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近年招生情况显示,企事业单位越来越注重单位成员的整体素质与实际能力,为此,成人教育一方面要为企事业改造现有人员的知识结构,另一方面提供即录即用的合适人才,减少用人单位的浪费,拓展成人教育办学空间。  相似文献   

目前工学结合模式下实践教学中的学生管理存在诸多缺陷,一方面学校对学生的日常管理较为薄弱,实践单位对学生管理贡献较低,另一方面学生自我管理能力较差.地方高校应加强学生管理制度建设,进而在实践教学计划中植入学生管理,最终构建以学校认真管理、实践单位参与管理和学生自我管理为内涵的“三位一体”学生管理新模式.  相似文献   

地方高校教学、科研环境相对艰苦,竞争力相对较弱,人力资源开发与管理显得尤为重要.文章对地方高校的人力资源开发与管理进行了分析和探讨,为地方高校的人力资源开发与管理提供理论根据.  相似文献   

American higher education is characterized by enormous program and quality diversity among the 3842 institutions (1998 data) with two- or four-year programs (of which 319 institutions have one or more engineering programs). Sharp distinctions emerge along several axes: funding (private vs public), size (hundreds to tens of thousands of students) and mission (research vs teaching). Recently the accreditation organizations for universities broadly and for engineering specifically have addressed this diversity by moving to outcomes-based assessments. Rather than judging student performance in terms of classes passed, institutions must (1) define their distinctive mission, (2) design a curriculum to help students achieve these goals, (3) assess student learning outcomes according to both institutional and professional criteria, and (4) create a culture of continuous improvement to belter align steps (1) and (2). Adoption of similar procedures may help European engineering institutions to measure programs across boundaries and to foster ‘trans-national recognition’.  相似文献   

我国国家承认学历的民办本专科院校已经解决了生存危机,由圈地盖房扩大规模转向以实验室建设为基础的办学条件的全面提升。实验室建设不仅是提高应用型本专科教育质量的基础建设,也是学校向高水平大学努力的必经之途。民办高校要统筹本校教学、科研、师资队伍建设的需要认真规划、滚动推进本校的实验室建设。国家也要开展国家财政性教育经费投入的多元化,帮助创办实验投入较大专业的民办高校合建合格的实验室,促进各类高校和谐的可持续发展。  相似文献   

发展中国家高等教育入学人数在可预见到的未来将持续快速增长。公立高等学校的面貌将改变。一些快速扩大的私立、营利性教育机构会更多地利用以技术为媒介的教育形式。远程教育的扩展会真正使学习变得更加开放。怎样确保更广泛地使用电子学习不会给学习者带来困难,以开放教育资源的利用活动来保证高质量、低成本的学习资料的供给,是开放大学在新世纪所要面临的问题。  相似文献   

略论高校文化安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校文化安全是国家文化安全中一项重要内容,关系到大学生的政治观念、民族文化、道德评价的培养,同时涉及到高校文化成果和高校文化传播的安全等诸多方面问题。本文提出高校文化安全问题,有利于高等教育部门从国家安全的角度出发,加强维护高校文化安全的意识,使代表我国先进文化的高等教育在众多的外来文化当中保持教育的独立性和安全性,在教育和防范两个方面保证我国高等教育的方向和质量。  相似文献   

In contemporary knowledge societies, performance indicators are an indispensable element of sustainable quality management and enhancement through monitoring and evaluating quality performance of higher education institutions. It is argued that learning and teaching quality in higher education should be approached in a holistic way, namely across the four subdomains of learning and teaching environment, teaching processes, learning processes and learning outcomes and their assessment. performance indicators related to these areas must align with a synoptic understanding of learning and teaching comprising behavioural, information processing, cognitive, social (constructivism) and humanistic theories of learning. Selected issues from a comprehensive set of about 280 performance indicators for learning and teaching are presented and contextualised. The indicators set resulted and emerged from critical reflection of research literature and explorative surveys of various informed and engaged stakeholders, from 14 public European universities, and a general theory of learning and teaching.  相似文献   

安全生产工作已成为建设高水平、研究型大学和全面培养学生综合素质的迫切要求,作为研究型的理工为主的高等学校,如何建立卓有成效的校园安全生产管理体系,成为现代高等教育工作面临的一项现实而又意义重大的课题.作者提出了重点建设和完善"教育、预防、整改"三项措施,构建"教育在先,预防为主,整改不断"为核心内容的高校安全生产管理模式.  相似文献   

21世纪高等教育的扩展:开放学习的角色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在最近的将来,发展中国家高等教育的入学人数会继续飞速扩张,这将改变作为公立机构的高等教育的院校结构并导致牟取盈利的私立院校的数量激增,它们将更多地运用以技术为媒介的学习。远程学习是否真的会使学习更开放?如何能让开放大学保证更多地运用网络学习(eLearning)而不会造成参与的阻碍?开放教育资源(OERs:Open Educational Resources)运动能够在扩大学习材料共享的同时保证质量并降低成本吗?院校应如何革新自己的组织机构以适应这个新的世界?  相似文献   

普通高校成人教育教学质量保证体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育质量是普通高校成人教育的生命线.普通高校成人教育要科学定位,端正办学方向,确立科学的教育质量理念和以人为本、全面管理的运行机制,深化教学改革,建立有效的教学评估和质量监控制度,以确保教育质量的稳步提高.  相似文献   

人文素质教育与政治文明建设者的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要确立人文素质教育在整个高校教育体系中的核心地位。必须转变教育观念。改革人文素质教育内容和课程设置,加强高校师资队伍建设,从而强化大学人文教育,促进社会主义政治文明建设者的培养。  相似文献   

高校自治是全球公立大学今后发展的新趋势,它使全球公立大学面临严峻的挑战,而我国公立大学也将面临更加严酷的考验。高校自治同时也为全球高校自身的健康发展提供良机,自治后的大学将在科研、教学、管理和财政支出等方面享有更多的自主权。更重要的是,高校自治将有利于提高我国高校的现代化水平,包括教育投资体制改革和高等教育的国际化等,促使我国从教育大国走向教育强国。  相似文献   

Academic co‐operation between higher education institutions in Hungary and those of western Europe, on the one hand, and those of the United States of America, on the other, are compared. Hungarian co‐operation with western European higher education, particularly the European Union countries, has been far more developed than that with the United States. The greater success and scope of co‐operation with western European higher education institutions is attributed to the comprehensiveness of the TEMPUS Programme of the European Union countries and its careful and well‐planned responses to the problems of the central and eastern European region. However, Hungarian higher education could gain a great deal from more intensive co‐operation with American higher education. Efforts should be made to encourage such co‐operation including the greater involvement of American higher education institutions in TEMPUS projects.  相似文献   


In the late 60s and early 70s, several universities were set up in various European countries with the intention of providing an alternative to established institutions of higher education. The new universities were expected, amongst other things, to experiment with new forms of leadership and management internally, give teaching and learning higher priority, and to be regional relevant institutions for the area in which they were located. The paper analyses to what extent three such university establishments: Aalborg University in Denmark, Maastricht University in the Netherlands and Troms?University in Norway have managed to maintain and develop their alternative profile during the last thirty years. The study suggests that even though the universities in some areas have adapted to environmental pressure, they have managed to keep their profile as innovative and alternative.  相似文献   

Modern universities are uniquely European in origin and characteristics. With the diffusion of the European model into the university throughout the world, the heritage of colonialism and the fact that contemporary universities are Western institutions without much linkage to their indigenous intellectual traditions are the fundamental reasons for the failure of non-Western societies to effectively establish their modern higher education systems. In China, the integration between the Chinese and Western ideas of a university remains unfinished despite many efforts to indigenize the Western concept since the nineteenth century. This article examines and compares the characteristics and development of medieval European universities and traditional Chinese higher learning institutions. In contrast to most existing studies on higher education, which have overwhelmingly portrayed the powerful influence of economic and political realities, this article adopts a cultural perspective on the development of Chinese higher education, calling for the return of culture in the analyses of higher education development and arguing that Chinese universities have considerably improved their hardware but not their software. In the current great leap forward of the Chinese higher education, attention to institutions and cultural establishments is usually absent.  相似文献   

The recent changes in the relationship between universities and society and the change of attitudes of governments towards higher education institutions are analysed. The different possible reactions of the institutions to the more demanding attitude of society as a whole are discussed. The authors present a critical view of the concept of entrepreneurial universities based on the work of Burton Clark and on the results of the quality audits of the Association of European Universities (CRE), and offer some comments about their applicability and usefulness to European higher education systems.  相似文献   

《高等教育:以学生为中心》(Higher Education:Students at the Heart of the System)白皮书围绕高等教育经费、高校信息公开、教学招生改革、教育公平、管理框架等内容设计,推进英国高等教育市场化步伐,提出以学生为中心的思路。通过市场之手的运用来缓解高等教育中政府财务窘境,竞争促进流动,提供更好的学习经验,保证毕业生质量,促进高等教育机构发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify and discussthe inter-relationships between the phenomenon called articulation of curricula and transfer of credits and lifelong learning. Examples feature discussions contained in the recently published APEC-HURDIT book, Lifelong Learning: Policies, Practices and Programs. As described by a number of authors in that book, three futures are predictable for short-cycle higher education systems: institutions essentially non-universities now in planning or developing stages worldwide are likely to modify courses and strengthen distance learning and prior learning delivery techniques for growing numbers of adult re-entry students; industry will become increasingly involved in the delivery of postsecondary education; and technology will expedite non-traditional and non-sponsored education. (Kintzer 1997: 69). Responses to major questions and final comments deal primarily with the three futures in the order mentioned. Illustrative material and interpretations related to experiences in the United States on short-cycle (community) colleges are also interspersed throughout the text. The three predictable futures discussed with particular reference to Pacific Rim countries may also be transferrable in policy planning and action to other nations where a symbiotic relationship between articulation and transfer, and lifelong learning is emerging. Other investigations are therefore strongly recommended. For example, continuing studies of relationships between Universities and the developing Colleges of Further Education in the UK would be very appropriate. In addition, major questions under discussion throughout Europe are: Should the German fachhochschulen- the postsecondary technical institutions so abundant in the former West Germany- become a pattern for other countries in Central and Eastern Europe? How should such short-cycle institutions be related to national universities in credit transfer and lifelong learning opportunities? Similar questions are being asked in Kenya where the well-established ‘Harambee’ technical institutes are gaining momentum. Testing and evaluation of the three futures discussed in this article should be continuous processes worldwide.  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):135-150
The open educational resources (OER) movement is relatively new with few higher education institutions (HEIs) publishing or using them, and even fewer using them to widen engagement or participation in HE study. Although distance teaching universities have been in the vanguard of widening opportunities for HE study, they vary in how far they are doing so. Some use this informal learning through studying OER as a bridge to formal learning; others see it as an end in itself, often as part of a wider set of lifelong learning activities. Initial experiences of some European distance teaching universities indicate that OER are fine for confident and experienced learners but most people will require other support mechanisms to achieve participation. More effort may be needed to design and present OER in ways that are suited to the learners to support their learning, including developing new ways to recognize achievements through open study.  相似文献   

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