在现代诠释学中,诠释重心移向了一般意义上的文本。当代诠释视野中,有人甚而提出了只有“文本”而无“经典”。通过比较研究得出的结论是:在中西双重学术视野中整合诠释传统的思想资源,以创建中国诠释学是必要的,也是完全可能实现的。现代中国诠释学应以“立德”为主旨,其理论形态乃是“经典诠释学”。  相似文献   

论教育诠释学的研究向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育诠释学源于人文社会科学的诠释学 ,存在着几种研究向度 :强调严格传授知识的传统诠释学取向 ;强调师生主体诠释和理解的本体论意义上的哲学诠释学取向 ;注重反思批判的社会批判取向 ;走向极端和教育意义的不确定性的激进诠释学取向。它们在教育目的、课程观、师生观及方法观等方面看法不一 ,各有其合理的适用范围和局限性。  相似文献   

伽达默尔的诠释学一方面继承了亚里士多德实践哲学的传统,另一方面在批判近代科学理性的同时恢复实践理性的本来面目,因而他的诠释学实际上是一种实践哲学的诠释学,或者诠释学的实践哲学。伽达默尔的诠释学作为实践哲学,在《真理与方法》中表现为对理解的应用性问题的强调;而在其后期思想中,伽氏试图以诠释学的实践哲学来维护或确立人文科学知识与真理的合法地位,把实践哲学看作具有基础意义的哲学。诠释学的理解本体论离不开语言的对话,对话也是实践哲学的基本条件,因而对话精神是伽达默尔实现诠释学实践哲学理想的有力工具。伽达默尔认为人类未来社会的最终理想就是交谈共同体。  相似文献   

通过解读伽达默尔哲学诠释学中本体论与诠释学的关系,可见语言在伽达默尔诠释学中的中心作用。继而通过与海德格尔的语言与诠释学的关系思想的比较,有助于我们理解伽达默哲学诠释学理论的内在困境。  相似文献   

This study reviews six traditional approaches to hermeneutics and presents a dialogic understanding of hermeneutics. It concludes with specific applications of hermeneutics to curriculum development practices in schools with a focus on inter‐subjectivity. While 20th‐century access to post‐structural notions of subjectivity through aesthetic experience began to engender a language of possibility rather than a language of certitude for hermeneutic inquiry in curriculum studies, it nevertheless did not fully account for interpretation as a productive and collaborative act in the inter‐subjective sense of being for the other. This study explores the dialogic emergence of this language of possibility through a review of historical and contemporary approaches to hermeneutics, and subsequently proposes an alternative understanding of hermeneutics and aesthetics to offer a reconceptualized vision of the interpretive process for curriculum studies.  相似文献   

物权行为的无因性的理论探讨已进行多年,从纯抽象思维的角度已很难有重大突破与创新。因为人的思维抽象毕竟有一定限度,而陷入抽象理论的怪圈对现实生活并没有多大意义。从法学方法的角度,可以另辟蹊径,寻找到物权行为无因性存在的必要性的证据。体系违反是民法解释学最重要的部分之一,价值判断是法律适用方法,在它们的基础上才能灵活的适用民法解释学的各种方法。从这两个方法角度看,物权行为无因性的存在是必要的。  相似文献   

语文对话教学是基于西方释义学和中国传统主客一体的哲学观之上,以语文知识为中介,在"言语实践"中提升学生的思维能力、审美能力等综合语文素养的有效性、创造性的实践活动.研究从对话教学的传统、核心价值、实践探索及有效性四个层面进行了系统研究和论述.  相似文献   

把语言视作可理解的存在,把历史性当作理解的原则,伽达默尔的解释学是一种本体论意义上的解释学;他的解释学是一种揭示真理(存在或意义)的方法,因而也是精神科学的基本方法。  相似文献   

以伽达默尔为代表的当代哲学诠释学提出了理解的历史性和前见等基本概念,对人文以及自然学科都产生了革命性影响。从诠释哲学视角出发,在对《红楼梦》两种全译本中存在的有意误译现象进行分析后,可见在跨文化翻译中,在解释翻译同一部文学作品时,由于不同的前见从而造成理解上的不同,进而形成合理的有意误译,体现出诠释学理论对文学翻译研究的不容忽视的启示和指导意义。  相似文献   

Soyoung Lee and Paul Standish have criticised my article ‘Levinas: Ethics or Mystification?’ for misunderstanding and misrepresenting the phenomenological subtleties of Levinas's formulation of ethics. However, although their arguments are cogent and persuasive, I still cannot see how Levinas's ‘ethics of the Other’, regardless of its merits qua phenomenology or ethical philosophy, translates into the practical ethical and moral understanding that would transform people's everyday lives—which was the underlying theme of my original article. In this article, I shall develop this theme further with specific reference to the following difficulties, as I see them, relating to the practicality of Levinas's ethics: (1) it is unclear how ordinary people would gain an understanding of Levinas's ethical vision, or how, once gained, this understanding would change their behaviour; (2) the rejection of personal relations and attachments in favour of pre‐ontological abstractions and metaphorical images (as the ground for the possibility of ethical understanding) renders Levinas's ethical vision powerless to motivate individuals in their everyday lives; (3) conceived as a political project to transform society, Levinas's vision cannot be realised, not even in the commune; (4) the presumption that real human understanding can be gained through the study of Levinas, or any other philosopher, is a highly dubious one.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that culturally variable values and morals have a key role in educational initiatives that address a global dimension. The article suggests that looking at values and morals in relation to a teaching practice is a way of adding knowledge to this field. Our study inquires into how an intercultural experience can evoke ethical reflections on environmental and sustainability issues. The article is based on a qualitative empirical study of teachers’ experiences of a teacher development programme, where we analyse the variety of ethical reflections that emerge during a study visit to a Central American country. We build on a pragmatic analytical approach that takes John Dewey’s ethical thoughts on moral situations as a point of departure and deals with teachers’ ethical reflections in a way that takes the contextual and situated nature of morals into account.  相似文献   

The structure of Russians' life course has never been studied in depth; the only exception is demographic studies regarding marital status and age at childbirth. Principles that define life trajectories should also be examined. The “adult” concept is one of a number of important concepts in the general structure of life planning. This article presents an agenda for future research based on several case studies obtained during a longitudinal study of educational and occupational trajectories. Studying the transition into adulthood is an important resource for understanding the modern times. However, another option is also possible. This concept of transition into adulthood can also be considered as a phenomenon of contemporary culture. The research perspective of cultural sociology, whose methodology is described as structural hermeneutics, can serve these purposes. Structural hermeneutics refers to an analysis of the structure of senses both intersubjective and collectively shared. It is important to analyze how the adult concept is used with regard to the structure of the life course in materials from Russian studies, with account for the ambivalence of this concept and research conducted in other countries.  相似文献   

中国哲学的强解释学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
能否创建中国的解释学 ,是一个复杂的问题。首先要解决的问题是“将要创建的是哪一种解释学 ?”因为西方解释学有三种形态 :古代解释学、一般解释学和现代哲学解释学 ,它们的含义差别甚远。作为解释技术的古代解释学 ,中国古代已经具有 ,而且相当发达 ,因而无须再建立。如果是后两种 ,那么中国尚未出现 ,故而才存在着建立的问题。但是在这个全球化的时代 ,能否建立起中国的一般解释学和哲学解释学是很成问题的。就汤一介先生的论述来看 ,他所理解的解释学实际上是中国古代的解释学。这种解释学不仅不需要创建 (它已存在 ) ,而且也没有发扬光大的必要 ,原因是由于古代解释学的过度发展 ,使中国哲学具有了强解释学特征 ,即解释过度 ,这种过度解释的传统妨碍了中国哲学的发展 ,使其解释有余 ,而创造不足 ,并形成了学派线性发展和思想寄生式发展的特点。目前中国哲学界最需要的是少一些解释 ,而多一些创造  相似文献   

如果以西方诠释学作为参照,那么,共有两类诠释方法隐含于孟子思想之中。简言之,他的“以意逆志”说与阿斯特的诠释学接近,“知人论世”说及“不以文害辞,不以辞害志”之说则与施莱尔马赫的诠释学雷同。不过,若把孟子的诠释思想与加达默尔诠释学予以比较,我们将看到,双方各说各话、互不相干,缺乏有效沟通的前提。阿斯特等个案说明,虽然同为西方语境下的产物,却非所有西方诠释学都不具备与中国诠释思想的可比性,中西诠释思想间存在着对话的可能。  相似文献   

加达默尔的诠释学从一个全新的角度论述了理解问题,使哲学诠释学成为一个独立的哲学流派,在现代西方哲学史上产生了巨大的影响。他认为理解是此在本身的存在方式;理解具有历史性;理解按其本性乃是一种效果历史事件,而视域融合又是对效果历史的展示和具体说明。因此,理解效果历史原则是把握加达默尔理解问题的关键。  相似文献   

浅谈藏族民俗中的伦理和谐思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
藏族民俗中蕴涵着丰富的伦理观念,在构建社会主义和谐社会这个大背景下探讨这个问题,显得尤为必要.文章主要围绕藏族伦理道德中蕴藏的协调人与人之间、人与社会之间、人与自然之间等关系的和谐思想,对构建社会主义和谐社会而言,无疑具有重要意义.因此,文章本着新时期应充分发挥其功能和作用,努力使其为构建社会主义和谐社会发挥积极作用提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

Ethical problems encountered by mental health practitioners working with deaf clients are often complex and involve issues not fully addressed in professional codes of ethics. A principles-based ethical reasoning process can assist in resolving many of these ethical concerns. Principles such as beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, fairness, integrity, and respect are found in the ethical codes of many disciplines; these can also create a common language or reference point when professionals from different fields attempt to deal with shared problems. This article discusses some applications of these principles in working with deaf individuals and proposes an ethical decision-making process that can provide a framework for ethical reasoning in thinking through complex problems.  相似文献   

Despite boasting its self-characterization as the “land of the free,” US American “freedom” is, at times, tainted with historical amnesia, hypocrisy, and inhumanity. This article examines today's socio-political climate by drawing from de Tocqueville's (2003) prediction that American democracy is a tyranny of the majority. Because tyranny relies on gaslighting and dismissing facts, no definitive portraiture of freedom is made; therefore, the tyrannized wonder whether they are truly living within freedom or, instead, in collective submission to its illusion. This article examines this phenomenon in order to investigate how whiteness (re)produces conditions of disillusionment and tyranny. By employing hermeneutics of whiteness as a methodology, the authors investigate how whiteness infiltrates thoughts/epistemology, speech/rhetoric, emotions/emotionality, and nationalistic symbols/semiotics. The authors analyze implications for US education and offer a plea for all to consider.  相似文献   

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