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Researchers in literary theory, linguistic pragmatics, and rhetoric have identified three principal communicative functions of irony: (1) to give emphasis or reinforcement to the values of a friendly listener, (2) to attack or ridicule the values of an hostile or unsuspecting listener, and (3) to undermine an opponent's intellectual position. This essay goes further by (7) arguing that a process called the “foregrounding of norms” is crucial to ironic comprehension and (2) arguing that differences among these three ironic outcomes owe to differences in the target audience's personal relation to these norms as well as to the type of norms foregrounded.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore what it means to write as a woman by uncovering Marguerite Sechehaye's unclaimed contributions to psychoanalysis through a feminist reinterpretation of her writing. Analyzing two discrepant accounts of a treatment relationship, a first‐hand account written by Renee, a young woman who was Sechehaye's patient, and Sechehaye's own writing about this case, I interpret the shifting voices in these accounts and discover a method of “locating the feminine not‐said” [Showalter, 1985] in women's writing. This feminist understanding of Sechehaye's work involves entering women's stories, often informed and inflected by male perspectives, in order to uncover subtexts of resistance to and revision of a dominant view. I argue that the dilemma Sechehaye faced reflects a contradiction in the education of women: to learn a dominant discourse is necessary to gaining entry and voice within any of the professions, yet taking on a dominant discourse often means leaving one's knowledge as a woman largely unclaimed, obscuring a critical and original perspective.  相似文献   

Edward R. Murrow's documentary series See It Now's “Report on Senator McCarthy” is a telecast that stands as one of the most influential documents in American public discourse. It is also one of the least understood. The standard response has been to label the program as “flawed” because it was not “objective.” This essay argues that the text situates itself between the genre of objective news documentary and the genre of public argument through the ironic “use” of objectivity as a fabricated strategy of appeal.  相似文献   

At a time when both philosophy of education and the arts are under threat within education, this article inquires into interdisciplinarity as one way of approaching the disciplines of philosophy of education and aesthetics. The article offers a retrospective autobiographical intellectual history and phenomenology of the author's own learning and scholarship within Higher Education in three main areas—philosophy of literature education, women's studies, and philosophy of music education, areas paralleling the three periods of her academic career. One sub-theme of this narrative about the balancing act of working in literature and music through philosophy of education is the author's ongoing resistance to professionalization or disciplinary academic control—of literature, philosophy, and music—while being a critical student of educational theory and practice in these areas—philosophy, literature and music within philosophy of education—of thus being “betwixt and between.” Two other themes comprising the article's subtext are “praxis” and “embodiment.” The double entendre of the phrase “working through” entails, first, using the arts of literature and music to practise philosophy of education; and secondly, embracing the psychological, ethical, and spiritual introspection that comes with critical engagement of the arts and its discourses. In short, the article aims to reprise some burning philosophical educational questions that have preoccupied its author over the years, questions deemed especially pertinent to the current increasingly diverse membership in the discipline of educational studies.  相似文献   

浪漫主义反讽是由弗·施莱格尔基于哲学思考提出而后进入美学的.施莱格尔把反讽作为解决有限与无限、绝对的需要把握与不可把握这两组矛盾的手段.对反讽的这种哲学之思进入美学后,文艺创作上表现出三个特点:一,就创作主体而言,反讽赋予艺术家无限的自由;二,就创作主题而言,反讽表现的是有限与无限之间的对立和超越;三,就创作方式而言,反讽以残缺代替完整.浪漫主义反讽的极端主观性虽遭到许多诟病,但不应忽视其中蕴含的辩证因素和美学价值.  相似文献   


The decades following the mass migration of Italians and their cultural traditions to Australia during the 1950s and 1960s witnessed an increase in research concerning second generation cultural minorities and the role they maintain as “bridges” between two divergent cultures. Ideas of cultural duality and conflict stand in opposition to notions of cultural synthesis, and at times, have served to blur the lived experiences of this group. To compound this problem, much of the research in this field has focused on the adolescent experience, therefore denying an insight into those “lived experiences” of the adult. The effect of this focus has been the negation of the historical specificity that applies to a generation that has reached adulthood as “second generation Italian ethnics” in Australia. Through a comparison of women's life stories, as told by female cousins in both Sicily and Australia, this paper aims to explore women's perceptions and experiences of their schooling. Their accounts reveal a sense of “connectedness” and a delicate balancing in their concepts of family, culture and educational experience. Equally important is an exploration of the intersection of ethnicity and education to enable a better understanding of schooling at an experiential level both among second generation Sicilian women in Australia and Sicilian women in Italy. Through such a comparison, the relationship between ethnicity, education and generation can be further explored.


Anna Maria Piussi's article “towards a pedagogy of sexual difference: education and female genealogy”, Gender and Education, 2, (2) 1990, is criticised on the grounds that it ignores differences between women, and that it fails to challenge the construction of gender as a binary opposition. An alternative interpretation of the relationship between the gendering of knowledge and women's subordination is put forward, and marshalled, in support of a feminist pedagogy that deconstructs the equality‐difference antimony.  相似文献   

Analyzing Montaigne's triptych painting, “Of the Education of Children,” reveals a series of ever‐morphing, Dorian Gray–like canvases that depict metaphor mutations through which Montaigne defined education by distinguishing between schooling a child into a learned man and educating him into an able, active, and gentle person. Montaigne used metaphor and metaphor clusters to image key points in his educational philosophy, advanced his argument by intertwining, transmuting, and inverting metaphors, and thereby drew and vividly painted his philosophy of how to educate a person from cradle to coffin. Because the etymology and pronunciation of “essay” (from the French essai) support Montaigne's imaging and exploiting of this genre's creative potential, Virginia Worley begins by considering the term's etymology before positioning her analysis of Montaigne's work within metaphor research. She then examines the metaphors Montaigne used to paint the triptych word painting that embodies his philosophy of education: the meaning and value of educating in and for the art of living well.  相似文献   

This article draws on three Canadian research studies to question conventional understandings that access to adult literacy education is a simple matter of providing programs. In the face of women's experiences of violence, commonly overlooked barriers limit “access.” Different forms of violence, their frequency, and the prevalence of medicalizing discourses about violence are examined. Effects of violence on women's attempts to get to programs, complete courses they begin, and learn successfully, are introduced. Educators are challenged to design literacy programs that will support learning and create conditions to counteract the early “training” which tells women they cannot learn.  相似文献   

This article explores the approach of “Realistic Idealism” to moral education developed by the humanist-progressive moral educator Janusz Korczak, and the role hope plays in it. This pair of terms seems to be an oxymoron. However, their employment is intentional and the article will demonstrate their dialectical interdependence: “Idealism” encapsulates the educative drive to humanize the world and “Realistic” sets up empirically verifiable, ethical limits to idealistic strivings, and serves as an antidote to the dangerous pitfalls into which romantic and mystical forms of it fall.  相似文献   

This essay is based on a series of conversations with female bodybuilders. Our focus is on their efforts to make a place for themselves in a “male” sport. The paper analyzes their efforts to renegotiate the dominant masculine meanings of bodybuilding, thereby asserting their right to occupy this culturally contested terrain. It explores the ways in which women's culturally derived expertise in bodywork can be used as a political tool for the colonization of a male preserve.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, women's education has been a highly prominent issue which is not adequately addressed in their education policies. The participation of female populations in education in most of the developing regions of the world has been much lower than the participation of their male counterparts [UNICEF. 2005a. “Report Card on Gender Parity and Primary Education.” www.unicef.org/turkey]. As a developing country, Turkey engaged in fairly vigorous and determined attempts to address the issues regarding women's education [Aydagül, B. 2008. “No Shared Vision for Achieving Education for All: Turkey at Risk.” Prospects 38 (3): 401–407] owing to the support, incentives, and pressure of the international organisations through various conventions in the last decade. The current paper scrutinises one of these attempts, namely, the campaign called ‘Come on girls, let's go to school’ which was initiated by the Ministry of National Education with the support of United Nations Children's Fund and World Bank, and considerably contributed to the increases in girls' enrolment and attendance rates in rural areas and southeast regions of Turkey. This paper utilises the social equity criteria as its conceptual framework drawing from Levin [1978. “The Dilemma of Comprehensive Secondary School Reforms in Western Europe.” Comparative Education Review 22 (3): 434–451] and Stromquist [2011. Educational Equity [Lecture Notes]. College Park: University of Maryland]. The analysis yields that the girls' education campaign in Turkey addresses to varying extents the criteria of accessibility, probability of enrolment, probability of participation, and length of participation, whereas it fails to meet the standard of educational results.  相似文献   

In this article Karl Hostetler portrays teachers as tragic ironists whose existence is prone to “playful disruptions of the soul,” when the meaning and value of ideas pertinent to teaching — including “teaching” itself — become puzzling, prompting a reassessment and reinvigoration of those ideas. In developing his concept of tragic irony, Hostetler draws particularly on Jonathan Lear's A Case for Irony and the Greek tragedies Oedipus Tyrannus and Medea. According to Lear, the aim of irony is “to inject a certain form of not‐knowing into polis life.” Relatedly, Hostetler observes, a frequent theme in classical Greek tragedy is the misery that can result from purporting to “know.” Tragedy and irony, he argues, can be particularly powerful and unsettling avenues for introducing uncertainty. He further contends that teachers as tragic ironists maintain a measure of uncertainty about their craft, not only recognizing that they do not know everything, but sometimes questioning whether they know anything. In a culture that tends to valorize certainty, Hostetler concludes, this is an essential attitude in the practice of and discourse about education.  相似文献   

In this article I explore the part played by liberal democratic ideology in the regulation of female work, in particular, the work of women teacher educators and contract researchers in British and Canadian teacher education departments. My goal is to examine the relationship between symbolic notions of female domesticity and service as they have been expressed in liberal understandings of the nation state across time, together with accounts of contemporary working life as described by differently positioned women workers in teacher education. Central to the argument I make is the assertion that women's work and its symbolic representation in teacher education constitute powerful symbolic elements in the ongoing regulation of women as non-citizens. In following the work of feminist political theorists and cultural sociologists, I also examine the cultural, material, and social power of historicized visions of the female as “domestic servant”, as daughter of the nation state, and as “deviant non-citizen” as they are reflected in the contemporary working lives of women teacher educators.  相似文献   

This essay interrogates the phenomenon and the implications of being female in school science through girls' and young women's stories interwoven with my own narrative as a woman teacher/researcher in science education. The intent is to raise awareness of issues related to being female in conventional science teaching, and to suggest some alternative perspectives and approaches for action and reflection. I discuss several directions within my teaching which announce my own interpretation of bell hook's “engaged pedagogy,” which emphasizes a commitment to self-actualization and well-being for both teacher and student. My choice to integrate disparate writing styles (conversational and scholarly) was a deliberate effort to resonate issues between practice and theory and interrupt this separation. J Res Sci Teach 35: 463–471, 1998.  相似文献   

Ruby Payne, CEO of aha! Process, Inc., and author of A Framework for Understanding Poverty (2005), has become one of the most influential figures in the U.S. public education milieu. Payne's framework, built largely upon understanding the “culture” of poverty, instructs educators on the values and mindsets poor students carry into the classroom as well as how to help them develop middle-class values and culture. But despite Payne's popularity, scholars and activists representing a wide variety of disciplines, from critical theory to mathematics education, have been highly critical of her work. In this essay I synthesize the existing critiques, dividing them into “eight elements of oppression” in Payne's work. I then offer a vision for a more authentic framework—one for authenticating anti-poverty education.  相似文献   

Extending an important rhetorical tradition of investigating women's positioning/positionalities in the national imaginary, in society, and in the law, this essay examines how non-US citizen women and their experiences are deployed toward objectives of the US state. Specifically, I analyze the rhetorical significance of two precedent-setting gender-based asylum cases, those of Fauziya Kassindja and Rody Alvarado, to understand the different ways non-US women are positioned by the state. These cases reveal that women claimants, depending on the nuances of their claims, are incorporated into the state as “good” women, pushed to the margins because their rhetoric is “threatening,” or appropriated by the state because their “otherness” provides an image that the United States can deploy in demonstrating itself as the “good” state that protects and supports women.  相似文献   

This study deals with the issue of incorporating values education in music education in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools. It includes the development of the state's cultural and national identity since its handover from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China (PRC). Thirty primary and secondary school music teachers were interviewed in order to understand how notions of “musical values” and “non-musical values” have been addressed in the curriculum. In particular, this study focuses on music teachers' perspectives on teaching world music, traditional Chinese music, the PRC national anthem, and non-musical values. This paper questions the effectiveness of existing curricular and pedagogical attempts to encourage the students' musical experience and extra-musical education. It concludes that values education must have clear conceptions of “values”, “musical cultures”, and “national identity” in order to maintain unity amidst the intensifying plurality of ethnicities and cultures in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

反讽是小说创作中倍受作家青睐的艺术表现手法,本文针对福尔斯的小说《法国中尉的女人》中的人物塑造、主题,分析了其中存在的反讽。认为反讽在该小说中作为一种艺术手法,它恰似一条将小说内容和形式紧密结合的链条,将本似存在对立的内容和形式契合得天衣无缝。  相似文献   

福楼拜的《包法利夫人》,不惟是对日益落入庸常的浪漫主义的反讽,更是对物质主义的鞭笞。艾玛悲剧的制造者商人勒合,以奢侈消费品捕杀了艾玛浪漫主义的心理诉求,以物品系统的无限取代了浪漫主义的自由,秘密构建了现代资本社会女性解放的迷人陷阱。  相似文献   

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