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关于领导艺术 ,历来众说纷纭。人们普遍认为 ,从广义上阐释 ,领导艺术就是整个领导活动的过程。从狭义上理解 ,有的学者认为 ,领导艺术是领导者善于有效地行使领导权力的技术与技巧 ;有的学者认为 ,领导艺术是领导方法中尚不能作出明确规范的内容 ,是一种原则性与灵活性高度融合的结果。我们认为 ,领导艺术是领导科学的有机组成部分 ,是领导方法的高度概括 ,是领导策略、技巧和风格等诸多因素的内在统一。大学校长领导艺术除具备上述共性外 ,由于领导者所处的地位与环境等各不相同 ,因此 ,大学校长领导艺术具有创造性、前瞻性、实用性和多维…  相似文献   

严珍  耿有三 《天中学刊》1998,13(6):124-124
管理心理学认为,一个领导者领导功能的实现,是通过领导者对下属的影响力来完成的,没有影响力的领导者,意味着其领导资格的丧失。领导影响力是指领导者以其身冲个性特征有效地影响与改变被领导者心理和行为的能力,它包括权力影响力和非权力影响力。权力影响力是由社会赋予个人的职务、地位、权力等构成的,对别人的影响带有强迫性和不可抗拒性,在权力影响力作用下被影响者的心理和行为表现为被动服从,因此,它对人的影响是有限的。非权力影响力是靠领导者自身的个性特征与行为所形成的,它比权力影响力具有更大的影响。领导要提高自己…  相似文献   

公共行政领域运作和发展的活力,归根结底取决于其工作人员,特别是公共行政部门领导者的素质。要建立办事高效、运转协调、行为规范的公共行政管理体系,完善国家公务员制度,建设高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍,素质建设是其中的重要问题,领导者素质尤其是重中之重。领导者素质理论是管理科学的基础理论,也是管理科学自20世纪产生以来始终研究探讨的问题。素质理论认为领导绩效的优劣与领导者自身的素质高低有关;而领导者自身素质高低也必然成为制约领导者权力大小的条件,即构成权力要素,或曰权力资本。因此,一位领导者,特…  相似文献   

浅议领导权力的扩张和制约机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓领导权力,是指领导者凭借其强制力和影响力统御被领导者的一种特殊力量。它包括三个要素:一是领导权力主体,即领导权力的领导者、领导机关或领导集团;二是领导权力客体,即领导权力的作用对象;三是领导权力主体作用于领导权力  相似文献   

激励是领导者充分调动下属积极性和创造性的重要方法和技巧。领导工作是一门艺术,激励则是领导艺术的核心,没有激励的领导,其实就是没有艺术的领导,没有激励的管理其实就是不懂艺术的管理。正确运用激励艺术已经成为衡量领导水平高低的重要标志之一。因此,学习领导激励方法,掌握领导激励艺术,既是新形势下提高领导水平的必然要求,又是现代领导者必须具备的基本技能。  相似文献   

大学经营中有许多概念与管理有关,如管理活动的环节中的计划、组织、引导、调控,管理人员的能力中的沟通能力、自我管理能力,领导者的领导技巧和态度等。探讨大学管理活动中管理人员应尽的职责以及成为领导者所需要的基本技能和领导者应有的领导技巧与正确态度,时间管理与沟通在大学管理过程中的地位和重要性,对于你成为一名出色的管理人员具有重要作用。  相似文献   

肖翔 《现代企业教育》2007,(22):100-101
领导角色理论表明,领导者在危机事件发生的各个阶段可以运用不同的领导权力,扮演不同的领导角色,而领导权力的不当运用和领导者的角色错位将导致危机事件处理的负面结果。本文依托大量史实材料,根据领导角色理论,详尽描述了太平天国运动中天京事变的来龙去脉,细数太平天国运动领袖洪秀全在此次危机事件中出现的三次重大领导失误。  相似文献   

学校管理工作的核心就是要充分调动全体教职工的积极性,提高学校的整体办学水平。要做到这一点,关键是校长要充分发挥非权力性影响力,以柔性管理为主,刚柔相济,带出一支优良的教师队伍。一、领导者要发挥非权力性影响力领导对教职员工的影响力分为权力性影响力和非权力性影响力两种。要创设一个能充分调动人的积极性的环境,学校领导必须自觉运用和发挥自身的非权力影响力,努力使自己不光是一个行政上的领导者,而且也是人格上的引导者,在管理过程中做到公正、尊重教师并起榜样作用。公正。学校管理者公正地处理问题,会使教师产生信…  相似文献   

正在现代领导关系中,随着被领导者的能力和自主意识越来越强,其地位和作用也越来越重要,在领导活动中,被领导者甚至部分替代了领导者的职能和作用。面对这一现实,领导者应该充分发挥被领导者的自我领导作用,由多为到少为,由直接领导到间接领导,尽力履行好不可替代的职责,实施简约化领导。简约领导要求领导者在领导活动中尽量少用硬权力,多用软权力;尽量隐遁自己的身影,少用人治,多用法治。  相似文献   

菲德勒的领导权变理论强调领导的有效性取决于领导者的风格与情境的恰当匹配,并构建了领导的权变模型。以权变理论来审视大学管理的特殊情境,可以发现大学的管理主要依靠文化进行凝聚,大学的领导者并不总是大学的中心;在大学管理中并不适合采用高任务结构的领导模式;大学领导者职位权力行使的有效性主要来源于成员的尊重。权变理论对我国大学领导者选任工作的启示包括:在大学领导者的选任上要力避空降和学而优则仕的现象;考虑适当减少大学领导者的数量、调整大学领导者的配备方式,使大学领导者成为专职的管理者、努力选任有所为有所不为而非面面俱到任务型的领导;在选任方式上,考虑采用专门委员会进行遴选或采用民主推选大学领导的方式选任大学领导者。  相似文献   

This article presents a systematic approach to defining, applying, evaluating, refining, and revising metrics for students’ soft skills—their abilities like critical thinking, problem solving, leadership and responsibility, communication, and collaboration. The importance of these skills in educational and work settings is growing rapidly. While such skills are easy to notice, they are hard to measure. Metrics do exist, but vary from one case to another, and are often rather implicit and vague. Contrary to that, this article proposes the use of precisely specified, measurable, low-inference indicators (metrics) to assess soft skills. The article also introduces an open set of principles that can be used to guide the specification of concrete, evidence-based metrics for different soft skills. Two case studies are used to illustrate the approach. These case studies are part of a larger research effort that has developed an open set of metrics for different soft skills; some of them are discussed in the article extensively. Generalizing the metrics used in specific educational contexts is also discussed.  相似文献   

This article analyses career trajectories into university management in Australia, South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK), skills required to operate effectively and the power of vice‐chancellors (VCs) and their impact on the gendered shaping of university leadership. It is based on qualitative research with 56 male and female senior managers. The research found that the typical career path was modelled on male academic careers. Not surprisingly, in South Africa and the UK the perception of the top university leader was of a man but in Australia, where more women have been VCs, there was no such assumption. Characteristics valued in university leaders in Australia and South Africa were ‘soft’ leadership traits, but in the UK ‘hard’ aggressive and competitive leadership prevailed. VCs are enormously powerful and can shape the gender balance in management teams and thereby potentially broadening leadership styles beyond the predominant transactional model to include transformational leadership.  相似文献   

层次分析法是国际关系研究中的重要方法之一。从国际体系层次、国家层次和个人层次三个层面可以很好地解释奥巴马政府以"巧实力"外交取代小布什政府"硬实力"外交的原因。分析发现,不同的国际格局和国内环境以及外交决策者的不同是促使奥巴马政府调整其外交战略的原因。  相似文献   

人机协同系统正在全面渗入人类的工作与生活,社会正快速地人机协同化。在弱人工智能时代,人工智能没有“意向性”,但其智能程度在迭代进化中。人机协同系统存在人类与机器两类智能主体,以及人类智能、人工智能和协同智能三种智能元素,其中协同智能的主体是人类,人机协同系统的智能是分布式的。受国际关系“软”“硬”“巧”实力三分理论启示,本研究构建了人机协同时代社会智能的三维模型。“三维”指硬智能、软智能和巧智能,机器拥有更多硬智能,并向人类“学习”软智能,人类拥有更强的软智能和巧智能,并把更多的硬智能“让渡”给机器。基于社会的快速人机协同化,教育所培育的学生核心素养应以发展学生的软素养和巧素养为重点,在硬素养维度着力培育学生的计算思维。未来人机关系将决定个体的社会存在,因此强调以人机协同的价值观、意识、能力等为重点的巧素养培育具有前瞻性。  相似文献   

软权力理论是冷战后新兴的国际关系理论之一。与强调经济、军事等有形力量的硬权力不同,软权力主要强调文化、价值观念等方面的影响力和吸引力,以及主导国际制度与议题、生产和传播信息的能力等等。提升软权力,有利于促进我国社会的全面发展,有利于营造和平的国内外环境,有利于提高我国的国际地位和影响力。总之,软权力的提升将成为我国实现和平发展战略的关键。  相似文献   

按照软实力观点,将企业技术创新要素分为技术创新软实力要素以及硬实力要素,研究了适用于一般企业的技术创新软实力组成要素,其中主要包括管理者决策水平与创新态度、创新的激励制度、科研成果投入市场的速度、对人才的吸引力、知识共享的氛围、相关信息的及时性与可得性等,并对各个要素所起的重要作用进行了分析。  相似文献   

Soft skills comprised both rational and emotional elements, becoming a new focus on leadership, as behavior displayed during interaction with other individuals will affect effective interaction outcomes. This study aimed to examine the leadership soft skills of deans in public universities of Malaysia. This survey designed research was performed to investigate the relationship between the eight components of leadership soft skills composed of collaboration/teamwork, communication skills, initiative, leadership ability, people development/coaching, personal effectiveness/personal mastery, planning and organizing and presentation skills with perceived trustworthiness. The conceptual framework of this study is based on the Crosbie’s model of leadership soft skills and Mayer, Davis and Schoorman’s model of organizational trust. A total of 376 support staff grade 17–36 was selected as respondents through stratified sampling technique. The method of analysis used are mean score, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple regression Stepwise. Findings indicated that deans implemented moderately all the eight components of leadership soft skills. Perceived trustworthiness were significantly related with all the eight components of leadership soft skills at significance level of 0.01. The significant predictors for perceived trustworthiness were communication skills, planning and organizing and presentation skills. Finally, this study also provided recommendations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

大学软实力是一个相对于大学硬实力的概念,她包括一所大学的大学精神、大学形象、大学制度等方面。在大学硬件投资迅猛发展、大学间的竞争日趋激烈的今天,认识和重视大学软实力是大学提高其核心竞争力的关键所在。  相似文献   

Creativity has become the new watchword in UK academic and policy circles. Within this context, policy discussions about the arts and their impact emphasise economic benefits over educational value, drawing clear distinctions between quantifiable or ‘hard’ measures of impact and those described as ‘soft’, less tangible and lacking a strong evidence base. Departing from the binary logics often underpinning notions of arts impacts, this article is novel in exploring the entwined relationship between impacts seen as ‘hard’ and ‘soft’. We draw on research examining the links between arts education and young people's future trajectories and use the concept of ‘active citizenship’ to show how informal, softer skills fostered through creative learning are an important part of citizenship-making for some young people. Participants’ accounts show how improvements in soft skills can give young people opportunities for agency, which shape progression pathways leading to measurable change. This finding is directly relevant in the context of evaluations of arts impacts in the UK and abroad, and should encourage further examination of the impact of creative learning on transfer of skills as well as policy developments in this area.  相似文献   

The focus of our paper is the leadership role of programme managers in the higher education sector. In particular, we highlight the complex and paradoxical nature of the programme leader’s role, and provide an insight into leadership in this challenging and dynamic environment. We identify cognitive and behavioural complexity as necessary capabilities for programme managers to ensure they can navigate the turbulent river system of academia. The Integrated Competing Values Framework describes some leadership behaviours appropriate for the programme manager’s role. We also argue how critical observation skills, reflection and self-awareness can assist programme managers to provide leadership in this uncertain environment. Our paper concludes with a discussion of areas for future research and important practical implications for universities.  相似文献   

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