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充分发挥大学生就业指导的思想教育功能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着社会主义市场经济的发展,社会对毕业生的要求越来越高,要求大学生不仅具有扎实的专业知识,而且还应具有良好的身体和心理素质,较强的实践和动手能力。如何培养和造就具有综合素质、创新能力的高质量人才,对我们现存的教育思想、教育观念、教育内容、教育方法提出了严峻的挑战。也给高校的学生思想教育工作提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,社会对大学生的要求越来越高,它不仅要求大学生具有扎实的专业知识,而且要求大学生具有良好的身体和心理素质、较强的实践和动手能力.如何培养和造就这样的高素质、创造性思维的人才,这就给我们的教育思想、教育观念、教育内容、教育方法等提出了挑战,也给高校学生教育管理工作提出了新的机遇和挑战.在做好新形势下学生教育管理工作这一项系统工程中,政治辅导员作为核心力量,应发挥自身优势,做好学生教育管理工作.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的发展,教育体制改革的不断深化,社会对大学生的要求越来越高,高校共青团面临着一系列新的挑战。如何培养和造就高素质、创造性思维的人才,也给高校共青团的管理工作提出了新的机遇和挑战。笔根据自己从事共青团工作的体会,谈一谈自己的看法。  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育工作是高等学校教育教学工作的重要组成部分,随着时代的发展和社会进步带来的高等教育事业高速发展和高等教育改革深化,高等学校大学生思想政治教育的目标、任务、内容、途径、环境和对象都发生了深刻的变化。这给做好大学生思想政治教育工作提出了严峻的挑战,党中央和国务院从全局、时代和战略的高度提出了加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作新的更高要求,  相似文献   

随着Internet的诞生,世界进入了网络信息化时代。信息化时代的到来给我们的教育提出了严峻的挑战,也为21世纪教育提出了更高的要求。我们在新世纪的培养目标应该是德智体全面发展的、具有高度创新能力和很强信息能力(包括信息获取能力、分析能力与加工能力)的新型人才;培养内容应侧重是学生学会学习的方法,使  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代大学生思想政治教育面临着许多新情况、新问题和新挑战,给高校思想政治教育课提出了更高的要求,该文强调了要灵活运用多种方法搞好大学生思想政治教育。  相似文献   

李燕 《青海教育》2011,(7):49-49
随着我国高等教育大众化趋势的加强,随着进入高校门槛的降低,大学生特别是高职高专院校大学生参差不齐的英语水平给英语教学提出了越来越多的课题和挑战。近年来,高职教育在全国各地都取得了较大的发展,高职教育是以培养应用型人才为其主要目标的。  相似文献   

自媒体的发展为青年大学生的思想政治教育带来了机遇和挑战,用好自媒体,让青年大学生在自媒体平台下继续享受网络媒介带来的资源福利,顺应当下教育背景,对青年大学生思想政治教育工作的推进具有重大意义。在阐述自媒体的含义、特点及对当前大学生思想政治教育的机遇后,本文立足于挑战,从宏观环境、社会主体和受教育主体出发,提出了具有针对性的治理对策,旨在用三方合力不断优化当前青年大学生的思想政治教育环境、提升其思想素质,培养出社会主义的合格建设者和接班人。  相似文献   

社会主义荣辱观的提出,给高校思想政治教育工作指明了方向,同时也给高校的思想政治教育队伍提出了巨大的挑战,培养“明荣知耻”的大学生,涉及到大学生的思想、学习、工作、生活相关的方方面面,但其中有一个方面极为重要但却又长期被忽视的,那就是关于大学生的礼仪教育。  相似文献   

网络,一方面为大学生思想政治工作提供了前所未有的机遇,它不但拓展了时空、丰富了资源、增强了预警,而且还大大提高了效率;另一方面为大学生思想政治工作也提出了严峻的挑战。因为网络易引起大学生心理问题、道德沦丧和人际互动障碍等。为此,章提出了教育大学生学会正确选择和对待网上信息,培养大学生良好的网上行为方式,引导大学生克服网络依赖倾向,建立网上思想政治教育阵地,增强校园网络的服务功能等教育对策。  相似文献   


Framed by autoethnographic methods, I use Milner’s framework for researching around race and culture to critically analyze my work as a researcher with a group of diverse educational administrators. I identify seen, unseen, and unforeseen dangers that I experienced in my research as a white doctoral student and university professor, and consider how they impact my development as an educational researcher. I conclude with implications for doctoral students as emerging scholars interested in researching race as well as implications for researchers working with elites.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that many college instructors still believe that Latino students lack the “school smarts” for academic success. This essay challenges the notion of school smarts in order to highlight Latino students’ numerous strengths. I share my model for a mentorship program that facilitates better student–faculty communication and deepens a student-centered learning environment in a large general education course. Establishing the program led me to reflect on how the enduring belief in school smarts affected my own academic training. Directly challenging deficit thinking, I argue that Latino students contribute to a transformative educational process in which faculty are also learners.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to examine how implementing a new pedagogical structure, Academic Choice, informs my understanding of my students as learners and individuals. Using a self-study methodology over the course of eight working sessions in my Kindergarten classroom, I collected multiple forms of qualitative data, including student work samples, focal student observations, structured interviews, and research journal entries containing my own reflections as well as notes on consultations with critical friends. These data were analyzed inductively by connecting observations and patterns from across these sources. Findings indicated that providing a choice in content allowed struggling students to self-differentiate, that one-on-one interactions were essential to understanding a student's choice and work process, and that advanced students needed support to challenge themselves. Furthermore, I found that developmental stage, time allotted for working, and social construction of knowledge were important factors to consider in structuring these working sessions.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore how I have come to theorise my work as a critical emancipatory practice as a lecturer in primary physical education (PE). I give an account of what I understand to be the epistemological foundations and practices of practitioner research and my potential educational influence in my own and other practitioner-researchers’ learning. I explain how I have generated my living educational theory of practice and discuss the changes in my learning from a propositional approach towards a dynamic epistemology of practice that is grounded in inclusional and dialogical ways of knowing. Within my paper I position myself as a professional educator and researcher, and share the exciting and transformational experiences of teaching and learning in evolving action research cycles of practice. I view my learning to date as an active act, working with the novice teachers I support to offer improvement and change in our future practice. I celebrate my reconceptualised view of education as a learner from within my practice and explain my move from knowledge transfer to knowledge co-creation. I make an original contribution to educational knowledge by explaining how I try to inspire others to research their practice and contribute to a new scholarship of educational enquiry.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的快速发展以及高校扩招大幅度攀升,高校教管面临着新的挑战.如何加强研究生教育管理,提高研究生教育管理的质量,本文从思想教育工作、学术科研、导师指导、社团组织、生活环境、研究生自我发展方面进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Developing holistic practice through reflection,action and theorising   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article outlines how I, as a primary teacher engaging with a self-study action research process, have come to a deeper understanding of my practice. It explains how I have also come to an understanding of why I work in the way I do; of how this understanding influences my work, and the significance of this new understanding. My work as a teacher frequently includes doing collaborative digital projects with my class. As I engaged in research on my practice, I initially experienced difficulties problematising this work. I struggled to achieve clarity not only with engaging in critical thinking but also with articulating my educational values. I found Mellor’s idea about ‘the struggle’ helpful as he explains how ‘the struggle’ is at the heart of the research process. My new understanding around these collaborative projects emerged in terms of holistic practice; clarifying my ontological values and learning to think critically. I am now generating an educational theory from my practice as I see my work as a process for developing spiritual and holistic approaches to learning and teaching. I conclude by outlining what I perceive to be the significance of my work and its potential implications for education.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅速发展,互联网既给大学生思想政治教育带来了挑战,也给进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供了新的机遇。在实际工作中,我们应当拓展高校思想政治教育的途径,以专题网站、学生信息管理系统、即时交流平台、学生信息化队伍建设,配合制度保障等手段以构建学生工作信息化平台。  相似文献   

大类培养模式,是高职教育人才培养模式的一项重要改革,推进了高职院校“文化育人、复合育人、协同育人”办学理念的实现。但是,大类培养模式也给高职院校学生工作带来了新的挑战,如部分专业学风问题突出、专业分流后班级凝聚力差,部分新班级无人愿意承担学生干部工作等。本文作者结合自身学生工作经验,总结自2010年学院实行大类培养模式以来3次专业分流的实际工作情况,提出高职院校大类培养模式对学生工作产生的影响和可行的对策。  相似文献   


In this article, I trace how my teaching has changed as I have become increasingly involved in educational development. I divide my career into three phases (pre-educational development, part-time educational development, and full-time educational development) and analyze qualitative and quantitative data from multiple sources of evidence in each phase: teaching statements, syllabi, and student evaluations of teaching. This self-study reveals specific, primarily positive ways my teaching has changed. The results suggest that educational development may not only improve the teaching of its intended recipients, but also those responsible for supporting them. Implications for the field of educational development are explored.  相似文献   

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