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我国华侨高校的心理健康教育工作既有发展历程、工作内容和形式等方面的共同点,又在教育对象、工作基础、内容和要求等方面存在自身的独特之处.本文以孟万金教授积极心理健康教育的理论视角审视当前侨校心理健康教育模式,发现传统心理健康教育模式已不能满足当代社会学生培养的需要.本文在积极心理健康教育理论指导下提出了未来侨校心理健康教育工作的创新思考.  相似文献   

中国烹饪高等教育发展滞后之因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国烹饪高等教育经过近 2 0年的发展 ,取得了不少成就 ,但整体水平是相对落后的。出现这一现状有其历史原因。本文从传统教育观念和教育模式的框限、专业师资力量薄弱的制约、学科与教育研究落后的限制、行业落后与“菜系”观念的消极影响等方面分析其滞后现状与制约因素  相似文献   

论高等教育国际化背景下中国大学的使命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高等教育国际化作为当代国际教育发展的重要的趋势,其内在实质是创造一种化平台。通过交流与合作,达成共同发展。在国际化背景下,中国大学的使命是在借鉴不同国家高等教育发展经验的基础上,形成适应中国发展实际的办学理念和大学精神,促进国家和民族化的发展。  相似文献   

The increasing number of higher degree research students from China in the universities of multicultural Australia as elsewhere has added to the mounting interest in pedagogies of postgraduate supervision. This paper explores the proposition that efforts to articulate Chinese ideas through research in, for and about Australia have to negotiate positions that would allow or disallow their embedding in the Australian education research community. To do so, the literature on higher degree research supervision in multicultural contexts is reviewed. Then the co-operative approach used to document a higher degree research student's experiences of integrating knowledge from her Chinese intellectual heritage into her research is explained. The third section illustrates a research intervention whereby Chinese knowledge was articulated through research in, for and about teacher education in Australia. The fourth section presents evidence of three different responses to this move to embed Chinese ideas in the Australian education research community. Specifically, the responses of Australian academics to her use of chéngy? to theorise her evidence is explored.  相似文献   

本文回顾了上世纪末以来大学语文教育得以重视的原因。在此基础上, 运用现代建构主义的教育学、心理学理论重新界定了教师、学生及其学习活动, 并对21 世纪初大学语文教育的发展提出了三点建设性的看法: 一、个案研究与突出学术性; 二、专业训练与加强实用性; 三、有教无类与重视多元性。总之, 只有建构学术性、实用性与多元性三位一体的教学理念, 当前的大学语文教育才能在“现代大学教育”里既保持固有的独特性, 又能在“知本社会”中获得充足的发展空间。  相似文献   

彭蔚 《怀化学院学报》2011,30(3):108-109
中国民族民间舞是我国舞蹈教育中的重要教学内容之一,围绕中国民族民间舞教学所展开的研究、探索、创新工作从来都没有间断过.从普通高校中国民族民间舞教学现状和普通高校中国民族民间舞教学具体实施中的新思维两方面进行了探索.  相似文献   

Qiang Zha 《Compare》2011,41(6):751-768
This paper analyzes how China has managed to embrace mass higher education in a short timeline, and examines how far this move has followed the existing or established patterns elsewhere through comparing its core aspects with those of four identifiable models of mass higher education: the American model, the Western European model, the Latin American model and the East Asian model. While acknowledging that the current structure of the Chinese higher education system appears to resemble the American in many ways, this paper concludes that it is fundamentally different from the American model, as well as from the Western European and the Latin American models. Largely mirroring the East Asian model, the Chinese approach features a strong sense of ‘state instrumentism’ and is also characterized by integral tensions among its various sectors, which could turn into either positive dynamics for vibrant growth or negative forces leading to serious social justice and equity issues. After enjoying an unprecedented expansion between 1999 and 2006, Chinese higher education has come to a historical juncture to reconsider its success in the light of more collaborative and normative ideologies, such as those grounded in social justice and human potential.  相似文献   

中国在争创世界一流大学的过程中,在一定程度上是以美国的研究型大学为楷模。但是,高等教育技术革命,教育工程化管理,规模经济和市场扩大使教育市场由零碎型走向集中,非研究型但却是第一流的教学型大学和营利性高等教育的竞争,使美国的研究型大学受到了严峻的挑战。对中国和国际高等教育的大趋势的分析表明,研究型大学与教学型跨国大学(公司)一体化的模式有可能使中国的若干名牌大学既发展成为一流的教学型大学,也显著地增加迈向世界一流的研究型大学的条件。  相似文献   

In the past three decades, higher education reforms have taken place almost everywhere in the world, and governance or the way that higher education is or should be coordinated has become a global topic. The governance reform in Chinese higher education emerged against such a background. The current studies on Chinese higher education reforms mainly tackle the reform processes and treat the Chinese government as the driver of the reforms, whereas how the Chinese government is susceptible to international pressures has remained under‐researched. This article examines the mechanisms that facilitate the spread of global governance reform ideologies in Chinese higher education through the Chinese government, drawing on the concept of institutional isomorphism. Based on analysing recent literature and documents, it concludes that the Chinese government is affected by the global reform ideas and practices that have been legitimatised through international organisations' rhetoric and other countries' successful experiences.  相似文献   

在我国高等教育大众化迅速推进的过程中,高等教育质量问题日益凸显,教师队伍发展问题成为制约高等教育质量的关键性因素。笔者对高等教育大众化进程中我国高校教师整体状况以及不同类型高校教师队伍的规模、学历、结构等要素的变化情况进行了分析,探讨了政府和高校在提高教师队伍水平这一进程中所采取的政策和实施的措施,分析了其效果与存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了提高教师队伍水平的相关建议。  相似文献   

高校合并现象引起了学术界的高度重视,如何处理和缓解由此带来的行政管理、教学、科研等诸方面的问题和矛盾,是对高校管理提出的新的挑战,其中合并后校园化建设更是其中一个不容忽视的方面。本着重介绍先于我国高校完成合并的澳大利亚高校的校园化培养,以及其校园化对高校实质性融合产生的作用等问题,说明校园化建设对培养新组建高校的忠实度(loyalty)和一体感的重要性。虽然中澳两国在基本国情、高校管理等方面存在着许多差异,但认真了解、分析澳洲高校的管理经验,对我们仍有许多可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

This article examines the center–periphery concept by focusing on the impact of educational transfer from the US to China on teaching reform in China's higher education institutions from the early 1980s to the present. As the scale and scope of the Sino–US exchange expanded, the impact on China deepened. This was especially evident in the transformation of teaching ideas, curricula, teaching methods, and administrative systems. Chinese scholars returning from the US bring with them not only knowledge but also American academic models. While the American experience was one of the most important forces advancing teaching reform in China's higher education institutions, it primarily existed as a kind of external cause rather than a fundamental impetus. This article shows that peripheral countries, even gigantic peripheral ones, should only import educational experiences from the central countries selectively, and not copy those models blindly.  相似文献   

随着中国社会重视母语教育的程度逐步提升,大学语文课程在全国各个高等院校开设势在必行,提高大学语文课程的教学质量刘不容缓.大学语文教学实践中必须区别于中小学的语文教学的内容和方法,更需要侧重于注重加强任课教师的素质、注重开掘作品的人文价值、注重领悟经典作品的意蕴、注重彰显作品的美感、注重多媒体课件教学与传统教学的巧妙融合五个方面,就能够有效地、高质量地完成大学语文的教学任务.  相似文献   


Entrepreneurship education has experienced four stages of development in Chinese universities, shifting from entrepreneurship show to entrepreneurship education, from teacher training to student education, from classroom teaching to multimodal teaching, and from imparting knowledge to cultivating skills. Currently, the weak links in entrepreneurship education in Chinese universities are primarily reflected in four areas: unsound curriculum design, a lack of qualified teachers for entrepreneurship education, a monotonous model for entrepreneurship education, and imperfect supporting mechanisms for entrepreneurship education. Constructive ideas for the entrepreneurship education system in Chinese universities are: to build a scientific curriculum-based educational system, establish a perfected entrepreneurial practicum system, build up a system for an outstanding corps of qualified teachers, construct a perfected educational model system, and perfect the evaluation system for entrepreneurship education.  相似文献   

以大学预科语文课程改革为例,结合基础教育语文课程改革和高等教育的特点,提出了构建新的预科语文课程体系构想,试图为大学预科教育改革提供一点新的思路。  相似文献   

语文独立分科到今天不过百余年的历史,可这个百年却是人类社会最为动荡、变化急剧的百年。而百年语文教育变革核心其实就是语文教育本质的变迁。一切关于语文教育的现象归根结底都归结于“语文”是什么的问题。近代中国一直是缺乏民族自信、完全西化的,甚至亦步亦趋。我们抛弃了中国古代语文教育的宝贵经验。今天当我们这个民族建立了自信时,我们可以理智地反思我们的传统。所以反思近代语文教育理念的变迁、得失,认清语文教育的特质、规律对我们今天的语文教育改革来说意义重大,对未来中华民族的发展更是事关重大。  相似文献   

The features of Korean higher education development are related to sociocultural tradition (Confucian tradition), the model university ideas, and economic development in Korea. The modern university ideas adopted in Korean are based on the German model which was established by the Japanese colonial government and drawing on the US university model after the World War II. However, the modern university ideas are intertwined with socio-cultural factors and have been embedded in current Korean universities. As well as the western ideas and the Confucian tradition, the growth of Korean higher education has relied upon the rapid growth of the Korean economy. Education development is well aligned with economic development in Korea thanks to government policy initiatives. This framework can be applied in the analysis of higher education development in other countries. Higher education development cannot be solely explained by individual cultural, historical or economic factor. These three factors are interlinked and influence the development of Korean higher education.  相似文献   

清末北京白话文报纸《京话日报》有一个"儿童解字"栏目。这个栏目继承和发展传统蒙学中的汉字教育,在切实帮助当时下层社会民众和儿童少年学习应用汉字的同时,进行爱国维新的宣传教育,体现了"开启民智"的办报宗旨。"儿童解字"是百年之前具有特色的汉字启蒙教材,值得研究。  相似文献   

"汉字难"是汉语国际教育的瓶颈。不解决汉字难,汉语国际教育难免会停留在低水平、低层次,不符合汉语国际传播的宗旨。文章尝试更换视角,寻找解决方法。文章首先探讨"汉字为什么难学",指出其原因涉及汉字自身特点和主观因素。文章就主观因素的原因,提出:教学目标定位不当,教学盲区不少,教学方法内外无别,文字理论还不够完备。要改进汉字教学,应该在这些方面加大改革的力度。提出海外汉字教学应该突出"听说读",淡化"写"。减少写字量,增加识字量,尽早形成汉语书面阅读能力。文章建议汉字教学实施"两步走"新模式,设置"汉字预备课程"。最后介绍新型教材《汉字ABC》。这个教材凝聚着对改革汉字教学的一系列想法,核心理念是"汉字教学必须从外国学生的特点出发"。教材的创新之处有:汉字教学新模式;汉字教学新方法——字感教学法;汉字形体新概念——"字域";汉字笔画新理论——"九笔画";汉字练习新题型。  相似文献   

泰国大中小学汉语教学体系较为完备,汉语教学发展迅速。近年来,其势头在东南亚国家中.乃至世界范围都堪称前列。本文主要从泰国教育管理及中泰合作角度讨论泰国高校汉语教学中的成绩和主要问题,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

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