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女性更年期是妇女由性成熟期逐渐进入到老年期的过渡时期。在此时期内,由于生理、心理、社会、文化及妇女的个性特征等多因素的影响,有许多更年期妇女会表现出各种各样的临床症状,并因此影响正常的工作和生活。目前,我国进入更年期妇女的人数增多,因此做好更年期妇女的保健工作,使她们顺利渡过更年期,有其重要意义。  相似文献   

职业“更年期”是人们职业转折最主要的一个时期,分析高校教师职业“更年期”的心理状态,并针对这些问题提出教师职业“更年期”的心理调适方法,对于做好教师从职业生涯平缓地过渡到退休生活具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

五音学说是中国经典医学著作《黄帝内经》中最早提出的中医音乐保健思想体系。五音(角、徵、宫、商、羽)对应五行(木、火、土、金、水)与人体内相应的脏器(肝、心、脾、肺、肾)的功能活动,与人的五志(怒、喜、思、忧、恐)相连.使五音通五行来协调五脏,调养情志以养生祛病。中医认为,女性更年期的产生主要是肾气虚衰、冲任不足,从而导致一系列更年期综合征的发生。针对女性更年期产生的各种情绪障碍,对应五脏合理利用五音来辩证配乐,进行五行音乐心理疏导来调节五志,减少身心疾患,这也是对阴阳五行、天地人合一的理论与音乐结合的尝试。让音乐作为交流方式去传递关爱和真情,帮助女性平稳度过更年期,达到养生的功能。  相似文献   

一个是充满活力的“青春期”少年,一个是年过不惑的“更年期”妈妈,那么当“青春期”遭遇“更年期”的时候,两者间会擦出什么样的火花呢?  相似文献   

  爸爸,我总觉得写信是一种很好的方式,可以说出很多当面开不了口的言语。您有没有觉得最近您变得唠叨了,难道您也到了“更年期”,而且“更年期”还提前了?  相似文献   

指导临床鉴别会格伦综合征与女性更年期综合征.方法:对24例口干症状患者进行临床观察、实验室检查、腮腺造影及唇腺活检结果:24例患者中23例为女性,平均年龄51岁.均为更年期19例曾诊断为更年期综合征者,确诊为舍格伦综合征,临床型的9例,亚临床型6例.结论:提示女性内分泌功能变化与精神因素也可为舍格伦综合征的发病诱因.对早期诊治舍格伦综合征有指导意义.  相似文献   

我是一名中学教师,同时在学校担任工会主席。三八妇女节要到了,我很想为学校的女职工做点实事。我们学校的女教师很多,其中一批教学骨干正处于45岁左右的年龄。前不久,她们中的一位在处理班级问题的时候脾气急躁了点。结果被学生骂了一句“更年期”,这位教师被气哭了。我想就“更年期”这个主题为我校的女教师开一个座谈会,但苦于对“更年期”这个问题了解不是很深,希望徐老师能给讲一下。  相似文献   

据说,初中与高中阶段,是小孩人生最苦闷的时光,孩子的青春期遭遇母亲的更年期,互相抵触,互相争斗,形成家庭的“主旋律”。  相似文献   

凸显商品信息,凸显创始人,凸显商品形象,凸显品脾喻义,凸显品脾用词是英文品脾命名的几个特色。  相似文献   

张朔 《科技文萃》2005,(3):78-79
有时候,社会文化因素的负面影响常常出人意料.譬如,就连人人都要经历的更年期也在劫难逃,越来越被勾勒成洪水猛兽. 更年期是什么?医学专家们是这样界定的:更年期是男性与女性生命长河中不可逾越的一个生理时期,是性腺功能逐渐衰退至最后完全消失的一个过渡时期,更年期有长有短,有早有晚,妇女大多数发生在45~55岁之间,男性大多发生在50~60岁之间,虽然会出现一些不适,主要是身体不适应内部发生的衰老性变化的结果,并不是疾病.  相似文献   

因特网成瘾障碍是过度使用因特网而导致明显的社会、心理和身体损害的一种综合症 ,包括网络色情成瘾、网络交际成瘾、网络强迫行为、信息超载和网络游戏成瘾 ,是由因特网的强大功能、网络的可获得性 ,现实生活问题以及人生理想和个性心理特征等因素综合作用的结果。其对策有思想教育、环境控制、心理咨询与治疗等  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with changing attitudes to Down syndrome over the years from early times. It looks back at the place of people with Down syndrome and argues that it is part of our rich biological inheritance rather than a condition to be pitied. The biological basis of the condition is outlined and how the search for a cause affected professional and public feelings towards those with Down syndrome and their families. Changing medical and educational treatment is discussed and the challenges facing those who care for adults with Down syndrome who can now enjoy a longer life expectancy, but it is made clear that this must be a life worth living with a reasonable degree of independence. The paper concludes with accounts of changing attitudes and treatment in developing countries and how there is a growing universal movement to bring these people more into the community.  相似文献   

本文在国家“十五”攻关课题《妇女更年期综合征中医证治规律研究》所取得的成果数据库上。设计采用三层架构技术并基于互联网构建的绝经综合征中医证治规律的数据挖掘模型与系统框架,克服目前中医证候规律研究中普遍存在的技术单一和临床专家对挖掘结果评估权不足的问题。以此实现专家在线进行绝经综合征中医证治规律研究;提供在线新案例添加功能,使数据库能不断充实扩大为中医海量数据,为有关医生提供在线证治指导服务。  相似文献   

论“精神青春期教育”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"精神青春期"和"精神更年期"概念,是两个标志着人的精神生命发展的具有关节点意义的重要概念,特别是"精神青春期"概念,它与人的创造力直接相关;"精神青春期"的阙如,意味着人的理性精神文明的创造力的匮乏。面对当下中国年轻人普遍缺乏创造性这一现实,彻底反思和改革我们的中小学(包括幼儿)教育和大学教育,把"精神青春期教育"纳入我们的基础教育和高等教育之中,十分必要,刻不容缓。  相似文献   

Empty nest syndrome occurs as a result of urbanization and loosened relationships among family members. It may threaten the life quality of older adults and stability of society as a whole. This survey was designed to investigate the situation and factors that influence the life quality of a sample of older adults in a western state. Thirty-five respondents completed surveys that included questions relating to quality of life and living conditions of older adults living in the empty nest. This study showed that although most of the people did not live with their family members, the relationship with their family members appeared to greatly influence their life quality. It also showed the healthier they were and the more activities they participated in, the higher their life qualities were.  相似文献   

Earlier research on the development of children with Down syndrome is summarized from the standpoint of the development-difference debate. While some progress is recognized, it is argued that this research has neglected to theorize the concept of context and has, therefor, to a large extent created a notion of a universal child with Down syndrome. Three such neglected contexts are discussed; (1) the controlled setting, (2) the life context of the children, and, (3) culture as a context of development. With the point of departure in the criticism of how these contexts have been theorized, it is argued that (1) it is difficult to search for specific weaknesses in children with Down syndrome, (2) little is known about what factors in the lifes of these children that are important to development, and, (3) since cultures structure development differently, the development of children with Down syndrome will consequently vary from culture to culture. An outline of a framework for the study of the development of children with Down syndrome is proposed as well as its methodological implications. It is suggested that a partly new way of speaking about the development of children with Down syndrome is needed.  相似文献   

分析绝经后子宫出血的原因以及与恶性肿瘤的关系。认为绝经后子宫出血最多的原因是生殖器炎症,但随着绝经时间延长,绝经后子宫出血中恶性肿瘤的发病率明显增多。  相似文献   

A year‐long longitudinal study was conducted to gain insight into the lives of eight students who had a label of Asperger’s syndrome during their transitions into higher education in the UK. Reflecting on life history data, the findings suggest that universities might actually be maintaining and (re)producing barriers that perpetuate the exclusion and ghettoisation of disabled people. The analysis goes beyond an acknowledgement of institutional disabling practices to pinpoint the subtle impacts of issues of pedagogy, learning, teaching, and assessment. It is argued, therefore, that inclusive education needs to engage more directly with the specific issues faced by learners with the label of Asperger’s syndrome. However, rather than viewing this as an issue of special education for distinctly impaired learners, Asperger’s syndrome must be understood with reference to wider questions of how higher educators respond to diversity and difference.  相似文献   

中医“证”“象”的现代哲学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百余年来对中医学的捆绑,皆根源于物质本原论哲学,而物质本原论属于还原论。现代科学和中医学的理论与实践已证明,物质并非宇宙的本原和唯一实在,关系存在要比物质实体更为本始,更为丰富。"证"为病"象",所标示的是人之生命系统的自然整体关系,其内涵和所藏信息远大于生命系统的物质构成,并对其有统摄作用。辨证论治不细究因果关系,却把握并合理处置了全部相关因果关系。中医之"证"和"象",不能还原为西医之"体",二者属于在认识上永远不能沟通的两个层面。中医之"证",是独立的能够自成体系的科学领域,有自己的无限发展远景。中医在发展的过程中,一切现代科学和西医学的成果都可以考虑为我所用,但一定不可放弃以"证"/"象"为本位,一定要保持对对象自然整体状态的全面考察。超越片面性哲学的束缚之难,是中医存亡与发展的根本所在;同时,在面对这种难局的斗争中,从中医的视角,更加彰显中国古代科学思维的伟大成就。维护和弘扬中医学,既是时代赋予我们发展中国医学事业的使命,也是发展中国科学事业的使命。  相似文献   

采用教师年度体检报告作为基本资料,运用数理统计方法对武夷学院教师代谢综合征确诊(IDF定义)情况进行分析,结果显示:讲师职称以上教师的代谢综合征确诊患者比率为16.6%(X2=15.2,P〈0.01),表现为确诊率随年龄的增大而递增的特征。研究认为"健身走"、"慢跑步"作为主要运动锻炼方式,对代谢综合征具有预防与改善作用(X2=7.14,P〈0.01),但存在需提升运动量问题。建议:体检是高校教师了解个人健康状况、早期发现疾病线索和健康隐患的重要渠道。由于教师对体检结论重视不够,导致错过运动预防、改善或治疗代谢综合征的有利时机。应在教师中进行健康教育和慢性运动处方相关知识的辅导,培养坚持运动锻炼的良好习惯。  相似文献   

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