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In an age of complex, fast and technologically based communication systems, some African societies continue to utilize indigenous communication systems (ICS) that are effective for their specific, local environments. Employing mixed methodologies, this paper examines one of these communicative systems known among the people of Elmina (and other Akan communities of Ghana) as dawurb —signified by the gong-gong—its processes and dynamics, its interrelationship with the socio-cultural milieu, and its interface with modern media. It concludes that ICS do not just represent cultural continuity; they are inclusive, interactive, and integrated into the chieftaincy institution, and continue to have an informational and educational value among rural folks. Confronting the dilemma of the interface between tradition and modernity, this essay recommends the retention of ICS alongside radio, TV, and the electronic media.  相似文献   

Some 30 years ago, Vallone, Ross, and Lepper (1985 Vallone, R. P., Ross, L., & Lepper, M. R. (1985). The hostile media phenomenon: Biased perception and perceptions of media bias in coverage of the Beirut massacre. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 577585. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.49.3.577[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) conducted a pioneering study of the hostile media effect in which they demonstrated that partisans perceive media coverage as unfairly biased against their side. Over the ensuing decades, scores of experiments and surveys have extended their findings, demonstrating hostile media effects in a variety of domains. Taking the measure of the research more than 30 years later by systematically reviewing the many studies conducted in different locales, this article summarizes the knowledge base on the hostile media effect. The article integrates findings, clarifies conceptual issues, and presents two research-based models of the effect. Future scholarly pathways are suggested, with a focus on how hostile media biases may change—or continue—in an era vastly different than the mass communication-dominated age in which the concept was pioneered.  相似文献   

The study of management of innovation is crucial to media management research, helping explain how technology diffusion affects the communication industry and providing a glimpse into its future. This meta-analysis looks at the recent history of mass communication scholarship (1983–2008), addressing newsroom changes to determine whether a mainstream managerial theory—sociotechnical literature—garners adequate use. The researchers discovered numerous references—mostly indirect—to sociotechnical systems (STS) theory, yet found sporadic use of a true managerial emphasis as expressed through the analysis of STS theory's principles- and frames-specific theoretical framework. Implications of the findings and future, alternative directions for research are proposed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]将社交媒体应用于高校图书馆虚拟学习共享空间,探索其助力虚拟学习共享空间快速发展的有效途径,以践行图书馆服务由"以信息资源为中心"向"以学生学习为中心"的转变。[方法/过程]设计以QQ、微信等大学生喜爱善用的在线交流媒体为工具,以"学生服务团队"、主题驱动、多方协同、用户评价等为要素,构建、组织、管理虚拟学习共享空间的机制,并将这种机制应用于一个以"汽车"为主题的虚拟学习共享空间进行了实践研究。[结果/结论]实证研究和用户评价表明,以社交媒体作为工具构建高校图书馆虚拟学习共享空间,适合当下大学生个性化学习的需求;优化"学生服务团队"是其有效运行的关键因素;主题驱动和多方协同提升了其吸引力及其内涵,大学生学习成效显著,参与踊跃。  相似文献   

Historically, zines have been an alternative outlet for niche topics, or writers and writing, that are ignored by mainstream media. Zines are significant because they offer the opportunity for connection, community, and networking between those interested in these diverse topics. The developments in digital technology have enabled zines to extend into the online sphere: this increased access has resulted in increased participation (by readers and writers). This paper will focus on (digital) zines that are created by people of colour (POC). In recent years, there has been much discussion and media coverage about the lack of diversity in cultural output, and various campaigns, to promote diverse writing have followed. Through a case study of the POC Zines Project—a community-building project that promotes zines by POC—this paper will look at how creators of zines are experimenting with digital formats and social platforms, and will consider what mainstream publishers can learn from this. As Radway (in: Anouk (ed) From codex to hypertext. University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, 2012) outlines “zine-ing is a social phenomenon, a form of social action driven by desires for new forms of sociability and new ways of being in the world” (p. 140): this paper will highlight the important of social collaboration and production on opening up the creative process and offering a response to the under-represented in traditional publishing.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):282-299
The media production industries of most European countries have undergone considerable changes in the last 30 years. The de-regulation of the sector and technological changes have transformed recruitment and employment practices, with some impact on the ethnic composition of the media workforce. Based on relevant literature and the views of 68 senior journalists and media professionals in Italy, Greece, Ireland, the United Kingdom, Poland and the Netherlands, the article examines the factors—impeding and facilitating—that determine migrant employment in the European media. It highlights the many aspects of the recruitment process and the nature of media work that can pose additional barriers to those outside the mainstream of society.

For a full explanation of the methodology of the research project, please see the introduction in this themed section: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2012.740213.  相似文献   

当前,手机已成为继报刊、广播、电视、互联网之后被公众所广泛认知的"第五媒体",即手机媒体。手机媒体内容作为无可置疑的著作权法涵盖客体是手机媒体传播的主要对象,其信息网络传播权因手机媒体传播方式的多样性而受到巨大威胁。手机媒体内容信息网络传播权研究是著作权法学理论应用于手机媒体领域中的一项重要课题。文章以手机媒体内容的作品性为研究基点,探讨其信息网络传播权的内涵与特征,进而界定了常见的侵权行为。  相似文献   

This single-class activity expands current literature on person-centered messages by providing attention to message quality in mediated contexts. Students begin the activity by reviewing a hypothetical scenario in which a friend has posted about a family death loss on social media. After reviewing this scenario, students then create sample supportive messages that they could share with a grieving friend. Students are also asked to apply their knowledge about person-centered messages to evaluate other fictional support messages. Students who participate in this activity will be provided with additional skills for comforting grieving friends effectively.

Courses: This single-class activity can be implemented in several courses, including interpersonal communication, the dark side of interpersonal communication, and family communication.

Objectives: Students who complete this activity should be able to: (1) outline what qualities comprise a person-centered support message; (2) discuss why highly person-centered messages are effective in providing support to others; and (3) evaluate death loss support messages across levels of person centeredness.  相似文献   

谭楚子 《图书馆》2011,(2):12-19
悬置政治-社会层面"不可抗因素"不论,20世纪80年代末以降并迄今方兴未艾,出版、印刷等传统纸质传媒式微,电视、数字、网络等新兴电子传媒汹涌勃兴的同时,介入公共话语、充当社会正义良知代言人的知识分子日渐退隐最终逍遁于无形,之后来者自觉演变分化为学院知识分子和媒介知识分子(或称电视知识分子),即本质上规避道义担当、抛却社会责任的所谓"知道分子"。进一步研究发现,出版、印刷传统纸质传媒与电视、数字、网络等现代电子传媒分别构成了知识分子文化与知道分子文化的重要形式表征,由此揭橥凸显了公共图书馆文献馆藏意义层面长期以来被繁茂芜杂的技术细节所遮蔽着的一个重要事实:纸质印刷文本不仅为知识分子提供了言说空间,而且也在一定意义上建构起了知识分子的反思精神与批判立场;以纸质印刷文本庋藏、传播为己任的公共图书馆,实乃当下"后知识分子时代"知识分子文化传承最具操作可能的重要途径。今日知识分子公共话语集体失语,民众趋之公共图书馆寻觅精神家园,寄望其能肩起道义担当,引领崇高价值。因含此内在独特天然优势,公共图书馆确具民智启蒙、人文引领等道义担当之可能向度。藉此,热闹经年的"全民阅读"活动不再只是驻足于浅表意义层面上的应景运作,而终于找到了自身赖之安身立命的真正魂魄;同理,沸沸扬扬的"公共图书馆精神"、"公共图书馆核心价值"等大而无当之类空泛的理念讨论,也终于找回了自己真正的精髓或归宿。  相似文献   

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) conducted a readership survey in 2020 to gain a deeper understanding of our readers, their reading habits, and their satisfaction with JMLA''s content, website functionality, and overall quality. A total of 467 readers responded to the survey, most of whom were librarians/information specialists (85%), worked in an academic (62%) or hospital/health care system (27%) library, and were current Medical Library Association members (80%). Most survey respondents (46%) reported reading JMLA articles on a quarterly basis. Over half of respondents (53%) said they used social media to follow new research or publications, with Twitter being the most popular platform. Respondents stated that Original Investigations, Case Reports, Knowledge Syntheses, and Resource Reviews articles were the most enjoyable to read and important to their research and practice. Almost all respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied (94%) with the JMLA website. Some respondents felt that the content of JMLA leaned more toward academic librarianship than toward clinical/hospital librarianship and that there were not enough articles on collection management or technical services. These opinions and insights of our readers help keep the JMLA editorial team on track toward publishing articles that are of interest and utility to our audience, raising reader awareness of new content, providing a website that is easy to navigate and use, and maintaining our status as the premier journal in health sciences librarianship.

The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), in tandem with the Medical Library Association (MLA), periodically conducts readership surveys to gauge how well the journal meets the needs and desires of its readers. However, much time has passed and many changes have occurred since our last readership survey was published in 2013 [1]. These changes include our transition from a largely print-based to an almost fully digital mode of publication, more extensive reliance on providing access to supplemental materials to improve the rigor and reproducibility of research findings, and the use of social media to share and stay abreast of new scholarly works. Therefore, we conducted a readership survey in 2020 to obtain a more current understanding of our readers, their reading habits, and their satisfaction with JMLA''s content, website functionality, and overall quality.The survey was implemented using Qualtrics and consisted of sixteen closed- and open-ended questions (Appendix A). The survey invitation was distributed on July 6, 2020, through MLA email listservs and social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn), JMLA''s Twitter account, and an announcement on the JMLA website. Recipients were encouraged to forward the invitation through other communication channels as appropriate. The survey was closed on July 20, 2020.  相似文献   

There has been extensive restructuring in the media industries in recent times. This article examines the effects of large media restructuring transactions on the value of firms engaging in such transactions. It considers all media restructuring transactions with a value of over $1 billion between 1997 and 2008—a time period that included 1 of the largest waves of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in industrial history, and was marked in media by transformative changes in the industry due to digital technology and the loosening of ownership restrictions under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Telecommunications Act of 1996. (1996). Pub. LA. No. 104–104, 110 Stat. 56.  [Google Scholar]. Over that time period, 57 M&A transactions with a total value of $675 billion and 65 divestitures with a total value of $338 billion were identified. This article employs event-study methodology to calibrate the impact of these restructurings on firm value. Over time, the market was cautious about the ability of media firms to launch successful mergers or acquisitions, with losses for the media acquirers larger than those in cross-industry studies. This is even more pronounced when the acquirer is a non-media firm. Alternatively, divestitures yield positive results for both buyers and sellers. Recognizing the impact that restructuring has on firms, this work provides insights for understanding the market evaluation of future restructuring transactions.  相似文献   

Courses: Undergraduate or graduate organizational/crisis communication or public relations courses

Objective: The goal for this single class activity is for students to apply discourse of renewal to an organizational crisis fueled through social media.  相似文献   

Courses: Small group communication and advanced group dynamics.

Objectives: After completing this single-class activity, students should be able to: (1) evaluate successful communication characteristics that enhance the group's ability to achieve specific goals; (2) identify small group communication barriers; and (3) develop strategies to overcome small group communication challenges to achieve shared goals.  相似文献   

This study examined 393 organizational members' reported communication load, job satisfaction, and interdepartmental communication satisfaction in relation to their experience of time along eleven dimensions—flexibility, linearity, pace, punctuality, delay, scheduling, separation, urgency, scarcity, and future and present time foci. Results indicate that organizational members who experienced their time as more delayed, more flexible, and more oriented toward the future tended to report higher levels of communication load. Additionally, members who characterized their work as more punctual and oriented toward the future were more satisfied with their jobs, while those who experienced work as faster paced were less satisfied. Finally, the organizational members most satisfied with communication among departments reported their work patterns as more linear and more strongly oriented toward the future, while members who reported their work as more delayed were least satisfied with such interdepartmental interactions.  相似文献   

Social media have become an integral part of online news use, affecting how individuals find, consume, and share news. By applying the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA), this study investigates the effects of motives, attitude, and intention on news-sharing behavior among German social media users (n = 333). Findings show that news-sharing attitude and subjective norms have a positive effect on news-sharing intention, which in turn has a positive effect on actual news-sharing behavior. Taken together, we see that a new media behavior in the early phases of its societal diffusion—like social media news sharing in Germany in 2015—can mainly be explained by a rational choice logic and is rooted in the motives of socializing and information seeking. This finding thus reflects the double nature of social media as a means for both information retrieval and social grooming.  相似文献   

Within the individual-media dependency relation (IMDR), individuals are at a disadvantage. Because media control the information resources individuals require, media typically have more power. However, with the proliferation of mobile information communication technologies (ICTs), that power is being challenged. ICTs allow individuals more control over their interactions with media-provided information. To see if ICTs altered IMDR, media power was conceptualized as changes in emotional response to media access for informational goal achievement. An experiment using an active imagery task was conducted and emotional responses to accessing information via ICTs and traditional media were obtained, along with media use measures. Emotional responses were measured along three factors: valence, arousal, and most importantly, dominance, or control. Results showed that ICT use did not have the predicted impacts on emotional responses. When ICT use was a significant factor, it was related to decreases in all three emotion factors. Ball-Rokeach's (1998 Ball-Rokeach , S. J. ( 1998 ). A theory of media power and a theory of media use: Different stories, questions and ways of thinking . Mass Communication and Society , 1 , 540 .[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) conceptualization of power was supported. Implications and limitations of the findings are also presented.  相似文献   

以界面传播理念重新界定传受关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互动界面是以互联网为代表的数字互动媒介区别于传统媒介的最大特点,以互动界面为依托展开的界面传播是网络媒介传播的特质。本文在探讨媒介界面的基础上,明确界定了界面传播的内涵,提出界面传播的核心在于构建新型的传受关系的观点。在媒介受众充分占有媒介终端设备、可以方便灵活地借助界面行使参与权和表达权的媒介环境下,媒介经营者应该以界面传播的理念来促进与受众之间的关系,即使那些还没有将核心业务转移到数字互动媒介上的媒体,也应该利用互动界面的传播机制,不断满足受众的需求,从而提高媒介的竞争力。  相似文献   

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