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认知疗法是上世纪六、七十年代发展起来的一种心理系统疗法。它强调认知过程是作为心理行为决定因素的根本观点,认为情绪和行为的产生依赖于个体对环境情况所作的评价,而此种评价又受个人的信念、假设等认知因素的作用和影响。认知疗法采用认知重建、心理应付、行为实验等技术进行心理治疗,其中认知重建是重中之重。  相似文献   

基本情绪取向、评价取向是情绪研究的两种主要取向。基本情绪取向的主要特征是:情绪是先天遗传的,经由进化而来,是一种执行特定行动的本能或冲动,有其相应的面部表情;评价取向则认为情绪是一种有意识的状态,产生于对知觉对象的意义分析和认知评价。随着情绪研究的深入,研究者发现了一直被忽视的第三种取向:心理建构取向,这一取向认为,情绪是一种心理化合物,可以构造出更基本的、不同于具体情绪的心理成分。  相似文献   

主观幸福感研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主观幸福感是反映生活质量的重要指标,从认知评价角度,认为主观幸福感是人们对自身生活满意程度的认知评价;从情感体验角度,认为主观幸福感是当前正性情绪和负性情绪平衡的结果;从形式上,认为主观幸福感是一种心理体验;从内容上,认为主观幸福感是人们所体验到的一种理想存在状态。财富、人格、文化和年龄因素对主观幸福感有不同程度的影响。人格理论、比较理论、目标理论、适应平衡理论和认知动机理论作为当前比较有代表性的理论,都从各自不同的角度对主观幸福感形成的心理机制进行解释。情感评估模式和认知评估模式成为主观幸福感测评的两种基本取向。当前主观幸福感研究中存在着"研究领域分布不均"、"主观幸福感的概念具有还原论和简单化倾向"、"主观评价与客观标准分离"等方面的不足,主观幸福感和心理幸福感有融合的研究趋势。  相似文献   

同理概念是心理咨询和治疗界的重要概念。咨询心理学家关于同理的构成存在三种不同观点:一是一种人格特质或能力;二是一种认知——感受状态;三是一种阶段经历的过程。而关于同理的性质则存在着三种观点:一是对他人情绪的当下体验,二是一种认知过程,三是包含着认知和感受两种要素,或者依据情境的不同或是认知的或是感受的。测量同理的量表由于方法论上的问题,存在效度的局限,要深化同理的研究,我们需要拓展研究的思路和方向。  相似文献   

中小学教师心理健康自我维护的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的情绪通过认知的折射而产生。正确的认知产生积极的情绪,不良的认知产生消极的情绪。中小学教师要学会正确地认识自己,对自己的能力、行为和性格等特点正确评价。有些人正是由于不能正确评价自己才导致消极情绪和不良行为的出现。在人的认知结构里,有一种原型心理机制,它是指人根据自己的行为特征抽出一个样板形象,存入记忆中,以后遇到类似的事都会不知不觉地采取与自己的原型相符的行动,这叫原型效应。当原型效应符合实际时,就会给人带来积极的影响,促使人能把事情办好,并产生积极的情绪。有些中小学教师由于对自己的期望值过高,不能正确评价自己,总认为自己的缺点很难克服,实质上是原型心理机制的负效应。  相似文献   

策略一:理性认知认知理论强调认知对情绪和行为的指导作用,认为行为和情绪的产生,有赖于个体对情境的认知及所作出的评价,这些评价又受到个体的信念、判断、想像、价值观等认知因素的影响,同样的挫折情境对不同的人来说,可能产生完全不同的挫折反应。因此,调整认知、健全自我认识有助于增强人对挫折的适应能力,有助于减轻、消除挫折对人的不良影响。  相似文献   

在情绪产生理论中,情绪冲突理论经历了间断式的发展过程.与情绪产生源于认知评价的主流思想不同,冲突理论认为,行为、目标、信念、思想等因素受到干扰所引起的冲突才是情绪产生的原因和动力.  相似文献   

心理学者关于认知与情绪的关系以及在情绪的产生中是否需要以认知为中介等问题,持有不同的观点。新近提出的MEM理论较好的解决了这种分歧。关于情绪状态对认知的影响的研究主要集中在记忆领域。基本上是沿两条路线展开的:一是心境依存记忆,另一是心境一致记忆。  相似文献   

尴尬作为一种自我意识情绪,同羞耻、内疚和自豪等一样是在自我意识出现以后产生的独立情绪。早期理论认为尴尬会破坏社交行为,近年来相反的观点成为主导,即尴尬情绪是适应性的表现,是一种亲社会信号的显示。本研究旨在考察不同程度的尴尬情绪体验是否对个体的亲社会倾向产生不同影响。  相似文献   

一、引言 理性情绪疗法(Rational-Emotive Therapy,简称RET)由20世纪50年代由美国临床心理学家艾利斯(Albert Ellis)创立,它是认知疗法的一种,因其采用了行为治疗的一些方法,故又被称之为认知行为疗法.ABC理论是理性情绪疗法的核心.这一理论认为:引起情绪障碍的不是事件本身,而是事件经历者对该事件的评价和解释.事件能否发生是不以当事者的意志为转移,但如能对该事件作出理性的评价,就可避免消极情绪的产生.  相似文献   

传统学习情绪与网络学习情绪有很多相似之处,但由于网络的虚拟性使得网络学习情绪增加了复杂性。为了清楚地认识网络学习情绪的诱发与测量,本吏从教育心理学的应用视角出发,系统地介绍了认知失调理论、情绪一认知模型、成功一失败操作范式、情绪设计以发虚假生物反馈五种网络学习情绪的诱发方法,以及自我报告法、生理指标和行为指标的情绪测量方法及其在教育实践中的应用,并对目前网络学习情绪诱发和测量的发展现状进行了总结和展望,期望以此清晰网络学习情绪诱发的本质,并为今后的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Students with the most significant cognitive disabilities (SCD) are the 1% of the total student population who have a disability or multiple disabilities that significantly impact intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors and who require individualized instruction and substantial supports. Historically, these students have received little instruction in science and the science assessments they have participated in have not included age‐appropriate science content. Guided by a theory of action for a new assessment system, an eight‐state consortium developed multidimensional alternate content standards and alternate assessments in science for students in three grade bands (3–5, 6–8, 9–12) that are linked to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Lead States, 2013 ) and A Framework for K‐12 Science Education (Framework; National Research Council, 2012 ). The great variability within the population of students with SCD necessitates variability in the assessment content, which creates inherent challenges in establishing technical quality. To address this issue, a primary feature of this assessment system is the use of hypothetical cognitive models to provide a structure for variability in assessed content. System features and subsequent validity studies were guided by a theory of action that explains how the proposed claims about score interpretation and use depend on specific assumptions about the assessment, as well as precursors to the assessment. This paper describes evidence for the main claim that test scores represent what students know and can do. We present validity evidence for the assumptions about the assessment and its precursors, related to this main claim. The assessment was administered to over 21,000 students in eight states in 2015–2016. We present selected evidence from system components, procedural evidence, and validity studies. We evaluate the validity argument and demonstrate how it supports the claim about score interpretation and use.  相似文献   

Central to argument are evidence-based claims, requiring coordination of a claim with evidence bearing on it. We advocate a dialogic approach to developing argument skills and in the work reported here examine the further scaffold of prompts that exemplify functions of evidence in relation to a claim. This scaffold was successful in accelerating the prevalence of evidence-based claims in essays of low-performing middle schoolers compared to participants in the same year-long dialog-based intervention who received no or a limited form of evidence prompts and compared to previous samples engaged in a nondialogic curriculum. An experimental group achieved a proportion of evidence-based claims above 50% by the end of the year, transferring their newly developing skill from one topic to another. The use of different types of evidence emerged in a sequence corresponding to the cognitive demands they posed. Students first used support-own evidence. They used weaken-other evidence increasingly over time, but the two evidence types inconsistent with their position (support-other and weaken-own) showed lesser and later gains. Supporting a dialogic approach, qualitative data showed that evidence use occurred most readily in dialogs; then in individual writing on the same topic; and to a more limited extent in essays on a new, unstudied topic.  相似文献   

Introductory biology courses are widely criticized for overemphasizing details and rote memorization of facts. Data to support such claims, however, are surprisingly scarce. We sought to determine whether this claim was evidence-based. To do so we quantified the cognitive level of learning targeted by faculty in introductory-level biology courses. We used Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives to assign cognitive learning levels to course goals as articulated on syllabi and individual items on high-stakes assessments (i.e., exams and quizzes). Our investigation revealed the following: 1) assessment items overwhelmingly targeted lower cognitive levels, 2) the cognitive level of articulated course goals was not predictive of the cognitive level of assessment items, and 3) there was no influence of course size or institution type on the cognitive levels of assessments. These results support the claim that introductory biology courses emphasize facts more than higher-order thinking.  相似文献   

Argument–counterargument integration (Nussbaum, 2008) refers to the process of evaluating, refuting, and synthesizing arguments on two sides of an issue when creating justification for an overall conclusion. This study compared the cognitive load of two critical thinking strategies related to argument–counterargument integration: (a) constructing design claims that minimize disadvantages of an alternative, and (b) weighing refutations (which weaken an argument by arguing that there are more important values at stake). College students (N = 285) first completed the Need for Cognition (NFC) scale and were then presented with materials summarizing arguments and counterarguments on the topic of grading class participation. Participants completed a small, integrative essay justifying a stand on the issue, and completed the Mental Effort Rating Scale (Paas, 1992). Participants who generated complex weighing refutations reported more mental effort than those constructing complex design claims (and the control group), with a stronger relationship with those high in NFC. The need to coordinate disparate elements in working memory may explain the higher load associated with constructing weighing refutations. Students may need more (and different types of) scaffolding in using this strategy than when constructing a design claim, which is a more sequential process.  相似文献   

This study examined the mutual influence of relatively stable personal competence and value beliefs and lesson specific appraisals of competence and value on daily emotional experiences of students in the classroom context. Personal competence and value beliefs were measured by means of questionnaire whereas appraisals and daily emotions were assessed by means of diary forms completed over a two-week period. Multilevel analyses of data from 120 grade seven students revealed that both personal competence-value beliefs and appraisals played an important role in determining daily emotional experiences in the classroom. More importantly, the results showed that the effects of stable personal variables on daily emotional experiences were mediated by lesson specific appraisals. In general, the results support cognitive mediational models of emotion that capitalize on the importance of both personal and situational characteristics in emotion elicitation.  相似文献   

着重论述了FIDIC合同条件下承包商施工索赔的依据、程序、证据的收集,分析了解决索赔的途径,有益于国际工程承包企业开展施工索赔,提高管理水平,获得良好的经济效益.  相似文献   

Can Children Do Philosophy?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Some philosophers claim that young children cannot do philosophy. This paper examines some of those claims, and puts forward arguments against them. Our beliefs that children cannot do philosophy are based on philosophical assumptions about children, their thinking and about philosophy. Many of those assumptions remain unquestioned by critics of Philosophy with Children. My conclusion is that the idea that very young children can do philosophy has not only significant consequences for how we should educate young children, but also for how adults should do philosophy; and that further research is urgently needed.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theorists Paul Kirschner, John Sweller and Richard Clark argue that an array of inquiry-based pedagogies widely promoted in teacher preparation programmes are out of step with current cognitive science and should be eliminated for novice learners. According to these cognitive load theorists, inquiry-based pedagogies are likely to increase achievement gaps between the lowest and highest achieving students while reducing total learning. On almost any theory of justice in educational provision, an educational practice that results in the acquisition of fewer total educational goods by students and greater inequality in the distribution of goods will be considered unjust. I argue that inquiry-based pedagogies can be defended, even for novice learners, not as means to other goods but as embodiments of the least controversial liberal-democratic educational ends. I claim that once understood as part of the ends of liberal democratic education, inquiry-based pedagogies cannot be rightly eliminated from educational pathways. In addition, I argue that by interpreting cognitive load theory in light of uncontroversial liberal democratic educational ends, central claims about instructional design that are advanced by both cognitive load theorists and their opponents are either moderated or overturned. Most notably, the claim that there are no domain-general inquiry skills which need to be taught, which is advanced by cognitive load theorists against inquiry theorists, is revealed to be self-refuting. Integrating cognitive load theory into processes of liberal democratic problem-solving turns out to be a biologically secondary domain-general inquiry skill of just the sort cognitive load theorists deny exists.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to unpick and examine a number of related claims for the role of the arts or, more specifically, the creative arts, in educational research. It considers and evaluates ways in which artistic creativity might itself be thought of as either based on research or itself a form of inquiry which might claim to be research. Such claims are entirely plausible, though they perhaps force artistic creativity into a particular mould that not all artists would appreciate. Artistic work may also constitute data conveying information about a particular setting or the events from which they were produced, signs and symbols for the observer or researcher to interpret. The claim that art might be used to represent educational practice, policy or experience receives the fullest treatment, and this requires consideration of both the general claim (which runs counter to the ambitions of many artists, choreographers and musicians) and more particular claims for, for example research-based narrative fiction, which is treated somewhat sceptically.  相似文献   

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