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近些年学者对国内外远程开放教育发展史已有论述,但却较少涉及港澳台地区。港澳台地区的远程开放教育有其独特的发展路径,研究其远程开放教育发展始末具有重要的历史价值。英国首创开放大学后,引起世界各国和地区的普遍关注并产生巨大影响。1979年澳门东亚大学筹备期间提出远程开放大学思路,又在1980年代初引进英国开放大学的办学模式,成立了公开学院,英国开放大学高级职员康纳德·斯威夫特教授出任首任院长。1987年澳门政府通过澳门基金会收购东亚大学,转制为公立大学,1991年更名为澳门大学。1992年,经澳门政府批准,未被收购的东亚公开学院与葡萄牙公开大学联合组成亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学,2011年更名为澳门城市大学。澳门东亚大学远程开放教育的办学特点主要有:一是办学起步早。该院是港澳台地区远程开放教育的先行者;从严格意义上说,该院是中国远程开放教育的探路者。二是办学起点高。虽然该院的远程高等教育早期只是初级形式的远程开放教育,东亚大学办学伊始就具有国际化的定位和特征,其课程得到国外大学的认可。三是直接采用英国开放大学办学模式,该院创办之初得到英国开放大学的管理经验、师资力量和课程资源支持。  相似文献   

Professor Charles Wedemeyer has appropriately been called the father of American distance education; he could also be termed an uncle of the British Open University, having acted as a consultant before the University opened to students.

As William Lighty Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin at Madison he broke the ground for much subsequent research in the field of distance education. His most familiar published work is his book Learning at the Back Door (University of Wisconsin Press, 1981).

His long and distinguished career has included the Presidency of the International Council for Distance Education (ICDE), and the award of an Honorary Doctorate from the Open University in 1975.

He has attended many ICDE World conferences over the years, and in Oslo in the summer of 1988 gave a viewpoint on distance education for the future. Professor Wedemeyer has indicated that perhaps this paper will be the last he writes in this area; “This does not indicate a lack of interest... but at 77 years... I find it difficult to keep up with the volume of reading alone that must be maintained if I want to write among the best in our burgeoning field’.  相似文献   

近年来,技术在教育中的应用日益成为教育领域关注的话题,也涌现了很多致力于将技术应用于教育的研究者和实践者。我们本期专访的黛安娜.劳瑞劳德(Diana Laurillard)教授就是这样一位横跨多个教育实践领域、建树颇丰的学者,她曾先后供职于英国萨里大学、英国开放大学、英国教育和能力部、伦敦大学等机构,积累了大量的、丰富的实践经验,对技术在教育中的应用有着独特的认识。她曾被联合国教科文组织前助理总干事约翰.丹尼尔爵士高度评价为世界上对学习技术的作用保持最清醒头脑的人士之一。  相似文献   

英国开放大学作为世界远程教育的成功典范,在教学模式、资源建设等方面有着自己的特色。文章对英国开放大学的总体概况、教学模式、资源建设、支持服务等方面情况作了介绍;从明确定位、扩大开放、树立品牌、加强建设、完善服务等方面对如何建设开放大学等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

英国开放大学在人才培养、科学研究等方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,得到英国和欧洲学习者的广泛认可,成为世界远程教育的先驱。借鉴英国开放大学的办学特色,我国建设开放大学应着重做好以下几个方面的工作:合理定位,实行开放性的教育;注重教师队伍建设,提升专业素养;加强学科和专业建设,打造精品课程;健全学习支持服务体系,提供学习保障;建立监控体系,提升教学质量。  相似文献   

Given that the current Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2001) has been completed, it is an appropriate time to explore the impact of the RAEs upon the character of British higher education. This timeliness is reinforced by the earlier publication of HEFCE's own ‘Review of Research’ (September 2000), the report from the House of Commons’ Select Committee on Science and Technology Committee (April 2000), with a report due in April 2003 from the Joint Funding Bodies (under the auspices of Gareth Roberts). We are therefore in a period of review and consultation, which may culminate in a new assessment regime or, as its severest critics would hope, even its demise. While our analysis genuflects to these contemporary developments, it is constructed within a framework that interprets the RAE process as constituting a continuous struggle for the control of the production of high‐status knowledge.  相似文献   

Following is the text of a memorandum prepared in January, 1970, for submission to members of the Select Subcommittee on Education of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor. These Congressmen visited Israel during the same month.  相似文献   

The paper describes the development of a new distance education institution in Hong Kong. The methods and systems used to assure that its courses and degree programmes are of the highest quality are described. The paper addresses the means by which new courses are produced: a direct import from another institution, adaptation of an imported course, and in‐house production. Although established by the Hong Kong Government the institution is required to become self‐financing within four years — the paper describes some of the consequences of this policy especially on quality. The paper concludes by comparing the performance of Hong Kong students on courses taken from the British Open University with that of their British counterparts.  相似文献   

经过多年不断的探索实践,英国开放大学在课程开发上形成了独具特色的课程组模式,中国国家开放大学也形成了一体化的课程开发模式。本文通过对它们的课程开发进行比较,得出对我国远程开放教育课程开发的启示。  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Open and Closed Minds: The Closing of the American Mind: How Higher Education Has Failed Democracy and Impoverished the Souls of Today's Students, Allan Bloom Democratic Education, Amy Gutmann The State and the University: Calling British Universities to Account, Tony Becher and Maurice Kogan Diamonds into Glass: the Government and the Universities, Elie Kedourie The Enterprise Culture in Australian Higher Education: Privatizing Higher Education: A New Australian Issue, David R. Jones and John Amyl A British Bias against Adult Participation in Higher Education?: Adults in Higher Education, Centre for Educational Research and Innovation  相似文献   

在建立开放大学成为我国教育改革发展中的新焦点之际,本刊就开放大学建设的意义、开放大学建设应关注的主要问题、开放大学建设过程中的改革与创新等问题,采访了国家教育咨询委员会委员周稽裘先生。周先生从我国发展方式的转变和我国教育战略的视角,对开放大学建设中许多热点问题进行了高屋建瓴的系统解读。经周先生同意,将访谈录要点在此刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

以英国开放大学为标志的英国远程教育在世界上享有很高声誉。他们的成功经验对中国的远程教育具有借鉴作用。学习英国在远程教育方面积累的经验,对于推动我国电大教育的改革和创新有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Ian Winfield Mr Winfield lectures in the Department of Geography and Sociology at North Staffordshire Polytechnic. Objectives in Curriculum Design by Ivor K Davies.
Richmond Postgate Mr Postgate was Controller of Educational Broadcasting (BBC) 1965–72; broadcasting assessor to the Planning Committee; and finally responsible within the BBC for the Open University television and radio programmes and BBC-nominated member of the Open University Council till 1972. Open University: a personal account by the first Vice-Chancellor , Walter Perry.  相似文献   

本文首先阐释了个性化教育理论的渊源、形成及内涵,其次简要介绍了英国开放大学的办学理念、课程设置和服务体系,并在此基础上深入挖掘英国开放大学个性化教育的思想。  相似文献   

OpenLearn:一个可持续的开放学习系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以英国开放大学的OpenLearn学习平台为对象,从生态学的视角分析了OpenLearn的生态系统构成,并重点论述了该生态系统的可持续发展问题,最后分析了OpenLearn对于开放学习可持续发展的启示与反思。  相似文献   

江苏电大赴英国远程教育进修团,通过为期14天对英国远程教育的深入考察体验,学习了解了英国开放大学及相关高校的教育真谛。结合电大开放教育现状和江苏开放大学的构建,对新型远程开放大学创设的理念、思维、定位、机制、模式、投入进行了对比和反思,可供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Towards good teaching by correspondence   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The work of tutors, in receiving, considering, teaching, assessing and returning the written work of students is exceptionally important in the Open University. Teaching by correspondence is central and personal in Open University teaching. Haifa million assignments are exchanged between students and tutors every year. Apart from a small number of introductory training documents, the latest of which is Teaching for the Open University, little has been written and made nationally available on this essential element of Open University pedagogy. This paper is drafted by two Tutors and a Staff Tutor in the East Midlands, Sue Cole, Maggie Coats and Helen Lentell respectively..  相似文献   

云南开放大学面临着“机遇与挑战”并存的局面:一方面,云南省委、省政府对云南开放大学高度重视,省教育厅全力支持,全校干部职工团结一心,开放大学试点成果显著;另一方面,云南开放大学的办学基础、办学能力、内涵建设与建设一流开放大学还有一定差距,还有很多内在的矛盾和问题。不夯实基础,不解决这些矛盾和问题,云南开放大学就不能真正实现成功转型,更难以成为开放大学建设的标杆。  相似文献   

During a summer workshop course, a group of teachers in British Columbia recently considered ways of encouraging the response of readers in their classes. Time was limited, and their ideas reflect a sustained brainstorming session rather than an attempt to produce a definitive list. More-idiosyncratic ideas which depended upon the peculiar skills of individual teachers have been omitted, as have highly specific illustrations relating to particular books. A dance drama version ofWatership Down, for example, was not seen as a readily transferable classroom activity.The suggestions below are for individual work, for work in pairs, groups, or with the whole class. The Canadian teachers were concerned to confirm a climate in which books were readily handled, shared and exchanged as a central and regular practice of the class.Geoff Fox has taught in secondary schools in both England and America. He has been Visiting Professor at Harvard University and the University of British Columbia and is on the staff at Exeter University. He has collaborated on several books, both for the classroom and for teachers, and is Secretary to the U K Editorial Committee ofCle.  相似文献   

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