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Reading historical intelligence community documents primarily through the lens of Kenneth Burke's essay “Semantic and Poetic Meaning,” this article explores the history and stakes of the intelligence community's ongoing commitment to a problematic model of language use. The essay argues that the intelligence community's pursuit of a “mathematical” ideology of language is an attempt to render language “neutral” and to divorce rhetoric from ethics in ways that Burke anticipated, and with negative consequences for the generation of written intelligence reports and national policy decisions.  相似文献   

Kenneth Burke initially established dramatism as a method for understanding the social uses of language. An examination of Burke's major rhetorical concepts—identification, the definition of the human being, the concept of reality, and terms for order—reveals the epistemology of his dramatism as a marriage of paradox and metaphor. However, recently Burke has shifted dramatism towards a philosophy. Three shifts establish a dramatism based upon “act,”; not the tension between “action”; and “motion,”; dramatism that employs language “literally,”; rather than exploiting its ambiguity, and dramatism that is more “reality”; oriented rather than the link that orders and relates “reality”; to our abstract values.  相似文献   

When Kenneth Burke visited the Museum of Modern Art exhibition “Road to Victory: A Procession of Photographs of the Nation at War” in the summer of 1942, he most likely did not expect to leave with such intense and intensely contradictory impressions. His visit there offers rhetoric scholars an opportunity to examine the exhibition – important for museum rhetoric because of its propagandistic political message and its innovative visual and material design. Considering the exhibition on its own terms, and the way designers managed problems of circulation and implemented new methods of “extended vision” helps us to present Burke’s then-developing theories (placement, the pentad) as themselves decidedly visual – photographic, even – and concomitantly, for that moment at least, as decidedly war-directed.  相似文献   

In his early addresses on religion and slavery, particularly his famous “Slaveholder's Sermon, “Frederick Douglass used parody to address one of the abolition movement's most serious challenges, the belief that the Bible sanctioned slavery. Douglass strategically juxtaposed explicit claims to his status as a fugitive slave with a persona he enacted by mocking proslavery preaching in such a way that he confronted audiences with what Kenneth Burke called “perspective by incongruity.” In this way, he forcefully undermined proslavery religion's claim to legitimacy.  相似文献   

Rhetorical scholars have taken Burke's discussions of the “representative anecdote” in A Grammar of Motives, and have devised from them a systematic procedure for use in criticism. However, I believe that we can read the representative anecdote in a different way‐by examining the work the term does for Burke himself. I suggest that Burke is not offering a method as much as justifying dramatism dramatistically. Ultimately, based upon my reading of the Grammar, I argue that the representative anecdote‐taken in conjunction with the pentad‐supports Burke's claim to provide the most adequate vocabulary for the study of motives.  相似文献   

Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign motivated thousands of people to train, organize, and recruit volunteers to get involved at the grassroots level. In this essay, I study a set of training manuals used during the 2008 Obama campaign and explore how four key rhetorical devices encouraged volunteers to identify strongly with the campaign. Using Kenneth Burke’s theory of identification, I analyze how (a) “Respect. Empower. Include.,” (b) the Story of Self, (c) volunteer recruitment and retention, and (d) the Obama “O” symbol fostered a sense of mission and commitment to the larger campaign narrative.  相似文献   

Inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche's idea of philology and William Gass's concept of transreading, Huiwen (Helen) Zhang employs “transreader” to suggest the integration of four roles in one: reader, translator, writer, and scholar. “Transreader” recognizes that close reading, literary translation, creative writing, and cultural hermeneutics are interdependent activities with intertwined goals: to transfer, transvalue, transform, and transcend the canon. From this perspective, Lu Xun, China's Nietzsche, is a twentieth‐century transreader of the canon, and his prose poem “Revenge (The Second)” delivers a self‐referential ethics of transreading. Zhang's transreading of this poem shows why slow reading is today more necessary than ever, in what sense translation is a universal dilemma, how humanity grows when its expression grows more subtle, and that transreading opens a space for genuine communication.  相似文献   

In the current essay, Kevin Burke and Adam Greteman challenge this thing called love by looking at how we might instead “like” in education. Within education, multiculturalism can be viewed as a way of loving, or learning to love, diversity and, as such, learning to love the self; this tendency is notably apparent in the recent rise of concern expressed about student self‐esteem. According to the authors, however, critical research on multiculturalism demonstrates how, in loving diversity, multicultural discourses limn the possibilities for subjects to come into being and be liked for their differences. Drawing on James Alison's On Being Liked, Burke and Greteman reframe the problem of relating in education instead through the language of liking. How does the shift from loving to liking — either our students, our teachers, or ourselves — create different social dynamics and ethical paradigms? In engaging this question, Burke and Greteman offer an alternative model of liking that is based on the practice of cruising.  相似文献   

尼采把虚无主义的诞生归结到其所否定的柏拉图主义虚设的瓦解,也即:上帝死了之后。海德格尔对尼采的研究首先是对于当时对尼采哲学所谓的“虚无主义”问题的批驳与澄清。海氏对于尼采的虚无主义给予了“仍是在传统形而上学遗忘存在之中思考虚无主义”的结论,称尼采只是“颠倒的柏拉图主义”。海氏对尼采之“虚无主义”的深刻误读说明其思想的“形而上学”痕迹及其无视尼采的生命本体论的实际。  相似文献   

“从来”和“向来”一直是对外汉语词汇教学的重点和难点。文章从语义分析的角度,认为;“从来”和“向来”既对立又互补。“从来”倾向用否定形式,“向来”倾向用肯定形式。若都用于否定式,则有不同的侧重点,“从来”否定式偏向对某一具体动作、行为、事件的动态否定,是倾向对客观性的否定;而“向来”否定式更偏向对静态的、抽象的、主观的方面进行否定。“从来”还可以在过去的时间中截取一段出来进行否定,但“向来”没有这个用法。  相似文献   

英语否定句是表达人们对客观世界事物、现象及内心认识和感受作出否定阐述的基本句式。常见的否定句由明显表达否定意义的副词no、not及由包括它们的复合词如never、noting等构成。另外,英语中大量存在的带有表达否定意义的前、后缀词语如用来充当句子主要成分时,也可看成是否定句,如dislike、unhappy、valueless等。对这些结构的理解与翻译并不难。但英语中还大量存在着并不包含明显的否定词语,而整句表述的却是否定意义的结构。它们通常会使用特定的词语与句式来表达否定意义。本文对12种此类结构进行梳理与归纳,并通过大量实例来展示其用法,以期对初、中级英语学习者在正确理解和准确翻译它们时有所帮助。  相似文献   

基于北京大学CCL语料库,采用描写和解释相结合的方法,对副词“一点儿”进行分析。结果表明,“一点儿”为否定极性副词,强制性地要求用于否定语境,且为严格、非自由、非黏着否定极性副词。在句中作状语,有两类典型固化的否定句法槽,常与“也”“都”共现。用在否定句中表全量否定,可增强语势,凸显前景信息以及强调主观认识。  相似文献   

“才怪”在现代汉语口语中十分常见,通过分析“才怪”的句法语义表现,可以拟测其词汇化过程并探讨其词汇化机制。我们初步推测“才怪”是由“才+奇怪”演化并词汇化。“才怪”作为后置标记,表达反预期信息,具有否定功能。“才怪”具有特殊的否定语用价值,在使用上有一定的制约条件。  相似文献   

在古汉语中,“莫”字是表示否定意义的词,本文从词性研究的角度,论述了“莫”字在古汉语中作否定性元定指代词及否定副词的一些应用情况,阐明了“莫”字在不的句式中所具有的实际含义。  相似文献   

“非吏比者三老、北边骑士,轺车一算;商贾人轺车二算”一句中的“非”字对“吏比者三老”、“北边骑士”构成否定关系,“非吏比者”不能合为一个词,“吏比者”专指三老。  相似文献   

副词“保不住”由能性述补结构“保住”的否定式演变而来。“保不住”连用最早始于明代的《剪灯新话》中,但数量很少,清中期“保不住”连用的用例增多,并发展出动词和副词的用法。动词用法的“保不住”的形成源于线性序列上的紧邻、高频的使用以及“保”和“住”较低的动词义特征。副词用法的“保不住”在动词用法的基础上发展而来,其中句法位置的改变,双重否定的句法环境在其语法化和情态义形成的过程中起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

“婆”用于“VP-neg”句式,与“不、非、未、无”可以互换,功能相同。通过排比佛典同一故事内容的异译,认为“VP不”式的“不”作为语气词是北方语言的特点,南方正反问句采用“VP 不 VP”格式来表达。通过音义关系的考察,认为“不、非、未、无”具有同源关系,“婆”源于“不”,是通语“不”在西部方言中的变体。唐代以后,正反问句中“不”“无”的使用出现此消彼长,口语里“无”保留了古音,而“不”则借“婆”延续生命力。“VP-neg”式里的否定词逐渐固化为塞音声母和鼻音声母两类,主元音为[a]类及其变音,并以此为基点逐渐扩散,在不同的时间和不同的地域,分别用了不同的字来记录,“婆”写作“波、啵、罢、吧”;“无”写作“磨、摩、麽、么、末、没、嘛、吗”。  相似文献   

This study explored the structural relationships among secondary school students’ conceptions, self-regulation, and strategies of learning science in mainland China. Three questionnaires, namely conceptions of learning science (COLS), self-regulation of learning science (SROLS), and strategies of learning science (SLS) were developed for investigating 333 Chinese high school learners’ conceptions, metacognitive self-regulation, and strategies in science. The confirmatory factor analysis results verified the validity of the three surveys. Moreover, the path analyses revealed a series of interesting findings. Learners with lower-level COLS, namely “memorizing,” “testing,” and “practicing and calculating,” tended to use surface learning strategies such as “minimizing scope of the study” and “rote learning.” However, learners’ higher-level COLS, namely “increase of knowledge,” “applying,” “understanding,” and “seeing in a new way,” had complicated connections with their SROLS and SLS. On the one hand, learners’ higher-level COLS had negative relations to “minimizing scope of the study” and “rote learning.” On the other hand, their higher-level COLS were powerful predicators for their metacognitive self-regulation and further affected their use of “deep strategy” and “rote learning.” Though Chinese secondary students with higher-level COLS usually have a negative view of “rote learning,” the functioning of their metacognitive self-regulation may change their initial attitudes towards the surface strategy. Learners with higher-level COLS still used “rote learning” as a prior step for achieving deep learning. Therefore, we concluded that the SROLS played an important mediating role between the COLS and SLS and may change learners’ original intention to utilize learning strategies.  相似文献   

“哪门子”是现代汉语中使用频率较高的一个词,其由“哪+一门子”词汇化而来,由于其搭配对象由亲缘关系名词逐步扩展、泛化,加之用于反问句和数词“一”的省略,其意义上表否定,结构上凝固,逐渐发展固化为词“。哪门子”与“什么”表否定有一定的共同点,但二者在句法和语义上也存在诸多差异。此外,“哪门子”还具有较强的主观贬义色彩。  相似文献   

Often the terms “disabled,” “handicapped,” and “exceptional” are used interchangeably to describe individuals eligible for special education services. The term “exceptional” is the most preferable of the three because the other two can lead to negative attitudes toward individuals so labeled.  相似文献   

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