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本文考察了鲁迅《书信集》中所有的“谓 于”(谓词性成分 于)用例。从其结构类型、“于”的功能及使用频率方面来说明谓词性成分后的“于”在《书信集》中的运用情况及其对语言口语程度的影响。  相似文献   

对《左传》、《史记》判断句作了穷尽考察:从结构形式、构成成分、语义关系等三方面对二书判断句的异同进行了比较,从中管窥上古汉语判断句的共时面貌和历时变化。  相似文献   

杨美平 《文教资料》2009,(13):25-27
本文根据语篇体裁结构潜势理论,以互联网上《金融时报》、《经济时报》和《亚太经济时报》的30篇英语经济新闻为语料,分析了英语经济新闻语境配置及语篇结构,总结出英语经济新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势,揭示出英语经济新闻的语篇体裁结构潜势所包含的八个成分,即四个必要成分,四个可选性成分。  相似文献   

本文以《新刻绣像批评金瓶梅》为基础,并参阅若干同时代的白话小说,①上推《元朝秘史》,下用现代方言印证,讨论了一种尚未被注意到的语言现象:同形动补结构。得出以下结论,1、同形动补结构在元代已有之;2、到了明代,该结构的后一重叠成分已经虚化,逐渐演变为表示完成貌的形式;3、明未清初,该结构已趋消失,但在部分地区仍然存在,在现代部分方言中,还可看到其遗留形式;4、该结构的后一重叠成分消失是受其语音弱化的影响。  相似文献   

引言2011年江苏高考《考试说明》(物理学科)依据教育部制定的《新课程标准》和江苏省教研室制定的《普通高中课程标准教学要求》和现行的人民教育出版社的教材来制定的。2011年高考物理学科的《考试说明》在"命题指导思想"、"能力要求"、"单位制及实验技能的要求"、"考试形式及试卷结构"等方面几乎没有变化,在Ⅱ级考点的数目和内容上也没有变  相似文献   

周家台秦简《病方及其它》按照结构分类共涉及十种类型。在汉语中,各类短语在充当句法成分时,不具有唯一性和排他性,即一类短语可以充当多种句法成分,同时一种句法成分又可以由多类短语充当。《病方及其它》中的短语也符合这一特点。  相似文献   

羽077号的《本阐晡为宰相就灵龛祈愿文》、《某判官为国相尚纥心儿祈愿文》和《赞普祈愿文》,记载了公元818年顷,在敦煌举办的与吐蕃宰相尚纥心儿相关的三次佛事祈愿活动,主办人分别为钵阐布、专使大判官和赞普(名义),反映尚纥心儿第二次短暂住敦煌期间曾一度想辞官事佛,但又不得不重新出山的情景过程。尚纥心儿一生前后三次到敦煌,晚年又在敦煌建造圣光寺。  相似文献   

王海燕 《新高考》2007,(10):20-21
《考试大纲》要求辨析六种常见的病句类型:搭配不当、成分残缺或赘余、语序不当、结构混乱、表义不明、不合逻辑。复习时,除了利用语感审读法和结构分析法来  相似文献   

布龙菲尔德是美国描写语言学派的代表人物。他在《语言论》中确立了一系列语言结构共时描写的原则和方法。本文集中从四个方面探讨描写语言学对汉语语法学的影响:语素分析法及词类归并原则的运用;突出短语结构在句法学中的地位,从形式入手分析句法结构、划定句子成分;直接成分分析法的运用;对汉语语法体系嬗变的影响。  相似文献   

《水经注》是南北朝时期代表北方语言特色的重要文献。在穷尽性调查的基础上,从结构形式、结构成分、语义关系等方面对《水经注》的“是”字判断句进行考察和分析,一方面它继承了上古汉语“是”字判断句的语法特征,另一方面它体现了南北朝时期“是”字判断句的鲜明特色,反映了它在南北朝时期的基本面貌及其过渡性质。  相似文献   

Linguistics is a necessary course for English-majors because it plays an important role in second language learning, teaching and research. It is significant, yet difficult to make this course comprehensible and interesting and get the students involved in and attracted by it. This paper intends to analyze and explore teachers’ roles in the course of linguistics from the following aspects: as an explainer, as an activator, as a co-learner, as a question-finder and as an enabler. Some examples are taken to show how to make use of comparison, contrast, instance, discussion, and practice for classroom management. What’s important for a teacher of linguistics is not only to understand linguistic theories and carry on linguistic research by him- or herself, but also to make his or her students get to know the nature of language and learn to do scientific studies of language by themselves.  相似文献   

A Metamodel of Central Inferences in Empirical Research   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The purpose of the present paper is to emphasise the importance of inferences in an empirical study and to demonstrate how the inferences depend on a wider context. For that purpose a metamodel of central inferences is proposed, where each inference is characterised according to three dimensions: relevance, legitimacy, and validity. The relevance of an inference is a function of the research problem and general aim of the study, as well as of the philosophy of science; its legitimacy is given by the philosophy of science, whereas its validity is determined by the empirical methods and data within the study as well as by knowledge outside the study. Moreover, the metamodel includes combinations of the relevant inferences, together with the validities of such combinations, as answers to the research problem. The metamodel is meant to be an appropriate frame for both quantitative and qualitative research.  相似文献   

桐城文化,作为历史内涵深厚、地方特色鲜明的优秀文化,对其的研究主要有三个方面的困境:将桐城派文化等于桐城文化;行政区域的变迁对桐城文化的割裂;以皖江文化覆盖桐城文化。把握历史机遇,进一步深化桐城文化的研究,必须科学定位桐城文化,重点突出,循序渐进,分门别类,挖掘桐城文化的当代价值,丰富桐城文化的内涵。  相似文献   

What distinctive leadership changes does the private sector bring to the running of public sector educational services? This paper contributes to an understanding of the issues raised by this question by studying the senior management of a private company running services for an English local education authority. The paper explores evidence of modernizing leadership, as well as the extent to which a traditional public ethos is sustained or re‐interpreted within modernization. Analysis is based principally on interviews with senior management, but is also informed by the larger data set collected as part of the case study of this public‐private partnership. The paper suggests that modernizing leadership, as understood in terms of the dominant policy discourse, is not found in its pure form, but is modified by a continuing orientation to an older public ethos. A model is proposed—an adaptive public service model of leadership—which reflects the style of leadership forged by senior management. Issues, dangers, paradoxes, and contradictions inherent in the model and the practice it represents are highlighted. The model is not put forward as an ideal to follow, but as a means of highlighting the issues that arise where modernization and older ideals of public service encounter each other.  相似文献   

依法治校与和谐校园建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
和谐校园建设是和谐社会建设的重要组成部分,依法治校可以保证和谐校园建设顺利推进,是学校制度建设的重要保障。解释了和谐校园和依法治校的定义,归纳了依法治校的重要意义,分析了当前各高校在推进依法治校上存在的问题,结合学校实际提出了推进依法治校、建设和谐校园的相关建议。  相似文献   

解说词是纪录片中的重要元素,优秀的解说词可以为纪录片增加含金量。运用语用学的重要理论——语用预设,阐述了纪录片的解说词的语用策略,揭示了纪录片解说词是如何通过语用预设这一策略展开叙事背景、推动情节发展、以及巧妙地向观众传递潜在的信息等,从而达到画龙点睛的传播效果。  相似文献   

This paper explores the contextual value of solitude in learning; in so doing, it attempts to suggest an alternative method of instruction that is based on aesthetics as the reciprocal relationship between emotions and intellect, and between action and contemplation. Such an aesthetic education or method seeks to guide the student towards the attainment of her own life: to perfect, as much as possible, her human qualities in what she does by paying attention to the things of Beauty. The method that the essay uses is both historical and interdisciplinary: it draws from theology, philosophy, the sciences and visual art; and, it is guided by an explanatory perspective that is constructive.  相似文献   

红歌会以社会大众为主体对象、以多向互动为重要导向、以红色文化为主要内容,这就使其能够成为实现社会主义核心价值体系大众化教育的重要路径;同时,红歌会将社会主义核心价值体系的抽象理论转化为具体的实践活动,并以群众喜闻乐见的娱乐形式来促进思想教育活动的开展,因而它又是实现社会主义核心价值体系大众化教育的有效手段。要推动社会主义核心价值体系大众化教育的进行,就需要依托红歌会的文化内涵,提高主导力;增强红歌会的互动效应,提高感染力;创新红歌会的活动形式,提高认同感;扩大红歌会的辐射范围,提高渗透力。  相似文献   

洪灾的遥感调查方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遥感是洪灾调查的先进方法 ,其实用性已日益得到证明。把TM影象作为资料 ,将SAR影象作为灾中的资料 ,以武汉地区为例 ,利用遥感图象处理软件 ,进行水体信息提取 ,研究水边界的变化、淹没面积等水文要素 ,进行洪水分析  相似文献   

Research within a constructivist approach often relies on interview data, which are used to reveal beliefs held by the interviewee or to expose conceptions or conceptual structures that are supposed to reside within the interviewee. From a sociocultural perspective, severe criticism has been leveled against the neglect of the problems of inferring conceptions held by a participant from what is uttered in an interview. Utterances should be looked upon as cultural tools used to realize discursive practices, rather than as propositions mirroring mental entities. It is argued that the clinical interview, often used by constructivists, disregards the impact of a situation and discursive norms with regard to what is uttered in a conversation. Here, it is argued that by taking into account an interviewee's conceptions of the situation, as well as of the subject matter being talked about, some sort of a bridge between the methodological standpoints of constructivism and sociocultural theory can be formed. It is proposed that utterances should be regarded as actions, and thus the problem of ascribing meanings to behavior is in focus, that is, how a series of behaviors can be regarded as an intentional action. It is argued that by means of such an approach, it is possible to make inferences about conceptions and conceptual structures much in the same way as is done in research on conceptual change. However, this means that utterances cannot just be “read off.” The interviewee's aims, conceptions of the subject matter talked about, as well as the interviewee's conceptions of the situation to hand must be taken into account. A reinterpretation of data reported by Andrea diSessa and Bruce Sherin is used as an illustration.  相似文献   

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