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文章通过对"211工程"院校图书馆在线学科化知识服务的调查,从网络平台建设的数量、类型、功能特点与服务内容等方面对我国高校图书馆利用网络平台开展学科化知识服务的现状进行了考察。并在推动学科化知识服务平台的建设上,从平台建设目标、深化学科服务的技术手段、宣传推广及评估等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

科技期刊的社会效益,指产出达到所期望的社会效果或对社会的影响程度.提高科技期刊社会效益,有助于科学交流,有助于科技出版事业健康发展,有助于贯彻落实习近平关于出版工作的重要论述.提升科技期刊社会效益的策略主要有:提供高质量产出,夯实效益的基础;创新主题出版,回应社会关切;以"科研人员"为中心,提供精准知识服务;发挥社会服务功能,提高公众科技素养;搭建新平台,加强科技交流.  相似文献   

从知识服务的内涵、开展知识服务的技术支撑入手,详细地阐述了高校图书馆要实现知识服务,必须从树立知识服务理念、构建知识服务信息体系、创新服务模式、培养创新团队等方面努力;同时应采取个性化定制服务、专题数字资源服务、学科信息导航服务、网上参考咨询服务等服务方式.  相似文献   

吴坚  鲍芳  高伟  秦莉  张琰敏  薛月 《编辑学报》2021,33(4):449-453
近年来,在"中国科技期刊卓越行动计划"等项目的 支持下,我国科技期刊特别是英文科技期刊取得了长足发展,然而文理交叉学科领域的高水平英文期刊凤毛麟角,对于文理"双栖"期刊的特殊作用亦缺乏探讨.本文以《Journal of Sport and Health Science》为例,从内容建设、对标国际、求新思变、期刊育人等角度,探讨文理交叉英文期刊的特色化高质量发展路径.  相似文献   

移动互联网络改变了人们的工作和生活方式,使人与人之间的交流更加便利。博客、微信等社交媒体迅速发展,创新了图书馆阅读推广服务手段。社交媒体以其参与性、互动性等特点,扩大了图书馆阅读推广的受众面,有利于宣传和利用图书馆的资源和服务,激发用户参与阅读推广的积极性,降低了阅读推广服务成本。图书馆应坚定"以用户为中心"的服务理念,从用户满意度、用户体验、用户参与度、服务宣传等角度入手,挖掘用户信息需求,明确社交媒体功能,加大宣传力度,提高社交媒体平台的影响力和服务效能,提升图书馆阅读推广服务质量。  相似文献   

面对"十四五"发展新格局,中文科技期刊迎来了更好的发展机遇.文章回顾中文科技期刊的总体概况、发展历程和历史贡献,从外部环境和期刊自身能力两方面分析中文科技期刊目前存在的主要问题,并提出优化战略管理、提升内容原创性、提升出版创新能力、提升全球影响力、提升行业服务能力、提升集约化经营能力6项发展措施.  相似文献   

从筑牢档案工作"四个意识"(管理意识、服务意识、安全意识、宣传意识)入手,分析探讨了做好高校档案服务利用工作的具体路径选择,提出了高校档案管理部门通过维护档案信息完整与安全、开展档案宣传、提供优质高效的档案利用服务,实现高校档案服务利用管理水平的提升,档案管理、服务、安全、宣传四者相辅相成,互相促进,共同服务于学校"双一流"建设和改革发展实践。  相似文献   

软文是指企业在报纸、广播、电视,网络等媒体上刊播的文字性宣传稿件,内容包括企业对产品或服务的介绍、公关营销活动推广,工作总结及其他与本单位有关的正面宣传等.近几年报纸刊发软文的数量和所占版面呈上升趋势.尤其是经济欠发达地区的报纸.对于各类软文更是无法割合.由于软文自身的特点,对报纸有着显而易见的"杀伤力".  相似文献   

在新时代新形势下,实现稿件的高效编辑处理仍然是编辑出版工作中的热点话题.本文基于"最多跑一次"理念,以新时代科技期刊编辑出版的工作实践为例,通过简化作者和审稿专家的操作流程、缩短稿件发表周期,从作者投稿、编辑工作流程和稿件资料存档等方面提出了科技期刊编辑提高服务能力,实现高效编辑出版的举措.在科技期刊编辑出版工作中,融合"最多跑一次"的服务理念,不仅可以更好地服务于作者、专家和读者,还能提高编辑工作效率,最终有利于提高科技期刊的影响力.  相似文献   

本文从网络传播途径、内容结构安排、可视化程度、增值服务4个维度进行中外顶级科技期刊网络传播效果的对比研究,可以见出二者存在的差异及差距所在,提升我国顶级科技期刊网络传播效果的途径,必须在增加科技期刊网络建设评价指标、拓展科技期刊网络增值服务、提升期刊网站的管理运营能力等三个方面作出更大的努力.  相似文献   

Courses: Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will achieve the following learning outcomes: (1) demonstrate knowledge of intercultural systems by identifying roots of intercultural communication conflict, (2) address intercultural problems by taking action within the context of their own lives, (3) collaborate with peers to problem solve based on voices from Twitter, assigned academic resources and intercultural competence theories in class, and (4) assemble and deliver their plan through a blog and 15-minute presentation.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

ClinPSYC, the latest CD-ROM product of the American Psychological Association (APA) is introduced. Both ClinPSYC and PsycLIT are subsets of PsycINFO. Several often requested disorders were tested on SilverPlatter ClinSYC, PsycLIT, and MEDLINE. Retrievals, searching response time, coverage, and content were compared between ClinPSYC and PsycLIT. Although MEDLINE is the best known database for all health professionals, Psyc- LIT and ClinPSYC are particularly valuable for clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals.  相似文献   


This article will help librarians understand how different philosophical stances influence the process of developing a research question and the different methodologies and methods available to help answer that question. Understanding this will help librarian researchers make appropriate choices regarding methods and methodology for the research questions they are seeking to answer. Also included is a table showing the two main types of inquiry (qualitative and quantitative) with their associated methodologies and methods, the basic assumptions underlying each, and the pros and cons of each methodology.  相似文献   

Scholarly communication is often thought of as the preservation of knowledge. In fact, it also influences the creation, transformation, and dissemination of knowledge. The new norms of scholarly communication are multiple authorships, inter-institutional and international collaboration, and use of social media. The evolving norms for the librarians and consortial groups are supporting research data management, aiding discovery of collaborators, and dissemination and preservation of results, especially in digital formats. Librarians are viewed as experts in scholarly communication on many campuses but their leadership is not always recognized.  相似文献   

This paper begins with a discussion of the concept of ‘Asia’, the cultural differences and similarities between Asia and the West, and what constructing an ‘Asian communication theory’ means. It then examines the background against which the current stage is set for Asian commication research, and the intricate changes in approaching theory building in the community.  相似文献   

Discussions of cataloging and metadata education are popular in social media outlets, scholarly literature, conference meetings, and so on. This article, the third installment of a longitudinal study on the state of information organization (IO) education, analyzes the recent literature to identify new and continuing themes related to IO education. It provides an overview of the curricula of the 58 library and information science graduate programs in the United States and Canada accredited by the American Library Association (ALA). It examines the current conditions in 2012–2013 and compares them to data from earlier studies. It provides an overview of the types of IO courses available, program requirements, the number of schools offering IO courses, and the number of schools teaching those courses.  相似文献   

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