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The success of interdisciplinary research teams depends largely upon skills related to team performance. We evaluated student and team performance for undergraduate biology and mathematics students who participated in summer research projects conducted in off-campus laboratories. The student teams were composed of a student with a mathematics background and an experimentally oriented biology student. The team mentors typically ranked the students'' performance very good to excellent over a range of attributes that included creativity and ability to conduct independent research. However, the research teams experienced problems meeting prespecified deadlines due to poor time and project management skills. Because time and project management skills can be readily taught and moreover typically reflect good research practices, simple modifications should be made to undergraduate curricula so that the promise of initiatives, such as MATH-BIO 2010, can be implemented.  相似文献   

As commonplace as teams are in today's organizations, so too are the frustrations reported by members of many teams. Some of this frustration may be attributed to the lack of organizational support for team efforts. In this article, we draw on Kolb's components of clear direction and accountability, appropriate staffing and training, adequate information and resources, and rewards for team effort to describe and discuss a framework that was developed to support a series of 29 project teams. We use case study methodology to examine a university‐community initiative designed to increase collaboration between members of a university community and stakeholders external to the university. This design resulted in a continuous learning and feedback cycle that encouraged reflective thinking and improvement in procedures and outcomes. The focus is on the framework that was developed and executed to select, support, and evaluate these teams.  相似文献   

As part of its quality assurance systems, the University of Technology, Jamaica initiated a project aimed at exploring how action research could be used as a vehicle for enhancing the quality of the teaching/learning process. Following a series of orientation sessions and the development of a handbook for project teams, five action research projects were undertaken in the second semester of the academic year 2001-2002. The projects focused on using a student-centred approach in traditionally teacher-centred courses. At the end of the project cycle, results indicated that students became more independent learners and instructors had learned much about student-centred classroom strategies.  相似文献   

《Educational gerontology》2013,39(3):181-195
This paper discusses the implementation of an intergenerational service-learning (IS-L) project by Western Michigan University's Gerontology Program. Two classes of students, one graduate and one undergraduate, taking introductory gerontology courses were brought together to complete IS-L projects of their own designs. Students were placed in teams. Key project components included: negotiation with community partners to construct a viable one-semester project, collaboration on a team, and analysis of the team development process. A Critical Incident Questionnaire was used to collect data on student perceptions of project and class progress. While challenging, most students found the intergenerational service-learning projects and team format valuable and rewarding.  相似文献   

Research supports that school districts' prereferral consultation teams adhere less closely to quality consultation procedures and are less effective than those conducted through university research projects (e.g., Bahr, Whitten, Dieker, Kocarek, & Manson, 1999). This study investigated whether this finding might be due to incompatibilities between school settings and recommended team consultation practices. First, self-assessment surveys and case evaluation activities verified that teams in this school district-led project were not fully implementing research-recommended team consultation procedures. Then, focus group discussions verified through follow-up ratings were used to describe why the research-recommended procedures were not followed. Results suggest that school teams consider the recommended team consultation procedures to be unfamiliar, discrepant from existing staff roles, unnecessarily complex, and often inefficient. In too many cases, administrative support for team activities is inconsistent and the teams lack sufficient intervention resources to have an impact on student success. Team recommendations for improving the consultation procedures are discussed.  相似文献   

高素质的管理队伍建设事关高校改革发展全局,长期以来,人们对高校管理队伍建设的重要性认识不足,管理队伍处于非职业化状态,队伍建设缺乏科学管理制度、考核评价机制、干部交流渠道和竞争性选拔机制,致使这支队伍整体素质不高。加强和改进高校管理队伍建设,必须提高对管理队伍重要性的认识,建设职业化、专业化管理队伍,完善培训机制,拓展...  相似文献   

导师团队在提高研究生培养质量和提高导师学术水平方面能发挥重要作用,组建跨学科的导师团队不仅是社会经济发展的迫切需要,也符合创新人才培养和成长的规律,我国大学已开始实施导师团队这一研究生培养模式。如何有效组建导师团队和进行团队成员的选用与配置,成为当前研究和实践共同关注的问题。“人一团队”匹配理论是组建团队和实现团队高效运作的重要依据,它强调个人特征与团队特征之间的相容性和互补性匹配。在角色分析与团队匹配性分析的基础上组建的导师团队有利于研究生培养目标的实现。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT : Increased diversity in the workforce brings several benefits. However, organizations may also face challenges as they seek to embrace diversity within team-based work environments. In this paper, we attempt to gauge the magnitude of this challenge by examining the level of diversity that results when individuals self-select their own team members. We describe a quasi-experimental field study in which we examine the ways individuals select project team members and how the resulting group composition is connected to the success or failure of those teams. We find that teams are most likely to form through prior acquaintance and/or demographic similarities. Linking composition to group process and performance, we find that ethnic diversity decreased similarity of work values but did not affect group performance, which is primarily predicted by satisfaction and conflict. We discuss the results in terms of the challenges and opportunities organizations face with a diverse workforce and a team-based work environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the performance of 13 graduate students' collaborative efforts toward a group research project in an Instructional Analysis, Design, and Evaluation online course. Gaps between course expectations from the instructor and student collaborative performance were identified through the review of the team agreement, the use of surveys, and focus group interviews. Performance gaps occurred in the areas of communication, assignment completion, and group cohesiveness. These performance gaps were caused by lack of knowledge and skills, motivation, and/or organizational support. Appropriate intervention strategies such as effective group interaction and communication, building relationships and establishing trust, periodic review of team agreements, mini‐training sessions on collaboration and supportive behaviors, and role differentiations and collaborative task designation are presented. Instructors who are interested in incorporating group research projects into their future online courses may consider implementing these interventions to facilitate the improvement of students' collaborative efforts.  相似文献   

One prominent approach in the exploration of the variations in project team performance has been to study two components of the aggregate personalities of the team members: conscientiousness and agreeableness. A second line of research, known as self-categorisation theory, argues that identifying as team members and the team's performance norms should substantially influence the team's performance. This paper explores the influence of both these perspectives in university software engineering project teams. Eighty students worked to complete a piece of software in small project teams during 2007 or 2008. To reduce limitations in statistical analysis, Monte Carlo simulation techniques were employed to extrapolate from the results of the original sample to a larger simulated sample (2043 cases, within 319 teams). The results emphasise the importance of taking into account personality (particularly conscientiousness), and both team identification and the team's norm of performance, in order to cultivate higher levels of performance in student software engineering project teams.  相似文献   

We describe a unique Research Experience for Undergraduates and Research Experience for Veterinary students summer program at the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis on the campus of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The program focused on interdisciplinary research at the interface of biology and mathematics. Participants were selected to work on projects with a biology mentor and a mathematics mentor in an environment that promoted collaboration outside of the students'' respective disciplines. There were four research projects with teams of four participants and two faculty mentors. The participants consisted of a mixture of 10 undergraduates in biology- and mathematics-related disciplines, four veterinary students, and two high-school teachers. The activities included lectures on both the biological and mathematical backgrounds of the projects, tutorials for software, and sessions on ethics, graduate school, and possible career paths for individuals interested in biology and mathematics. The program was designed to give students the ability to actively participate in the scientific research process by working on a project, writing up their results in a final report, and presenting their work orally. We report on the results of our evaluation surveys of the participants.  相似文献   

针对高校电子信息类专业单片机课程教学中普遍存在学生动手能力不强的问题进行分析,提出以基础实验项目和综合实验项目改革为切入点,重点介绍项目的选择过程和实施方法,确立了以项目设计教学法为核心的教学体系。该教学体系着重强调学生为主,教师为辅的培养模式,实现学生个性化培养的目标。实践表明,项目设计教学法能将单片机类课程理论与实践教学有机结合起来,提高教学质量和效率,为进一步提高学生的工程素质和创新能力打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

Team psychological safety is critical to team learning. When a team feels safe to talk about difficult issues and each team member feels comfortable to express feelings and ideas, the team continuously learns and improves its performance. Amy Edmondson identified team psychological safety in 1999 as a key to high-performance teams, and Google confirmed this in an internal research project in 2015. A lot has been written about team psychological safety, but very few research or experiences demonstrate how to increase the level of psychological safety in a team. The author has measured psychological safety in a team before and after a series of action learning sessions. The results are very encouraging: action learning increases the average level of psychological safety in the team and reduces the dispersion in team members’ evaluation of team psychological safety. A test was made to verify if the mere dynamic of team members participating in a facilitated workshop would have the same impact on the level of psychological safety, but this was not the case. It can therefore be concluded that action learning has a significant impact on team psychological safety and helps a team move toward high-performance.  相似文献   

Current discussions in higher education and alumni training acknowledge the challenges training programs face in responding to the authentic needs of the labor market. In addition to academic knowledge, higher education institutions are expected to provide general twenty-first-century skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and interpersonal skills. To meet these challenges, many institutions utilize collaborative pedagogies such as learning in teams. However, teamwork in higher education tends to focus primarily on the task aspects of performance at the expense of the team aspects, and for educators, there may be no feasible way to assess whether the students are learning to work successfully as teams. This paper explores how new student teams (n?=?3) that simulate real business teams by taking a challenging entrepreneur assessment, developed over three semesters for general skills (i.e., communication), and whether the improvement in their communication also indicated the teams’ improved performance (i.e., financial success). As an analytical tool, the study relies on initial parameters on teams’ microdynamics of communication [Losada, M. (1999). The complex dynamics of high performance teams. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 30, 179–192] normalized with fuzzy logic. In accordance with the current understanding of team development, the results did not show any linear improvement, but the quality of communication in the teams improved episodically. Further, the results provide evidence of the possible relationship between the improved quality of communication and the teams’ collective financial success. However, in future work, due to the lack of sensitivity of the parameters in this context together with the recent criticisms of the mathematical basis of the patterns of team dynamics based on Losada's parameters, they will be reexamined with a Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

高等学校人才培养全面质量管理探析   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
高等学校人才培养质量是高等教育大众化能否顺利实现的关键。高等学校实施全面质量管理 (TQM)是完全可行的。高校人才培养 TQM思想包括 :人才培养质量始终贯穿于人才培养的全过程 ;教育质量不仅是教学质量 ,而且包括人才培养质量有关的所有工作质量 ;全体教职员工都参与质量管理 ;TQM采取的是多种多样的质量管理方法。TQM的特色反映在“事前管理 ,防患于未然”。 TQM体系是整个学校管理体系的中心环节。  相似文献   

通过采用录像观察法,对中国女排在2010年世界女排大奖赛总决赛中的5场比赛进行研究,对所得数据进行统计分析得出,中国队的主动和被动失误送分较少,相比欧美国家队占有一定优势;但是主动得分能力相比世界强队还有较大差距,为主要失利原因;建议中国女排在今后的训练过程中,要特别加强扣球和拦网技术的训练.  相似文献   

In recent years, more and more international comparative research has been conducted in internationally and geographically spread project teams and international research networks, and comparative research has become a fundamentally collaborative effort. Accordingly, research in such projects has to cope with a higher level of methodological complexity than non‐comparative research as well as with a particular sociocultural complexity. This complexity can have an influence on the research process and therefore on the quality and validity of the results, an issue that has so far not been discussed much, either in Higher Education research or beyond. Thus, this article refers to studies that provide empirical insights into comparative collaborative research teams and illuminates why international collaboration in comparative research projects is both a source of better solutions and of amplified complications and how they are interrelated. On this basis it provides a conceptual reflection and delineates dimensions of task‐related, methodological complexity and team diversity. While comparative research has specific methodological challenges that can be alleviated by international team collaboration, collaborative research has particular social challenges that can be aggravated in comparative research. The conclusion makes propositions for further analyses, discusses lessons for comparative Higher Education research and sets out implications for its institutional development.  相似文献   

Cultural awareness training that emphasizes communication delivers only a partial solution to the challenges that intercultural work teams face. Improving collaboration requires a strong foundation of performance management before a work team can determine how they will cooperate to perform to excellence. Against the backdrop of the authors' experiences, the program Collaboration.Excellence offers a three‐phase approach that performance improvement professionals can take to build effective intercultural work teams.  相似文献   

工科毕业设计的传统指导模式在选题上存在命题的随意性较大、难易程度相差较大、选题的知识覆盖面不宽、研究内容单一的问题,在指导方式上不利于培养学生的合作精神与协调组织能力,不利于师资力量的培养和建设。为此,提出大项目小课题的毕业设计指导模式,即以教师科研项目为背景,将大项目分解成多个小课题,采用课题组团队指导、定期汇报的形式,实现教师与教师之间、学生与学生之间以及教师与学生之间相互交流、学习、督促的关系和作用。以"油罐区自动消防系统"为实例,说明了大项目小课题毕业设计指导模式的具体组织实施过程,实践证明该指导模式有利于培养学生学习、科研和团队合作能力等综合素质,能提高学生就业竞争力与适应能力,同时对师资力量的培养也有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

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