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王彤 《文教资料》2006,(24):174-175
随着经济的发展和人们对文化艺术认识的深化,素质教育也越来越受重视,儿童的早期钢琴教育在一定范围内得到了较大的普及,但是,由于多数儿童在学习钢琴的过程中意志力脆弱而兴趣逐渐减弱造成学琴半途而废。因此,如何培养儿童在学习钢琴中的意志力,是学琴过程中的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

当代教育追求的是素质教育,即儿童德、智、体、美和谐发展的教育。音乐教育在儿童综合素质发展的过程中扮演重要的角色。当代家长越来越重视对儿童美育的培养。加上当代生活水平的提高,钢琴教育越来越受到家长和儿童的欢迎,学琴人数日益膨胀,逐渐掀起了一股"钢琴热"的潮流。然而,当今钢琴教育的现状是学琴人数快速增长,学琴质量却逐渐下降。不少儿童在学习钢琴过程中,丧失对这门乐器的兴趣和热情。音乐和技术是学琴的两个方面,技术训练固然很重要,但是更重要的是要学会用音乐吸引孩子,而不是枯燥的进行反复的机械训练。对于儿童音乐教育者而言,应该牢记只有培养儿童的兴趣,才能让孩子在快乐中学习音乐,提高儿童的音乐水平。  相似文献   

目前社会上儿童学钢琴的热潮方兴未艾,范围也越来越广,这对普及钢琴教育、提高儿童的音乐审美能力大有好处,是一件值得高兴的事情。但是由于许多家长和儿童在学琴的过程中不能很好地理解一些常见的问题,从而在学琴的时候容易走入一些误区,使自己多走了不少弯路,这样轻则影响了儿童学琴的信心,重则耽误了他们学琴的前途。本文试就儿童在钢琴学习中碰到的常见问题进行分析,并探索一些解决的办法,以期能对学琴的家长和儿童有所帮助。一、学琴的年龄要因人而异不少家长认为儿童学习钢琴就像学习讲话一样越早越好,只要自己的孩子能领会老师所讲话…  相似文献   

钢琴学习是一个充满艰辛且漫长的过程,对于高职学前教育专业的学生来说,既保证练琴进度,又达到良好的练习效果,始终是困扰学琴者的一大难题。本文从教与学的角度,围绕练琴习惯和方法的养成,探讨钢琴学习中的有关问题,为初学钢琴者提供一点建议。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的逐步提高,教育环境逐步优化,学习钢琴的儿童正逐渐增加,学龄也日益提前,钢琴启蒙教育是钢琴教育的一个极为重要的基础阶段,学琴的目的是否明确、基本功是否扎实、弹奏是否正确,将会影响到学生的整个学琴过程。琴技的进步不仅在于学生自身的努力,启蒙老师在学生的初学阶段也起着关键的作用。下面我就儿童钢琴启蒙阶段的教学方法提出自己的一些想法。  相似文献   

针对儿童钢琴教育,应当从学琴最佳年龄的角度出发,在儿童智力成熟的良好生理阶段,为儿童学琴提供必要的条件。同时家长应当从儿童的角度出发,有一个正确合理的目的,选择受过正规专业教育的教师,确保儿童持之以恒的学习,并要正确引导和合理安排儿童学琴的时间,选择合适的钢琴教材。使学琴真正起到美化儿童心灵、陶冶儿童情操以及开发儿童智力等作用。  相似文献   

中国现在学钢琴的儿童数量已成为世界第一位,只要家庭经济条件可以的话,很多父母都会创造条件让孩子接受钢琴教育.刚开始儿童对学琴还有一定的兴趣,但随着学习进程的加深,很多孩子会产生厌倦,丧失学琴的兴趣.  相似文献   

器乐是音乐艺术的重要部分,从普及音乐教育,提高民族文化素养的角度来看,开展器乐教学的意义更为重大。我国大中城市中儿童钢琴学习的热潮仍在延续,正确详尽的指导书无疑能对学琴效果起到良好的促进作用。本文推荐的两本儿童钢琴学习指导用书分别是由中国广播电视出版社出版,由魏小凡、高群等著的《少儿钢琴学习指南》和由高等教育出版社出版由李民、周海宏、陈倩编著的《儿童钢琴学习指南》,  相似文献   

随着音乐素质教育的普及,学习钢琴的儿童与日俱增,家长责无旁贷地充当了陪练的角色,在给孩子聘请专业钢琴教师的前提下,家长对学琴的正确认识是儿童学习钢琴的重要心理基础。在辅导孩子练琴方面,家长所起到的作用往往比教师还重要,因此树立正确的陪练观念,掌握良好的陪练方法,是家长帮助孩子快乐高效学琴的重要保证。  相似文献   

儿童学习钢琴可以开发智能,陶冶情操,提高记忆力和创造思维的能力。针对儿童学琴的特点,教师要注意激发他们学琴的兴趣,选择适合其生理心理特点的教材,并营造良好的学琴环境。与此同时,教师和家长应当注意不要过分强调孩子自身的学琴条件,孩子学琴的年龄不是越早越好,不要一味地追求考级,教学方法切忌简单化。  相似文献   

高等师范院校学前教育专业是培养幼儿教师的摇篮。钢琴演奏课是该专业必修课程之一。基于对学前教育专业培养目标的考察,结合学前教育学生的学习实际,认为钢琴演奏基本能力和钢琴演奏应用能力的双重训练,应当成为该课程教学的核心内容。  相似文献   

童欢 《凯里学院学报》2014,32(5):152-153
目前,科学教育活动在大班教育活动的地位越来越明显,其价值是否能得到最大发挥与师幼互动密切相关.然而在大班科学教育活动中,师幼互动呈现主体错位;互动次数差异显著;提问封闭多余开放;内容预设和形式单一的现状,其原因在于受到科学教育活动、教师及幼儿园因素的影响,对此提出两项对策,即接纳与尊重幼儿,保证互动中师幼间双向性探究成长;合理选择科学教育内容,确保互动中的趣味性和开放性.  相似文献   

瑞吉欧教育中的儿童观及其对我国幼儿教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正因为瑞吉欧人有着“走进儿童心灵”的儿童观,才能做到尊重儿童、重视儿童潜能、从儿童的需要出发,从而在教育实践中开发出项目活动的教学方案,建立起和谐平等的师生关系,创设出适合儿童身心成长的教育环境。我们学习瑞吉欧,不仅仅是要学习其课程模式,更重要的是要把握瑞吉欧教育精髓,使其先进的教育理念与我国教育的实际情况相结合,创造出适合我国幼儿发展的瑞吉欧教育。  相似文献   

Physical activity levels were measured with an accelerometer in a case study including 19 children, from nine to ten years of age, in a Danish primary school. The teachers conducted their teaching in a forest every Thursday from 2000 to 2003. The purpose of this study was to measure the students' activity levels during outdoor learning days in the forest and compare them with a traditional school day on the one hand, and a traditional school day including two physical education lessons, on the other. The mean activity levels were more than twice as high on the forest days measured on two occasions. Expressed in percentages, winter (2000) measurements were 106% (range 14-194%), and summer (2001) measurements were 113% (range 41-224%) higher compared to traditional school days. Furthermore, in 2002 the mean activity level measured on a day including two physical education lessons was equal to a day in an outdoor environment. In conclusion, this case study demonstrates a significantly higher level of physical activity when indoor and outdoor learning contexts are combined. From a physical health perspective outdoor learning is recommended in the folkeskole.  相似文献   

Using the Education Watch household survey database, this paper explores children’s access to pre‐school education in Bangladesh. Participation in pre‐school education has been increasing in Bangladesh at the rate of 0.6% per year and the net enrolment rate was found to be 13.4% in 2005. Enrolment of over‐aged children in pre‐school education made the gross enrolment ratio as high as 30.5%. However, over half of the four to five year olds at school were actually enrolled in primary school and not in pre‐school. Moreover, 71% of the four‐ to five‐year group were out of school. Only a third of the four‐ to five‐year‐old children enrolled in schools had the opportunity to attend the English‐medium kindergartens or NGO‐run non‐formal schools, both of which provide better quality pre‐school education. Urban children, especially those with educated parents and from more privileged socio‐economic backgrounds, were more likely to have access to pre‐school education. The lack of a common pre‐school curriculum seems to have created further inequity among children at this very early age. An educational policy targeting poor and socially disadvantaged children with support from both the state and current pre‐school providers is urgently needed to provide four‐ to five‐year‐old children appropriate education for their needs.  相似文献   

近年来,随着音乐教育的普及,钢琴作为键乐器首选被越来越多的孩子所学习。钢琴教育也从学校音乐教育发展为社会音乐教育。为了检验学生的实际弹奏水平及在钢琴学习中所存在的问题,钢琴考级制度应运而生。而由于钢琴考级产生的诸多问题也随之而来。本文以高职院校音乐类学生为例,讨论了钢琴考级的必要性,分析了高职院校音乐类学生钢琴考级的利弊。同时,针对考级中所面临的困难提出了高职院校培养方案意见。  相似文献   

残疾儿童学前教育日益成为中国特殊教育事业的一个重要问题,残疾儿童学前教育的实现需要相关政策提供权威保障和实践依据。通过对中国残疾儿童学前教育政策文本的考察,中国残疾儿童学前教育政策从倡导性的"积极开展"发展到"普惠性"残疾儿童学前教育政策,并在教育机会和教育资源上提供确实保障。  相似文献   

While shadow education, organized learning activities outside formal school, has grown greatly around the world, the relationship between formal schooling and shadow education has not been well investigated. This study is therefore intended to empirically test whether formal education’s structure (i.e. tracking) affects students’ shadow education participation by utilizing a nationally representative dataset consisting of 10th-grade students in Japan. Results of multilevel logistic regression analyses show school socioeconomic compositional and cross-level interaction effects on shadow education participation: students in high-socioeconomic status (SES) schools are more likely to seek shadow education lessons than those in schools of lower SES; and higher SES students tend to take shadow education lessons, especially when in high-SES schools. Additionally, the study finds that the school composition effect becomes relatively weak when extra lessons are free of charge, highlighting the importance of family economic capital to obtain additional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

The study aimed to investigate the pedagogy and beliefs of Icelandic pre‐school and first‐grade teachers during times of immense changes in the policy and trends of early childhood education. The practices of 2 pre‐school teachers working with the oldest pre‐school children and 2 primary school teachers working with the youngest primary school children were examined. Qualitative methods were used, including participant observations, interviews, and document collection. The results of the study show differences in the practices of the two pairs of teachers and the social contexts that influenced the teachers' practices. The degree of control the teachers had over their work varied between school levels and the degree of control the children had over their learning also varied between school levels. The results indicate that the downward pressure of academic subjects is becoming evident.  相似文献   

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