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本通过对中国古代戏剧、小说中“才子佳人”型故事和民间学中“巧妇智解难题”两种类型故事的比较,概括地指出“才子佳人”型故事所表现和倡导的温矛盾、美丽、善良、纯 女性特征其实是在男权社会中女性自我意识的淡化,是女性在特质上和精神上对男性的依附,同时,,本着力同是大广大的民间,女性的自我意识在劳动妇女当中不仅没有被弱化,反而普遍且长久地存在承传着。  相似文献   

以“非凡伙伴”母题构成的民间故事广泛流传于世界各地,我国“黑马张三哥”型故事就是典型代表。本文以大量详实的资料,勾勒出“黑马张三哥”型故事的流传变异情形,并就该类型故障的五个母题进行分析,在合乎历史和现实逻辑的基础上,考证出中国该类故事的源流。  相似文献   

“天鹅处女故事”在世界许多民族中以不同形态广为流传,可视为民间故事的一大“母题”。本对这一故事的流布及其演变情况作出了考察和分析。  相似文献   

中国古代的法制文学内容丰富多彩,故事类型也多种多样。在众多的故事类型中,较为常见的故事类型有冤狱型、义侠型、清官型、复仇型和警世型等。每一种故事类型,都有其深刻的思想性。深入研究古代法制文学的故事类型及其发展流变,有利于进一步探究古代法制文学的艺术特征,发掘这一文学形式的艺术价值。  相似文献   

宁稼雨 《天中学刊》2015,30(1):18-21
故事类型是中国叙事文化学研究的主体对象,科学合理地确定故事类型的分类原则是中国叙事文化学研究的首要工作和任务。对于中国叙事文化学的故事分类原则来说,"AT分类法"的积极作用在于它提供了一种宏观范式,将浩如烟海而又零散繁杂的世界各地民间故事系统地归纳为条理简略清晰的类型索引。但中国叙事文化学的故事类型分类又不能简单照搬"AT分类法"。中国叙事文化学的叙事文学故事类型编制方案原则是在吸收前人成就的基础上,从中国叙事文学的实际出发,创立中国叙事文学的故事主题类型索引。  相似文献   

秋胡戏妻故事在中国可谓源远流长。在不同的朝代其故事细节及其作的评价均发生了一些微妙的变化。从社会化的角度进行探讨可以发现,这些变化是由作所处的不同朝代的社会化背景所决定的。  相似文献   

深受世界人民喜爱的中山狼故事,以其独有的哲理思想和艺术魅力影响了一代又一代的民众,因而廓清其来龙去脉,把握其文化属性就显得十分必要。本文将我国中山狼故事置于世界民间故事的流程中加以研究,在比较中既探讨了该故事的共性,又分析了该故事的民族个性,并得出其文化之源。在大量的文本分析中,着重解剖了中山狼型故事交流的多重性和复杂性  相似文献   

不同宗教信仰往往给民间故事留下深刻的民族文化印记,在类型研究上应引起充分注意。道教对中国民间文学、特别是幻想故事有着深刻影响。有许多故事在口头传承过程中因吸收道教影响,在枝节上发生变异,染上某些道教文化色彩,这类情况十分普遍。但它们的基本情节结构尚未改变,仍可作为普通故事类型看待。另一种情况是借助道教神秘幻想,创造新的故事类型,或增添新的情节单元,由新旧复合产生出具有相对独立的新类型。  相似文献   

在全球文化背景下,我国大学生用英语“讲好中国故事”对中国文化在世界上的传播和中国良好国际形象的树立起着重要的作用。文章通过对提升大学生用英语“讲好中国故事”能力意义的探究,分析大学生用英语“讲好中国故事”的现状及存在的问题,在英语教学中就如何提升大学生用英语“讲好中国故事”的能力进行研究与实践。  相似文献   

中国封建地主经济一直延续到20世纪40年代,给予社会生活的方方面面以深刻影响。地主与农民,特别是与长工、佃户之间的阶级对立,成为旧中国社会的基本矛盾之一。在民间口头文学中,表现长工与地主抗争的故事也就应运而生。文章系统而全面地考察了故事的各种异文,把这类具有中国文化特性的故事分为三个亚型,即“巧做活”亚型、“连环骗”亚型和“破难题”亚型,从叙事艺术民社会历史意义两个角度阐明长工与地主故事的文化内涵。  相似文献   

This study aims at understanding the use of punctuation in children's early writings in connection with the organisation of the written text. Data are drawn from a larger comparative study in which written stories of Little Red Riding Hood were collected from primary school children who speak one of the three Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian). The corpus consists of 134 written stories of second grade children from low income families. Different quantitative and qualitative analysis are presented. Results show that all children, in spite of differences in literacy practices, try to make sense of the conventions of a system of writing, including punctuation marks (PMs). Some children seem to assume a ‘graphic principle', while others make sophisticated attempts to distinguish the function of PMs for different types of speech genre. Contrastive textual use of PM seems to be critical also for teaching purposes.  相似文献   


This paper analyzes “production stories,” a genre of information literature and media responsible for teaching children how everyday things are made. As nineteenth-century families increasingly consumed tropical commodities produced by slave labor, including sugar, tea, coffee, rum, and tobacco, the production story developed in Britain and the United States as a way to explain to children where everyday household goods originate, making global trade networks visible in the home. These “production stories” developed strategies for raising or eliding ethical questions posed by who makes things, under what conditions, and for whom. Focusing on stories of sugar production, I find that production stories reveal surprising details about technical processes for making things, but conceal the human cost of production. They also end with consumption, when children use the products, symbolically affirming the conditions under which they were made. Drawing on scholarship from the history of technology and the history of the Atlantic slave trade, I contend that problematic representations of manufacturing processes feed into and support whitewashed histories for children. I conclude by analyzing contemporary picturebooks that resist certain genre patterns and encourage positive identification with enslaved black characters, who like child readers, are at once makers, readers, and consumers.


This investigation explored the emergent knowledge of genre-specific characteristics of twenty kindergartners and twenty first graders, who were invited to compose three types of genre stories, personal letters, and shopping lists at three different times during the school year. Both groups responded to the request to write different types of genre by applying a variety of writing forms. At both grade levels, stories and personal letters were associated with more conventional writing systems than the list. Shopping lists were more consistently associated with less-conventional writing systems within children's repertoires of writing forms. Genre characteristics are suspected to have determined, at least partially, those patterns of association. The children's readings of their own compositions provided substantial information about their developing knowledge of communicative function and form. It was the list and not the narrative that was the best-known genre among children in both groups. Intermediary compositional forms for the story and the personal letter were composed by children at both grade levels as the school year progressed. The findings highlight the flexible nature of young writers' emergent composing process and the importance of genre as an influential factor on that process. It also highlights the limitations of assessing the young authors' knowledge of written language solely on the basis of their written products. Results of the study also raise questions about the preconceived notion of the primacy of the narrative genre over other types of genre during the early years and the implicit notion guiding many writing curricula that graphic aspects of writing should precede compositional undertakings.  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》在中国小说史上的意义,不仅在于其自身的成就奠定了它作为一个经典文本的地位,更在于它是子部小说这样一种文类的标本。在史、子、集三种叙事传统中,纪昀明确地以子部为归属,着眼于三者的异同来确立和完善子部小说的特点,在题旨上注重事理的揭示,在叙事准则上反对过度虚构,风格简淡,回避现场感,其文类特征是鲜明而系统的。面对《阅微草堂笔记》,应当采用子部小说的原理来阐发文本及其小说史地位,否则牛头不对马嘴,只能徒滋纷扰。  相似文献   

The 1920s and 1930s were a period which saw great popular interest in radiation and radioactivity in America, and the establishment of a new genre of pulp literature, science fiction. Radiation was prevalent in American popular culture at the time, and sf stories were dependent upon radiation for much of their color and excitement. In this case study of stories in Amazing Stories and Astounding Stories, two of the leading sf pulps, the connections between actual scientific ideas and discoveries and sf plots and imagery are analyzed, demonstrating the general optimistic belief in the possibilities of scientifically-controlled radiation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of a highly explicit, teacher-directed instructional routine used to teach three planning strategies for writing to fourth and fifth graders with learning disabilities. In comparison to peers who received process writing instruction, children who were taught the three planning strategies-goal setting, brainstorming, and organizing-spent more time planning stories in advance of writing and produced stories that were qualitatively better. One month after the end of instruction, students who had been taught the strategies not only maintained their advantage in story quality but also produced longer stories than those produced by their peers who were taught process writing. However, the highly explicit, teacher-directed strategy instructional routine used in this study did not promote transfer to an uninstructed genre, persuasive essay writing. These findings are discussed in terms of their relevance to effective writing instruction practices for students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

莫多克的歌特式小说是在传统歌特式小说基础上,把故事的背景放置于法律与秩序象征的现代城市,深入到人的内心深处,细致剖析了人的心理活动。她揭示出,在传统道德观念与宗教精神不再发挥作用的情况下,人们普遍感到迷失了方向,丧失了自我存在的意义和价值,难以与他人沟通与交流,只能按照自我为中心的意志、意愿和行为标准体系行事,难免会造成冲突,并导致悲剧性的结果。这既是在形式上对传统歌特式小说的继承,也是在主题上对这种小说模式的发展与颠覆。  相似文献   

近十几年来,北欧的小说家们推动的犯罪小说的复兴引起了文学界的普遍关注。对于犯罪文学中是否存在科学因素以及具体表现的研究,引起了学者们的重视。犯罪文学的文类属于文学,其下又可细分为侦探小说、悬疑小说、硬汉小说、警察程序小说、犯罪惊悚小说、历史性侦探小说等。从对典型的三种犯罪文学样式中科学因素的具体表现考察分析后得出结论:犯罪文学中科学的因素贯穿始终,但原因和目的并非为了科学本身,而主要在于文学自身:增强艺术感染力,提升作者在文学界的地位等。  相似文献   

唐传奇是中国文言小说成熟的标志。作为道教文化的宣传者,唐传奇吸收道教的文化底蕴,一方面充分运用自身的优势阐释道教思想,另一方面展现了自身的独特生机。道教作为本土宗教,其理论与唐传奇紧密结合,道家深奥的学问借助唐传奇的文学体裁得以通俗易懂地展现。唐传奇与道教有着多重关系,除了互利的方面外,道教具有禁欲思想,而作为文学,唐传奇具有人文情怀和启迪作用,二者在宣传"人欲"方面存在冲突。  相似文献   

The themes of love, loss and magic have been enduring themes in fairytales, myths, legends and fantasy within the genre of children's literature. These stories frequently depict young protagonists who have been ‘orphaned’ in some way—for example, through death, betrayal, absence, rejection or unexplained disappearance. In many of these narratives an important feature is the power of the story to grip and hold its readers through the intervention of magic in its most sinister and beneficent form as well as the love and loyalty of friends and creatures drawn from the world of fantasy. What is seldom examined is the way in which the author's own biography of loss and love both informs and provides a major impetus to the stories they have written. This article explores the way in which the themes of love, loss and magic interconnect with two phenomenally successful contemporary children's writers. Using selected extracts from the work of Philip Pullman and Michael Morpurgo, the article suggests a dynamic synergy with the authors and their stories.  相似文献   

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