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唐代诗人对于陶渊明的接受怀着一种褒贬共存的复杂感情。作为田园诗承继者的王维,一方面否定陶渊明避世的生存方式,走上了亦官亦隐的"朝隐"之路;另一方面在诗歌上,他却师宗陶渊明,喜欢化用陶渊明的诗句,并用其佛禅思想接受、融化陶渊明清腴、平淡、自然、闲适的田园诗艺术,形成了自己的特色和风格。这种褒贬共存式的复杂情感,使王维对陶渊明的接受呈现出鲜明的个性风格。  相似文献   


The belief that literature can teach us something about life is intuitively plausible but there is a view of literary education that would preclude a teacher from making a direct link between imaginative literature and life. A comprehensive epistemological position that supports this view is to be found in the work of Michael Oakeshott. In challenging this theory of literary education and the philosophy of knowledge that informs it, the article discloses in Oakeshott's work evidence of a more nuanced and defensible view of the role of literature in education.


刘基弃元仕明,虽不克获得大用,赍志以役,有识之士为之抱屈不已,但毕竟在入明后官拜御史中丞,爵封诚意伯,后世更视其为开国军师,配享宗庙。但自钱谦益在《列朝诗集》暗示、金堡澹归在《列朝诗传序》中明言刘基有遗民心态之后,400多年来一直未有很好的回应。其实,刘基的仕明,几番荐举征聘,绝非轻出;出山之后,又多有荐人,则显非如钱谦益所谓"迹与而心不与",实出"天命有归"的志愿;后来生出的遗逸之想,乃是不尽其志的牢骚心态而已;而其荐人之举,在明初的政治环境中,尤具悲剧意味。  相似文献   

What happens when a state's curriculum and assessment policies are in conflict? This article reports on a case study of how 2 eighth-grade, writing teachers in California interpreted and enacted the state's high-stakes California Assessment Program (CAP) direct writing assessment in their classrooms and compares the resulting writing instruction with the ideal presented in California's Handbook for Planning an Effective Writing Program (California State Department of Education, 1986). The principal encouraged all teachers to achieve curriculum alignment with the test; in fact, each target teacher defined and enacted curriculum alignment differently. On one hand, teacher statements indicated that the exam motivated them to prioritize writing instruction. On the other hand, the way the teachers interpreted the CAP materials and consequently approached writing instruction conflicted at points with the state's own curricular recommendations. Reciprocally, the roles and relationships established in the classroom influenced the administration of this assessment. I conclude that teachers' and administrators' interpretations of an assessment are most salient to its classroom implications, and therefore instructional validity (Garcia & Pearson, 1991) of large-scale tests is critical.  相似文献   

This article reports the author's experiences using graphic novels with pre-service teachers in a young adult literature course. Drawing on critical response papers two students composed after reading Pride of Baghdad, a graphic novel by Brian K. Vaughan and Niko Henrichon, the author argues that when readers possess the background knowledge needed to approximate the role of the implied reader—that is, the imaginary audience for whom authors envision themselves writing—they are capable of engaging with graphic novels in ways that readers who lack experience with the form, or who question its literary merit, are not.  相似文献   

In Stalled Democracy, Eva Bellin argues that in the case of countries like Tunisia—states that enter the process of industrial development relatively late in the capitalist game—state‐sponsored industrialization has unintended consequences. On the one hand, when the authoritarian state encourages private sector capital and labour, it sows the seeds of democratic reform by developing social forces that ultimately achieve enough power to challenge repressive state policies. On the other hand, those who have specifically benefited from state intervention in economic processes are reluctant to challenge that state's authoritarian practices. As a result, ‘Democracy is stunted halfway between autocracy and fully accountable government’. This essay uses Bellin's thesis to examine the problem of undertaking educational reform in a stalled democracy like Tunisia. It explores the uneasy fit between English Studies and a university education geared, according to the Tunisian government, towards ‘job seekers’ and ‘enterprise builders’.  相似文献   


This article critiques DiCristina's (1977) JCJE article concerning the quantitative emphasis in criminal justice curriculums. I argue that he (1) overlooked one of the more profound merits associated with quantitative research when he proposed that both methods should receive equal attention, (2) underestimated the contribution quantitative methods have made to policy, and (3) confused theoretical problems with methodological problems when he evaluated the connection between quantitative methodology and crime control policy.  相似文献   

In the article we compare the approaches of 3 in-service teachers and 3 student teachers when they tried to solve a verbal arithmetic problem in the classroom. Each interaction was studied using a System of Analysis that takes into account the cognitive processes involved in the solution of a mathematic problem and describes the interaction at different levels showing what is done and to what degree teachers and/or pupils are responsible for what is done. The results of the study suggest that both groups of teachers are different in how they direct the student’s attention toward the essential aspects implied in the resolution of word problem. On the one hand, the in-service teachers guaranteed students’ understanding of the problem before dealing with the solution, while students teachers only did so when pupils committed errors. On the other hand, the in-service teachers allowed a high level of student participation, while student teachers took a more prominent role so children’s participation was lower.  相似文献   

胡适的文学批评活动具有鲜明的特点:一方面,他放眼世界,输入学理,即从海外输入新理论、新观念和新学说,借鉴西方现代的思想和方法开展文学批评,使其批评活动具有鲜明的世界化思想;另一方面,他又立足本土,继承传统,吸取传统文化中的一些有价值的观念和方法作指导来开展文学批评,所以其批评活动蕴涵着浓厚的本土性情怀。而这两个方面又是相辅相成的,目标是一致的,即都是为了实现中国文学的现代化。  相似文献   

Scholarly accounts of the training of pity in Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile focus on how Emile's tutor activates the psychological mechanisms necessary for the feeling of pity in book 4 of the text. This account is inadequate, for it fails to show how Emile acquires the evaluative ability to make the judgment about who deserves pity as well as the willingness to adjudicate his own and others' interests. In this article, Wing Sze Leung argues that books 1 through 3 lay the foundation by developing in Emile the attitudes and dispositions that guide him in his judgment-making about which kind of life he should pursue. Books 4 and 5 then develop Emile's ability to make interpersonal judgments of pity through habituated practice. By gradually cultivating Emile's sensitivity to the potential conflict between his self-interests and others' well-being, as well as the resolution to refrain from infringing on others' interests and to pursue the common good, Rousseau's long-term educational project molds Emile's disposition to act as justice demands. The article concludes with a brief response to some criticisms about Rousseau's educational project.  相似文献   


In this article, which is the first of two to examine the ideas of R. S. Peters on moral education, consideration is given to his justificatory arguments found in Ethics and Education. Here he employs presupposition arguments to show to what anyone engaging in moral discourse is committed. The result is a group of procedural principles which are recommended to be employed in moral education. This article is an attempt to examine the presupposition arguments Peters employs, to comment on the procedural principles he believes are presupposed, and to consider the strength of the presupposition argument. My conclusion is that Peters's arguments fail to establish the conclusion he arrives at, and that any gains from the form of argument he uses are hollow.  相似文献   

鲁迅先生著名小说《孔乙己》,一方面表现了孔乙己这样一个下层知识分子被他自己所虔诚信奉的封建思想和衷心拥护的科举制度愚弄以至毁灭的悲剧;更多的一方面则是描写一般社会对于苦人的凉薄。  相似文献   

Marsh and Hau reply briefly to remarkably diverse comments by Sivo and Willson (1998), Hoyle (1998), Markus (1998), Mulaik (1998), and others to their earlier article (Marsh &; Hau, 1996). Sivo and Willson provided a discussion of alternative–moving-average and autoregressive-moving-average–models that seemed only tangentially related to the Marsh and Hau article. Hoyle largely accepted Marsh and Hau's major contentions, but proposed an alternative representation of parsimony. Markus provided a highly literary and entertaining looking-glass perspective as a dialogue involving himself, Tweedledum, Tweedledee, the Cheshire Cat, and the Mad Hatter from Lewis Carroll's Wonderland in which he compared SM (Stan Mulaik) and SM (Straw Man) propositions. This was followed logically by Mulaik's righteous outrage with Marsh and Hau's total lack of understanding of parsimony as espoused by Mulaik and his (Occam's) razor gang, all but threatening “Off with their heads,” in the vein of yet another Lewis Carroll character, to which Marsh and Hau respond with an analogy from another literary work–The Emperor's New Clothes–and a rapprochement/compromise.  相似文献   

司马迁撰写《史记》,欲成"一家之言",并对社会历史"稽其兴坏成败之理",表现出了强烈的批判性,而这一批判的功能又是以多种形式表现出来的。"论赞"是直接评判;"寓论断于叙事"中隐含批判;微言讥讽中寄寓批判。  相似文献   

电影是现代文明和生活的重要组成部分,好莱坞电影的种种银幕形象影响了世界电影的发展,电影中所强烈透露出的个人英雄主义形象深刻地反映了美国人的个人价值观。一方面这种价值观崇尚个人和独立,追求正义和尊严;另外一方面这种追求里面又隐含着个人与社会秩序、暴力之间的矛盾,这种美国式个人英雄主义价值观在电影中得到充分反映。  相似文献   

This article advances a rhetorical theory of deixis, a theoretical and methodological orientation that infuses the linguistic concept of deixis with rhetorical understandings of ethos, place, and time. Deixis reveals the rhetorical dynamics within the fabric of spoken discourse, dynamics that often refer to what is outside the text to make sense of what is within it. Ultimately, I argue that identifying the deictic indicators within a speech text enables the critic to pinpoint where, how, and why a speaker activates the physical elements of the speech situation as a material means of persuasion. After outlining the theoretical tenets of this approach, I analyze Harry S. Truman's Address to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on June 29, 1947, to show how a rhetorical theory of deixis orients the critic to the bodies, places, and temporalities implied in and displayed through speech.  相似文献   

Rationality and Freedom AMARTYA SEN, 2002 London, Harvard University Press 736 pp., £25.04 ISBN 0 674 00947 9 Valuing Freedoms. Sen's Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction SABINA ALKIRE, 2002 Oxford, Oxford University Press 340 pp., £45.00 ISBN 0 19 924579 This important selection of essays by the in.uential Nobel Prize winning economist, Amartya Sen, deals with economic theory and social philosophy. Sabina Alkire's book combines a lucid exposition of the significance of Sen's work with an analysis of how it might be operationalised in development practice. Together with Sen's popular and now very widely read exposition of his key ideas in Development as Freedom (Sen, 1999) the works provide a new language to understand important social and economic processes. These recently published works also indicate some new directions debates concerning Sen's innovative ideas are taking. On the one hand, the connections across disciplines that Sen's work represents are being explored, partly by Sen himself and partly by those who have interpreted his ideas. On the other hand, the implications of Sen's work for examining practical approaches to social justice are emerging. While Sen's ideas have posed some central questions for debates in philosophy concerning equality, for discussions on social choice in economics, and for the reframing of the de.nition of ‘development’ in development studies, his work has had surprisingly little impact on discussions in sociology of education. Before considering what some of the potential of his thinking is for sociologists of education, some elements of his thinking need explanation.  相似文献   

In his 2001 article ‘Teaching to Lie and Obey: Nietzsche on Education’, Stefan Ramaekers defends Nietzsche's concept of perspectivism against the charge that it is relativistic. He argues that perspectivism is not relativistic because it denies the dichotomy between the ‘true’ world and the ‘seeming’ world, a dichotomy central to claims to relativism. While Ramaekers' article is correct in denying relativistic interpretations of perspectivism it does not go far enough in this direction. In fact, the way Ramaekers makes his case may actually encourage the charge of relativism, especially when it comes to his appropriation of perspectivism for education. This article proposes to pick up where Ramaekers left off. It will argue that Nietzsche's denial of the opposition between the ‘true’ world and the ‘seeming’ world opens up the possibility for the reestablishment of truth, albeit in a modified form. After examining Nietzsche's modified ‘realist’ epistemology, the paper will explore the implications of it for his philosophy of education. It will be argued that Nietzsche's educational philosophy is founded on his concept of perspectivism in so far as he demands that students be rigorously inculcated into a pedagogical framework that teaches students to discriminate between ‘true’ and ‘false’ perspectives. This framework is essential for the development of an intellectually robust and life‐affirming culture.  相似文献   

In this article Daniel Brodén explores the ambivalence in teaching about art and aesthetics in the humanities. By comparing and contrasting Gert J. J. Biesta's educational theory and Jacques Rancière's writing on aesthetics, he hopes to bring some of the particularities of aesthetic experiences into focus and to discuss a tension in educational situations that concern students' interpretation of aesthetic texts: how the teacher, on the one hand, will serve as a representative for a formal system of education — or what Rancière calls a system of inequality — and, on the other hand, should respect the autonomy of the aesthetic experience. Brodén argues, however, that more interesting than the ambivalence itself is the question of how we can acknowledge this tension in productive ways. Thus, his aim here is to show how the teacher can contribute to the verification of an interpretive approach to art, with Rancière's axiom of equality in mind. Drawing on Biesta's writings, Brodén also highlights how the teacher can provide students with possibilities to pursue a subject-ness and how the risks involved call for a deconstructive approach to the enactment of teacher power. The article concludes by suggesting that we would do better not to view the ambivalence in focus as a problem, but instead to see it as something that calls for continuous engagement and critical reflection.  相似文献   

Although not a well-known figure either in educational or South Carolina history, John Eldred Swearingen had a profound impact on the schools of the Palmetto State. Guiding the schools to transition from 19th-century academies to 20th-century schools, Swearingen held office from 1907–1922. During these years, Swearingen oversaw unprecedented legislation impacting attendance, funding, and curriculum. Swearingen's stance on African American education was unlike many of his contemporaries—he used a variety of methods to improve education and raiseconsciousness amongst his White politician counterparts.

All of these facts would make him a worthy subject of biographical study; however, that he achieved all these things while blind makes his life and career all the more worthy. Almost as overlooked as Swearingen's contributions to South Carolina is the role the state played in the Brown v. Board of Education decision via the Briggs v. Eliott case. Drawing from Swearingen's own words, the papers of his contemporaries, and both legal and historical analysis of the involved legal cases to present an overview of both Swearingen and Briggs, this article argues that without Swearingen's visionary leadership—or if he had not been undone politically—the road to Briggs would have been quite different—if it existed at all.  相似文献   

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