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This paper introduces the double public good model as a representation of the simultaneous externalities that complicate decision making in the cultural heritage sphere. Social welfare is modeled as depending on both public and private benefits of households' production of individual heritage experience, which in turn depends on the stock of historic assets (a public good) and access effort (a private good). The public benefit of private experience arises from ``shared experience' that fosters cultural identity and social understandings. The model generates marginal efficiency conditions for the amount of physical preservation, amount of access, and intensity of access. The model highlights the need for dual-level policy making in order to avoid unbalanced heritage preservation efforts that have been of some concern in the literature.  相似文献   

面向中华文化复兴与时空大数据时代,首先梳理了历史文化名城保护的4种需求,分析了信息技术应用的4个特征:数据获取的全面与动态、数据挖掘的定量与定性、信息展示的直观性、信息应用的便捷性。在此基础上,通过文献梳理了历史文化名城保护的信息技术方法研究进展,包括信息获取技术应用进展、保护状态评价应用进展、保护规划设计应用进展,以及动态变化监测应用进展。最后,展望了历史文化名城保护智慧化发展的3个趋势:数字孪生名城的理念引领、名城信息模型的技术支撑,以及智慧名城大脑的智慧保护。  相似文献   

The exact location and chronology of the ancient harbours of Phoenicia's two most important city-states, Tyre and Sidon, is a longstanding debate. New geoarchaeological research reveals that the early ports actually lie beneath the modern urban centres. During the Bronze Age, Tyre and Sidon were characterised by semi-open marine coves. After the first millennium BC, our bio-sedimentological data attest to early artificial harbour infrastructure, before the later apogees of the Roman and Byzantine periods. Post-1000 AD, silting-up and coastal progradation led to burial of the ancient basins, lost until now, beneath the city centres. The outstanding preservation properties of such fine-grained sedimentary contexts, coupled with the presence of the water table, means these two Levantine harbours are exceptionally preserved. This work has far-reaching implications for our understanding of Phoenician maritime archaeology and calls for the protection of these unique cultural heritages.  相似文献   

The survey of materials constituting the buildings of the ancient city centre of Naples and of their decay typologies was carried out. Reports were entered in a database which enabled us to draw two thematic maps in a digital format: one of materials and lithotypes, and one showing weathering. On this basis, quantitative evaluations of the lithotypes were carried out. The research pointed out that the use of different lithotypes was mainly as a result of their availability and/or ease of exploitation. Furthermore, the importance of the preservation of the quarrying sites was stressed, both for their historical and cultural interest and, above all, for possible forthcoming provisioning finalized to restorations. The analysis of the results, made on a geo-mineralogical basis, as well as the thematic maps, gives a basic tool which will be very useful to those professionals involved in preservation of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

UNESCO has given its Director General a mandate to draft a convention on protecting the diversity of cultural contents and artistic expressions by the fall of 2005. Proponents of the convention view commitments made by countries in trade agreements as weakening their ability to preserve and promote cultural diversity. We review the existing draft wording for a convention, developed before the official involvement of UNESCO, by the INCP, an association representing cultural ministries in favour of insulating their cultural policies from liberalization, and conclude that it fails to meet the necessary conditions for an enforceable rules-based international agreement. In the INCP text, countries are given rights to introduce policies that promote a self-defined cultural diversity. The only obligation is to balance their interests with those of others. No standard of adjudication for balance is offered nor any effective dispute resolution mechanism developed. The ultimate purpose of the initiative may be to form a negotiating bloc within the WTO, but the disparate interests of its members and the lack of tangible benefits from the Convention reduce the credibility of bargaining solidarity. In contrast, the WTO provides a flexible and effective forum for negotiating maintenance of current policy options at a cost of making concessions in other sectors.  相似文献   

通过多个历史文化名城的相关保护规划文本、地方保护条例(办法)以及地方规划编制技术导则的分析,对历史文化风貌区的地方实践进行总结。"历史文化风貌区"较历史文化街区具有更丰富内涵与复杂性特征,保护规划过程中应注意识别"历史文化风貌区"中出现的新类型与内部价值要素,在探索和完善地方历史文化遗产保护体系的前提下,秉承不同于历史文化街区的保护思路,探索差异化的、量体裁衣式的历史文化风貌区保护方法。  相似文献   

历史文化名城绍兴的历史文化街区代表为鲁迅故里历史文化街区.但是因过去对历史文化街区认知的局限性,鲁迅故里历史文化街区在近30年的保护利用中有一些不足.如何从规划设计的角度去思考探索优化该街区的空间质量,发现其中的问题,从而给出较好的应对方法与措施是当前值得考虑的议题.根据实地走访与调研绍兴市鲁迅故里历史文化街区、八字桥...  相似文献   

This paper presents individual demand models for three historic battlefield sites maintained by the US National Park Service. Preserved battlefields are valuable cultural resources that make up a significant portion of the US National Park system, but have received scant attention from economists. The demand for trips is modeled as a count data process. Visitor data for these battlefields were collected on-site, so the models account for truncation in the observed number of trips and endogenous stratification. The travel cost method, which is seeing increasing application in cultural heritage research, is used to estimate the use value of each battlefield. The results indicate an average individual willingness to pay for a battlefield trip ranging from about $8–$25, depending on the site.  相似文献   

Historic buildings are important for cultural history and provide a variety of habitats for animals and plants. Especially structural heterogeneity of wall surfaces is perceived to support biological diversity. Nevertheless, in traditional approaches goals of biodiversity preservation and monument restoration are perceived to interfere and to be mutually exclusive. As a consequence, priority is often given to constructional restoration accepting the loss of local populations and biodiversity. At walls of medieval castles, including an experimental restoration project where conventional and less intensive restoration techniques were applied, we relate species composition and richness to wall properties. Especially wall surface structure is quantified using a novel approach. The study focuses on lichens, mosses and vascular plants. Boosted regression tree analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling techniques are applied to detect the influence of abiotic site conditions on biodiversity. We find species richness to be promoted by wall surface heterogeneity. However, species composition is more affected by restoration approaches than species richness. Lichen composition varies considerably while vascular plants and mosses are less affected by wall properties. We suggest strategies that are combining both societal targets, the preservation of historic monuments and of species diversity. Careful restoration is capable of supporting both, the maintenance of cultural heritage and of rare and unique anthropogenic habitats. Wall surface heterogeneity needs to be witnessed for both aspects as it affects both species composition as well as the effectiveness of cleaning methods.  相似文献   

2017年设立雄安新区以来,中共中央、国务院先后颁布了多项指导性政策,为白洋淀地区规划建设提供了基本依据.白洋淀作为华北地区面积最大的淡水湖,是雄安新区生态环境保护的重中之重.水乡文化遗产作为白洋淀地区特有的历史文化积淀,面临诸多威胁,亟须进行全面的保护及更新.通过对白洋淀历史文献的整理、《河北雄安新区规划纲要》的解读...  相似文献   

Today's restoration and preservation of cultural heritage is an important task because of its historical significance, symbolism, and economic benefits. Decision makers or executors often encounter with taking decisions on which heritage is prioritized to be restored within the limited budget. However, very few tools are available to determine appropriately restoration priorities for the diverse historical heritages, perhaps because of a lack of systematized decision-making aids. This paper proposes an alternative decision support model to prioritize restoration needs within the executable budget. The model is constructed on stochastic analytic hierarchy process (S-AHP) and knowledge-based experience curve (EC); the former requires the input data to be random variables for interpreting probabilistically the ranks of the prioritized heritages and the latter reflects quantitatively the contribution of experts’ knowledge to weighting significant criteria in carrying out an assessment of restoration urgency. The application of 14 cultural heritages in Korea has been conducted, and the results are analyzed to illustrate the model's efficiency.  相似文献   

Restoring cultural heritage is an extremely important job due to its immeasurable value. However, it also requires even greater attention in the case of a building. The actions taken on these constructions not only guarantee their preservation from the point of view of their historical value, but they also guarantee their stability as structures. The need to control historic buildings, analyzing their defects and their possible consequences, is decisive in preventing significant damage. This work demonstrates calculating the thickness of vaults in a church. It is easy to determine the interior and exterior 3D geometry of the church using scanner laser techniques. By combining both geometries, it is easy to determine the difference between the interior vaults and the roof of the church. However, the interior of both geometries is completely unknown, and it is not possible to act on their condition for structural consolidation purposes. This work shows the methods used to determine the interior sections of the vault thicknesses by referencing the internal geometry of both models with the interior of the church, using plumb line system scanning. The results obtained show accuracy better than 6 millimeters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates heterogeneity in the preferences/WTP (willingness to pay) to preserve marble monuments in Washington, D.C. This is done in the context of three different discrete-choice random-utility models. The main focus is to estimate a mixture model of choices over preservation programs. This model captures the best features of random-parameters models and models that assume preference parameters are deterministic functions of observable characteristics of the individual. The mixture model, and it alone, predicts that increased preservation is a bad for a significant proportion of young, non-Caucasians. That some proportion of the population might consider preservation a bad is a contingency that should be planned for in efforts to value cultural resources. Data and computer code are available athttp://www.colorado.edu/economics/morey/dataset.html.  相似文献   

以南京市南捕厅历史街区为例,通过综合运用三维地理信息系统、多元异构时空数据分析、历史信息比对等技术手段,展示了复合历史空间导向的数字化保护与更新实践.通过无人机倾斜摄影测量技术,对历史街区的大场景进行纹理数据采集,构建整个历史街区的三维数据模型.在历史研究的基础上,为历史街区更新构建合理的历史空间形态框架,并对历史街巷...  相似文献   

Benefit transfer refers to the transfer of economic values from a primary valuation study (study site) to a site where we need to conduct policy analysis (policy site). Due to the considerable costs and time required to conduct primary valuation studies, using benefit transfers to estimate the values for sites not yet valued is likely to attract policy interest. While benefit transfer is being increasingly applied in studies on environmental goods, its application in the field of cultural heritage resources is rare. The unique nature of these public goods, and differences in the size and demographic characteristics of the affected populations lead to a significant risk of benefit transfer providing irrelevant estimates for cultural heritage. In this study, we compared the results of two contingent valuation (CV) studies involving historic temples in Thailand and Vietnam, tested the validity and reliability of benefit transfers between the two sites, and explored the possibilities and difficulties in such transfers. We found that the error in transferring unadjusted mean willingness-to-pay (WTP) ranged from 46% to 129%. Adjustments for differences in purchasing power parity (PPP), income level and income elasticity between the sites substantially increased rather than decreased transfer errors in many instances. Function transfers did not perform better than unadjusted unit transfers. These results suggest that there are other important factors – possibly physical, cultural and institutional variables – that need to be taken into account in explaining the differences in WTP for cultural heritage aside from the usual income and socio-economic variables captured in CV studies. Until we are able to identify these other factors and measure their impacts, the potential policy use of benefit transfer in the case of cultural heritage goods remains limited.  相似文献   

在国际化程度越来越高的今天,建筑的地域性特征被逐渐淡化,民族传统文化和地方特色建筑的收集整理、保护传承、展示利用显得日趋重要.黄淮交汇文化区乡土石砌民居作为一种极具地方特色的民居形式,自身营造技艺和其风俗特征,都是当地的宝贵历史财富.对于文化区乡土石砌民居的研究,以历史资料和实地走访为基础,系统梳理该区域乡土石砌民居的...  相似文献   

The European project Friendly-Heating (FH): comfortable to people and compatible with conservation of artworks preserved in churches addressed the problems caused by the continuous or intermittent heating of historic churches, which disturbs the microclimatic conditions to which the building and the artworks preserved inside have acclimatised. As thermal comfort and the preservation of artworks often conflict with each other, a balance between the two needs is necessary. The proposed heating strategy is to provide a small amount of heat directly to people in the pew area while leaving the conditions in the church, as a whole, undisturbed. This novel heating system is based on some low-temperature radiant emitters mounted in a pew to provide a desirable distribution of heat to the feet, legs and hands of people occupying it. Due to little heat dispersion, this novel system not only significantly reduces the risk of mechanical stress in wooden artworks and panel or canvas paintings, fresco soiling and cyclic dissolution-recrystallization of soluble salts in the masonry, but is energy-efficient. The detailed environmental monitoring was conducted in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Rocca Pietore, Italy over a 3-year period to verify the performance of the novel heating system in comparison to the warm-air system that was active earlier in the church. The methodology and results of this comprehensive and multidisciplinary study were included in three draft standards of the European Committee for Standardisation intended for use in the study and control of environments of cultural heritage objects.  相似文献   

The design approaches of new exterior additions to historic buildings have been among the ongoing debates in the field of architectural conservation. The aim of this study is to develop an assessment method, which can be used to determine the compatibility in architectural expression of the new addition in relation to the characteristics of a historic building. This method is based on the architectural analysis, which includes environmental relations, building-lot relations, mass relations and the facade composition of the historic building both before and after the new addition in relation to the value of a historical building. In this study, a selected group of historic buildings in ?zmir, Turkey with new exterior additions was analysed with regard to their exterior architectural characteristics in order to evaluate the compatibility of the new addition, by employing the use of contemporary conservation principles. The importance of this study is to guide architects to form the basis of a decision for developing an integrated approach in designing new additions in the course of the actual design process. On the other hand, the proposed method can be evaluated as a contribution to the emerging field of heritage impact assessments as well as scientific assistance to local governments to criticize specific projects of cultural heritage assets submitted for appraisal. Analysis results showed that the value of the historic building should first clearly be identified and a new addition should bear the identity of its own period. However, instead of altering the scale or form of the historic building, a new addition should complement and contribute to the sense of proportion, disposition and historical pattern.  相似文献   

Using the neo-classical justifications for government support of the arts that Dick Netzer discussed in The Subsidized Muse as a starting point, the article contends that market failure is not an useful concept to understand and explain cultural policies and the degree of government involvement, particularly when viewed from a comparative perspective. The basic fault is that historical- institutional arrangements and the role of non-state actors in the formation of cultural policies are not taken into account. Discussing some aspects of the institutional framework in the development of French, Swedish and U.S. cultural policies, the article concludes with a call for the use of neo-institutionalist perspectives in analyzing government intervention in the arts field.  相似文献   

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