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在格里格钢琴抒情小品音乐创作中,“重复”这一音乐创作技术手段成为一些理论家批评他的音乐缺乏动力的重要依据。在调性音乐创作手法中占有重要地位的三个方面-调性布局、曲式的不同阶段引入新的对比 因素以及多声织体的处理,体现了格里格钢琴抒情小品音乐发展的动力。  相似文献   

吕茵 《黄山学院学报》2005,7(4):123-124
19世纪是欧洲音乐美学思想发展的重要历史时期。作为先行者舒曼,通过一系列音乐创作、批评等活动为之做出了自己的贡献。本文借分析舒曼的著名声乐套曲《妇女的爱情与生活》的内容、结构及音乐,尝试对他的音乐美学思想作粗浅的研究,以期达到抛砖引玉之目的。  相似文献   

少儿的音乐创作在国外已不罕见,而在我国的整个音乐事业中则相对较薄弱。现在家长们很重视素质教育,他们把音乐素质培养作为一个重要组成部分。一般人认为音乐无非是唱歌、弹琴,忽视音乐创作的培养,而恰恰最先体现音乐素质的是音乐创作。要提高少儿形象思维及逻辑发展思维,开拓思维空间的也常常得益于音乐创作。音乐为文学提供了形象想象空间也为数学逻辑理念提供了场地。  相似文献   

音乐理论来源于音乐创作,大量的音乐创作累积了相应的音乐理论,并且随着音乐创作的增加和发展,音乐理论也要与之相适应。音乐理论与音乐创作在现代音乐中是相互促进和相互依存的。清楚地认识音乐理论研究和音乐创作各自的意义以及两者之间的关系,才能促使中国现代音乐有更好的发展。本文对音乐理论研究与音乐创作之间的关系进行了分析和讨论,并对两者的共同发展提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

在加快河南省新农村建设过程中,应该充分发挥农村音乐文化的积极作用。针对当前河南农村音乐文化建设面临的管理机制混乱、发展模式落后、音乐人才匮乏与音乐创作贫瘠等问题,应通过建立起科学有效管理机制、形成产业化发展模式、丰富音乐创作方式、提供坚实的人才保障等措施,破解当下的困境,促进河南省农村音乐文化更好更快发展。  相似文献   

音乐是伴随人类产生而不断出现的,而且在人类发展的基础上得到了不断发展。音乐的声频可以使人产生共鸣,所以说音乐并不是人类最开始的物质生产,音乐应该是一种精神活动产物。一般来说,音乐创作不能离开作曲,而作曲作为音乐创作前提与基础条件,可以被认为是音乐创作的"一度创作"。然而,作曲又具有较强的复杂性,是一项系统化工程,音乐作曲必须要经过较为艰苦的过程。在实际作曲创造期间,作曲人一般会追求形式美,要达到该点则必须要坚持一定的法则。本文就音乐作曲形式美的组合法则展开详细论述。  相似文献   

幼儿的音乐创作活动不同于严格意义上的创作活动,这种活动推崇让幼儿接触音乐、了解音乐,通过把玩音乐元素。培养幼儿的创造力。如何引导幼儿开展音乐创作活动呢?我们从音乐的节奏和旋律这两个最基本的要素入手。进行了大胆的尝试。[第一段]  相似文献   

新课程标准把音乐教材的内容分为四个教学领域,即音乐感受与鉴赏、音乐表现、音乐创造、音乐与相关化。它们是一个有机整体,相互渗透,相互补充。新课程标准对音乐教材进行了整合,其育人目标强调审美素养。提倡尝试音乐创作,要求了解音乐艺术。  相似文献   

简论河北地方民歌的音乐特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
音乐创作领域百花齐放,流行音乐、现代音乐占了主导地位。在大力弘扬现代音乐化的同时,详尽了解和掌握河北民间音乐特点,对继承、发展、创作具有民族精神和鲜明的地方特色的河北民歌有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

第一部分在唱腔音乐方面,通过典型唱段音乐的分析,使我们清楚地看到,京剧唱腔音乐的设计要突破传统程式化的模式,坚持唱腔音乐紧密配合戏剧情节的展开和塑造人物形象为基础。第二部分在幕间音乐和对话音乐方面.要紧密配合剧情和戏剧情节,使幕间音乐和对话音乐成为京剧整体音乐的重要组成部分。最后吸收和借鉴京剧现代戏的音乐创作经验是京剧音乐改革发展的必由之路。今后京剧舞台必将呈现出传统京剧、现代京剧并存的局面。  相似文献   

This article examines the evidence that supports and rebuts the claims of school resegregation. By examining both types of evidence and considering them complementary (James 1986 James, F. 1986. A new generalized “exposure-based” segregation index: Demonstration in Denver and Houston. Sociological Methods and Research, 14(3): 30116. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Kelly and Miller 1989 Kelly, P. and Miller, W. 1989. Assessing desegregation efforts: No “best measure.”. Public Administration Review, 49(5): 43137. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), the author gives the reader a deeper understanding of the current trends in school segregation. First, the literature on the topic of school segregation is discussed. Then follows a discussion of the methods used in the study and the findings. The conclusion includes implications of the findings.  相似文献   

This article considers J.M. Barrie’s satirical treatment of the Platonic doctrine of reminiscence in Peter Pan, and how Barrie’s work both honors and undercuts it. It will first analyze the Platonic notion of the doctrine of reminiscence in Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” (1807). It will then show its influence on Victorian literature in the depiction of the exalted perception and moral purity of children, and how Barrie satirizes these ideals by underscoring the ignorance and savage qualities of the children in Peter Pan. The essay will also explore the portrayal of the Eden of childhood in Wordsworth’s poem (as influenced by Plato), and how Barrie subverts this utopia by presenting a dystopic world where Darwinian principles rule. Like Darwin, Barrie argues for a natural rather than a divine origin of species and demonstrates the struggle for existence in a profoundly disturbing way. Finally, the essay will contemplate the subject of immortality and how, far from being an idealized condition as in Wordsworth’s poetry, it is a far more ambivalent state in Peter Pan.
Glenda A. HudsonEmail:

Overestimations of null contingencies between a cue, C, and an outcome, O, are widely reported effects that can arise for multiple reasons. For instance, a high probability of the cue, P(C), and a high probability of the outcome, P(O), are conditions that promote such overestimations. In two experiments, participants were asked to judge the contingency between a cue and an outcome. Both P(C) and P(O) were given extreme values (high and low) in a factorial design, while maintaining the contingency between the two events at zero. While we were able to observe main effects of the probability of each event, our experiments showed that the cue- and outcome-density biases interacted such that a high probability of the two stimuli enhanced the overestimation beyond the effects observed when only one of the two events was frequent. This evidence can be used to better understand certain societal issues, such as belief in pseudoscience, that can be the result of overestimations of null contingencies in high-P(C) or high-P(O) situations.  相似文献   


After criticising the solutionist drift, this article argues for the need for three gestures, in order to build a more problematised Comparative Education: estrangement, that is, the ability to see the unknown and therefore to distance ourselves from what is already known; intercession, that is, the ability to perceive the importance of mediators; communication, that is, the ability to work in common with others, from different positions and perspectives. Based on these three gestures, the article argues for a Comparative Education that seeks to develop three lines of work: to build a science of difference, rather than a ‘solution’ that tends to homogenise educational directions throughout the world; to strengthen the public space, instead of contributing to the authority of experts; to revitalise the common, instead of yielding to the current fragmentation, in which we interact only with what is similar to us. The arguments are not limited to Southern Europe, as they intend to open up a set of general questions about the meaning of comparative work in education.  相似文献   

Besides “inclusion” meaning incorporation within the education system, there is also “inclusion” signifying the incorporation of knowledge, two distinct processes which went hand-in-hand to start with but which, as education systems expanded, have begun to drift apart. While the population as a whole, including the more deprived sectors, has improved its educational level over past decades, in more recent times there has been little to show for the considerable efforts made. It is as if the process had reached a ceiling, owing to practices of educational marginalization that are so embedded that they perpetually recreate themselves. The education system has lost its bearings because a new approach is needed with the emergence of the information and communication society, which implies a new definition of knowledge, cut off from its origins. The idea of “including” must also be a key notion in relation to the search for a fairer, more democratic society. This implies developing a number of viewpoints or fundamental attitudes when we consider inclusive education. There is the ideological/political point of view—which means developing the ideal of justice and democracy within the framework of education as a right; the epistemological aspect—which entails supporting the new educational approach in the very latest developments of the theory of complexity; the pedagogical aspect—which entails adopting the advances made in the new learning sciences in order to develop a new “technology of educational production” (didactics) that will guarantee the entire population’s ability to reason; and the institutional point of view—which requires reviewing the notion of a “school system” and incorporating other institutional spaces by considering the whole of society as offering potential “learning environments”.
Inés AguerrondoEmail:

Inés Aguerrondo   (Argentina) Sociologist. Lecturer, Universidad de San Andrés and Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Former Under-Secretary of Programming at the Ministry of Culture and Education (1993–1999) in charge of substantive aspects of educational changes in Argentina. For 30 years she worked as a technical adviser at the Ministry’s Educational Planning Unit. She has been a consultant for many international organizations (including OAS, OREALC, IDB and OECD-CERI), while engaging in writing many books and articles. Currently, she is a consultant-researcher for UNESCO-IIEP in Buenos Aires.  相似文献   

The controversies surrounding Katherine Mayo's (1927 Mayo , K. ( 1927 ). Mother India . New York : Harcourt, Brace, and Company . [Google Scholar]) Mother India provides an exploration into the rhetorical dynamics of figurations that helped maintain imperial aspirations. This analysis suggests that many of the American, British, and Indian commentators who wrote about the impact of Mother India were not just making observations about the accuracy of Mayo's personal observations or the fairness of her religious characterizations; rather, these observers were often participants in much larger discursive debates about what might be called gendered nationalism—the use of paternalistic figurations that suture together particular familiar images with political critiques of oppositional movements.  相似文献   

以培养卓越中医为目标,改革现行的方剂考试内容、考试方法,以考促学,以考促教,培养中医本科生分析运用方剂及临证组方的能力,提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

先秦两汉志怪小说的深厚底蕴和深刻的社会原因,使魏晋南北朝时期的志怪小说发展进入成熟时期。唐传奇在此基础上的崛起,有其深刻的学渊源、学环境和特定的社会时代背景。蒲松龄又化腐朽为神奇,使《聊斋志异》拔地而起,把言小说推向历史最高的境界。  相似文献   

Overview of the innovative process and the user   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The focus of this overview is on the role of the user (student, teacher, parent) in the process of educational change. In the first section research literature is reviewed by critically examining the assumptions of existing models and approaches to educational change, and by analyzing evidence on actual user experience with educational innovations. The main conclusion is that the modal process of change whereby innovations are developed external to schools and then transmitted to them has led to no significant change at the user level. In the second section of the paper, the analysis is extended by relating the basic contentions and findings of the authors in the present issue to the criteria for effective change identified in the first section. These articles provide important state-of-the-field analyses of various aspects of school innovations in organization for learning and in curriculum. The overall conclusion in the final section is that a radical restructuring of the role of the user and a complete reversal of the direction of influence in the process of change are required if effective innovations are to occur. Finally, the main principles and elements of reform—techniques, activities, organizational forms—necessary to support this active user role, and other factors beyond the user level that might impinge on this role, are outlined.
Résumé Cet article concentre l'attention sur le rôle de l'usager (étudiant, professeur, parent) dans le processus de l'évolution en éducation. Dans la première partie, l'auteur passe en revue les rapports de recherches et se livre à une étude critique des hypothèses servant de base aux modèles existants et des moyens d'aborder le problème de l'évolution en éducation; il analyse par ailleurs les preuves sur l'expérience réelle de l'usager en matière d'innovations éducatives. La conclusion principale tirée de cette étude est que le processus conditionnel de l'évolution, selon lequel les innovations se développent d'abord à l'extérieur de l'école pour y être communiquées par la suite, n'a pas abouti à un changement important au niveau de l'usager. Dans la deuxième partie, l'auteur pousse plus loin son analyse et compare les affirmations et les découvertes de base des auteurs de la présente publication, auteurs qui se sont penchés sur ce problème aux critères indispensables à l'évolution et identifiés dans la première partie. Ces articles renferment d'importantes analyses sur l'état du problème et sur les aspects relatifs aux innovations scolaires en matière d'organisation en vue de l'apprentissage et du programme d'études. Dans sa conclusion générale, exposée dans la dernière partie de l'article, l'auteur affirme que si l'on veut aboutir à des innovations efficaces, il faudra procéder à une restructuration radicale du rôle de l'usager et à un renversement complet de l'orientation de l'influence qui s'exerce dans le processus de l'évolution. Il énumère enfin les principes et les éléments fondamentaux de la réforme qui sont nécessaires à appuyer ce rôle actif de l'usager: techniques, activités, formules d'organisation—ainsi que les autres facteurs qui dépassent le niveau de l'usager et qui peuvent empiéter sur le rôle en question.


I would like to thank Andrew Effrat and Paul Paschke for their many valuable contributions in developing this issue, and Glenn Eastabrook for many ideas included in the introduction. I would also like to thank Nancy McIntosh for typing this introduction, and Barbara Finch and Catherine Cragg for their extensive editorial work.  相似文献   

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