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Case Study as a Constructivist Pedagogy for Teaching Educational Psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent interest and inquiry into constructivism, pedagogical content knowledge, and case study methodology are influencing the content and goals of educational psychology in teacher preparation. The reasons seem clear: The content of educational psychology lends itself to authentic, active, and pragmatic applications of theory to school practices, as well as to investigations of a variety of educational issues, perspectives, and contexts which can be viewed through case study, a constructivist problem-based approach to learning. Widely-used educational psychology texts are including constructivism as a cognitive alternative to behaviorist and information processing views of teaching and learning. Concurrently, case studies are being integrated in educational psychology texts, and a myriad of case texts have appeared with application to educational psychology courses. This article considers the decisions, benefits, and difficulties in teaching educational psychology through a constructivist case study approach.  相似文献   

Over the years, educational psychology has been a part of teacher preparation, moving from a centerpiece in many programs, through periods when it was deemed irrelevant by some, to current concerns about its role in the reforming of teacher education and teaching. Today, psychological knowledge is used to ground reforms in teaching and schooling, particularly the call for teaching for understanding. Current standards for teacher certifications and licensure and suggestions for reform in teacher education assume that teachers will have a deep and generative understanding of learning, development, motivation, and individual differences. This article explores several themes that recur in the writing on reforms and teacher standards: the need to place learning at the center of teaching, the call for integrated studies, and the value of collaboration with the public schools. These themes have both positive and negative implications for the role of educational psychology in teacher education.  相似文献   

The following paper emphasizes the importance of publishing and learning how to publish in educational psychology journals. We have compiled a set of recommendations based on advice from editors in the field and several other sources on how to publish. Additionally, this paper provides a step-by-step guide that graduate students and junior faculty may consider to create more organization, substance, and style in their writing as possible. Although this paper is intended for educational psychologists, beginning scholars in other fields may find the guidance this paper offers to be relevant.  相似文献   

教育社会心理学从20世纪70年代产生至今还缺乏严密的学科体系。学科体系的形成需要一个独特的研究对象、合理的逻辑起点。教育社会心理学的逻辑起点是“互动”的社会行为,研究对象不是在教育心理学中增加社会心理学的内容,也不是在教育心理学研究领域沿袭社会心理学的观点。教育社会心理学独特的研究对象应是教育心理学与社会心理学的有机结合,主要是研究在学校情境下,学生和教师在团体中进行互动的社会行为。  相似文献   

教育心理学的对象是什么,至今尚无一个为众多教育心理学家公认的准确定位.本在对已有的教育心理学对象的不同界说进行商榷的基础上提出了自己的观点,认为教育心理学的对象是学习情境中的学生和教学情境中的教师以及他们互动时的心理活动及其规律.  相似文献   

教育心理学:后现代主义的挑战   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
进入20世纪90年代以后,教育心理学面临来自后现代主义思潮的挑战。在本体论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统教育心理学的实在论倾向,主张心理是一种社会建构;在认识论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的知识外源论和内源论观点,主张知识是社会互动和协商的结果,教育教学同样是知识建构的过程;在方法论方面,后现代思潮挑战传统的实证和量化方法,主张质化研究和量化研究的结合,力促教育心理学实现方法多元化。后现代主义的挑战有助于克服传统教育心理学的机械反映论、个体主义和方法中心等错误倾向。  相似文献   

教育心理学内容体系发展演变及构建探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着教育心理学内容的扩充、对其学科性质认识的变化、所持的理论依据不同,教育心理学的内容体系也经历了一个嬗变过程。未来教育心理学内容体系的构建要考虑到教育对象的全人化,教育机构的扩大化和教育内容的新变化,同时要注重教育目标的要求、使用对象的特点且要遵循稳定性和灵活性相结合的原则。  相似文献   

Attributions of Productive Authors in Educational Psychology Journals   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Are there similarities in the writing approaches and practices among the top-producing authors in our field? If so, perhaps knowing this information may benefit graduate students or recent graduates. In this paper, I asked 13 authors to explain why they were so productive in terms of publishing in educational psychology journals. Four categories of authors’ attributions for productivity were identified: collaboration, passion/curiosity, research skills, and time management. All categories were consistent with the extant literature on productivity. It is hoped that providing beginning scholars with the practices of the top authors in their field may help them to be more efficient and effective in their quest of writing for publication.  相似文献   

This paper, written in the twenty‐first anniversary year of the journal Educational Psychology in Practice, attempts to uncover those distinctive aspects of the discipline and the practice of applied psychology in general and educational psychology in particular. After considering some of the reasons for attempting this task at this point in time and outlining some of the difficulties involved in achieving this task, five distinctive dimensions are identified and discussed. These are: (i) adopting a psychological perspective to human problems; (ii) uncovering mediating/psychological variables which link particular situations with specific outcomes; (iii) employing psychological knowledge to create explanatory models of complex human problems; (iv) using evidence based strategies for change; and (v) sharing and promoting big ideas from psychology. Some of the possibilities which these distinctive features offer for innovation in educational psychology practice and research are listed, together with their implications for educational psychology practitioners in the future.  相似文献   

周敦颐的教育心理思想论评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在简介周敦颐的生平之后,较系统地考察了他的教育心理思想,即教育心理思想的基本观点、学习心理思想、德育心理思想、差异心理思想与教师心理思想。  相似文献   

It is suggested that the graduate training program in educational psychology fits well into an all inclusive psychology department. I go on to submit that the label of the graduate psychology degree is less important than some would lead us to believe. In addition, I propose two types of undergraduate educational psychology courses: one in the college of arts and sciences designed to make students better educational consumers and another in the college of education designed to provide prospective teachers an in-depth understanding and appreciation of the field. This latter course would benefit from a laboratory component. Finally, I list two research problems deserving attention: (a) How do educators foster life-long learning, and (b) how does one develop an accurate self concept?  相似文献   

Culture has mostly been neglected in mainstream educational psychology research. In this paper, we argued for the need to cultivate a cultural imagination and provided seven key recommendations for conducting culturally imaginative research. We explained how these recommendations could prove useful in avoiding the two types of errors that trap cross-cultural researchers. The first type is the cultural attribution error which pertains to attributing any observed difference to culture even if culture is not the relevant factor. The second type is the cultural blind spot error which pertains to the failure to see how culture influences psycho-educational processes and outcomes. We proffered seven recommendations to avoid these twin pitfalls. We reviewed the papers published from 2006 to 2016 in four flagship educational psychology journals including the Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Cognition and Instruction, and British Journal of Educational Psychology. Our review focused on how educational psychologists have studied culture over the past decade and how the published studies aligned with our seven recommendations. The content analysis indicated that only a small percentage of the articles dealt with culture, most of the studies drew on Western samples, and that almost all studies relied on an etic approach with very few studies using an emic bottom-up perspective. We ended with a justification for why a culturally imaginative educational psychology is urgently needed in an increasingly diverse world.  相似文献   

当前我国教育心理学发展中的主要问题有:内容体系缺乏整体性和系统性;研究方法和手段缺乏创造性;理论与实际联系缺乏有效性;科学研究缺乏本土化。我国教育心理学现存问题的解决对策主要是:以整体的观点研究教育心理现象;创建科学有效的新方法;建立理论和应用层面的教育心理学;逐步构建具有中国特色的理论体系。  相似文献   

The direction of graduate education in sport psychology has changed considerably since its emergence as a recognizable subdiscipline within exercise and sport science in the late 1960s. This paper describes (a) the structure of current sport psychology specializations within graduate programs based on a survey of 33 programs with sport psychology specializations in the United States, (b) trends in sport psychology graduate education, and (c) concerns regarding the future of graduate education in sport psychology in terms of coursework, research, and applied service provision.  相似文献   

蔡元培先生既是我国现代教育学的泰斗,也是我国现代心理学的巨擘。我们可以从学习心理思想、品德心理思想、教师心理思想三个方面来解读蔡元培先生的教育心理学思想。  相似文献   

叶浩生  杨文登 《教育研究》2012,(6):103-111,149
桑代克在尝试教育心理学科学化的同时,背离了詹姆斯、杜威等教育心理学的祖父辈人物与教育亲和的思想传统,从对学校教育问题有真实兴趣转向了蔑视学校教育实践,造成了心理学家对教育的一种傲慢态度。同时,也在教育心理学内部形成了两种对抗的观点:一是视教育心理学为普通心理学研究的一个应用领域,是实验心理学在教育领域的延伸;二是视教育心理学为教育情境中人类行为的科学研究,是一门独立的应用性学科。教育心理学领域中这两种观点的分歧,究其本质,是两种科学观的对立,反映了心理学中科学主义和人文主义两种文化的对立。新近在心理学、教育学中兴起的循证实践,在方法论层面为超越两种教育心理学的分歧提供了可供选择的途径。  相似文献   

Twenty-one schools active in training educational psychologists early in the century have been identified. Three major journals publishing educational psychology research between 1910 and 1925 were studied to determine the nature and extent of research performed in the institutions. Productivity ranged from high to low, with about one third of studies devoted to intelligence and its measurement, and one third devoted to other aspects of measurement. Educational psychologists professed to be concerned primarily with learning, but only about 10% of their research focused on learning. Examination of textbooks of the period revealed that authors' sources of evidence primarily came from traditional education (mostly methods) books, secondarily from traditional general psychology books, and very little from educational psychology research. However described, early educational psychologists were primarily psychometrists, depending on traditional education and psychology for the data they espoused.  相似文献   

教育社会心理学从70年代产生至今,仅有30余年的历史。作为一门学科,它还缺乏严密的学科体系。而要形成严密的学科体系,必须有一个合理的逻辑起点。教育社会心理学的逻辑起点是“互动的学习”。“互动的学习”主要指在课堂教学这一特殊社会体系的运行过程中,教师与学生通过学习内容的掌握这一主要中介进行的人际交往和相互作用过程中所产生的认知、情感、态度等多方面的变化。以“互动的学习”为基础的教育社会心理学的研究内容主要包括自我互动、师生互动、生生互动、学生与学校的互动以及学生与家庭的互动诸方面。  相似文献   

In this article, we question why race as a sociohistorical construct has not traditionally been investigated in educational psychology research. To do so, we provide a historical discussion of the significance of race as well as present current dilemmas in the exploration of race, including an examination of the incidence and prevalence of race-related constructs in top educational psychology journals. As a means of expanding educational psychology's use of race as a sociohistorical construct, we introduce the concepts of race-focused and race-reimaged constructs. We end the article with suggestions for how we can begin exploring race as a sociohistorical construct in the field of educational psychology, including the need to challenge traditional paradigms and embrace culturally relevant methodologies.  相似文献   

依据教育心理学原理优化开放教育管理是推进开放教育内涵建设的途径之一.尽管在探索开放教育管理上有了诸多的研究成果,只是如何融入到教育心理学的角度下整理成系统的文献却是空白.为此,我们要提高基于教育心理学视角下优化开放教育管理的研究认识,明确基于教育心理学视角下优化开放教育管理的研究范围,找准基于教育心理学视角下优化开放教育管理的研究路径,注重基于教育心理学视角下优化开放教育管理的研究原则和研究策略,以保证开放教育诸多管理更为细化、深化,更具实际操作性和针对性,真正符合开放教育学习者的学习心理及认知发展。  相似文献   

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