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The emergence of new technologies has made it increasingly easy for distributed collaboration in both educational and noneducational settings. Although the effectiveness in traditional settings of the dynamics of small group work has been widely researched, there is limited research that offers evidence on how teams can work effectively in a virtual environment. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among team structure, trust, and conflict management style, in addition to their impact on teamwork effectiveness in a virtual environment. An experimental design was used to assess the effects of structure on team performance. Forty‐four groups, divided into hierarchical and nonhierarchical groups, worked on an online simulation project in an online MBA course. The results suggest that team structure is strongly associated with team performance, whereas trust and a collaboration conflict management style contribute to teamwork satisfaction.  相似文献   

Effective and efficient teams communicate, collaborate, and perform, even if these teams are not co‐located. Although much is known about enabling effectiveness on face‐to‐face teams, considerably less is known about similarly enabling effectiveness on virtual teams. Yet the use of virtual teams is common and will likely become more commonplace as organizations continue to update and use increasingly sophisticated technology. Cohort and individual trust between team members is a significant component on most effective teams, virtual or face‐to‐face. This paper examines research on virtual teams and trust across disciplines, including management, e‐learning, business communication, decision making, human resource management, psychology, and IT, to identify major characteristics that increase our knowledge of how to establish and maintain trust in the virtual environment and on virtual teams.  相似文献   

As universities seek to provide cost-effective, cross-cultural experiences using global virtual (GV) teams, the ‘soft’ communication skills typical of all teams, increases in importance for GV teams. Students need to be taught how to navigate through cultural issues and virtual tool issues to build strong trusting relationships with distant team members. Weekly team meetings provide an excellent opportunity to observe key team interactions that facilitate relationship and trust-building among team members. This study observed the weekly team meetings of engineering students attending two US universities and one Asian university as they collaborated as a single GV capstone GV team. In addition local team members were interviewed individually and collectively throughout the project to determine strategies that facilitated team relations and trust. Findings indicate the importance of student choice of virtual communication tools, the refining of communication practices, and specific actions to build trusting relationships. As student developed these attributes, collaboration and success was experienced on this GV team.  相似文献   

This study examined variables in three domains (personal, parent support, and peer support) for their relationships with the resilience of academically gifted students in the Chinese cultural and educational environment. The participants were 484 academically gifted students in two highly competitive secondary schools (so‐called “key” schools) in a metropolitan city in southern China. The constructs measured in the personal domain were resilience, hope, creativity, and curiosity. The constructs measured in the domain of parent support were parent trust, parent communication, and parent alienation. The constructs measured in the peer support domain were peer trust, peer communication, and peer alienation. Three nested regression models showed that the personal constructs (hope, creativity, and curiosity) were all related to the resilience of the academically gifted students. Parent support variables did not exhibit predictive effects over and above that of the personal constructs, but peer support variables did show additional predictive effects over and beyond personal variables and parent support variables. Explanations and implications were discussed for the findings, and some limitations of the study were also discussed.  相似文献   

Challenges to effective collaboration are magnified when work teams are composed of geographically distributed members. Team members separated by time, distance, and culture often struggle with issues of trust, conflict, and potentially divisive subgroups. With global virtual teams becoming increasingly common in organizations, it is important to understand how to minimize such interactional difficulties. This study examines rules and resources that members of a corporate global team draw on to structure their interactions. In this case study, team members draw on highly ritualized actions prescribed by their software development process and their enacted values to mitigate their communication challenges.  相似文献   

This study investigates the phases of development of synchronous and asynchronous virtual communication produced in a community of inquiry (CoI) by analyzing the internal structure of each intervention in the forum and each chat session to determine the evolution of their social, cognitive and teaching character. It also analyzes the participating higher education students' satisfaction with the activities, with the professors' actions, and with themselves. We use a mixed methodology that includes content analysis of the virtual communications by crossing two categorization systems: (1) type of communication according to the model adopted from Garrison, Anderson and Archer (social, cognitive and teaching presence) and (2) phases in the evolution of the communication (initiation, proposal, development, opinion/closing and good‐byes). The data are relevant to the students' satisfaction and grades earned. The results suggest differences in the quantity and content of the communication in each phase and an evolution from social to cognitive elements, ending with social contributions. The students are satisfied with the virtual communications related to both the activities and the professors and evaluate themselves positively.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of the presentation of social network diagrams on virtual team members’ interaction behavior via e-mail. E-mail transaction data from 22 software developers in a Korean IT company was analyzed and depicted as diagrams by social network analysis (SNA), and presented to the members as an intervention. Results showed that the SNA diagrams presented were effective in increasing the quantity of e-mail transactions among the members and in forming a community of practice. The findings suggest that SNA diagrams can be used as a cost-effective intervention strategy for virtual team members to actively share knowledge and collaborate as members of a network of practice.  相似文献   

Mentoring can take on a whole new perspective when people have a common goal but are in different physical locations. The benefits of virtual mentoring, in other words, mentoring when the mentor and mentee are not geographically co‐located, and which occurs mainly by electronic communication, can be substantial. They include lowered costs, increased access to mentors, and no limitations on space, time, and location. There are also disadvantages to virtual mentoring. Notable among these is the lack of face‐to‐face communication, something that adds another dimension to understanding the tone and attitude of messages between mentors and mentees. This article not only defines and analyzes the concept of mentoring as performed in the virtual organization but also deals with phases of mentoring and types of mentors used in this relatively new work environment. The synthesis of the literature and the authors’ experience results in a list of keys to successful mentoring in the virtual organization. These are: trust, self‐motivation, flexibility, communication skills, and technological skills. In addition, implications for worldwide mentoring are discussed.  相似文献   

本文借鉴虚拟团队概念和投入-过程-产出(I-P-O)模型,分析了综合英语课程教学团队在虚拟环境中运作的三个环节,将保障该团队有效运行的关键要素(沟通与协作、动态工作关系的维系、信任关系的建立)在过程环节中单独列出并进行探讨,以解释教学团队设计、过程和绩效之间的关系。本文旨在引发对虚拟环境中的课程教学团队的多维度思考,以拓展远程开放教育师资队伍建设的发展空间,探索远程开放教育教学团队的运作规律及特性,提升远程开放教育的教学质量。  相似文献   

Computer‐based clinical simulations are a powerful teaching and learning tool because of their ability to expand healthcare students' clinical experience by providing practice‐based learning. Despite the benefits of traditional computer‐based clinical simulations, there are significant issues that arise when incorporating them into a flexible, co‐operative and collaborative learning environment. Unlike traditional technologies; immersive multi‐user virtual environments such as Second Life can incorporate comprehensive learning materials with effective learning strategies, allowing healthcare students to obtain a simulated clinical experience in an immersive social environment. The purpose of this research was to investigate how a simulation could be optimised in Second Life to encourage teamwork and collaborative problem solving based on the habits, experiences and perceptions of nursing students towards Second Life as a simulation platform. The research was conducted by placing groups of nursing students in separate locations and exposing them to a series of clinical simulation developed in Second Life. The simulation involved a series of problem‐based scenarios, which incorporated concepts of technical skills, patient interaction, teamwork and situational awareness. Using qualitative feedback from a series of evaluative case studies, the study determined good practices and issues involved with a virtual computer‐based clinical simulation. A common theme which emerged from this research, which is discussed in this paper, was the student's ability to work in an artificial social structure where they could actively co‐construct mental models of technical and interpersonal skills through experiencing human interaction in a computer‐based simulated environment.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical results from an exploratory study conducted in an authentic educational situation with preservice education students enrolled in an undergraduate course, which was partially taught in Second Life. The study investigated the effect of environment design on presence, learning outcomes and the overall experience of the students. Two different educational virtual environments (a traditional university auditorium and an open‐air setting) were designed and presented to different groups of students (n = 51). Results indicate that students' experience from the educational activities, their attitudes toward the environment and the induced sense of presence are not affected by the design of the educational setting. Learning outcomes seem to be slightly better in virtual educational settings that replicate traditional educational settings. Experience shows that undergraduate university classes can be successfully taught in Second Life and such environments elicit satisfaction, positive experiences and attitudes and high levels of social presence from the participants. Course design in a Multi‐User Virtual Environment (MUVE) should take into account the time and training necessary for all students to become familiar with the virtual environment and possible time losses due to technical issues. This study could act as support to construct and test hypotheses regarding the role of educational setting design in teaching and learning in MUVEs.  相似文献   

This study investigated the performance of 13 graduate students' collaborative efforts toward a group research project in an Instructional Analysis, Design, and Evaluation online course. Gaps between course expectations from the instructor and student collaborative performance were identified through the review of the team agreement, the use of surveys, and focus group interviews. Performance gaps occurred in the areas of communication, assignment completion, and group cohesiveness. These performance gaps were caused by lack of knowledge and skills, motivation, and/or organizational support. Appropriate intervention strategies such as effective group interaction and communication, building relationships and establishing trust, periodic review of team agreements, mini‐training sessions on collaboration and supportive behaviors, and role differentiations and collaborative task designation are presented. Instructors who are interested in incorporating group research projects into their future online courses may consider implementing these interventions to facilitate the improvement of students' collaborative efforts.  相似文献   

我国现有的B2C电子商务平台的诚信机制,主要是用于约束卖家行为的,而对于买家行为的约束则较松散,难以从根本上遏制买家恶意评价、利用平台规则漏洞进行欺诈等各种失信行为,严重影响了平台卖家的正常交易。B2c平台买家诚信约束机制可在完善电子商务平台自身评价机制的基础上,引入第三方诚信中介机制和社会网络社区的约束机制。B2C电子商务平台可通过双向评价机制及买家身份等级设定约束买家行为;第三方诚信中介通过第三方支付、第三方质量鉴定及第三方认证等,使弱社会关系之中的信任变得可能,从而实现对买家显性声誉的约束;社会网络社区的重点在于使所有参与者以真实的身份参与平台活动,通过实名分享及购物推荐实现买家隐性声誉约束。  相似文献   

Rapid globalization, advances in technology, flatter organizational structures, synergistic cooperation among firms, and a shift to knowledge work environments have led to the increasing use of virtual teams in organizations. Selecting, training, and socializing employees in virtual teamwork has therefore become an important human resource function. This article provides an overview of the research on trust in virtual teams, its importance, and how to overcome some challenges of trust development in virtual teams. Recommendations for virtual team developers and human resources professionals are presented.  相似文献   

A characteristic shared by the majority of adult students is that they are undertaking part‐time study. For these adult learners one of the major difficulties is how to find time for their study. This paper reports the coping mechanisms that part‐time adult students adopt to meet the additional demands that study puts on their existing commitments to work, family and social lives. Data were collected from 53 part‐time students in eight universities in Hong Kong through semi‐structured interviews. A model featuring three coping mechanisms (sacrifice, support and negotiation of arrangements) within four domains (self, work, family and social life) was used for the analysis. Whether or not these coping mechanisms are operationalized to a sufficient extent can have a significant impact upon the students' progress with their courses. The analytical grid provides a framework for counselling and advising adult learners. Part‐time adult students can also use the model to evaluate their own situations and determine which coping mechanisms will work for them to deal with time management issues.  相似文献   

第二人生(Second Life)是目前流行的多用户虚拟环境,提供同步和异步交流,允许用户动态改变环境,在企业培训中的应用尝试愈来愈广泛。在文献研究的基础上,对第二人生的特色进行了归纳与梳理,并结合成人学习具有情境性的特点,分析总结第二人生在企业培训中的应用,第二人生为企业培训提供了虚拟世界和各种交互工具,应用在线团队合作、角色扮演等培训方式,实现了跨时空面对面的团队合作和工作学习一体化。  相似文献   

Cultural awareness training that emphasizes communication delivers only a partial solution to the challenges that intercultural work teams face. Improving collaboration requires a strong foundation of performance management before a work team can determine how they will cooperate to perform to excellence. Against the backdrop of the authors' experiences, the program Collaboration.Excellence offers a three‐phase approach that performance improvement professionals can take to build effective intercultural work teams.  相似文献   

网络具有开放性、交互性和虚拟性等特点,对青少年的世界观、人生观和价值观的形成起着日益重要的作用,给思想道德教育工作者提出了新的挑战。在网络环境下,要利用校园网平台,加强青少年思想道德教育;开展网络道德教育,引导青少年树立正确的网络道德观念;加强网络思想道德教育队伍建设,提高思想道德教育工作者的现代信息技术素养;形成社会合力,优化青少年成长的网络社会环境。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The aim of this study was to explore the relations between children's trust beliefs and social competence as well as social preference. In addition, this study examined how children with different trust belief profiles may differ in their peer interactive behaviors. A total of 47 children ages 5 to 6 participated in this study. Data were collected via observation of play behaviors, a teacher-rated social competence scale, and a child interview. The results indicated that children's trust beliefs in friends’ promise-keeping behaviors were positively associated with intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of social competence. Children who had greater trust in non-friend classmates’ promise-keeping behaviors tended to be sociable in a group, polite, and more preferred, and they were less likely to be disliked by peers. Children with different trust profiles exhibited differential interactive behaviors with peers. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that parents and early childhood educators should pay more attention to the extent to which young children trust their close friends and familiar peers, especially in terms of keeping promises. Adults may model their efforts in keeping their promises made to children and enhance children's capacity to reciprocate trust in close relationships. Adults can help children differentiate their trust based on the intimacy of relationships.  相似文献   

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