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女孩和男孩在儿童期和前青春期患抑郁症的比率是相等的,但是一进入青春期,女性的抑郁症比率却是男性的两倍.本文回顾了相关的研究,讨论青春期女性与成人不同的、独特的临床症状,以及造成这种差异的发展因素.  相似文献   

性别角色社会化与女性消极自我意识的形成   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
女性消极的自我意识不是天生的,它是在性别角色的社会化过程中,在自我意识发展的同时,逐渐将社会对性别的期待内化到自我意识中的结果.其过程可分为三个阶段盲目模仿阶段、心理抗衡阶段、自觉内化阶段,其中青春期是关键期.在女性消极自我意识形成的因素中,社会文化、时代特征起主要作用,但女性自身自我意识发展的特点也是不可忽视的因素.应进一步消除社会性别轻视,矫正女性自我认识偏差,对青春期女性及时正确引导,以消除女性的消极自我意识.  相似文献   

男性为什么身长比女性普遍高呢?产生这一现象的主要原因有以下几个方面。 一、性激素的作用。 人的身高主要是由脊柱和下肢骨的长度决定的,而长骨的发育则受性激素的影响。性发育过早或体内雌激素的浓度过高都会抑制身高的增长。由于女孩青春期开始比男孩早两岁左右,且此时期女孩体内雌激素不断增多。而雌激素有促进肌肉、骨骼以及生殖器官的蛋白质合成,促使骨中钙、磷沉积增加的作用,这对骨的生长起了促进作用,因此,在青春潮头一年内,女孩的生长快,个子平均比同龄的男孩还高一些。可是由于雌激素还有促进骨骺软骨骨化的作用,这样女孩子停止生长的时间比男孩早,故成年女性的身高一般比男性低些。 二、生长激素的作用。 人的生长是受多种因素影响的,然而生长激素是起关键作用的重要因素。生长激素能促进骨的生长。离体软骨实验证明:将生长激素  相似文献   

美国著名人类文化学家玛格丽特·米德通过对萨摩亚人和三个原始部落的田野调查研究,就青春期女性心理发展特点的决定因素提出了独特的见解,认为青春期女性的反叛,不是因为生物因素,而是完全决定于文化因素.原始部落的少女没有文明社会中的反抗现象,根本原因在于两种文明的不同.她的理论对女性心理学的发展起了巨大的促进作用,但也受到许多实证主义心理学的批评.  相似文献   

我国女性青春期始于10—12岁,而男性青春期要相对晚两年左右,一般在12—14岁。从小学高年级开始,儿童尤其是女性儿童开始陆续步入青春期。由于目前我国青春期教育绝大部分面向中学,而小学阶段又具有不同于中学生的生理、心理和环境特点。因此,研究适合小学的青春?..  相似文献   

海伦妮·多伊奇是著名的女精神分析学家、女性精神分析的领袖和先驱者。她根据自己的母性经验和临床经验,提出了以女性为中心的精神分析理论。她通过强调认同来探索女性的心理发展,形成一个完整的女性心理发展理论,首次将女性心理发展分为四个阶段:青春前期、青春早期、青春期和母亲期。她对女性心理学的贡献不仅弥补了古典精神分析忽视女性特质的不足,同时也促进了弗洛伊德对女性的探索。  相似文献   

增加死亡风险 在人的一生中,骨骼强度会经历不同阶段,青少年时期骨量逐渐增加,到30岁前达到高峰,以后逐渐下降,每年大约流失1%,女性于闭经后骨量流失明显加快,在绝经后的5年内骨质丢失最快,约为骨峰值的1/3,男性在70岁以后骨量丢失最快。骨质流失是历经数十年的过程,骨量流失达到一定程度就是骨质疏松。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代美国爆发了第二次女性运动,这场运动的目的主要是为当代女性争取在教育、工作等各方面的平等权利和应有的社会地位.在探讨这次运动的原因背景时,学术界通常只关注经济和政治因素而忽略了教育因素在当时起到的重要作用.因此,用文献研究法和历史与逻辑相结合的方法研究教育因素在美国第二次女性运动中所起到的重要作用,这其中包括学校教育状况的改善(教育机会的增加与教育程度的提高)和女性文学作品的影响,通过对现实资料的翔实研究和结合当代美国时代背景来从理论上回顾这场女性运动,从而得出教育因素在这次运动中起到非常重要的作用,它是推动整场运动蓬勃发展不可或缺的动力.  相似文献   

骨质疏松作为一种隐匿的疾病,骨量的丢失是在不知不觉中发生的.然而,体育运动作为一种积极防治骨量丢失的手段,对于预防和延缓骨质疏松具有积极的作用.本文拟从骨量的变化规律、评价标准、运动对骨密度的刺激作用及其机制等方面进行阐述,旨在促进人们提高健身意识和增强骨健康.  相似文献   

综述了运动生物力学、运动生理学以及信息技术、新材料对运动技术和运动训练方法的推动作用,评价了商业开发对体育发展的推动作用.  相似文献   

This chapter integrates current research on female psychological development which emphasizes the centrality of relationships in female identity formation and moral reasoning, with an analysis of cultural ideals that have arisen during the past 20 years. Research to be presented suggests that the failure of some young women to identify prevailing cultural expectations of independence and success and to differentiate these expectations from their own values of care and connection may lead them to act out a conflict between these different values in self-destructive patterns of eating behavior. This author suggests that the current high incidence of bulimia in college-age females is related to cultural factors impeding the transition from adolescence to young adulthood and discusses the implication of a sociocultural perspective for prevention, intervention and treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine whether personality characteristics, locus of control orientation, and self-esteem were protective against depression among female adolescent victims of maltreatment and to examine whether the presence of these characteristics was related to the age of the victim when maltreatment began. Thirty-three maltreated adolescent females and a comparison group of 112 nonmaltreated female adolescents were administered a questionnaire containing scales measuring locus of control orientation, self-esteem, and depression. Results revealed that personality characteristics interacted with maltreatment status in predicting depression, suggesting that they are protective factors. Results also revealed that adolescents who first experienced maltreatment during childhood were significantly less likely than those who first experienced maltreatment during adolescence to have these protective personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Nowadays, women outperform men in educational attainment in many countries. Still, large variation between countries remains. Emancipatory contexts in which individuals are raised might explain these differences in male–female educational attainment, both over time and across countries. This study examines individual and contextual factors that affect educational attainment of men and women for cohorts born between 1950 and 1982 across 33 countries. Possible explanations for differentiation over time and across countries relate to women’s labour market participation and an emancipatory normative climate, indicated by degree of religiosity. We employ multilevel models on data (N = 138,498) from 6 waves of the European Social Survey and the US General Social Survey (2002–2012) to test our hypotheses. Results show that a higher level of female labour market participation in early adolescence improves women’s performance in education, whereas high levels of religiosity during that phase negatively affect women’s educational attainment.  相似文献   

Peer discrimination and parent–adolescent conflict in early adolescence were examined as predictors of depressive symptoms and risky behaviors from early to late adolescence using four waves of data over an 8-year period from a sample of 246 Mexican-origin adolescents (MTime 1 age = 12.55, SD = 0.58; 51% female). The buffering effect of friendship intimacy and moderating role of adolescent gender were tested. Higher levels of discrimination and conflict in early adolescence were associated with higher initial levels of depressive symptoms and risky behaviors in early adolescence and stability through late adolescence. For females who reported higher than average discrimination, friendship intimacy had a protective effect on their depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Life-course/developmental criminology has generated a significant amount of research in recent years, yet some questions remained unanswered. The current study seeks to fill the gap in the literature by exploring two related research questions: (1) Are there identifiable factors that distinguish offenders who demonstrate continuity in their offending in adolescence and emerging adulthood? (2) Does offending continuity increase the likelihood for experiencing negative adult outcomes? Using official data from 1,920 college student arrestees, the results of this study suggest that males and violent offenders are significantly more likely to demonstrate offending continuity, and that offending continuity significantly increases the likelihood of academic failure in college (e.g. dropping out). Study limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

女性就业所遭受到的阻力以及所引起的相关问题,已经成为中国的一个显性社会问题。这其中的成因并非是单纯的性别歧视,而是夹杂着大量的社会性因素,因此必须把女性就业问题置于整个社会环境中去研究。一些影视文本以一种艺术的方式,对这一社会问题给予了一定的社会关注。本文力图从这些影视文本中去深入挖掘女性就业困境背后的多重因素,促成女性就业政策的落实与监督,以创造出更多适宜女性的工作机会,改善女性就业的“生态环境”.使女性更好地实现自己的人力资本价值。  相似文献   

Investigating whether changing societal circumstances have altered the development of civic engagement, this study compared developmental changes from mid- to late adolescence (i.e., age 15–18) across two cohorts of representative Swiss samples (born in 1991, N = 1258, Mage T1 = 15.30, 54% female, 33% migration background representing diverse ethnicities; born in 2000, = 930, Mage T1 = 15.32, 51% female; 33% migration background). Findings from latent multigroup models revealed similar levels in attitudes about social justice in both cohorts, remaining stable over time. Adolescents reported lower levels of political efficacy and informal helping in the cohort born in 2000. Both aspects slightly increased during adolescence. Informal helping had a steeper increase in the 1991 compared to the 2000 cohort, suggesting developmental differences between cohorts.  相似文献   

We investigate adolescent risk factors, measured at both early and late adolescence, for involvement in child maltreatment during adulthood. Comprehensive assessments of risk factors for maltreatment that use representative samples with longitudinal data are scarce and can inform multilevel prevention. We use data from the Rochester Youth Development Study, a longitudinal study begun in 1988 with a sample of 1,000 seventh and eighth graders. Participants have been interviewed 14 times and, at the last assessment (age 31), 80% were retained. Risk factors represent 10 developmental domains: area characteristics, family background/structure, parent stressors, exposure to family violence, parent–child relationships, education, peer relationships, adolescent stressors, antisocial behaviors, and precocious transitions to adulthood. Maltreatment is measured by substantiated reports from Child Protective Services records. Many individual risk factors (20 at early adolescence and 14 at later adolescence) are significantly, albeit moderately, predictive of maltreatment. Several developmental domains stand out, including family background/structure, education, antisocial behaviors, and precocious transitions. In addition, there is a pronounced impact of cumulative risk on the likelihood of maltreatment. For example, only 3% of the youth with no risk domains in their background at early adolescence were involved in later maltreatment, but for those with risk in 9 developmental domains the rate was 45%. Prevention programs targeting youth at high risk for engaging in maltreatment should begin during early adolescence when risk factors are already at play. These programs need to be comprehensive, capable of addressing the multiple and interwoven nature of risk that is associated with maltreatment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This paper examines individual, family, and neighborhood level predictors of resilience in adolescence and young adulthood and describes changes in resilience over time from adolescence to young adulthood in abused and neglected children grown up. METHOD: We use documented cases of childhood physical and sexual abuse and neglect (n=676) from a Midwestern county area during the years 1967-1971 and information from official records, census data, psychiatric assessments, and self-reports obtained through 1995. Analyses involve logistic regressions, replicated with Mplus to test for possible contextual effects. RESULTS: Almost half (48%) of the abused and neglected children in adolescence and nearly one-third in young adulthood were resilient. Over half of those who were resilient in adolescence remained resilient in young adulthood, whereas 11% of the non-resilient adolescents were resilient in young adulthood. Females were more likely to be resilient during both time periods. Being white, non-Hispanic decreased and growing up in a stable living situation increased the likelihood of resilience in adolescence, but not in young adulthood. Stressful life events and a supportive partner promoted resilience in young adulthood. Neighborhood advantage did not exert a direct effect on resilience, but moderated the relationship between household stability and resilience in adolescence and between cognitive ability and resilience in young adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: Ecological factors appear to promote or interfere with the emergence and stability of resilience following childhood maltreatment.  相似文献   

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