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This paper calls for a new theory of learner support in distance learning based on recent findings in the fields of learning and motivational psychology. It surveys some current learning motivation theories and proposes that models drawn from the relatively new field of Positive Psychology, such as the ‘Strengths Approach’, together with Dweck’s Self Theory and Anderson’s insistence on proactive support, could be developed into a ‘Proactive Motivational Support’ theory. Such a theory might enable distance educators to support learners more successfully than existing models of learning skills development and remedial support. The paper then reports on further findings from experiments (one previously described in Open Learning), using these approaches in the UK Open University. These findings confirm the previous results, showing significant increases in retention that, in the context of the Open University’s funding arrangements, appear to be at least self‐financing.  相似文献   

An evaluation of an Open University course being used in a conventional university revealed a number of complex and interrelated issues relating to student learning. This paper considers some problems in researching this area and focusses on four main themes: the relationship of the student's choice of learning strategy with the requirements of the learning task (in this case a textually based independent study course); the ability of the student to adapt his learning strategy to fit the requirements of the course; the restrictions the task imposes on the possible learning strategies that can be employed; the student's view of learning and knowledge. The paper explores the interplay of these factors, with particular reference to the Open University course being studied.  相似文献   

开放大学自上世纪70年代诞生以来,以其特有的学习开放性、资源共享性,获得了广大教育工作者和众多高校的认可。而我国现处在构建全民终身教育体系的背景之下,建设符合中国国情的开放大学成为时代教育的强烈要求。本文在阐述开放大学的基本内涵与我国教育国情之后,针对课程信息化建设这一角度,进行详细的必要性分析,从而提出该措施必将推动开放大学构建的前进步伐。  相似文献   

This paper provides an external, international assessment of The Open University, United Kingdom. It questions whether The Open University of the early 1970s is dead and perhaps — in the context of the current emphasis on open learning — invites staff of other open universities throughout the world to anticipate their future five or ten years hence.  相似文献   

开放大学建设中,网络课程教学模式的创新发展探索,是关系到网络课程远程教育教学模式改革,学习者的自主学习方式、灵活学习方法转变的重大课程教育改革的新课题。根据当前开放大学网络课程远程开放教育教学模式建构的具体情况,突出主导教学之"策",强调自主学习之"测",突显网络助学之"渔"的创新方法设计,将会提升网络课程的内涵与水平。  相似文献   

What is open learning?   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The recent change in this journal's title, from Teaching at a Distance to Open Learning, poses obvious questions of definition. What is open learning? And how does it relate to distance education and adult education? In this article, Roger Lewis, Head of Educational Development Unit at North Staffordshire Polytechnic, makes use of his considerable and varied experience of working with the Open University, the Council for Educational Technology, the Open Tech, the National Extension College and other practitioners of open learning in providing some answers. Readers should find the analytical tools and examples included in the article of considerable use in examining their own experiences in the open learning field.  相似文献   

开放大学的网上学习平台应具备时代性、生态性、先进性三个特征;借鉴淘宝网的运营机制,开放大学的网上学习平台应赋予资源开放、教师开放的含义,突破高校网院学习平台的常规建设思路,重新考虑平台的资源类型及成长性,努力迎合终身学习者的学习习惯,通过"网上学习支持服务讲师""课程服务团队""会员制""低价、简洁、自主、潮流"等策略,由下至上创造全民互动式的终身学习模式。  相似文献   

在学习型社会建设背景下,区域成人高校要抓住转型发展的战略机遇期,转变思路、拓展功能、调整结构、整合资源,积极投身于区域学习型城区建设,为学习型社会建设贡献力量。然而,在缺少相关成果参照的基础上,区域成人高校需要认真梳理关于学习型城区建设方面的研究成果,汲取养分、统一思想、提高认识,同时结合区域发展实际,对学校如何服务学习型城区建设的实践问题进行方案设计与策略思考。在此,以上海市长宁区业余大学为例,对区域成人高校服务学习型城区建设的实践方略进行探索。  相似文献   

开放大学是英国高等教育的重要标志,其高质量的教学和良好的社会声誉与其发达的学习支持服务密不可分。目前,在我国大力发展继续教育的语境下,学习支持服务将直接影响着继续教育的发展质量和速度。分析英国开放大学学习支持服务的特色,结合我国继续教育发展实际,进而就构建我国继续教育服务支持体系提出相关对策,以期为更好地推进我国继续教育事业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Jo Tait 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):153-166
The practices of part-time teachers in higher education are often different and sometimes divorced from the activities of their full-time colleagues. This is particularly true in the UK Open University where course design and production are the domain of full-time academics, and student learning is traditionally supported by part-time teachers. Higher education in the UK is increasingly responding to quality agendas that demand evidence of competence in teaching together with coherent learning and assessment strategies for students. Such demands can have positive benefits for learning across an institution, but introduce particular challenges wherever universities rely on part-time tutors to supplement full-time academics' work; they present even more difficulties where the tutors are geographically dispersed. One idea emerging from a 3-year research project in the Open University draws on theories of activity and practice to suggest that, even in a distance-learning context, staff development for part-time teachers should be embedded in conversations with the academic practices of full-time staff. Such connections would enhance the coherence of student learning in line with quality agendas.  相似文献   

The Lord Gregson DL is an Executive Director of Fairey Holdings Limited, and a member of the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology. In this article, based on his keynote speech at a conference in October 1986 organised jointly by the Open University and the Confederation of British Industry ‐‐ Open Learning Works ‐‐ and attended by about 200 people from industry and commerce, he analyses the problem facing British industry, and then, drawing on the analysis made by the Select Committee of the training performance of British industry in comparison with its competitors, suggests how open learning can contribute to an improvement in that performance. Lord Gregson also holds an Honorary Doctorate from the Open University.  相似文献   

开放性大学,主要是相对于传统封闭式高等教育形式而言,它是现代远程教育机构,是为"想学习、要学习、爱学习"的人提供的一个学习平台。其开放性的特点决定了他跟其他普通高校不一样,应为学员提供个性化的学习,实现个性化学习定制。本文从开放大学的特色与个性化学习内涵进行分析,发现开放大学的最大特色在于个性化的学习定制,他们之间有很多必然的联系和共同之处,文章主要就开放大学如何实施个性化学习进行了探析。  相似文献   

Two studies were carried out with expert educational designers at Arthur Andersen and the Open University of the Netherlands to determine the priorities they employed when designing competence‐based learning environments. Designers in a university context and in a business context agree almost completely on what principles are important, the most important being that one should start a design enterprise from the needs of the learners, instead of the content structure of the learning do main. The main difference between the two groups is that university designers find it extremely important to consider alternative solutions during the whole design process; something that is considerably less important by business designers. University designers also tend to focus on the project plan and the desired characteristics of the instructional blueprint whereas business designers were much more client‐oriented and stressed the importance of “buying in” the client early in the process.  相似文献   

建设开放大学是我国构建终身学习、全民学习学习型社会的重要战略选择,已经成为一种新的高等教育办学导向。开放大学不同于传统大学和广播电视大学等高校,具有自己的办学定位、办学目标、办学特色、办学标准等。广东开放大学建设项目自启动以来,面对不断出现的新情况、新问题,进行了诸多深层次的思考。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the question of how to advance collaboration through the Web and support lifelong learning. First, the theoretical framework and architecture of a new web‐based tool, the ‘IQ Team’, is introduced. IQ Team is an interactive online assessment and support system to learn social skills needed in cooperative work, and belongs in an interactive online assessing and tutoring system, ‘IQ Form’, developed for the Finnish Virtual University. IQ Team has three main elements: (1) interactive self‐evaluation test banks, (2) online tutoring sets and (3) learning diaries. In the creation of IQ Team, the validation process was conducted with two samples (n = 259 and n = 275). The online students’ social skills in different groups were explored, and the feedback data from different user groups were analysed. The online students scored high values for social skills, and no differences were discerned between university, Open University and technical students. The qualitative data (n = 35) were collected in order to get users’ feedback of the tool. The qualitative data consisted of interviews, open‐ended questions and online discussions. The users of IQ Team reflected that the tool benefited them to become aware of their group work skills and developed their collaborative learning skills. IQ Team provides a powerful tool for online instruction and communication in higher education and in the Open University to promote joint‐regulated learning.  相似文献   

Attempts to demonstrate a relationship between students' approaches to studying in higher education and their perceptions of their academic context have been bedevilled by limitations of the research instruments and the problem of aggregating students' perceptions and approaches across different course units. The extended version of the Course Experience Questionnaire (Wilson et al., 1997) and the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (Entwistle et al., 2000) were adapted for use in distance education and administered in a postal survey to students taking seven courses by distance learning with the Open University. Usable responses were obtained from over 2100 students. Both instruments proved to be remarkably robust, and the students' scores on these two instruments shared 61% of their variance. Students' perceptions of the academic quality of courses in distance education are strongly associated with the approaches to studying that they adopt on those courses.  相似文献   

建立开放大学是国家教育战略,是形成学习型社会的重要手段,中原经济区的建设也为筹建河南开放大学提供了机遇和挑战,作为电大人,要从自身出发,明确任务,统一思想,更新观念,从世界观认识、工作方法等各个方面提升水平,为建设学习型社会和筹建开放大学做出贡献。  相似文献   

建设上海开放大学,服务市民终身学习   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
作为上海推进学习型社会建设和构建终身教育体系的创新举措,上海开放大学在全国首个挂牌成立,此举引起社会各界高度关注.本文从上海开放大学建设的背景和意义、总体设想、建设过程规划以及保障措施四方面入手,探讨如何建设和办好开放大学.  相似文献   

As institutions of Higher Education try to balance limited resources with the rising costs of technology, some institutions are turning to Open Source software for campus-wide applications such as course management systems and portals. The assumption is that Open Source will provide the flexibility to build pedagogically sound learning environments while increasing technology efficiencies. This paper outlines the current state of Open Source software deployment in US Higher Education based on a survey of 772 Chief Academic Officers and Chief Information Officers conducted in 2006. The results indicate that Carnegie classification is a critical differentiator of awareness, adoption, and perceptions of Open Source software applications, with perceived cost of ownership being the key driver of Open Source adoption. Moreover, the study shows that institutions have made little progress in the development of polices and procedures for Open Source regulatory compliance and security. The study serves as a baseline for future research into the conditions for successful use of Open Source for supporting integrated learning environments that deliver campus-wide efficiencies.
Shahron Williams van RooijEmail:

Shahron Williams van Rooij   is Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at George Mason University with a focus on the university’s e-Learning Certificate Program. She holds a Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences from the City University of New York and has just completed a second doctorate in Instructional Technology and Software Information Systems at George Mason University. As a Certified Distance Education Professional (C.D.E.P.) credentialed by Texas A&M University, she is a frequent speaker on the development of Web-based education and has published in a variety of journals such as the WebNet Journal, the Journal of Interactive Learning Research, the Journal of Modern Business, the Marketing Research Review and the Journal of Research on Technology in Education. Prior to joining GMU, she was the Director of Marketing at Datatel, Inc., in Fairfax, VA, where she facilitated the engineering of new e-learning technology solutions.  相似文献   

开放大学建设试点的基本策略是终端制胜,也就是关于学习中心建设的命题,这是开放大学建设的重要内容,离不开系统建设和环境因素的关系问题,关系到开放大学体系建设深层次的问题,都涉及教育生态学原理。本文从教育生态位视角,分析了作为开放大学基础的电大系统的生态位先天不足,建设开放大学习中心要补什么课,以垦区学习中心为例阐述了学习中心建设要基于生态位的基本观点。  相似文献   

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