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通过对美国教育技术领域的研究与追踪,近年来我们逐步了解和认识到,除了学校教育教学领域的研究和实践之外,美国还有近一半的专业人员工作在商业、企业、军队和政府部门领域,他们的共同目标是致力于改进工作场所的学习和绩效(特别是技术支持的学习与绩效改进).由此,美国许多大学教育技术学专业的教授便扮演着至少是双重的角色:学术领域的教授和工作场所的学习与绩效咨询专家,本文所访谈的对象艾莉森·罗塞特(Allison Rossett)博士即是其中的典型代表与佼佼者.她长期从事着工作场所学习和绩效的研究与实践.从早期的工作辅助(job aid)、需求评估(needs assesgnlent)到近期的电子学习、混合学习、绩效支持等,对美国教育技术领域的发展作出了独特的贡献. 罗塞特博士是美国圣地亚哥州立大学(San Diego State University)教育技术系的资深教授,著名的绩效咨询专家.除了为美国的公司、企业、政府部门提供绩效咨询之外,罗塞特博士的影响还远至巴西、苏格兰和印度.罗塞特博士2000年入选<培训>杂志人力资源开发名人堂(HRD Hall of Fame),2004至2006年期间任美国培训与发展协会(ASTD①)国际部主任,鉴于其在工作场所培训与绩效领域的杰出贡献,2002年获ASTD"贡献奖",被评为美国"海军教育和培训学习策略联盟"杰出会员,还服务于美国陆军"远程学习和培训技术"分会. 罗塞特博士的主要研究和咨询领域包括劳动力开发、需求评估、基于技术的学习与绩效支持、电子学习、混合学习等.主要学术著作包括<工作辅助与绩效支持:从教室中的知识到无处不在的知识>(2007),(2002),<超越讲台:在电子世界中传递培训和绩效>(2001,此书获国际绩效改进协会②"教学传播奖"),<先做重要的事情:绩效分析手册>(1999,此书获国际绩效改进协会"教学传播奖"),<工作辅助手册>(1991),<培训需求评估>(1987)等.罗塞特博士的绩效咨询客户主要有微软、IBM、惠普、Fidelity投资公司、Deloitte咨询公司、苏格兰皇家银行及一些致力于电子学习的企业.  相似文献   

<正>人物介绍威廉·J.罗斯韦尔(William J.Rothwell),宾夕法尼亚州立大学学习与绩效系统方向的专业教授,其执教的专业研究生课程在全美排名第一。他是ASTD(美国培训与发展协会)出版委员会主席,ASTD胜任力研究首席研究员,开发了ASTD的人力绩效改进模型和职场学习与绩效模型。2012年获得ASTD终身成就奖。曾在政府和企业界从事人力资源工作20余年,同时作为顶级顾问服务于通用汽车、福特、摩托罗拉等40多家跨国企业,现任R&A公司主席。所著图书《有效地继任规划:确保领导的连续性》被称作"企业圣经"。  相似文献   

人力资源开发领域的学者和实践者都非常关注工作场所学习。关于正式培训和非正式学习,一直以来形成了大量的研究和讨论。本文从人力资源开发角度,结合已有的大量文献,提出了一个工作场所学习的概念性框架,框架包括三个互相作用的变量:学习的场所、在发展和传授学习经验时所制定的计划的程度和学习过程中培训者、推动者和其他人的角色。本文还讨论了这一框架对人力资源开发领域中理论建设和研究的启示。  相似文献   

工作场所学习作为终身学习、泛在学习的重要组成部分,在促进人力资源开发、人力资本绩效提升、人才强国和学习型社会建设等方面发挥至关重要的作用。近年来,我国工作场所学习研究主要围绕工作场所学习的内涵、理论基础、学习策略、类型划分、影响因素等方面展开。回顾、梳理、整合我国工作场所学习的研究成果,并针对存在问题提出相应改进策略。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】第九届国际人力资源开发学会(Academy of Human Resource Development)年会(亚洲分会)日前在华东师范大学召开。国际人力资源开发学会是国际人力资源开发领域最为权威的学术组织之一,每年分别在美国、欧洲和亚洲举办的年会,是该领域的重大国际盛会,它在推动全球各类组织的人力资源开发,发展工作场所学习与绩效改进  相似文献   

在工作背景下的成人继续教育培训领域,先后出现了三种影响深远的理念——培训与开发、人力资源发展和工作场所学习,本文对这三种理念的产生与嬗变过程进行了梳理,并从定义、理论假设、目标、关于学习的信念、关系、动机、实践领域、模型等诸方面进行了比较。  相似文献   

培训迁移是人力资源开发的重要环节,它直接决定了员工能否将其在培训中所学的知识运用到工作场所中并最终产生绩效。但在具体的人力资源开发项目实施过程中,这一环节容易被忽视,培训迁移率低也往往是培训失败的主要原因之一。目前,国内外学者对培训迁移越来越重视,相关的研究也越来越多。文章选取近年来国内外学者在本领域内的重要研究成果,对个体特征、组织环境、系统设计三个要素进行了系统综述,并对培训迁移要素进行了总结。  相似文献   

<正>易虹现任国际绩效改进协会(ISPI)中国分会预备主席,注册国际绩效改进顾问(CPT),北京华商基业管理咨询有限公司总裁兼首席绩效改进专家。美国ASTD"行动学习"认证培训师和催化师,IBM公司MDS(Management Development Service)项目认证讲师和辅导老师,中国对外经济贸易大学MBA客座教授。在其24年的职业生涯中,有20年培训和咨询行业的工作经历,曾历任外资公司、合资公司、国内著名咨询公司总经理、营销总监等职位,致力于企业绩效改进方面的培训和咨询工作。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,绩效技术成为一大研究和实践领域,并于80年代末90年代初进入高校课程体系。许多组织和个人对绩效技术的胜任力进行了研究。其中,美国培训与发展协会(ASTD)先后开展了八次胜任力模型研究,取得了丰硕成果,成为绩效技术专业人员培养和职业发展的参考依据和实施指南。本文旨在通过文献分析,对ASTD历次胜任力模型中关于"角色"的研究进行全面分析和比较,识别出独具特色的三个阶段。在此基础上,参照绩效技术的典型流程,对ASTD的人类绩效改进流程模型的不足之处及其导致的角色界定问题进行辨析,为我国绩效技术从业人员的角色界定和人才培养提供参考。  相似文献   

2010年11月11-14日,第九届国际人力资源开发学会(Academy of Human Resource Development)年会(亚洲分会)在华东师范大学成功举办.本次年会以"工作场所学习与个人、组织及社会的可持续发展"为主题,引发了国内外教育理论界与实践界对这一新兴领域的诸多关注.本文就"企业培训"、"人员开发"、"生涯发展与工作生活平衡"、"组织开发与组织学习"、"理论发展与学科建设"等五大会议热点对这次年会进行剖折.进而对这一领域的发展作较为全面的评述和展望,以期对我国推动工作场所学习这一新兴领域的理论研究与实践探索提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

Changes in the job market are affecting how employees view their current positions and careers leading to more employees (so-called ‘free agents’) developing portfolio careers. To maintain their long-term employability, free agents need to continually enhance and expand their expertise, knowledge-base, reputation and networks, and it has been argued that this will influence how employees view and approach their workplace learning. This article reports the findings of qualitative research aimed at exploring the free agent concept, the implications for workplace learning and the implications for human resource development (HRD) functions in organizations. The research used a convenience sample of 11 organizations from three continents, with data collected from senior HRD executives through telephone and face-toface interviews and e-mails. The results highlighted how some employees are changing their attitudes towards workplace learning, particularly those considered ‘high potential’ or working in ‘high tech’ positions. The research also identified how organizations are increasingly viewing learning as a means of attracting and retaining high quality employees, with implications for HRD functions in terms of a greater emphasis on delivery methods for learning beyond traditional training and greater emphasis on career development activities.  相似文献   

我国正处于发展战略转型时期,人力资源数量优势需要向质量优势转变,其中,人力资源开发成为关键.通过研究以美国高校HRD(人力资源开发)专业门户网站公布的资料为基础,对该专业在美国高校的发展状况进行了七个维度的分析.在此基础上,对我国高校HRD的现状与挑战做了概述.最后,在借鉴美国高校HRD专业的基础上,提出了发展我国高校HRD专业的建议.  相似文献   

Workplace learning is considered an effective strategy for the development of vocation, career and professional identity. Dual training programs, in which learning at a vocational school and learning at work in a company are combined, are seen as strong carriers for skill formation processes. In this study we explore workplace learning in dual training programs in Dutch higher professional education. To gain an understanding of these learning environments and processes, a qualitative multiple case study was conducted in seven sectors. The findings show substantial differences in learning environments between and within sectors. However, cooperation between school and practice is minimal in all of the cases. Although students develop personal and job-related competencies that are useful for daily work routines, they acquire hardly any profound theoretical knowledge at the workplace. School fails to direct workplace learning. Given the considerable share of workplace learning in dual training programs, and the demands to higher professional education graduates in terms of being able to solve complex problems and develop new knowledge during their career as reflective practitioners, it is important that these shortcomings are resolved. More promising alternatives for workplace learning environments and questions for further research to improve workplace learning in higher professional education are discussed.  相似文献   

The many changes in today's workplace argue for equivalent changes in educating human resource development (HRD) professionals. The need for HRD curricular changes to be thought out fully and future-focused warrants the use of systematic methods for formulating, solving, and learning more about how to formulate and solve curriculum problems. Deliberative inquiry is such a method. This research methodology is directed toward curricular decision-making as it occurs within a specific context and, simultaneously, toward learning how to formulate and solve such problems. This study focuses on how faculty members in one university department used the problem formulation phase of deliberative inquiry to assess future needs for their HRD specialization. The article first overviews the research methodology of deliberative inquiry and then describes the systematic approach-subject matter analysis-that was used to structure the problem formulation relative to HRD curricular needs. The problem formulation process clarified stakeholders' values. It also resulted in reframing the situation, which led to new insights about the issues facing the HRD curriculum and ways to address them.  相似文献   

Action learning has emerged as one of the most effective and powerful teaching and learning approaches used in graduate studies in human resource development at George Washington University (GWU). In this article, both faculty and student perspectives are presented to describe action learning teaching, research, and organizational interventions. First-hand experiences of doctoral students with action learning sets are presented in their own words. Students benefit from action learning experiences by building strong networks of personal and professional support. Improved group processes and greater interaction between executive level students and faculty have resulted in a strong doctoral cohort experience for Executive Leadership Program students at GWU. The initial energy to generate action learning programs in students' organizations requires active faculty involvement and follow-up to ensure that organizations accept and benefit from action learning programs. HRD (human resource development) faculty can profit from additional orientation and understanding of action learning to incorporate this methodology into their courses and problem-solving activities.  相似文献   

The goal of staff development in higher education is a change in teacher practices to positively influence student learning. In other words, the goal of staff development is the transfer of learning to the workplace. Research illuminates that this transfer of learning to the workplace is a complex issue. To make an accurate assessment of staff development initiatives one must consider what works for whom and under what conditions. We need to understand which influencing variables actually lead to which effects. Furthermore, we have to gain insight into moderators in the relationship between influencing variables and transfer of learning.With this interdisciplinary review we combine the findings of management, Human Resource Development (HRD), and organisational psychological research with educational research. We attempt to generate guidelines for further research to improve staff development by revealing gaps in earlier research on impact of staff development.  相似文献   

Workplace learning in early entry (EE) teacher education programs has been proposed as an alternative to traditional programs and as bridging the theory-practice gap in teacher education. However, there is little empirical evidence for the underlying assumption that one can become a highly qualified teacher by merely being a teacher. This article discusses to what extent students of teaching in EE programs experience their work environment as a stimulating learning environment. The results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey suggest that schools tend to hinder rather than serve the purpose of workplace learning. Obstructions and supporting conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

There is increasing emphasis in higher education on preparing students for the workplace and recognising the learning that occurs in the workplace. Workplace learning has been exemplified in aspects of traditional courses by work experience, practicum, sandwich courses and practice‐based courses. Recently, however, academic attention has focused on the development of subjects and degree programs that are entirely workplace‐based. Such programs are negotiated with organisations to meet their own learning needs and promote the learning of individual company employees in the performance of their everyday work. Workplace‐based courses have developed in response to employer demand, restricted government funding for higher education and the need for universities to appeal to new markets. These factors have created a context of considerable tension between traditional academic practice and beliefs, and those that accompany this new approach. These tensions present challenges for universities as they attempt to respond in ways that maintain rigour and integrity while meeting the demands created by contemporary economic, political and social pressures.  相似文献   

The increasing use of computer-based instruction in performance improvement/HRD is accompanied by a growing need for guidelines directing its effective design and use. Current CBI research has limitations that have not been addressed. Research deficiencies include a limited number of studies in many areas, contradictory findings, and questionable generalizability to adults in the workplace due to an almost exclusive use of college age and younger students as research subjects. This article examines principles of CBI design found in the performance improvement/HRD literature and their applicability to adults in the workplace. Five major areas are discussed: learner control, feedback, screen design, use of group methods, and computer anxiety. CBI designers are urged to be cautious in adopting current research guidelines. Further research on CBI for adults in the workplace is urged.  相似文献   

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