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张志欣 《上海教育》2023,(11):35-37
<正>丹麦、瑞典、挪威、芬兰和冰岛是北欧的五个主权国家,其历史背景紧密相连,生活方式、社会和政治制度也极为相近。教育是北欧国家发展强有力的支撑,走在世界前列。芬兰著名教育学者帕斯·萨尔博格(Pasi Sahlberg)曾描述北欧教育系统中对公平和质量的强调,称其为“北欧教育模式”。在此背景下,北欧的学校都没有围墙,也看不到校园的大门。学校和社区融为一体,打破了家庭、学校、社区之间的“围墙”,学校的管理趋向开放,家长和社区以一种主人翁的态度参与进来,  相似文献   

我国正处在向社会主义市场经济体制转轨的过程中,如何建立健全社会保障体系是当前改革的一个重要课题,也是国有企业面临的改革难点之一。本文旨在通过对英国社会保障制度的研究,为我国构建新的、适应社会主义市场经济体制的社会保障体系提供参考。-。现代社会保障制度的一种模式英国社会保障制度起源于伊丽莎白时代的“济贫法”(Poorlilw),现行制度则是1946年执政的工党大致按照1942年的“贝弗里奇报告”确立的。英国现代社会保障制度是当今世界社会保障制度的一种类型,在西方国家中具有一定的代表性,通常称之为“福利国家”模式…  相似文献   

1931年12月27日,鲁迅在《答北斗杂志社问》一文中自述其早期接触外国文学之情况时说:“看外国的短篇小说,几乎全是东欧及北欧作品,也看日本作品.”许寿裳在《亡友鲁迅印象记》一书中也说:“鲁迅自从办杂志《新生》的计划失败以后,不得已而努力泽书,和其弟周作人开始介绍欧洲新文艺,刊行《域外小说集》,相信这也可以转移性情,改造社会的.他们所译偏于东欧和北欧的文学,尤其是弱小民族的作品,因为它们富于挣扎、反抗、怒吼的精神.”这两段话都提到北欧文学并非偶然,鲁迅对北欧文学的确很早就予以重视,他是我国最早介绍北欧文学的先驱者之一.  相似文献   

在遥远的北欧,不论是挪威的森林、瑞典的诺贝尔奖,还是丹麦的美人鱼,都让人感觉到一种遥远的神秘,深深的吸引着我们。除了拥有独特的自然风光,北欧四国在教育方面也独具魅力。近几年,北欧低廉的学习费用、较高的签证通过率也吸引了众多的中国学生,但是这条路也并不平坦,留学路上也是有“喜”有“忧”。  相似文献   

北欧国家被称为"福利国家",可以从劳动生产率、国家竞争力、经济增长率、财政状况、科技创新五个维度具体考察其福利制度的运作。充足的税源,高效、廉洁的政府,充分的民主制度,强大的工会组织,劳动力生产的社会化是这一制度有效运作的成功经验。北欧福利国家制度对于我国建立完善的社会保障制度,促进和谐社会建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

日本社会保障制度及对中国之启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对日本社会保障制度构建历程的回顾,强调其对经济和社会发展所起的“稳定器”、“调节器”作用,并具体表现在保障国民生活、缩小贫富差距、强化宏观调控、减缓周期波动和开发人力资源等五个方面。然而,尽管日本的社会保障制度具有鲜明的特色,但仍然面临如经济增长失速、人口老龄化加快和政府压力加大等诸多困难。无论从正反哪个方面来看,日本社会保障制度对中国尚待改革和完善的社会保障制度都具有重要的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   

2010 NOTCH艺术节 上海强势来袭 2010 NOTCH艺术节迎来五周年。NOTCH艺术节融音乐、设计、建筑于社会创新,2010的主题是“重置公共”,邀请北欧和中国的创意团队组建的创新“共和体”在艺术节现场重新定义,  相似文献   

在分析世界上现行社会保障立法模式的基础上,从我国的现实国情和社会保障立法状况出发,并在有关学者研究和争论的前提下,得出我国现行社会保障立法应该采取“多法并立平行”模式的结论。  相似文献   

与当代民主社会主义在一些国家泛滥的同时,国际上还兴起了一股朝拜北欧民主社会主义的“样板”——瑞典之风。国内,鼓吹资产阶级自由化的“精英”们也曾喧嚷,北欧才是“真正的社会主义”,诬蔑社会主义中国是“民族旗帜下的封建主义”。这就向人们提出了一个问题:北欧民主社会主义究竟搞的是社会主义还是资本主义?下面,仅就我们了解的情况,做一点分析。在北欧三国,社会民主党都有100多年的历史,民主社会主义的影响很深。其中的瑞典自1932至1976年、1982至今一直是社会民主党执政,丹麦社会民主党,挪威工党在二次大战  相似文献   

在教育场景逐渐走向多元化的当今社会,除了校园之外,家庭和社会成为学习发生的重要场所。家庭、学校和社会协同育人模式成为教育新生态。世界多个国家致力于探索“家-校-社”三方力量的有机融合,以形成长久和稳固的教育责任共同体。本期我们聚焦韩国、新西兰、日本、美国、北欧五国在这方面的探索与创新,以期为我国深化开展“家-校-社”协同育人工作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

The national policies and historical roots of early childhood education (ECE) vary from society to society. In the Nordic countries, early childhood education and care (ECEC) policies have been built in the context of the welfare state. As such, they are closely connected to other welfare policy areas such as social policy, family policy and education policy, in addition to which a close relationship with labour policy is also evident. This article sheds light on the historical roots of Nordic ECEC policies by describing the commonalities and differences between the Nordic countries. The ‘Nordic model’ is commonly described as integrated. Education, teaching and caring form an integrated unit and the term early childhood education and care is therefore typically used when describing the ‘Nordic model’. It is also said to be based on a child-centred, holistic approach with an emphasis on participation, democracy, autonomy and freedom, while its track record of high quality ECE services is considered to be due in part to the use of a well-trained workforce. The Nordic countries are, however, developing and redefining their ECEC policies in the global economic and cultural context, in which governments have to choose their priorities. Pressure to standardize ECE services is also apparent, and signs of erosion of the key elements of the Nordic model have been seen in recent policy debates. This paper discusses the current direction of Nordic ECE policy making and the future of the Nordic model.  相似文献   

二战期间,鉴于斯堪的纳维亚半岛重要的战略地位,为达到分担盟国西线战场的压力和增加本土国防安全系数,英国酝酿了在斯堪的纳维亚国家内部成立斯堪的纳维亚同盟并将其纳入自己的战略体系.斯堪的纳维亚半岛实力最强的瑞典为了本国和北欧各国人民免遭战火侵害,拒绝了英国的要求,选择了维持中立,最大程度地维护了自己的独立.  相似文献   

Judging by their literacy proficiency scores, Nordic countries stand out from others. Their consistently high scores are intriguing and make their populations interesting benchmarks for other countries that participated in the International Adult Literacy Survey. This article addresses the question of whether there are any specific ‘Nordic’ ways of planning and implementing adult education policies. Are there any features that define a common approach to adult education, one that sets the Nordic countries apart from other advanced regions in Europe and North America?Beyond the general pattern, specific sub-groups of the population are explored, and especially the groups ‘at-risk’, i.e. those that score low on literacy proficiency scales, have the least education, are old or unemployed. All Nordic countries are included in the analysis: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden participated in the original IALS survey, whereas Iceland collected comparable data on adult education participation in a separate survey.That Nordic countries have a comparatively high level of participation in adult education is a fact that leaves no room for discussion. However, if not only the rate of participation but also volume is considered then the Nordic countries appear more similar to others. What sets the Nordic countries apart is the level of public support for adult education for the low-skilled population. More generally, it would seem that public support for disadvantaged groups is the main defining characteristic of Nordic countries.  相似文献   

北欧国家的教育向以均等、优质为追求目标,然在新公共管理浪潮下,原本远离市场、高度集权、强化集体概念的北欧国家也受到波及。教育改革"政策流行病"渗透并重塑北欧国家的教师教育制度。"大学化"改革将教师教育推向社会的中心,而新公共管理引发的冲突则将北欧教育传统打得支离破碎。在全球化所带来的新的范式中,国家的边界被打破,协调好各种力量成为北欧教师教育所需要应对的新的挑战。  相似文献   

This paper performs multivariate analysis of skill differences in four Nordic countries as assessed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies survey of adults aged 16–65. The differences in average skills between Finland and each of the three Scandinavian countries are decomposed into a component that is due to different skill levels in subgroups of the population and a component that is due to differences in the composition of subgroups. The decompositions show that the high Finnish average skill level compared to the three Scandinavian countries can be attributed to the low share of immigrants in Finland and to high scores among Finns with high school and less than high school education. The Finnish average score is pulled substantially downwards as a consequence of the low numeracy skill level among older Finns, which is consistent with an increase in the quantity or quality of Finnish education over time, relative to the other three Nordic countries.  相似文献   

Stichwort: Der Mythos der nordischen Bildungssysteme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper deals with the question of whether the educational outcomes of the Nordic countries displayed in international comparative studies justify the legendary-status of fair and high-performing Nordic educational systems which is often discussed in Germany. To answer this question, the results of the Nordic countries in the past three surveys of the “Programme for International Student Assessment” (PISA) are presented. The results show that not all of the Nordic countries reach outstanding results in all of the investigated domains. It is only Finland that is always, without exception, found at the top of the international comparison. At the same time, the findings point out that the Nordic countries deal with the social disparities that students bring to school successfully. When considering contextual factors on a school and classroom level, however, the Nordic countries only differ slightly from the OECD average. To conclude, on the basis of the results achieved in the international comparative study PISA, an idealisation of the Nordic educational systems hardly seems justified.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that what is generally referred to as 'Ph.D education' has undergone dramatic changes in Europe in recent years. Whereas the Bologna Process, launched in 1999, originally had in mind to make it easier for undergraduate students to gain international experience and enhance their employability by facilitating mobility and transparency of higher education in Europe, the idea of a 'third cycle' of doctoral studies came relatively late in the discussion (2003). For some academic cultures, the idea of educating doctoral students was and still is perceived as a threat against academic freedom, originality and credibility. Other academic cultures have already long adopted Ph.D training schemes as an integrated part of training future scientists and knowledge workers. This article presents the result of a recent survey on Ph.D training in the Nordic-Baltic Area (Andreas Önnerfors: 'Ph.D-training/PGT in the Nordic-Baltic Area', Exploring the North: papers in Scandinavian Culture and Society 2006:1, Lund 2006) initiated by the Nordic research organisation NordForsk, which discusses new concepts of doctoral education and training in the five Nordic and the three Baltic countries as well as in Russia, Poland and three northern states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Whereas there is great correspondence in the performance of doctoral training and education in the Nordic countries and changes have been introduced permanently for about 30 years, Poland, Germany and Russia are battling with their academic traditions and the challenge of adapting their academic cultures to joint European standards. This concerns especially the phenomenon of two postgraduate degrees (the Ph.D and a further degree) and the view upon training elements in doctoral studies. After their independence, the three Baltic countries rapidly adapted their systems of higher education to the Nordic model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore participation in job-related lifelong learning (LLL) among well-educated mature workers and compare it across four Nordic countries. Although this group generally is very active in LLL, the centrality of knowledge work in society, rapid pace of skills-renewal and rising learning demands for all qualifications levels, necessitates a better understanding of the patterns and factors affecting their skill development. The paper builds on theories of learning motivation, human capital and workplace learning. Data from the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) by the OECD were used. In addition to high participation rates, systematic level differences in participation were found across the countries. Results of logit regression analyses revealed clear differences between countries in the models that explained participation, which gave limited support to a single ‘Nordic model’ of LLL. Furthermore, the predictors of participation commonly found among adult populations, low-educated individuals and/or younger adults, appeared less valid for well-educated individuals.  相似文献   

In this paper we have set out to search for similarities and differences between the Nordic countries concerning patterns of competencies defined as scientific literacy in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) study. The first part focuses on gender differences concerning the two types of competencies, understanding of scientific concepts versus skills in scientific reasoning, based on analyses of sum scores of groups of items. The second part focuses on differences and similarities between countries based on item‐by‐item analyses. Correlations between each Nordic country (as well as the Nordic group as a whole) and every other country have been used to look for a Nordic pattern. In the last part cluster analysis has been used to see how countries establish clusters and whether these clusters represent meaningful groups in a geographical, cultural or political context.  相似文献   


Low completion rate in upper secondary education is seen as a big problem in the Nordic countries. School failure has shown to dramatically increase the risks for unemployment and labour market exclusion with severe consequences for both society and the young person. This paper analyses national policy measures to combat low upper secondary education completion rates in Norway and Sweden, often regarded as representing a social democratic welfare model and a universalistic transition regime. The analysis demonstrates that although this issue has received extensive political attention, the two countries display somewhat different policy designs. The Norwegian approach is proactive and targeted while the Swedish policy is more general and directed towards reforming organisational structures in upper-secondary education. In sum, our analysis demonstrates that national governance structures shape and influence policy design in the context of an increasingly diversified Nordic social democratic welfare state regime.  相似文献   

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