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As athletes added their voices to the fall 2014 protests against police violence, in-house reporters, that is, content producers paid to produce stories for team websites, were part of the press pack describing these actions. Despite working for teams, many view themselves as sports journalists, despite working for teams, view themselves as sports journalists. This collision of sports and politics posed a challenge to the professional identities they try to maintain. Using interview data and textual analysis, this case study examines the ways that in-house sportswriters understood and operationalized their professional identities at a moment when they came into potential conflict with their employment situations. Their answers reflect boundary work on the part of in-house media members, who stressed their independence and news judgment in explaining their choices around this story even if their actions diverged. The work raises questions for understanding how journalistic identity translates to new contexts such as brand publishing.  相似文献   

每次画桃花.把人的性跟大自然最有活力的桃花放在一起.觉得很有意思.[编者按]  相似文献   

Objective: Students can reflect upon and articulate how they have been shaped by their “standpoints” in life. This assignment allows students to truly see themselves reaching out (understanding others) and reaching in (examining selves) to reflect upon their standpoint in society. Secondary goals are to dispel stereotypes of various standpoints and create more openness in class discussions.

Potential courses: Gender Communication, Communication Theory, Cultural Communication, and Introduction to Public Speaking  相似文献   


New reference librarians should not expect to be passive participants in their orientations. As evidenced in current literature, few libraries are able to provide the time and resources needed to fully orient and train their staff. Therefore, librarians should take an active role in planning and implementing their own training. This article provides tips for developing a self-training plan for new reference librarians.  相似文献   

中国经济独善其身的说法言犹在耳,中央政府已经彻底完成宏观经济政策的转身,紧急出台了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的十项措施。初步匡算,到2010年底,这些项目将完成投资4万亿元。政府希望通过扩张投资,防止经济硬着陆。  相似文献   

情报语言漫笔(I)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张琪玉先生《情报语言漫笔》系列之九,收录与网络环境下情报语言发展关系较为密切的专题文章5篇。  相似文献   

在当今的信息化时代,各种文字、影像以及音频信息浩如烟海,并被广泛地传播于媒体内部和众多厂商、经销商、读者之中。为了帮助媒体更好地利用Web技术,方便、灵活、高效地管理、发布和访问这些数字化信息,中国惠普公司与融海咨询公司日前共同推出了媒体发布系统解决方案I—Publisher。大体来说,该方案主要具有以下功能和特点:1、简捷的内容管理和高效的网站组织。使用该方案后,媒体内容将变得更为简捷,所有内容的提交,审批、浏览及管理都可以通过浏览器进行,同时内容类型也将变得更为丰富,所支持的内容格式包括HT…  相似文献   

<正>中国塔建筑,欧洲人习惯称之为宝塔,需专辟领地全面阐述。究其直接原因在于人们将其列入不同的建筑类别,并视为优秀的艺术品和宗教文物,以品别其中的兴味。自1909年考察中国建筑归来,我便着手从事中国建筑艺术与宗教文化的研究工作。在调查和研究过程中,自始至终,宝塔都格外吸引着我的注意力,  相似文献   

张权 《新闻窗》2007,(5):63-64
说起新闻,大家都知道是新近发生的事实的报道;而提及诗歌,众人皆知,则是一种文学艺术。笔者在近年的新闻采访与诗歌创作中,发现这两种风格貌似各异的文体,其实有很多共通之处,即在新闻中潜藏着很多“诗性”(此文中特指旧体诗)。当然,这种所谓的“诗性”,在笔者看来,仅指诗之“文”,而非其“质”。[第一段]  相似文献   

经营服装生意的店很多,但是有意把其打造成渠道品牌的店却很少见,Ageha就是为数不多有野心的品牌之一,经过一年多的发展,Ageha已经成功实现盈利,并决定向上海、广州等城市发展。通过对Ageha市场营销总监陈文双的采访,记者对这家店的运营了解进一步加深,对其发展前景也更为看好。特色的产品、扎实的作风、周密的规划决定了其现在的成功,也决定了它未来的发展。  相似文献   


This article delves into a few areas of copyright law that academic authors often overlook: joint author’s rights and the work made for hire doctrine. Scholarly publications produced by university professors often include more than one author. The default copyright laws apply to any such works if there is no specific written agreement to the contrary. Thus, it is important to understand what those default rules are in order to determine whether it is appropriate to deviate from them in an author agreement. Similarly, the work made for hire doctrine would normally apply to make all work produced by professors owned by the university. Luckily, many universities do not wish to own such work and give it back to professors through university statutes and other governing documents. However, it is crucial to understand whether the default rules apply or the university permits professors to negotiate their own author agreements with publishers. Finally, if authors own their own scholarly works, publishers can expect that they will negotiate their rights in the publishing agreements to benefit the terms most favorable to the author. And yet, many faculty members simply sign a standard authorship agreement without asking for concessions on the part of the publisher. Thus, this article empowers professors to exercise their copyright rights to the full extent of the law and to negotiate their author’s agreements to benefit themselves and society as a whole through open access and the use of Creative Commons licenses.  相似文献   

This essay will provide further insight into how Black audiences interpret a popular culture text by focusing upon how a group of young black men construct Black masculinity as depicted in the film Barbershop. Interestingly, a rhetorical community of young Black men discussed the representations of the characters in the film from a perspective of Black individualism rather than reaffirming identity through a collective orientation toward the culture. This reading contrasts with much of the “ghettocentric” film literature by highlighting how a Black audience's interpretation of a text can focus on individualism rather than on cultural representations and stereotypes.  相似文献   

HIT-97I型英文自动文摘系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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