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Questionnaire data concerning spelling and reading self-assessment, habits, and school history were obtained for 79 adults (54 women and 25 men). The items were used to predict affectedness as defined on the basis of psychometric tests. For this purpose, two different discriminant analytical approaches (linear discriminant analysis and hierarchical classification with CART) were compared using a cross-validation design. 86.8–92.6% of the learning sample and 87.5–88% of the cross-validation sample were classified correctly. The CART model was preferred due to a balanced relation of sensitivity and specificity. Our results support the conclusion that self-report data are appropriate to substitute psychometric tests if these cannot be administered.  相似文献   

Ugur Sak 《Roeper Review》2013,35(1):53-67
In this study, psychometric properties of the test of the three-mathematical minds (M3) were investigated. The M3 test was developed based on a multidimensional conception of giftedness to identify mathematically talented students. Participants included 291 middle-school students. Data analysis indicated that the M3 had a .73 coefficient as a consistency of scores. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three separate factors explaining 55% of the total variance; however, one-factor solution seems to best fit the data. The convergent validity analysis showed that M3 scores had medium to high-medium correlations with teachers' ratings of students' mathematical ability and students' ratings of their own ability and their liking of mathematics. The findings provide partial evidence for the validity of M3 test scores for the identification of mathematically gifted students.  相似文献   

This study was designed to (a) test the psychometric properties of a new observation measure of developmentally appropriate classroom practices in kindergarten through third-grade classrooms, and (b) determine how well classroom and teacher characteristics predict developmentally appropriate classroom practices. Teacher-reported and observational data from 69 classrooms provided support for construct validity, internal consistency, and interrater agreement of the Assessment of Practices in Early Elementary Classrooms (APEEC) measure. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that classroom characteristics (grade, class size, number of children with disabilities), teacher characteristics (education level, years of experience) and teacher beliefs (developmentally appropriate beliefs and developmentally inappropriate beliefs) accounted for 42% of the variance in observed classroom practices. With all variables in the model, teacher education, grade, and beliefs in developmentally appropriate and inappropriate practice accounted for most of the variance in observed classroom practices.  相似文献   

Little information regarding the psychometric properties of the most commonly used autism identification measures used in school settings with traditionally racially and ethnically minoritized (REM) groups is available. This analysis of autism identification measures is particularly important due to the demographic increase in the United States among most REM populations in recent decades. In addition, most REM groups are inequitably identified for autism and these measures may contribute to disproportionate identification based on problematic psychometric factors. This study systematically compiles the recommended psychometric properties pertaining to validity and reliability of the common autism identification measures among REM groups that are traditionally underrepresented (i.e., Black and Latinx populations) for autism identification. Conclusions suggest that several of the most common autism identification measures lack sufficient psychometric analyses to evaluate appropriate utilization with REM populations, specifically those who are Black and Latinx. The findings from this study may inform school psychologists' utilization and knowledge of limitations of these measures, as well as assisting with the determination of the appropriateness of these measures for use with REM populations.  相似文献   

Recent interest in epistemic beliefs has given way to a proliferation of new measures. Yet, little is known about the psychometric properties of various measures when used with diverse populations. In this study, the authors explored the psychometric properties of a measure of existing epistemic beliefs, the Domain-Specific Belief Questionnaire (DSBQ; M. M. Buehl, P. A. Alexander, &; P. K. Murphy, 2002), for a diverse population of students. The authors applied the DSBQ's 4-factor model, which researchers have previously identified and confirmed, to data from 8th- and 9th-grade adolescents attending high-poverty, high-minority schools. Evidence suggested that the 4-factor model was not appropriate for this population. Subsequent analyses revealed a 2-factor model for 8th-grade students and a 3-factor model for 9th-grade students. This study underscores the importance of examining the appropriateness of using existing measures with diverse populations.  相似文献   

Although the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory‐3 (SASSI‐3; F. G. Miller & L. E. Lazowski, 1999) is widely used with college students (L. Myerholtz & H. Rosenberg, 1998), it is unclear whether the SASSI‐3 is appropriate for use with this population. The authors investigated the SASSI‐3's psychometric capabilities in a college student sample (N = 230). They found that the SASSI‐3's psychometric properties are equal to or exceed those of the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test (M. L. Selzer, 1971), the CAGE (J. A. Ewing, 1984), and the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale‐Revised (C. MacAndrew, 1965).  相似文献   

The question is to what extent intelligence test-batteries prove any kind of empirical reference to common intelligence theories. Of particular interest are conceptualized tests that are of a high psychometric standard – those that fit the Rasch model – and hence are not exposed to fundamental critique. As individualized testing, i.e., a psychologist and a testee face to face, is often preferred by many practitioners, a Wechsler-like test-battery will be dealt with here: The Adaptive Intelligence Diagnosticum (AID 2; [Kubinger, K. D. &, Wurst, E. (2000). Adaptives Intelligenz Diagnostikum—Version 2.1(AID 2). [Adaptive intelligence diagnosticum 2.] Weinheim: Beltz.]). Using the standardization sample, confirmatory factor analyses were performed with respect to intelligence theories and models, respectively, as concerns Spearman, Wechsler, Thurstone, Cattell, Jäger, and Carroll. Additionally, a confirmatory factor analysis was performed with respect to a simplified neuropsychological model of specific learning disorders, which proved to fit the data best, even better than the (exploratory) four factor solution as given in the AID 2-manual. This model is based on the three interdependent factors “perception”, “retrieval”, and “utilization”. The answer is that if modern test conceptualizations attempt to fulfill pragmatic purposes they hardly have any relation to pertinent intelligence theories, but rather create their own kind of informal, heuristic model of “intelligence”.  相似文献   

莫子偬考鉴《唐写本说文木部》(简称《唐本》)为中唐穆宗时的写本,并对《唐本》和传世的二徐本进行开创性的校勘。1864年,在曾国藩的资助下,《唐本》与莫氏《唐写本说文解字木部笺异》(简称《笺异》)在安徽安庆首次刊剖面世。因家道衰落,莫氏后人将之售与徐子敬,又辗转易售多人,最后归入日本学者内藤虎氏手中。从晚清以来就有许多学者在研究《唐本》和《笺异》;20世纪八、九十年代,研究《唐本》和莫氏《笺异》的学者夥移,研究成果令人瞩目。本文对《唐本》和莫氏《笺异》的考鉴、刊刘、流传与研究历程及代表性成果首次进行总体爬梳、评价,颇有新意。  相似文献   

There is an ever‐increasing need for school psychology training programs to demonstrate their ability to produce competent practitioners. One method of addressing this need is through the assessment of self‐efficacy. However, little research on self‐efficacy in school psychology exists likely due to the lack of a psychometrically sound measure of this construct. To address this gap, we examined the construct validity of the Huber Inventory of Self‐Efficacy for School Psychologists Research Version (HIS‐SP‐RV), a preexisting measure of self‐efficacy, with a sample of 520 school psychology graduate students. Results suggest that the HIS‐SP‐RV is not a valid measure of trainee self‐efficacy. We then created and conducted a psychometric evaluation of a shortened measure, the Huber Inventory of Trainee Self‐Efficacy (HITS). Results supported the validity of a five‐factor model. Implications for the use of the HITS for program evaluation, to improve trainee competence, and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the Industrial Source Complex Short-Term Version 3 (ISCST3) model, a simplified modeling approach was developed to predict concentrations of congeners of polychlorinated-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) of agricultural soil, within a radius of 3 kin from a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) plant after its 4-year operation in Hangzhou, China. Comparisons were made between the measured and estimated congener-specific concentrations and the international-toxic equivalent (I-TEQ) values of soil samples with respect to distance from the stack. The results indicate that the predictions of soil PCDD/F concentrations and K-TEQ values were generally lower than their observations, and that the higher the degree of underestimation seems, the greater the further downwind one gets. Nevertheless, most of the predictions were in good agreement with the trend of measured ones and were within a factor of ten for samples located within 1 kin of the plant. Besides, analysis of contributions of various deposition pathways confirms that in addition to wet particle deposition, the dry gaseous deposition is essential for realistic prediction of PCDD/F depositions to soil, especially for tetra- and penta-chlorinated dioxins.  相似文献   

戚蓼生序本《石头记》是现存十一种脂本中较为重要的本子,戚序本上有大量异于甲戌本、己卯本、庚辰本的独有的回前回后评,具有重要的艺术价值,但红学界对这些独有评语的作者到底是谁,还没有明确论证。通过比较脂评和这些独有的回前回后评,基本可以认定这些独有评语的作者不是脂砚斋、畸笏叟等曹雪芹的至亲好友,而是另有其人。  相似文献   

The psychometric literature provides little empirical evaluation of examinee test data to assess essential psychometric properties of innovative items. In this study, examinee responses to conventional (e.g., multiple choice) and innovative item formats in a computer-based testing program were analyzed for IRT information with the three-parameter and graded response models. The innovative item types considered in this study provided more information across all levels of ability than multiple-choice items. In addition, accurate timing data captured via computer administration were analyzed to consider the relative efficiency of the multiple choice and innovative item types. As with previous research, multiple-choice items provide more information per unit time. Implications for balancing policy, psychometric, and pragmatic factors in selecting item formats are also discussed.  相似文献   

This exploratory study considered the perceptions of parents and teachers regarding behaviors exhibited by gifted students who may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by examining their responses to the Conners 3 behavior rating scale. Statistical analysis revealed average scores in the ratings of parents and teachers in the areas of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity, executive functioning, and learning problems. Parent and teacher ratings of these students were not significantly correlated nor were there significant differences between parents and teachers on ratings of students. The need for further examination of the psychometric properties and appropriate use of the Conners 3 in diagnosis of twice-exceptional students, the need for normative data on gifted populations for the Conners 3, and a greater understanding of the differential display of ADHD in the gifted population were suggested.  相似文献   

Methods of test equating and scaling have been studied in the statistically advanced literature of educational and psychological measurement, and applied extensively where mass testing and selection procedures are required; for example, selection for tertiary study. Usually the procedures themselves require large data sets, and they are applied in order to ensure that students are not advantaged or disadvantaged because of the arbitrary features of the origin and units of measurement of the various tests. However, equating may be necessary where the data sets are relatively small. This paper provides an example of selection into a professional faculty within a university, following study from a range of subjects available in various faculties at the first-year level, and shows the need and a procedure for equating the grades in the different subjects. The procedure itself is based on a psychometric model studied extensively in the psychometric literature, and the purpose of this paper is to introduce the rationale for its application from first principles for a broader professional education audience and to illustrate its application with a practical example.  相似文献   

Because of the unique nature of the students eligible for alternate assessments based on modified academic achievement standards, their varied access to the general education curriculum, and their unique learning needs, innovative psychometric thinking and practice is needed to assure high technical quality of alternate assessments. Indeed, we at least must marshal state-of-the-art procedures to secure strong psychometric evidence to support appropriate and meaningful design and use of these important assessments. The authors contributing work to this special issue, Alternate Assessments Based on Modified Academic Achievement Standards, address important issues and provide guidance to policymakers, test developers, and educators. They also each raise important technical quality issues. This article offers a brief review of such psychometric considerations, in light of the work and comments of the special issue authors.  相似文献   

Measuring cognitive modifiability from the responsiveness of an individual's performance to intervention has long been viewed (e.g., Dearborne, 1921) as an alternative to traditional (static) ability measurement. Currently, dynamic testing, in which cues or instruction are presented with ability test items, is a popular method for assessing cognitive modifiability. Despite the long-standing interest, however, little data exists to support the validity of cognitive modifiability measures in any ability domain. Several special methodological difficulties have limited validity studies, including psychometric problems in measuring modifiability (i.e., as change), lack of appropriate validation criteria, and difficulty in linking modifiability to cognitive theory. In this article, relatively new developments for solving the validation problems are applied to measuring and validating spatial modifiability. Criterion-related validity for predicting learning in an applied knowledge domain, as well as construct validity, is supported.  相似文献   

Although Likert-type rating scales are used in a great number of early childhood studies, knowledge of how the number of response options affects the psychometric properties of scales used with children is limited. The purpose of this study is to contribute to this knowledge. Data were collected from second grade students and third grade students. Accordingly, 1,092 second- and third-graders completed a 2-point, 3-point, and 4-point version of the School Attachment Scale for Children and Adolescents. Participants came from 11 schools, different in terms of socioeconomic status. The children received the versions approximately three weeks apart. Results revealed that as the number of response options increased, the means tended to decrease and the distribution to be normal. For the 2-point version, most items were below the cut-off point in terms of discrimination indexes. Compared to the 2-point version, there was a significant increase in discrimination indexes for the 3- and 4-point versions, and the items’ discrimination indexes were high. It was concluded that the reliability coefficient increased with an increasing number of response options for all subdimensions of the scale. When the validity estimations of the three subdimensions were examined for the three versions of the scale, it was found that the 3- and 4-point versions were appropriate for the validity and that the validity of the 2-point version was weak. It was observed that using 2-point Likert-type scales with children negatively affected the psychometric properties and that these properties improved with an increased number of response options.  相似文献   

Development criteria observed as time series on nominal variables pose a problem for research design. Markov chains are attractive in the first instance because they can handle such multivariate multinomial data sets, with results that are described and demonstrated on Career Development Study data. The power of the formal probability model is purchased at the expense of assumptions that may be unrealistic. It is argued and demonstrated that where the Markov chain theory for the data breaks down is precisely where the most interesting part of the message contained in the data resides. The Markov chain is shown to be a better null hypothesis against which to array the psychometric or other prediction model than is the usually employed random walk. A new prediction system that combines information from the Markov chain with the psychometric predictors is described and operated.  相似文献   


In alignment with the New Academic Structure, the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) was launched in 2012 to replace the former Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) as certification for completion of secondary education, and the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination (HKALE) as the main credentials for university admission in Hong Kong. Standards-referenced reporting is adopted for the HKDSE with the objective of reporting candidates’ results against a set of prescribed levels of achievement based on typical performances at those levels. Clearly defined standards facilitate learning and teaching as well as enable users of the qualification, including tertiary institutions and employers, to set appropriate entrance/job requirements. The standards are set and maintained by expert judgement supported by psychometric data to ensure fairness and consistency of standards across subjects and across cohorts. Systemic and implementation issues and their resolutions are discussed in the context of the education reform in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

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