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The 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling remains a most prominent and influential event in one's perceptions of educational (in)equality. This research focuses on identity politics in education, paying special attention to whiteness as it manifests in a student‐centered university‐sponsored open‐forum public speaking event centering on the 50th anniversary of this landmark case. To this end, the authors develop and utilize the method of field‐text process analysis. By combining ethnography and rhetorical/textual criticism to form field‐text process analysis, they are able to scrutinize the process and event of the forum for the ways it both perpetuates and works against whiteness in its many manifestations.  相似文献   

汉萨同盟是德国北部城市组建的社会经济同盟,在欧洲世纪历史上有举足轻重的影响。汉萨同盟曾积极地促进了西、北欧地区的经济联系和发展,改善了该地区的商贸环境,但同时汉萨同盟也是阻碍德国政治和经济统一的主要因素之一,并对相关国家和地区产生了一系列消极影响。十五世纪中叶是汉萨同盟发展历史上的转折点,随着欧洲政治经济大环境的变化和同盟内部利益冲突的加剧,汉萨同盟丧失了进一步发展的任何可能性,十七世纪下半叶,汉萨同盟最终退出了历史舞台。  相似文献   

Expository texts contain rhetorical devices that help readers to connect text ideas (within a text and with prior knowledge) and to monitor reading. Rhetorical competence addresses readers' skill in detecting, understanding and using these devices. We examined the contribution of rhetorical competence to reading comprehension on two groups of 11‐ to 13‐year‐old students: low‐level (Study 1) and high‐level (Study 2) reading skills. The measures of rhetorical competence assessed students' knowledge about anaphors, organisational signals and refutations. In both studies, each measure of rhetorical competence contributed significantly to reading comprehension once prior knowledge, working memory and decoding skills were controlled for. This contribution was higher in Study 2. Furthermore, whereas in Study 1, each measure of rhetorical competence had a unique contribution to reading comprehension when controlling for the other measures of rhetorical competence, in Study 2, only the knowledge about organisational signals and refutations had this unique contribution.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to draw attention to non-conventional but popular modes of transmitting scientific knowledge in Jesuit institutions in the 17th century. The particular case study focuses on a fictive dialogue between Galileo, Mersenne and Paulus Guldin on the power needed for moving the huge globe of the earth by mechanical means. The dialogue was written by a Jesuit mathematician named Paolo Casati (1617–1707) and published in 1655. Apparently, Casati offers his readers an idealized representation of a real event that took place at the Collegio Romano, where explanation of mathematical problems in a kind of public ritual used to take place once or twice a month in presence of philosophers, theologians, visitors and students. My analysis of some parts of Casati’s Terra Machinis Mota exemplifies the Jesuits’ success to accommodate the project of Renaissance practical mathematicians – the fusion of the pseudo-Aristotelian interest in machines with the mathematical approach of Archimedes – to the framework of the traditional mixed mathematical science that legitimized it and spread it among wide audiences. Casati’s text demonstrates how at least some Jesuit mathematicians were ready to adopt Galileo’s early mechanical project. However, moving from an analysis of the contents of mechanical knowledge popularized in this text to its analysis on the rhetorical level reveals the unbearable tensions by which Jesuit scientific culture was actually torn. The rhetorical choice to construct a representation of a seemingly friendly dialogue between the quasi-heretic Galileo, the Minim friar Mersenne and the suspected character of the Jesuit Guldin reveals the strategies by which Galileo’s heretic image was tamed in order to fit the Jesuits’ needs to construct themselves an enlightened public image. *Many thanks to Dr. Ido Yavetz, Professor Sabetai Unguru and Mr. Daniel Spitzer, who have read earlier versions of my paper and helped me clarify both the text I was trying to interpret and my own thoughts about it.  相似文献   

This article advances a rhetorical theory of deixis, a theoretical and methodological orientation that infuses the linguistic concept of deixis with rhetorical understandings of ethos, place, and time. Deixis reveals the rhetorical dynamics within the fabric of spoken discourse, dynamics that often refer to what is outside the text to make sense of what is within it. Ultimately, I argue that identifying the deictic indicators within a speech text enables the critic to pinpoint where, how, and why a speaker activates the physical elements of the speech situation as a material means of persuasion. After outlining the theoretical tenets of this approach, I analyze Harry S. Truman's Address to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on June 29, 1947, to show how a rhetorical theory of deixis orients the critic to the bodies, places, and temporalities implied in and displayed through speech.  相似文献   

Hidden Histories: 20th century male same sex lovers in the visual arts An exhibition and book by Michael Petry The New Art Gallery Walsall: May – July 2004 Artmedia Press, London, May 2004 Hidden Histories was the first international historical survey of its kind to examine the lives and work of male artists in the 20th century who were same sex lovers. It comprised a curatorial project within The University of Wolverhampton, an exhibition at The New Art Gallery Walsall and a publication by Artmedia Press. This text looks at issues that arose in the production of the project which included a change of name from Mad About the Boy, ethical concerns, and censorship by the local council. Hidden Histories did not contend there was a queer, gay or same sex aesthetic connecting the work of the surveyed artists. It did not ‘out’ anyone – all the information presented existed in the public domain. Hidden Histories documented how male artists' work was affected by evolving attitudes to homosexuality. Its thesis (the arch of openness) describes how public attitudes changed throughout the 20th Century; from prohibition in the late Victorian Period, to begrudging tolerance in the inter‐wars years; from relative openness post WWI, to outright homophobia during the Cold War; and from decriminalisation in the West (following the Stonewall Riots), to stigma in the AIDS era. Hidden Histories was premised on the inter‐dependence of same sex and dominant cultures, and demonstrates that irrespective of legal or societal prohibitions, same sex lovers continued to make a rich and varied contribution to artistic dialogue.  相似文献   

The author of Revelation, acting as a rhetorical change‐agent, created an experience of transcendence for his readers during the course of the book by discerning in history a divine plan and showing the proper place of his readers in that plan. His invitation to experience transcendence strategically compensated for an apparent gap in the early Christian worldview.  相似文献   

The dissertation was originally a literary genre practised in France since the middle of the seventeenth century (Saint‐Evremond, Boileau). The genre was created in imitation of the Latin dissertatio that itself goes back to the sixteenth century, several thousand of which having been received by the Bibliothèque nationale de France before the nineteenth century. Little by little, the number of French dissertations caught up with the number of Latin dissertationes in the catalogue of the library, with equality being reached by 1800. In the second phase, in the eighteenth century, the exercise of the dissertation passed from literary or erudite circles to the academic and university world. But it was only during the nineteenth century that it spread in the French university, first to the licence and the agrégation in the humanities, in its double Latin and French form, then in philosophy classes, where it was practised in the two languages. During the first half of the century, the distribution of the French composition exercises followed a simple principle: up to the rhetoric class (the first), the students wrote narratives and discourses (French, but also Latin) that applied the principles of traditional rhetoric (imitation of the great writers, amplification, figures, pompous style); in philosophy, one moved on to the dissertation, which was based on contrasting principles (rigorous treatment of the subject, self‐determination of the plan and the general organization, adoption of a precise style devoid of useless decorations). In the second half of the nineteenth century, the dissertation gradually won ground over the discourse, which, in this period of rapid evolution, remained too much bound to the most traditional classic humanities. It began to be practised in the rhetoric class, and preference was given to French literature (but also Latin and Greek). In 1836, for the first time, a literary dissertation was given on a classical author in a public examination (it was a competition for the agrégation in humanities). After 1870, the taste for French literature, which till then was the poor relative of classical studies, invaded secondary‐school education, as a reaction to the defeat and the loss of national territory. In ten years, a decisive evolution occurred, first in minds and then in the regulations. The Latin discourse, which was the major examination for the baccalaureate, was done away with by Jules Ferry in 1880 and was replaced by a “French composition on a literary or historical subject”. The literary dissertation was henceforth on track. It remained only to find ways of teaching it to students, which would still take several decades.  相似文献   

对中世纪英国财产继承制度的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
12世纪末13世纪初,英国形成了以长子继承制为主要特征的普通法继承规则。该规则以严苛著称,在整个中世纪占据主导地位,但是并未给英国社会带来过多负面影响。其原因在于,在主流的普通法继承规则之外,英国还存在诸多非主流因素,如个体封建主设计的家产分配方案,下层民众和边缘群体坚持的继承习惯,以及教会法庭和大法官法庭倡导的分配原则等等。它们皆以公平正义为核心理念,关注弱势家庭成员,维护个体权力,适应下层民众习惯。这些非主流因素的存在,有效地平衡了家庭成员的继承份额,协调了个体封建主和封建主阶层的整体利益,匡正了不合时宜的普通法继承规则。  相似文献   

中世纪英格兰盛行长子继承制,这一继承制度是形成于12世纪末、13世纪初的英格兰普通法的重要组成部分,它给予家庭中的长子最优厚的权利,并使其他家庭成员处于天然的弱势地位。然而,这种不尽合理的继承制度并未给中世纪英格兰造成严重的社会问题,原因之一是当时社会中存在着很多缓冲因素,这些缓冲因素能够在既有体制下尽可能多地为弱势家庭成员争取权利。教会就是一个重要的缓冲因素,本文即考察中世纪教会在保护私生子这一弱势家庭成员权利方面所起的作用。  相似文献   

J. M. Barrie's 1922 address Courageconstitutes a paradoxical rhetorical text. In his oratorical debut, Barrie offered seniors at St. Andrews poignant and explicit advice concerning life's liminal passages, even as he carefully obfuscated his own identity. This essay offers two readings of the text to illuminate an alternative relationship between text and context in rhetorical criticism. The first interpretation focuses on the obvious textual paradox related to liminality. The second reading moves from the “textual context” to the social and ideological context, and argues that working within the address is the rhetorical form of “the closet.” Recontextualizing Barrie's address from within “the closet,” renders visible a second “invisible context” related to homosexuality, opening a new interpretive doorway for the critic.  相似文献   

Fifteenth and sixteenth century European arithmetic texts set new standards and procedures for the learning and teaching of mathematics. Commercial problem solving situations both directed and reinforced the mathematical concepts presented. A new dynamic, active problem solving, now became the central feature of mathematics learning and teaching. This article surveys the format and contents of fifteenth and sixteenth century arithmetic books. It discusses the types of problems that were most popular in these early texts and briefly analyzes problem contents. The residual educational influence of fifteenth and sixteenth century arithmetical and instructional practices is noted.  相似文献   

In this study we propose a theoretical construct (called rhetorical competence) that represents the ability of readers to detect, understand, and use the linguistic cues or discourse markers that texts contain. We measure one of the three postulated components of rhetorical competence (knowledge of textual integration markers), assessing whether readers correctly interpret these markers while reading. The influence of this skill on reading competence is examined in a correlational study of 185 sixth-grade pupils (aged 11–12 years) using different assessment materials (a standardized test and an academic text) and reading conditions (habitual and aided). Multiple regression analyses of the data indicate that knowledge of textual integration devices makes a significant independent contribution to expository text comprehension under most assessment conditions when the effects of working memory, prior knowledge, and word recognition skills are controlled.  相似文献   

This essay argues that the alleged demise of a unified and coherent public in contemporary twentieth‐century American political discourse is more a symptom of how we have visually objectified “the people” than it is a newly discovered fragmentation of the “thing” itself. This claim is developed by examining the emergence of social documentary photojournalism in the 1930s and its ideological implications for American liberal‐democratic rhetorical practices. James Agee and Walker Evans's Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is treated as a representative anecdote that illustrates the problems and possibilities of the tensions between individualism and collectivism that rest at the heart of liberal democracy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development, use, and analysis, of an educational tool inspired by the history of the optical mechanism of vision. We investigated 12‐year‐old students’ reasoning about vision. Most of them explain it as the result of something coming either from the object or from the eye. Moreover, some of them think that light penetrates the eye only when they are dazzled. Such ideas can be found in the ancient and medieval history of science. In particular, the Ancients disagreed about the direction of vision until Alhazen opened the way to a consensus, arguing in the 11th century that light could be a stimulus for the eye. Our tool, a short drama entitled “Dialogue on the Ways that Vision Operates”, refers to those historical elements, especially to the controversy over the direction of vision and Alhazen’s ideas about light. This text was integrated in a teaching–learning sequence and experimented with six pairs of students aged 12–13. The analysis of this teaching–learning sequence shows that the learning process can take advantage of the opportunity offered to the students to identify themselves with the scientists portrayed in the drama.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the hegemonic representations of whiteness in contemporary Hollywood cinema. By specifically focusing on the 1992 Hollywood film City of Joy, this essay examines the rhetorical strategies through which whiteness is enacted in popular culture in relation to non‐white “natives” of the “third world.” The essay also illustrates the rhetorical intersections between whiteness and gender. A central argument of this essay is that an understanding of the politics through which non‐white groups are culturally marginalized simultaneously requires an examination of the politics through which whites are centered and legitimized in cultural practices.  相似文献   

This essay reads former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin’s infamous radio interview given during the aftermath of Hurricane to rethink both the popular narrative about the federal response to Katrina and, more broadly, the displacement of rhetorical objects both popularly and within rhetorical scholarship. Drawing upon Julia Kristeva’s early work, I advocate for a turn to a particular understanding of chōra, which positions critics in provisional relation objects of rhetorical study. Finally, I tender a reading of Nagin’s post-Katrina radio interview. The essay ultimately argues that: (1) the chōric function of Nagin’s interview simultaneously spurred political change and displaced the appearance of having done so; and (2) if rhetorical studies is to avoid remaining complicit with the politics of such displacement, scholars should attend carefully not only to what counts as rhetorical, but also to those objects that do not count but nevertheless function rhetorically. Reconsidering the object domain of rhetorical studies in this way not only opens up new objects for study but also accounts for how they might function outside of already established narratives.  相似文献   

This paper tells a story about progressivism, schools and schools of education in twentieth‐century America. Depending on one's position in the politics of education, this story can assume the form of a tragedy or a romance, or perhaps even a comedy. The heart of the tale is the struggle for control of American education in the early twentieth century between two factions of the movement for progressive education. The administrative progressives won this struggle, and they reconstructed the organization and curriculum of American schools in a form that has lasted to the present day. Meanwhile the other group, the pedagogical progressives, who failed miserably in shaping what we do in schools, did at least succeed in shaping how we talk about schools. Professors in schools of education were caught in the middle of this dispute, and they ended up in an awkwardly compromised position. Their hands were busy—preparing teachers to work within the confines of the educational system established by the administrative progressives, and carrying out research to make this system work more efficiently. But their hearts were with the pedagogues. So they became the high priests of pedagogical progressivism, keeping this faith alive within the halls of the education school, and teaching the words of its credo to new generations of educators. Why is it that American education professors have such a longstanding, deeply rooted and widely shared rhetorical commitment to the progressive vision? The answer can be found in the convergence between the history of the education school and the history of the child‐centered strand of progressivism during the early twentieth century. Historical circumstances drew them together so strongly that they became inseparable. As a result, progressivism became the ideology of the education professor. Education schools have their own legend about how this happened, which is a stirring tale about a marriage made in heaven, between an ideal that would save education and a stalwart champion that would fight the forces of traditionalism to make this ideal a reality. As is the case with most legends, there is some truth in this account. But here a different story is told. In this story, the union between pedagogical progressivism and the education school is not the result of mutual attraction but of something more enduring: mutual need. It was not a marriage of the strong but a wedding of the weak. Both were losers in their respective arenas: child‐centered progressivism lost out in the struggle for control of American schools, and the education school lost out in the struggle for respect in American higher education. They needed each other, with one looking for a safe haven and the other looking for a righteous mission. As a result, education schools came to have a rhetorical commitment to progressivism that is so wide that, within these institutions, it is largely beyond challenge. At the same time, however, this progressive vision never came to dominate the practice of teaching and learning in schools—or even to reach deeply into the practice of teacher educators and researchers within education schools themselves.  相似文献   

"花儿"不仅注重言语符号本身的建构,更注重这种话语形式所产生的表达效果,透过这种修辞文本往往可以窥见其深层情感的体悟等。使用人本主义层次理论、格式塔异质同构理论、心理补偿功能与机制等心理学理论,解读"花儿"修辞文本,发现"花儿"修辞文本表现心理世界,心理世界影响"花儿"修辞文本。  相似文献   

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