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Ⅰ.听力理解(20分,略)Ⅱ.单项选择(20分)1.The m otherwanted to find the bestdoctorto herson.A.look at B.look after C.look over D.look forA School Garden Of English中学英语园地2.It蒺s very cold outside,you蒺d better yourcoat.A.puton B.wear C.in D.take off3. you are well,and we can go swim m ing in the river.A.I蒺m sorry B.Ithink C.I蒺m afraid D.Ihope4.The girlis late and .A.so the boy is B.so is the boyC.so does the boy D.so the boy does5.Don蒺tforgetto yourstory鄄book when you com e her…  相似文献   

1. Please give the book ____ me. 2. Look at the picture ____ Page 10. 3. There is a bird ____ the tree. 4. There are many apples ____ the apple tree. 5. There!s some money ____ the purse. 6. Take the bags ____ the classroom. 7. Who!s the girl ____ the green skirt? 8. The boy ____ the bike is Tom. 9. You must look ____ your things. 10. Please look ____ the blackboard. 11. She looks ____ her mother. 12. Don!t look out ____ the window. 13. It!s a car ____ English. 14. They, ____ the cat, oft…  相似文献   

1.There is a bad w olf in the forest.O ne day he is eating a lam b.Suddenly abone(骨头)sticks in his throat(喉咙).2.“O h,a bone is in m y throat,”he goes to see a doctor,“Please helpm e.”The doctor,M r.Panda says,“Sorry,I can’t help you.The bone isinside.”3.“W hat can I do?”thewolf is sad.Then he m eets acrane(鹤).“O h,dear crane.Please help m e.A bone is inm y throat.I will pay for yourhelp.”4.“O K.Let m e have atry,”the crane says.Shepulls out the bone with herbill(脖子).…  相似文献   

U nit6Ⅰ.词汇A)根据句意及已给首字母的提示,写出空白所缺单词的正确形式,使句子意思完整,语法正确。1.—W hich do you like,m usic or art?—Both.B utI p PE.2.H e never tells a lie.H e is an h boy.3.There are m any things on d in the m useum.4.I like the song thathas greatl.5.M y auntis good attaking photos.She is a good p.6.The picture r m e ofwhatI had seen in Beijing.7.W hen Edison was young,he showed i in science.8.They haven thad lunch yet,so I e they re hungry.9.Y ou need a lot of e to w …  相似文献   

1.There is a young boy in the JinD ynasty.H is nam e is Zhou Chu.H e likesto fight with others,and his neighboursdislike him very m uch.晋朝有个名叫周处的少年,好跟别人打架,邻舍都很讨厌他。2.A t that tim e,there are a flooddragon in water,a ferocious tiger  相似文献   

一、故事内容 It is a nice day. The farmers are working in the field. They work and sing happily. A boy is shepherding on the top of the hill. He is having a rest under a big tree. "Hmm, so boring. There is nobody here to talk with me." The boy is waving his whip (皮鞭)- "Oh, I have a good idea. I am sure people will come soon." He stands up and starts to shout, "A wolf is coming. A wolf is coming. Help! Help!"[第一段]  相似文献   

I’m a m iddle schoolstudent in W uhan.M yChinese nam e is LiuX iaolu.M y English nam eis Cherry.I’m twelveyears old.I’m in Class2,G rade1.I like Englishvery m uch.A ll m y teach-ers are very friendly tom e and I like them all.I’m a tall girl.I havelong black hair and brightbig eyes.A ll m y classm atessay I’m pretty.There are three people in m y fam ily.M yfather is an engineer.M y m other is a nurse.They both work hard.In m y eyes,they aregood parents.M y favorite sport is ping-…  相似文献   

Unit11一、词汇(10分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出空白处所缺的单词。1.M rs B lack can t(忍受)the cold weather there.2.M y father is a(了不起的)doctor.3.O ur lives are(多彩的).4.Y oung people like to follow the(时尚).5.M y daughter wants to be a(主持人).B.根据句意和首字母提示补全空白处的单词。1.H e has n to do,so he decides to go to the m ovie.2.Its hothere.D o you m opening the window?3.The girl with a red hair c is his sister.4.There is no m oney in m y w.5.D ifferentpeople have different o abo…  相似文献   

从A、B、C、D中找出一个与句中划线部分的词语意思相同或相近的选项。1.There s plenty ofrain in our country in sum m er.A.a lot B.m any C.som e D.m uch2.D id you catch w hat she said?A.watch B.listen C.understand D.hearlen3.W e m ustlook after our players.A.look up B.take care of C.look for D.find out4.Butstillwe aren tsure thatw e can beatthem.A.we can win the gam e B.w e can lose the gam eC.they can win the gam e D.they lost the gam e5.O ver150babies were born in one m inutes allover the …  相似文献   

U nit8一、单项选择1.There a ruler and two pencils on the desk.A.are B.is C.have D.has2.—H e cam e early this m orning,didn the?—Y es,he did.H e often to school early.A.was com e B.com es C.cam e D.is com e3.—E xcuse m e,look atthe sign:N O SM O K IN G!—Sorry,I it.A.don t see B.didn tseeC.wasn tsee D.am notsee4.W hen you go out,please rem em ber the door.A.closing B.close C.w illclose D.to close5.—W e are going to have a party tom orrow evening.—A.H appy birthday to you!B.Th…  相似文献   

用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Y ou m ustlisten to the teacher(careful)in class.2.Id like two(kilo)of(tom ato).3.—W hatdoes your father do?—H e is a(drive).4.—Thank you very m uch.—Its a(please).5.Thank(good).The kite is not(break).6.H ow m any(knife)do you have?7.A cathas four(foot).8.W hat about(play)basketballafter school?9.There are three(box)oforanges on the bus.10.I wantsom e(bottle)ofapple juice.11.Please look at the two pictures.Can you find five(different)?12.I think the s…  相似文献   

1.The general wouldn t allow the boy the tree to see what the en-em y was doing.A.risk clim bing B.risking to clim bC.risk to clim b D.to risk clim bing2.W e watched the m en the tree and as w e were w alking aw ay weheard it with a trem endous crash.A.sawing;to fall B.saw ing;fallC.saw;fall D.to saw;falling3.The students are all gone.B ecause of the bad weather,the teacherperm itted them early.A.leave B.to being leavingC.to leaving D.to leave4.A re you sure the students use the new com p…  相似文献   

一、单项选择(15分)1.My sister was born the morning May 2nd,1988.A .on;of B.on;on C.at;from D .on;in2.E-m ail is m uch than long-distance calling.A .cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D .the cheapest3.The fourth lesson is very easy for us.There are new words in it.A .a few B.a little C.few D .little4.The w indow is broken.Try to who broke it.A .find out B.find C.look D .look for5.Be careful,Peter.D on t your hands dirty.A .get B.keep C.have D .let6.W e got hom e at 7o clock,but didn t getbac…  相似文献   

It's evening. A cock is sitting in a big tree.A fox is standing under the tree. He is looking up at the cock.“Hello, Mr. Cock. My name is Fox. I have good news for you.” “O h,what is it?” “A ll the anim als are good friends now. Please com e down and play with m e.”“That’s very good. O h, I see som e dogs over there. They are com ing this w ay.” “W hat?D ogs?W ell,I m ust go now.” “D on’t run aw ay,M r.Fox.The dogs are your friends now.”“Y es,but m aybe they don’t know…  相似文献   

A Fine Day     
It is a fine day.The sun isin the sky. Mr Green and hisfamily are in the park.Mr andMrs Green are sitting under thetree and looking at their chil-dren.Their daughter, Ann isflying a kite.The boy in the hatis her brother,Joe.He is read-ing a book on the grass(草地).There is also a young boy.He  相似文献   

My Bedroom     
Welcome to my house! This is my bedroom.I study and sleelp here. The wall in my room is blue.There is a picture of my family on the wall.There is a desk against the wall by the window.It's pink.There is a lamp (台灯) and a book on the desk.The chair is under the desk.There are some beautiful flowers on the window.  相似文献   

1.There no hospitals in m y hom etown fifty years ago.A .is B .are C.was D .w ere2.M rs G reen told her children that the earth around the sun.A .m ove B .m oves C.m oved D .w illm ove3.M y brother Beijing and he w illbe back a w eek.A .went;after B.has been to;afterC.has been to;in D .has gone to;inchoolardenfngsh4.Please wait untilI hack.A .will com e B .com e C.com es D .am com ing5.H ow long has your brother the League?A .join B .entered C.been in D .been to6.W hen Lucy cam e to…  相似文献   

Unit4Ⅰ.词汇(10分)A)根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.M y com puter is on the t in m y room.2.This is a p ofm y fam ily.3.D o you k this plant?4.H is brother is b you and m e.5.—W hat蒺s on the s?—It蒺s a backpack.B)根据句意和汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.Please(带)these new books to your classroom.2.I(需要)som e English books.3.Look!Your key is(在……下面)the table.4.M y photos are in the(抽屉).5.There are som e(激光唱片)on the bookcase.Ⅱ.单项选择(10分)1.—the …  相似文献   

What Time Is It? Tom’s grandfather lives in the countryside(乡下).There is a big farm near his house.When Tom hastime,he often goes to the farm to help his grandfather. Tom is free today.He is going to see his grandfather.He gets to the bus station early for the early bus.The early bus is going to leave at 6:30.He looks around.There are a lot of people in the station.Some arestanding in line。Others are walking around.There is no place for him to sit in. Tom walks into the tea house next to the station.There is a big clock on the wall.It is only five twentynow.He finds a seat and sits down before a big mirror(镜子)on the wall.He asks for a cup of tea and some cakes.Just then,one of his friends.Jim,comes in and sits with him.  相似文献   

U nit6Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)1.—Thanks a lot us so m uch help.—N otatall.A.giving B.for giving C.ofgiving D.to giving2.som e pictures ofm e and m y tw in sister Liu Y ang.A.Thatis B.There isC.H ere are D.H ere they are3.there is no air or water on the m oon,t  相似文献   

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