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从色彩在视觉空间中的应用着手,对色彩与空间的关系、色彩在室内空间的特征以及色彩在室内空间中应用的规律进行研究,分析色彩对建筑视觉空间的制约和再创造。  相似文献   

界定室内空间的表皮肌理承载着室内空间个性的表达,它以自身的特性体现着室内风格的趋向,使观者产生独特的感性认识。对设计师来讲,表现的不仅仅是空间,更重要的是各种界定室内空间的表皮肌理,这种表皮肌理的表现力、视觉传染力以及触觉的感受,都能激发我们如何思考材料,运用材料,并尝试运用更多、更新的材料进行设计,从而挖掘其在现代室内设计表现力中的潜能,并带来更为丰富的设计表现。  相似文献   

现代建筑形式有一定的雷同化趋势,单一面孔的空间形式比比皆是,人们在抱怨这种现象的同时又在不断地制造这样的建筑。因此,对现代建筑空间进行个性化设计成为一个普遍关注的课题。该文从研究色彩是人的视觉在感知形象时的第一要素入手,论述了色彩是现代纤维艺术形式美的重要因素,认为纤维艺术色彩是营造空间视觉形态美的重要手段,色彩是室内空间设计的灵魂。  相似文献   

居室室内设计中的空间类型较多,虚拟空间是创造完美居室室内空间的一种有效方法,具体形式主要表现于地面、顶棚等界面,但虚拟空间并不是孤立存在于整体空间之中,而是和其它空间相互结合、相互渗透,充分把握虚拟空间的设计手法将会使居室室内空间变得更丰富、更完善.  相似文献   

室内设计是为了更完美地适应人居住而进行的设计,人是设计的出发点和根本归宿,因此室内设计的人性化设计的重点.要使室内空间设计达到完美,可以大胆地利用过渡空间的妙用来完成,此外还可以适应空间采用适应性空间设计来让室内空间设计尽量人性化.  相似文献   

居室空间的再创造即居室空间的再次规划,是适应人们在现实居住条件下改善居室环境的要求而产生的。通过对室内空间的再分隔和照明、色彩的利用,综合应用美学、心理学、社会学的因素,可以使居室达到“渲染气氛、追求居室个性化”的效果。  相似文献   

环境艺术设计是存在于我们生活的方方面面的,培养大量的环艺设计人才,可以提高我们的生活质量.促进我们生活环境的改善.而在环艺教学中最重要的是培养学生的空间意识的思路,让学生明白空间意识对于他们在进行环艺设计时的重要性.当学生在进行设计时,将空间意识注入到设计创作中,可以使自己的创作更具真实性和固定性,更具有审美特征.但是怎么培养学生的空间意识思路呢?本文从环境艺术教学的概述出发。了解到教师在环艺设计课中要针对性的对学生进行空间课题教学,以最能体现环艺空间特性的建筑空间为例进行说明。并对学生讲述一些在进行设计前必须注意的问题,以免学生出现设计上的错误.最后给学生讲解一下环艺空间的特点,并立足于实际,增加学生的实践活动,让学生树立正确的空间意识思路.  相似文献   

空白是中国画表现空间感的重要方法,它体现中国传统艺术对于空间关感的理解,而这种空间观念如果在某种程度上运用于室内空间设计中,会体现出室内空间设计空间美感的独特韵味.本文通过空白美感在室内设计中所体现出的空间美感效果的研究与理解,充分论述了传统艺术因素与现代室内空间设计结合所产生的独特空间美感韵味.  相似文献   

韩非 《考试周刊》2007,(22):116-117
在现代室内空间中,家具的作用日益重要。本文通过家具的划分和家具在室内空间中的作用,进一步阐述了家具是室内环境功能的主要构成因素和体现者,起着对空间尺度的调节作用。  相似文献   

当人们将线性透视图作为表达空间效果之手段的同时,他们忽略了“时间”这个向度,而将具有延续性的空间画面凝固成苍白的静态瞬间。然而,早在古代中国的画面中,已经体现了时间与空间的关联性。作为与传统绘画有着共同化底蕴和一脉相承的四维世界观念的建筑,也同样体现出对时空交叠的四维空间的组织和创造。我们不应该迷失在追求表现形式和为装饰而装饰的室内空间设计作品中,而应该从自身的化体系中去寻找那些我们的空间故事。  相似文献   

现代室内空间的冷漠、坚硬,很难满足快节奏生活中人对空间的亲切感和归属感的需求,而充满自然气息的纤维艺术品却以温暖、柔软、舒适的特性弥补了这一点,成为连接人和室内空间的情感纽带。文章结合人对室内空间环境的需求,阐述室内空间中纤维艺术在色彩、图案、材料、造型、编造方法、灯光辅助等方面的设计。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,人们的心理、观念意识以及文化背景都有所改变,居住方式也相应发生变化,人们对居住环境的要求越来越高。室内设计的功能服从和服务于人们的生活和工作的物质要求,同时室内环境的艺术美满足人们的精神需求。本文从室内设计的作用、室内功能美、室内艺术氛围的营造几方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

In this conceptual article, we argue that there is a need for a more elaborated theoretical perspective when discussing dilemmas in teachers’ work. Thus, we introduce the conceptual frame of dilemmatic space in educational settings and argue that introducing and analytically using the conceptual frame in an educational context offers a potential to elucidate and deepen the understanding of the complexity of teachers’ everyday work practices. Traditional ways of looking at dilemmas infer that they are related to specific situations in which people react to conflicting values, obligations or commitments and where there is often no right way to act. However, the idea of a dilemmatic space offers a more complex understanding of dilemmas and their positioning and relations. Instead of being regarded as specific events or situations, dilemmas are considered as ever-present in people’s living space, as in a dilemmatic space. As space is seen as a relational category wherein one object is related to another or others, the spatial dimensions of dilemmatic space highlight the dynamics of dilemmas and dilemmatic spaces. These dynamics are important to recognise, for instance, in relation to the changeable boundaries of the space or issues that conjure up the dilemmas at an individual and social level. These changing conditions of values, decisions, responsibilities and authority change the rules for relations, negotiations and positioning, and thereby the boundaries of the dilemmatic space and the dilemmas themselves. In this article, the theoretical base for the idea of dilemmatic space is elaborated on and connected to conditions for teachers’ work. Some conclusions are that new concepts force us to challenge pre-conceptions and involve us in new kinds of sense-making processes. As such, the conceptual frame of dilemmatic space offers a broad theoretical framework with which to conceptualise dilemmas and the complexity of educational contexts.  相似文献   

《到灯塔去》是伍尔夫运用意识流叙事技巧的力作之一,更是向读者展示她女性主义思想的作品之一。文章从空间政治学角度切入,通过分析伍尔夫在作品中塑造的艺术空间,解读伍尔夫的女性主义思想。伍尔夫认为女性生活在一个由男权话语、权力结合而形成的层层网络的真实空间中,其生存空间不断受到外界空间的排挤和渗透,致使女性思想在成长的道路上不能按照自己原有的轨迹发展,只能在和外部空间不断抗争中求得生存和发展。  相似文献   

太空育种是一项高科技、高投入、高产出的技术,发展和运用太空育种技术有利于人类进行空间探索和提高人们的物质生活水平。该项技术不只局限于培育某些农作物的优势品种,还涉及到生态环境、自然发展规律、社会经济及人文理念等领域,这必然引起人们对太空育种伦理及其相关群体性伦理的思考。在发展这项技术的同时既要最大化地获取经济利益又要经得起太空育种伦理的考量,这样才能正确有效地运用这项技术。  相似文献   

墙体手绘艺术主要是根据居住者喜欢的事物来表达他们的内心情感,是将人们的生活习惯和生活需求置于首位,对墙体进行人性化装饰,进而使人们感受到墙体手绘所带来的舒适。墙体手绘除了时尚环保外,更多的是人们内心情感的倾诉和内心想法的表达。这种艺术可以与室内空间装饰风格和家具摆放相结合,营造出一个统一的空间氛围。从可持续发展的层面来看,现代室内装饰设计将更加注重保护环境,使用"绿色装饰材料",节省室内空间,重在营造一个舒适的室内空间环境。  相似文献   

This paper provides teachers with an opportunity for thinking about the kinds of ‘people’ constructed in their classes, the kinds of ‘dances’ choreographed and the ways space is organised for learning. We argue that this is essential for teachers to think about if they are to enact socially just professional practices. In this study, we explore the ways in which students learn to be particular kinds of people. We understand this as happening through their participation in communities of practice. Becoming a member of a community of practice, of a classroom and of a school is a process of developing a particular identity, modes of behaviour and ways of knowing. It is through these ‘normalising’ practices that power is constituted, boundaries constructed and certain ‘kinds of people’ are recognised, represented and constituted, whilst others are not. All individuals are implicated in these processes and active in the construction of their own as well as others’ identities. This paper locates this discussion using social relations of gender and ethnicity, and considers how diversity and difference are actively constituted and play out in one primary school classroom. How students participate in the spatial practices and the construction of pedagogical spaces, what identities are available to them in these spaces and which they take up, is explored. The metaphor of dance is used to analyse these spaces, a metaphor which helps us to understand the complexity of classroom relationships and the way macro‐social practices are both reflected and reconstituted in classroom practices. We argue that the ways teachers think about how they place students, space students and construct students are crucial for student and teacher learning.  相似文献   

In this article, I interrogate students’ stories about the spaces and places in a tertiary Outdoor and Environmental Education course that support and shape their environmental ethics. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study, I explore the ways in which particular sites of learning (outdoor, practical learning) are privileged and how particular stories of outdoor spaces get reproduced. I employ the work of poststructuralist geography scholar Doreen Massey in my analysis to highlight the intersections between space, relations of power and identity. This analysis also underscores the simultaneity of multiple and conflicting stories around Outdoor Education’s outdoor (practical) and indoor (theoretical) learning spaces. I conclude by drawing on Elizabeth Ellsworth’s work on anomalous places of learning to explore some of the spaces in-between the indoor/outdoor binary as a way of interrupting and re-imagining places and spaces of learning in Outdoor Education.  相似文献   

传统的空间观都预设了一个客观世界,因而存在着二元对立的根本问题。梅洛-庞蒂的超越论意义上的“第三空间”,在主客观空间之先,并为二者奠基。源始的空间通过现象身体作为在世界中的出发点,是一种处境的、处在的空间,其根基在于有方向的“在世之在”,身体空间是在世之在的一个坐标。人在世界中通过身体图式的运动机能得以展开自我、实现自我。这一现象场的空间揭示了人与世界的互逆性关系,这一关系取代了传统二元论的主客和身心二分。  相似文献   

自从人娄存在这个世界以后,就在和形形色色的色彩打交道。色彩直接诉诸人的情感体验,是设计中最具表现力和感染力的因素。它对室内设计的空间感、舒适度、环境气氛、使用效率,对人的生理心理均有很大的影响。我们应该充分发挥和利用色彩的各种功能特点,创造出充满情调、和谐舒适的室内空间,营造和谐、健康的居住环境。  相似文献   

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