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Not Good Enough?     
An increasing flow of amateur images of global crises presents challenges and opportunities for mainstream news media. Furthermore, many news organizations now solicit eyewitness reports for near-instant upload to Web editions. Yet, there is a lack of empirical research on amateur images in the regular news flow, in particular in newspapers. Thus, this case study examines the general frequency of amateur content, the gatekeeping process and the opinions of editors making decisions about images for publication in the online and print editions of four Swedish newspapers. Our findings, based on quantitative content analyses and interviews, indicate that a majority of the content falls in the hard-news category in contrast to findings in previous research about user-generated text content. Moreover, it appears regularly but in small numbers in a tabloid-content daily and a regional paper but hardly ever in broadsheet-content papers, and that opinions in the newsroom about amateur images vary from a lack of interest to a stated need for them in the regular news coverage. The low impact of amateur content may be due to the gatekeeping process and professional standards of photography, as well as a lack of audience interest and difficulties in implementing new structures in the newsrooms. In sum, the findings disprove predictions in the literature of a near-paradigmatic rise of amateur content in the mainstream news media.  相似文献   

This paper examines journalists' changing sourcing practices in the context of an emerging media ecology initiated by processes of globalization, digitization, commercialism and concentration. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube provide the means to access a more diverse range of sources, including civil society organizations and ordinary citizens. We developed a quantitative content analysis to examine to what extent Belgian news coverage showed signs of diverse sourcing practices during the 2011 uprisings in three Arab countries. We analysed a total sample of 1121 news items about the street protests in Syria, Egypt and Tunisia, in four Belgian newspapers (two popular and two quality dailies) and two Belgian broadcasters (the public broadcaster VRT and the commercial channel VTM). The analysis shows that ordinary citizens and non-mainstream groups are important news sources and that social media platforms are consulted relatively often compared to everyday foreign news coverage. In terms of inter-media differences, the findings show that broadcasters' dependency on video footage and eyewitness accounts is reflected in their use of ordinary citizen sources and amateur footage. Moreover, the analysis confirms that quality newspapers display more diverse and more innovative sourcing practices than popular newspapers.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This article argues for a shift away from ideology critique as the primary focus of critical communication and media studies. Instead, the author suggests enlisting the work of German Media theorist Friedrich Kittler's Foucault-inspired approach to the epistemological dimensions of media. This focus is relevant to digital media in terms of the selection, storage, and processing of data that are the fundamental concerns of Kittler's media studies. Advertising and drone warfare are used as examples of how this approach differs from ideological critique.  相似文献   

Abstract: Stereoscopic 3D images, although going back to the mid‐nineteenth century, are becoming pervasive in cinema, the Web, electronic games, television, graphic simulations, personal photography, and the entertainment and education ecologies. The use of stereo 3D goes beyond a technology vogue to the creation of effective experiences that are more naturally engaging for audiences by conveying real physical depth perception and the illusions of tangibility and tactility. This paper claims that because museums are all about compelling, memorable, and visceral experiences, 3D will become an increasingly important tool for exhibitions, education, and interpretation; the challenge will be to know when, how, and why to use it. Stereo 3D is described and a trajectory of examples of past and current museum use is presented. The paper also provides a rationale for why, when many technologies are vying for priority and resources, stereoscopic 3D technology should be near the top of the list.  相似文献   

A rise in informal labor, characterized by contracted and non-salaried positions, has been observed in many industry sectors including journalism. While opportunities for freelance journalists have increased, the journalism industry has simultaneously experienced mass layoffs. Using a survey (N?=?411), with quantitative and qualitative measures, this study assesses freelancers’ experiences in the US context with a particular attention to gender. The study finds that women perceive freelancing, but not full-time journalism, as compatible with raising children. Although there were no differences in perceptions about layoffs and job stability, the women in the sample were more likely to rely on freelancing as the only job and subsequently express concerns over pay. Open-ended responses provide further insight into the state of the journalism industry, full-time employment, and gender dynamics.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):222-227
Courses: Research Methods; Theory

Objectives: To begin the semester with an engaging activity that introduces students to basic metatheoretical assumptions and help them find themselves in the world of research  相似文献   

This essay examines how William James’s radical empiricism deals with indeterminism and formulates a central issue in contemporary communication theory; incommensurability. A close textual reading of James’s initial approach of indeterminacy as chaos is provided and I argue James subsequently reformulates this as the problem of incommensurability in his radical empiricism. In this way, James overcomes a chaos/order dualism that continues to orient much communication theory. I examine three post-positivist theories of communication — Pearce & Cronen’s Coordinated Management of Meaning, Habermas’s Theory of Communicative Action, and Mosco’s Political Economy of Communication – in light of this finding and consider its implications for pragmatist projects in communication. It is suggested that although John Durham Peters’s Speaking into the Air anticipates many of these findings, recovering James’s radical empiricism can facilitate the reconstruction of a pragmatist tradition of thougt subsequently developed through George Herbert Mead and John Dewey.  相似文献   

The third‐person perception hypothesis posits that people believe others are more influenced by media messages than they are. The existing literature consistently documents that individuals make self vs. other distinctions when assessing media effects, but not how such distinctions are made. The current study sought to document the self/ other distinction in third‐person perception and to assess differences in how individuals separate their own personal risk from that of others. Findings of a survey of 180 urban minority youth confirm the presence of third‐person perception and significant self/other distinctions in media effects. A clear split between cognitive and social predictors emerged when assessing differences in self/other distinctions. Participants relied on cognitive factors when assessing their own risk, while relying more heavily on self‐esteem when assessing the relative risk of others. Liking and trust of the media was the only shared correlate of self/other distinctions in third‐person perception.  相似文献   


This chapter is a presentation of the major areas of digital preservation activity with reference to representative and well-known projects. It is also a presentation of the roles that Electronic Resources (ER) librarians may take to assist and advocate for digital preservation. The need for human mediation and decision-making during this early period of digital preservation development is emphasized. The roles and responsibilities of the ER librarian is described in the context of emergent business models for digital preservation as well as questions about the impact of licensing and ownership arrangements on ER preservation.  相似文献   

This paper presents results taken from 2008 to 2010 of an ongoing microform use study. The number of titles used is evenly distributed over time with microfilm being the most used format and newspapers accounting for half of all usage. When publications are available electronically, users may still use the microform version. This study illustrates how microform and electronic collections are complementary—electronic materials provide better access but microform is better for preservation. Users prefer electronic materials but will also use microform when there is no online version available or when the online version is not an exact copy of the original.  相似文献   

In 2005, cable channel FX made the risky decision to air Eric Schaeffer’s Starved, a bold experiment that challenged preconceived notions about eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive eating. The show poses interesting questions about illness, forcing the viewer to consider whether eating disorders can ever be considered funny. The show ultimately received mixed reviews and was cancelled after just seven episodes. Through an exploration of this challenging show, the author examines what happens when eating disorders are explored through comedy rather than the more typical tragic narrative. By comparing the show to similar sitcoms such as Fat Actress as well as serious reality programming such as Intervention and made-for-television movies, it becomes clear that while Starved may push the viewer to confront the horror of the disease, it fails not only to create empathetic characters and situations but also is unable to make audiences laugh.  相似文献   

In humanitarian crises, the sources that journalists employ have always helped determine which stories achieve a high media profile, as well as play a part in framing the story. In particular, aid agencies acted as powerful gatekeepers to disaster zones, providing flights, transport, fixers and translators to journalists – and more recently, text, images and resources for the social web. Questions have been raised around transparency and objectivity in such reporting as a result. This paper draws on 40 semi-structured qualitative interviews with UK national journalists (broadcast, print and online) and aid agencies belonging to the UK's Disasters Emergency Committee. As a result, this paper builds on journalism studies looking at boundary (re)negotiations in journalism and the source-media relationship to show the current patterns in what has been described as a “mutually exploitative” relationship. It compares and contrasts what assistance journalists say they accept from aid agencies and what aid agencies report. It examines how both sides are often unwilling to acknowledge the close association. It will also look at how the increasing professionalisation of NGO operations including the employment of former journalists and producing their own content may be affecting the power dynamics. Finally, it asks whether the slow emergence of scandals means this relationship has not only affected stories that are covered but those that are not.  相似文献   

This investigation of offensive language on prime-time broadcast and cable programs found that 9 out of 10 programs contained at least one incident of profanity, and viewers were exposed to 12.58 cuss words per hour in 2005. Viewers of broadcast programs were exposed to slightly less than 10 objectionable words per-hour compared to 15 words-per-hour on cable programs.  相似文献   

钟岩 《传媒》2007,(5):17-18
《大学生》杂志是隶属于北京日报报业集团的一本综合性刊物,也是一个面向大学校园的专业媒体平台。自1988年创刊以来,《大学生》杂志一直以在校大学生、硕士生、博士生及一些刚刚走上工作岗位的青年才俊为主要读者,旨在引导大学生如何学习和生活,提高个人素质和能力,树立正确的人生观、学习观、就业观或者留学观,秉承以贴近、深入大学生生活的文字打动读者的原则,《大学生》杂志在近20年的时间里,默默地用自己踏实的工作换来读者的认可。  相似文献   

《大学生》杂志是隶属于北京日报报业集团的一本综合性刊物,也是一个面向大学校园的专业媒体平台.自1988年创刊以来,《大学生》杂志一直以在校大学生、硕士生、博士生及一些刚刚走上工作岗位的青年才俊为主要读者,旨在引导大学生如何学习和生活,提高个人素质和能力,树立正确的人生观、学习观、就业观或者留学观,秉承以贴近、深入大学生生活的文字打动读者的原则,《大学生》杂志在近20年的时间里,默默地用自己踏实的工作换来读者的认可.  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives: to explicate the sociotechnical conditions that facilitate critique on social media platforms (specifically: Tumblr); and to operationalize a “working theory” from Foucault’s conceptualization of critique. We analyze resistant practices observed (in ethnographic study) in a Not Safe For Work (NSFW) community on Tumblr, arguing that the potential for critique arises there at the intersection of platform architecture and use cultures. Specifically, we show how critique emerges from shared practices of ethics, most visibly enacted through what we call voluntary vulnerability and paying it forward. This potential for critique is arguably at risk with Tumblr’s recent NSFW ban.  相似文献   

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