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This article examines the development of literary apartheid in post‐war English fiction. While Anglo‐English novelists have generally not included black or Asian characters, London novelists have been an exception to the prevailing little Englandism. Separate critical traditions have also played a role: Anglo‐English critics have shown little interest in race, while black and Asian critics have been engaged in the necessary task of tracing black and Asian British traditions. Drawing on key texts from the 1950s to the 1970s (Colin MacInnes and Barbara Pym) and from the 1980s to the present (Michael Moorcock and Maggie Gee), the essay discusses varied Anglo‐English responses to the development of London as a multicultural city.  相似文献   

文学理论课程是高校文科的一门基础课、必修课,是学习其它文科课程的基础.无论是古代文学、现当代文学的学习,还是文学作品的创作以及其它文科课程学年论文、毕业论文等都或隐或显地以文学理论作为指导.因此,文学理论除了其理论性之外,实践性亦是其应有的品格,也是文学理论教学应有的品格.只有重视实践性,并尽可能立足本土,突出学校自身特色,学生才能乐于学习、学有所得、学有所用,文学理论的教学目的才能得以实现.  相似文献   

文学理论作为学科,涉及到的是一个历经两千多年积累、且不断批判和否定的知识生产过程。面对思想开放、思维活跃的青年学生,后现代语境下的文学理论课程,其难度和复杂性远非往日可比。经实践证明,重视如下要点,正面效果比较明显:讲授文学理论的重要性与激发新生的专业兴趣相结合;阐释艰深的文学理论思维方式与使用通俗简明的语言、实例相结合;分析文学理论几千年的知识生产过程与揭示学科前沿的思维方式相结合。贯穿其间的,就是要有意识地培养学生具备独立进入学科前沿的思维能力。从教育规律和学术研究角度看,文学理论课程对当代文学理论的发展功不可没。  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the teaching of science fiction texts to first-year engineering students at the University of the Witwatersrand as part of a Critical Thinking course that uses literature as a vehicle through which to develop competence in critical literacy and communication. This course aims to equip engineering students, as future intermediaries between science and society, with the ability to fulfil this role in both the contemporary global world and South Africa more specifically through the imaginative inhabitation of divergent subject positions afforded by literary texts. Science fiction encourages students to engage imaginatively with various societal ideas, constructs and possibilities. One of the principles of the course is that reading facilitates empathic responses, challenging readers to inhabit unfamiliar subject positions. In this way, the teaching of science fiction aims to develop self-reflective and critical learning practices, wherein engineering students grapple with the ethical ramifications of extrapolated known science in a South African context.  相似文献   

郑军是当代中国科幻文坛一位“理论与实践相结合”的非典型科幻作家。他以科幻迷的身份走入科幻界,凭着自己对科幻创作的执著与坚韧,在而立之年投身科幻创作,用了15年的时间从边缘走向中心。在创作理念上,他独辟蹊径,坚持以真实生活为创作背景,在科技发展的最前沿寻觅科幻素材,拒绝“老三样”式的科幻八股。  相似文献   

从《中国小说史略》出发,并结合中国现当代文学的创作实际,可以对作家创作动机形成几点思考:作家创作动机有其独特的心理机制;影响作家创作动机的形成有两个因素,一是满足自身需求的内在因素,二是社会、市场、读者等外部因素,对于两者,作家的侧重点不同,但是两者又密不可分;“学者作家”是文学创作中的一个特殊现象,有其普遍性和特殊性。  相似文献   

约翰·厄普代克的创作思想和他的“兔子四部曲”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
约翰·厄普代克是当代美国文学史上最有影响的作家之一。他出版了许多小说 ,并获得了巨大的成功。他在美国小城镇的中产阶级的家庭生活找到了自己文学创作的素材 ,通过自己的小说把读者引向了一个全新的天地。在他的作品中 ,他向读者展示了现代人所面临的精神困境。“兔子四部曲”是厄普代克的经典之作 ,代表了他的最高文学成就。  相似文献   

类型小说热是中国当下文学创作的现实背景,而中国职场小说是其“新生代”,它承袭了类型小说的模式化、消费化特征,在走向市场的过程中获得了巨大成功。职场小说起源于官场小说,两者都是社会转型过程中市场经济深化的结果,但在世俗化、商业化方面,职场小说比官场小说走得更远,昭示了消费主义强大的时代气场。  相似文献   

In this essay, the authors present analyses of data emerging from a study of a classroom of pre‐service English language arts teachers' readings of a young adult novel that challenged normative sexuality stereotypes. They argue that when literary fictions are included within teacher education ‘methods’ courses, the possibility that literature might support generative learning is eroded by the normative structures of teacher education, particularly those pedagogical beliefs and practices that separate discourses of experience from discourses of knowledge. The authors offer a brief overview of studies of human consciousness, with particular attention to how literary experiences can contribute to its development. They suggest that the identities that co‐emerge with conscious awareness are structured by normalizing discourses instantiated within teacher education methods courses. The essay concludes with a discussion of how the conscious awareness of beginning English teachers might be more expansively developed within pre‐service teacher education.  相似文献   

中国学的抒情特质向为评论关注。自诗经以来,抒情诗成为源远流长的中国学的主要类型。这些作品在时间的表现上,呈现出有异于写实传统的叙述结构的特质;在“情节”的处理上亦有了新的表现方式:不连贯的片断,跳跃随意的衔接等等。而现代学中的“现代”义与传统的抒情性相生而有的学作品,除了反映学类型本身的转变外,同时反映的是现代社会的多元与多义。  相似文献   

"狐狸"王蒙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王蒙是一个狐狸型的全能作家,堪称当代文学巨匠,他在小说、随笔、诗歌、文学评论等领域均有建树,其中尤以小说和政论随笔成就最大。王蒙的小说是一种自叙传式的“骚体小说”,由于意识流手法的运用、独特的语言风格、超群的政治智慧和复调主题,从而丰富和深化了现实主义流派.形成了“经验现实主义”风格。同时,他的小说也存在着潜在模式化、“思”的缺席、政治术语过多、理念大于形象等缺陷。王蒙的政论随笔确立了其改良主义与左翼自由主义者的立场,以讲常识、讲中道、讲多元为核心命题,反对一元化、绝对化和建构论唯理主义,因而达到了时代的思想高度。王蒙的创作虽非完美无缺,却与赵树理、浩然一起.代表了一个文学共鸣时代的艺术和思想高度;他以自身的创作实绩和影响,命名了当代文学史上的一个“王蒙时代”。  相似文献   

康拉德因其作品具有明显的现代主义的特征而被认为是英国现代主义小说的先驱。文章试图从叙述模式、叙述视角、人物塑造和创作理念四个方面分析康拉德小说《诺斯托罗莫》所体现出的现代主义的艺术风格。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代兴起的中国当代先锋小说明显受到西方现代主义文学的影响,既有总体观念上的一致,也有具体细部的模仿与移植,但它还有植根于中国社会和文化的土壤之中的。它出现于当代中国文坛,自有它的意义,包括它的成就与局限。  相似文献   

刘艳 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(5):94-96,99
综观20世纪末中国小说,我们发现20世纪末中国小说的发展状况与张爱玲作品在大陆的推广似乎有着某些奇妙的联系,一些作家的作品和言论多多少少显现出张爱玲的影子。对于张爱玲对中国当代小说的影响,海外学者王德威采取的研究策略是淡化影响的发生,强调影响的结果。与此相似,文章仅仅只是从"影响的结果"来窥见一斑。  相似文献   

中国当代先锋小说 ,在特定的精神文化背景上 ,深受西方现代主义文学的影响 ,展现出一个荒诞的虚构世界 ,成为当代文坛上的一道奇特景观  相似文献   

勃朗特三姐妹在英国文学史上居于重要的地位,英国著名的马克思主义文学批评家、理论家特里.伊格尔顿从历史意识形态角度出发,围绕历史、意识形态和文本三者的关系对勃朗特小说进行了马克思主义文学解读,更深刻地解答了"权力的神话"。  相似文献   

<蝇王>是英国作家威廉·戈尔丁荣获诺贝尔文学奖的作品.传统主题的解构、寓言文体的改写、互文与反讽的运用,使戈尔丁的<蝇王>具有了超越当时审美经验的崭新元素,成为一部具有后现代萌芽的寓言杰作.  相似文献   

Post‐Fordism and globalisation are interrelated contemporary features of social and economic development. Open and distance education are reflexively engaged with post‐Fordism and globalisation and this raises issues for policymakers and practitioners in open and distance education alike. Drawing on recent work by the author (Evans 1995a, 1995b) this article discusses some individual, social and educational issues concerned with globalisation, especially in relation to the emerging post‐Fordist forms and practices of open and distance education, and to the cross‐cultural contexts involved.  相似文献   

Although numerous universities offer graduate students opportunities to develop their teaching, few studies probe the credit-bearing graduate course in college teaching. A survey of 105 instructors of graduate pedagogy courses in the US and Canada explored their preparation, professional appointments, students, and assignments. Results showed diverse institutional units offer college pedagogy courses, which are taught by instructors with substantial preparation, most frequently to multidisciplinary groups from diverse majors. Many instructors assign teaching statements, though specifics differ. Comparison to the authors' earlier case study reveals an emerging, recognizable, and international course type that coheres in structure, timing, and at least one key assignment. The ubiquity of college pedagogy courses recommends substantial institutional investment, scholarly analysis, and professorial discussion to align them with the contemporary goals and standards of graduate education.  相似文献   

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