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坚持党的最低纲领和最高纲领的辩证统一是马克思主义的优良传统。“三个代表”重要思想鲜明地体现了党的最低纲领和最高纲领的辩证统一:始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,坚持把解放和发展生产力作为社会主义的根本任务,是实现党的最高纲领和最低纲领统一的物质基础;始终代表中国先进文化的前进方向,促进人的全面发展和社会不断进步,是坚持党的最高纲领和最低纲领统一的精神动力;始终代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是坚持党的最高纲领和最低纲领统一的根本体现。  相似文献   

从党的二大明确制定民主革命纲领到党的十五大提出党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领,我党把马列主义与中国实际相结合创造性地提出了不同历史发展阶段的最低纲领,从而在理论和实践上明确了党的最低纲领与最高纲领的辩证统一关系,我们是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者。  相似文献   

从党的二大明确制定民主革命纲领到党的十五大提出党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领,我党把马列主义与中国实际相结合创造性地提出了不同历史发展阶段的最低纲领,从而在理论和实践上明确了党的最低纲领与最高纲领的辩证统一关系,我们是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者.  相似文献   

中共一大确立了党的最高纲领,二大重申了最高纲领并制定了最低纲领.此后,党对最低纲领与最高纲领、民主革命与社会主义革命的关系进行了不懈的探索.陈独秀的"二次革命论"和以王明为代表的超越阶段论是探索过程中的两次失误.毛泽东总结历史的经验和教训,把马克思主义与中国实际相结合,对最低纲领与最高纲领的关系进行了全面阐述和准确把握,成功地领导了中国革命取得成功.  相似文献   

党的纲领是党的一面旗帜,是一个政党的政治主张的集中体现。中国共产党人必须坚持最低纲领与最高纲领的统一,以“三个代表”为指导,为实现现阶段的基本纲领而奋斗。  相似文献   

近远结合“低”“高”统一搞好理想信念教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江泽民总书记“七一”讲话中指出:“一个政党的纲领就是一面旗帜。在革命、建设和改革的各个历史阶段中,我们党既有每个阶段的基本纲领即最低纲领,也有确定长远奋斗目标的最高纲领。我们是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者。”这一重要思想,不仅为我们处理好党的最低纲领和最高纲领的关系明确了价值取向和基准坐标,同时,也为我们对青年进行理想信念教育提供了思想启迪和方法要求。  相似文献   

章论证了最低纲领和最高纲领的辩证统一关系。强调必须把共产主义理想信念建立在对社会发展规律的科学认识基础之上。克服“速成论”,纠正对共产主义的肤浅化、简单化的理解。破除“怀疑论”,对资本主义的发展和延续要有清醒的认识。摒弃对未来社会作具体的设想和描绘,避免陷入不切实际的空想。  相似文献   

俄共纲领的新变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄共十三大通过了新纲领.与原纲领相比,新纲领在对时代的性质、党的战略目标和最低纲领以及党的社会基础等重大问题的表述上都作了一些修改,这些修改值得认真研究.  相似文献   

共产党人是最低纲领与最高纲领的统一论者.我们既要坚定信念,牢固树立共产主义远大理想,更要立足现实,具备脚踏实地的求实精神,为实现党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领而奋斗,不断把建设有中国特色社会主义事业向着未来推进.  相似文献   

中国共产党民主革命纲领的制定和完善有一个过程。党的二大第一次提出了明确的反帝反封建的民主革命纲领,掀起了第一次大革命的高潮;党的六大制定的民主革命十大纲领,推动了从大革命失败到土地革命战争兴起的历史性转变。九一八事变后,民主革命纲领结合抗日战争的实际具体化为抗日民主革命纲领,引领了党领导的中国人民抗日战争的发动、坚持和胜利。党的民主革命纲领在新民主主义主题基础上的完善和发展,揭示了中国革命经过新民主主义而达到社会主义的历史特点和规律,指引新民主主义革命取得最终胜利。立足新时代,深刻总结党制定和实施民主革命纲领的基本经验,对于更好地坚持和发展新时代中国特色社会主义这场伟大社会革命具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on our experience of researching the influence of ResourceSmart Schools, a sustainable schools programme in Victoria, Australia. Drawing on ideas from programme theory and realist synthesis, we illustrate and reflect upon our approach to conceptualising, investigating and generating evidence about the programme’s impacts and influence in participating schools. This distinction is deliberate: it helps distinguish between efforts to understand the impacts that a programme has within schools (programme impact), and efforts to understand what it is about a programme that is influential in bringing about those impacts (programme influence). Drawing on evidence from our work in this project and the wider literature, we argue for a more nuanced discussion and more sophisticated investigations into the complexities of programme influence, rather than impacts only. Our conclusions suggest key areas of development for our own work, the provision of environmental and sustainability education, and their evaluation and research more broadly.  相似文献   

热线谈话节目在广播电台的所有节目中是很有分量的,她往往会成为一个台的品牌,标志着一个台的整体节目质量的高低。由于这类节目的灵活性和不易控制性,致使节目质量很难把握。所以,热线谈话节目的准备必须充分,并要求主持人必须有较高的政治素质、业务素质和综合素质。  相似文献   

传统扶贫的重点放在对经济贫困的改造。开发人才资源应是消灭贫困的基本战略。实施扶贫开发战略,要深化对贫困内涵的认识,加强科学的扶贫设计和规划,扶贫由"扶物"为主向"扶人"为主转变。  相似文献   

城市发展是人类居住环境演变的过程,也是社会发展的标志。城市化规划作为城市发展进程中不可或缺的部分,有成功也有教训。在新世纪,中国城市化规划必须体现更高的思想要求和确立符合时代特征的发展规划原则。  相似文献   


In this article we critically engage with some of the challenges and issues pertaining to the implementation of the Advanced Certificate in Education: School Leadership following a national agreement by the national Department of Education, provincial education departments and several universities. The rather idealised vision of the programme to provide learning opportunities to promote quality education in South African schools through the development of a corps of education leaders who apply critical understanding, values, knowledge and skills to school leadership and management in line with the vision of democratic transformation seemingly meshed with our own approach to the development of leadership. However, consequent to the planning, budgeting and implementation of this school leadership programme we realised that realities posed serious challenges. In this paper we narrate how it became increasingly clear how “the devil is in the detail”.  相似文献   

对照原大纲研读新颁中小学语教学大纲,探讨新大纲在语教学导向上的变化,以求正确认识和把握21世纪初我国语教育改革发展的方向。  相似文献   

文[1]介绍了无心型圆锥曲线化简方法,本文用BASIC语言给出这种化简方法的程序设计。  相似文献   

Four different indicators are used to assess the impact of a year‐long university teaching development programme in an Australian research‐led university. All four indicators show small positive outcomes. Teachers who complete the programme have higher rates of receipt of teaching awards and teaching development grants than their colleagues who do not participate in the programme. Students in the classes of teachers who complete the programme report, on average, higher satisfaction scores than students in the classes of the same teacher before she/he completed the programme. Students in the faculties where the programme is completed by a higher proportion of academic staff report greater change to levels of satisfaction in the quality of their degree over the seven‐year period of the study. The methodology adopted involves several new approaches to evaluation and confirms the need for the use of an evaluation framework and multi‐indicator strategy.  相似文献   

This paper describes the process of developing programme educational objectives (PEOs) for the Industrial and Management Systems Engineering programme at Kuwait University, and the process of deployment of these PEOs. Input of the four constituents of the programme, faculty, students, alumni, and employers, is incorporated in the development and update of the PEOs. For each PEO an assessment process is employed where performance measures are defined along with target attainment levels. Results from assessment tools are compared with the target attainment levels to measure performance with regard to the PEOs. The assessment indicates that the results meet or exceed the target attainment levels of the PEOs' performance measures.  相似文献   

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