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秦文君是当今创作成绩辉蝗并广受少年儿童读者欢迎和热爱的作家,她热爱儿童,热爱儿童文学创作,把儿童文学事业视为最美的事业。秦文君完全是用一颗爱心来创作的,她重视儿童文学的教育作用,强调儿童文学作家的责任感,能充分考虑儿童读者的接受能力和独特的审美趣味。秦文君又完全是用一颗童心来创作的,她极力宣扬其“儿童本位”的儿童文学观,强调创作目的的“为儿童”和创作原则上的“少儿视角”。  相似文献   

美国当代著名女作家乔伊斯·卡罗尔·奥茨对美国"迷路的孩子们"所倾注的关心和同情,以及对他们精神蜕变的社会原因的探索,具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Policymakers’ demands for standardization and improved student achievement increasingly define what early childhood educators working in publicly funded programs teach. Doing so has made it difficult for educators to engage in practices with children that incorporate their sociocultural worlds into their instruction. To begin to address this challenge, this article examines the experiences of one pre-kindergarten teacher who participated in a professional development course that asked her and her colleagues to implement culturally relevant lessons with their students in their high-stakes urban teaching context. She took up this challenge by examining the issue of parental incarceration with her culturally and linguistically talented students. Analyzing her and her students’ experiences in this investigation provides insight into how early educators can begin to address their students’ sociocultural worlds through culturally relevant pedagogical practices within their standardized teaching contexts.  相似文献   

自从80年代开始,重庆籍作家谭小乔就开始了她的儿童学创作。她是儿童学领域中一个孜孜不倦的追求,从而成为了中国西部地区一位有名的儿童学作家。本试从以下三个方面来论述谭小乔的儿童学创作:首先,探讨其在幼儿学创作中的得与失;其次,分析其代表作《小船飘摇》;最后,介绍其在新世纪中的两部力作《金色鼠王》和《我是妖怪变的》。  相似文献   

A kindergarten teacher's practice was investigated in order to understand her knowledge of her children's mathematical thinking, the ways in which she acquired that knowledge, and the uses she made of that knowledge in making instructional decisions. The focus of the investigation was the teacher's knowledge of her children's thinking about numbers, including counting and addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The teacher had attended Cognitively Guided Instruction workshops at which she had the opportunity to learn about research on children's mathematical thinking. She gathered information on her own children's thinking by posing word problems, listening to children as the described their strategies for solving the problems, and talking to other adults about her children. She used that information to select problems to pose in subsequent lessons.  相似文献   

In this article, Lynda Warren Dodd, who is senior educational psychologist for early years and the Portage Service supervisor in Stockport LEA, discusses the development of a support group for the brothers and sisters of young children with a wide range of disabilities. The group has been running, as an annual event, for eight years and offers a mix of socialising, games and group work. Through the group, the Portage Service aims to address some of the isues that emerge for families when there is a child with a disability. In order to evaluate the support offered to siblings, as well as to the child with special needs and their parents or carers, members of the Portage team gathered views from children and adults. Several key themes emerged from the comments made by children. All the participants enjoyed attending the sibling group. The children had varying degrees of understanding about their brothers' and sisters' disabilities. Some reported positive attitudes while others described the negative feelings they experienced in relation to their siblings' special needs. The parents also tended to value the sibling group and most of them asked for the provision to be extended. Lynda Dodd sets her account of this evaluation in the context of a constructive review of the literature on the sibling experience. She closes her article with a valuable summary of the implications of her work for future policy and practice in this important and often neglected area.  相似文献   

冰心儿童散文的思想内容及艺术特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冰心儿童散文的主要内容是讴歌母爱和童心,笔调柔和细腻,手法含蓄委婉,语言清新明丽,研究冰心儿童散文的思想内容及艺术特色,对当今我国儿童散文的创作有着重要作用.  相似文献   

Kate Chopin's The Awakening,is a portrayal of the life of the well-to-do but unhappy married woman Edna Pontellier.Edna enjoys all the advantaged provided by her husband and ahs two lovely children.She is unhappy because she is confined to her house and expected to be a dutiful wife and a loving mother.When she begins to change her way of living,to live for herself instead of her husband and children,she is opposed by her family,her friends and others.To finds her freedom,she drowns herself in the sea.The tragedy of Edna is the tragedy of most women in a patriarchal society,and the novel which caused a storm of criticism at its publication has been considered to be a pioneer work in feminist movement.  相似文献   

研究采用个案研究的方法,探讨在生态化的环境中,在专业研究人员的指导下,由幼儿教师编制并实施幼儿集体游戏,通过改善人际关系和提升退缩幼儿自我效能感来消除幼儿的社会退缩行为的可能性。结果显示,游戏干预不仅改变了退缩幼儿的交往质量,而且提高了其适应水平。最后,文章从角色游戏和退缩幼儿自我效能感的提升上阐迷了游戏干预的机制。  相似文献   

母爱、童真、自然是冰心诗歌创作的三大母题。作为三大母题之一的“自然”,它承载着诗人对世界、对人生的感悟和体验,更显示出她观照世界、审视现实的方法和过程。作者通过对自然物像的深切描绘,书写出自己心灵的真城,使读者感受到作品深邃的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

“西南巨儒”郑珍的母亲黎三姑,精通我国古代的保傅之教,且刚断有卓识,育子有方,和睦乡里,言传身教,堪称母教典范。其孙女郑淑昭,承传祖母及母亲的遗法,在兵荒马乱的年月,口授经文,画获教字,使三个儿子均成才成名。这两位没有坐过讲台的女子,成了卓有成就的教育家。郑母还入了《清史稿·列女传》,事迹感人。  相似文献   

In recent decades, the notion of the competent child has, in the field of Early Childhood Education, become a powerful discourse. In this paradigm, inspired by the sociology of childhood, the child is seen as a competent social actor having agency in his or her life. However, critical comments have been made at both the micro- and macro-level about how this conceptual construction is interpreted and put into practice. In this article, children are made visible through a close and systematic observation resulting in hearing ‘children’s voices’ that are much more nuanced than those of the ‘new resilient competent’ child. The observation data challenges the overgeneralizations of the current discourse of the competent child. Instead of finding ‘old fragile novice’ or ‘new resilient competent’ children, we seem to find both characterizations in the same children, who are eager to learn, are competent and strong, but also vulnerable, immature and needy in different respects. The differences between individual children are also remarkable. What the children communicate in their behaviour challenges the adults who work with them to reflect on their espoused theories and theories-in use.  相似文献   

小说<儿子与情人>是D.H.劳伦斯的半自传体作品.该书创作于20世纪初,正值女性主义浪潮的兴起."新女性"的出现,逐步"威胁"动摇着维多利亚时代的男权意识.劳伦斯一方面欣赏"新女性的独立、大胆、智慧,另一方面受传统的男性至上意识的影响,又惧怕女性的这种变革会危及男性的地位.本文从小说人物关系的角度入手、剖析劳伦斯在定位女性社会角色时的矛盾与困惑.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed in which (a) a teacher records her classroom speech on a carried cassette recorder, (b) subsequently replays the recording and codes each utterance in terms of seven categories and the name of the child or children spoken to, and (c) reflects on her classroom practice as revealed by the coding analysis, using evaluative guidelines.

This procedure has been tested successfully with 11 teachers of infant children, working in informal classrooms.


著名精神分析学家玛格丽特.玛勒在继承前人理论和自己临床经验的基础上,结合自己提出的心理发展阶段理论,提出了儿童两种精神病概念,系统阐述了儿童我向性精神病和儿童共生性精神病的病理学和治疗观,对儿童精神病治疗理论与实践作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

黄蓓佳的儿童小说不仅赢得了儿童的喜爱,也引发了成人的阅读兴趣。她的儿童小说魅力源于其独特的叙事策略:"非聚焦型"叙事视角、逆时序的叙事时间、融价值生活于时间生活的故事模式。这些独具特色的叙事策略与她的儿童文学观念有密切关系。  相似文献   

一个主日学校(基督教都会为了向儿童灌输宗教思想,在星期天开办的儿童班)的老师在对学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。“现在,孩子们,”她说:“你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?”  相似文献   

近年来,毕淑敏在长篇小说创作中取得的成就对推动毕淑敏研究起到了重要作用。以毕淑敏小说中的共性作为研究的视角,可以把握到毕淑敏的创作观念、价值取向及创作趋向,为其小说的研究与批评提供某种思路。  相似文献   

My daughter, who is nearly 10 years old, still confuses b and d when she writes. Her teachers have not made an issue of this difficulty until now but as she will be changing schools quite soon they feel it is time she learned to overcome it.
They have been trying to help her to discriminate the two which they call 'bat and ball' letters but have not succeeded so far. Is there any other method that would be likely to help? I gather that although most children have ceased to confuse b and d by the age of 10 several still do and that they usually grow out of it within a year or two. Meanwhile her father has an accumulating collection of birthday cards and letters addressed to 'Dear baddy' (or 'babby').  相似文献   

Annemarie Roeper’s timeless perspectives were demonstrated throughout her long and productive life. Her prolific writings and speeches continue to influence our understanding of giftedness at all ages and stages of life, and the time I spent with her had a profound and meaningful effect on my work. Annemarie incorporated her inner view of giftedness into her definition, her collaboration with her husband George in developing the Roeper Philosophy and Roeper School, her global perspectives, and her qualitative assessment approach to understanding children and identifying those who are gifted. Direct involvement with Annemarie has been especially influential in my thinking about gifted adults, including educators and parents. The quality of agelessness that Annemarie demonstrated in the later years of her life also has been instrumental in helping me and others develop greater understanding of giftedness across the life span.  相似文献   

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