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纳博科夫的小说《微暗的火》由两个主要的"虚构"——希德的诗歌与金保特的注释这两个不同内容和体裁的并置文本构成,它们自始至终互文交叉、相互依存,表现了两种截然不同的主观现实,揭示一个共同的永恒主题:自我可怕的孤独和冲破孤独的尝试。此外,小说运用人物的生活与想象的艺术行为也揭示了其他超验的现实,如人的孤独、异化和死亡意识等。  相似文献   

中国古老的"天时"观念不断地渗透到古代小说文本中,从而形成独特的叙事机制。《三国演义》、《水浒传》等小说不断地通过"天时"观念来演绎社会人生的兴亡律。与此同时,因"天时"变化而形成的天气异常意味着宇宙失序,与之发生感应的社会就会发生变故,这也给古代小说叙事带来了很大动力。另外,由"天时"观念引发而来的"时运"、"时机"之说也对古代小说叙事甚有影响,有的作品借此传达某种人生警悟,有的作品借此形成"天人之道"循环结构。  相似文献   

叙事作品的审美空间,是作家对现象世界抽象处理的结果,也就是将现实的"事序结构"转换为文学世界的"叙事结构",在理论上,它是"把复杂的立体图形向单向的直线投影"(乐黛云:《事序结构与叙事结构——叙述学与小说分析》,见《比较文学与中国现代文学》,北京大学出版社,1987年版,第309页)。这就意味着,叙事作品在审美时空的层次上,空间只是骨架,时间只是一种趋向。  相似文献   

英国的小说家康拉德的代表作《黑暗之心》一反传统小说叙事结构,创立了故事中套故事的新叙事手法,作者通过这一叙事手法,在小说里精心设计了两个身兼多职的叙述者——马洛和匿名的"我",极大地增强了小说的艺术表现力和感染力。论文从叙事学角度分析两位叙述者在文本中扮演的角色,以说明两位叙述者都对作者揭示以库尔茨为代表的西方殖民者的两面性起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

当代短篇小说大师爱丽丝·门罗的故事主要是关于女孩和女人的,其最新短篇集中的《湖景在望》尤其关注了老年女性这一群体。本文通过运用加布里尔·佐伦的叙事空间理论从地志空间、时空体空间和文本空间三个层次讨论《湖景在望》中建构的叙事空间,旨在揭示门罗通过高超的空间叙事手法更好地传达了其对老年人,尤其是深受老年失忆困扰这一特殊群体的关注。  相似文献   

在"广西三剑客"中,李冯最年轻,其创作充满激情与活力,一招一式看似温文尔雅,却极具撼动力。与东西、鬼子一样,李冯也是风格独异而成就斐然的小说家,他的小说创作彰显出极为现代的叙事美学观念,又能表达出具有本土意识的独立思考。本文主要从小说观念、叙事策略和精神特征等方面解读李冯的作品,试图揭示他的叙事对当代中国小说创作的价值与意义。  相似文献   

刘震云的小说《一句顶一万句》自面世以来,尤其是获茅盾文学奖以来,评论如潮,褒贬不一。《一句顶一万句》是对存在主义哲学思想的一种形象阐释,它揭示了人物存在的荒谬、孤独、虚无以及"为他"存在的处境,是新世纪底层叙事中,既关注农民物质生存困境,又深入探寻其心灵存在方式的代表性作品。  相似文献   

《枯河》是莫言1985年进入创作转型期后反思儿童生存困境的又一力作,小说塑造了一个孤独的儿童形象——小虎。“孤独”的内在特征体现在小虎身体与话语的悖反关系上,并外显于“痴”的属性上,“痴”在本质上预示了一种对社会的反抗。“孤独”的性格特征是由于与成人认知世界的标准不同造成的。从叙事伦理的角度出发可以发现,正是这一“孤独”的性格特征使小虎在变异的家庭伦理、人际伦理和政治伦理之下陷入个人生存的困境,从而揭示了激烈变革的社会中成人世界与儿童世界的隔阂。  相似文献   

空间观念是十大核心概念中重要的概念之一,《标准2011版》指出:空间观念主要是指根据物体特征抽象出几何图形,根据几何图形想象出所描述的实际物体。在现实教学中,我们常常为从何处入手发展学生的空间观念等问题犯难。如何通过联想发展学生的空间观念呢?这显然也是"图形与几何"领域教学的重难点。下面笔者就结合长方体正方体的认识这一单元的复习课的教学中,做了积极有效的尝试,点滴成效与大家共享。  相似文献   

卡夫卡的作品常常给人一种怪诞的感觉,分析其作品中的怪诞,不能脱离他所运用的独特的叙事技巧。在《变形记》中,叙述态度、叙述视角和叙事空间的独特性,使小说的怪诞内涵得到了淋漓尽致地体现,从这三个方面把《变形记》的叙事形式与怪诞内涵联系起来,更容易体会卡夫卡作为一个孤独者近乎冷漠的叙事风格。  相似文献   

对空间数据挖掘与传统数据挖掘进行比较。根据数据挖掘的目的分类,对已有的空间数据挖掘的主要方法及特点进行分析,包括空间数据概化、空间规则挖掘、空间分类、空间趋势预测、空间聚类、空间离群点查找等。对国内外空间数据挖掘的现状作了总结和评述。最后,对未来可能的研究方向也作了分析展望。  相似文献   

论基于空间结构的宏观经济政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于空间结构的宏观经济政策是公共政策的重要内容之一。主要内容包括以最佳结构和最佳发展为导向的总体空间布局和以最佳空间经济绩效为导向的城市空间发展政策,当今中国,宏观空间经济政策存在的主要问题是缺乏科学解释空间政策实施的哲学基础,有效的宏观政策工具和连续一贯的空间经济政策目标,宏观空间经济的微观基础,空间利益关系以及技术变化和全球化对它的影响是有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

Spatial skills are important for student success in STEM disciplines at the K‐12 educational level. Teachers' spatial skills and feelings about completing spatial tasks influence their teaching as well as their students' spatial learning. However, the relation between teachers' spatial skills and their spatial anxiety is not well understood. Here we investigated if teachers' spatial skills influence two kinds of small‐scale spatial anxiety: (a) anxiety for tasks involving visual imagery and (b) anxiety for tasks involving mental manipulations. In addition, we investigated if teachers' spatial skills in conjunction with their small‐scale spatial anxiety influence the integration of spatial practices, such as gestures and diagrams, into their teaching. Eighty‐two K‐12 teachers completed two subscales of small‐scale spatial anxiety, a measure of spatial skills, and a teaching activities questionnaire. Results indicate that teachers' spatial skills are negatively associated with their spatial anxiety for mental manipulation tasks, and positively associated with their use of spatial practices. These findings highlight the need to account for teachers' spatial skills when considering how to improve students' spatial learning.  相似文献   

由于地理信息系统技术(GIS)的出现,积累了大量空间数据,从而导致了空间数据挖掘技术的产生。本文提出了一种新的空间数据挖掘系统(SH-miner),SH-miner由三部分组成:图形用户界面,用来输入和输出;数据挖掘模块,用来处理空间数据挖掘功能;数据存储模块,用来存储和管理空间数据以及非空间数据的数据库管理系统。尤其是数据挖掘模块提供了专业空间数据挖掘,其功能包括空间聚类、分类、空间表征、时空关联规则挖掘。  相似文献   

局部空间统计在区域经济分析中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
局部空间关联模式的识别与检验是城市-区域性空间数据分析的重要方面之一,需要采用一些局部空间统计指标识别潜在的显著性局部空间关联。本文在概述局部空间统计的基础上,基于局部空间关联模式分析与区域经济研究的结合,举例说明了局部空间统计在识别与确定经济区之间潜在的局部空间关联模式方面的有效性。  相似文献   

The present study explored the problem‐solving strategies of high‐ and low‐spatial visualization ability learners on a novel spatial anatomy task to determine whether differences in strategies contribute to differences in task performance. The results of this study provide further insights into the processing commonalities and differences among learners beyond the classification of spatial visualization ability alone, and help elucidate what, if anything, high‐ and low‐spatial visualization ability learners do differently while solving spatial anatomy task problems. Forty‐two students completed a standardized measure of spatial visualization ability, a novel spatial anatomy task, and a questionnaire involving personal self‐analysis of the processes and strategies used while performing the spatial anatomy task. Strategy reports revealed that there were different ways students approached answering the spatial anatomy task problems. However, chi‐square test analyses established that differences in problem‐solving strategies did not contribute to differences in task performance. Therefore, underlying spatial visualization ability is the main source of variation in spatial anatomy task performance, irrespective of strategy. In addition to scoring higher and spending less time on the anatomy task, participants with high spatial visualization ability were also more accurate when solving the task problems. Anat Sci Educ 7: 280–288. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Teachers' anxiety about an academic domain, such as math, can impact students' learning in that domain. We asked whether this relation held in the domain of spatial skill, given the importance of spatial skill for success in math and science and its malleability at a young age. We measured 1st‐ and 2nd‐grade teachers' spatial anxiety (N = 19) and students' spatial skill (N = 132). Teachers' spatial anxiety significantly predicted students' end‐of‐year spatial skill, even after accounting for students' beginning‐of‐year spatial skill, phonological working memory, grade level, and teachers' math anxiety. Since spatial skill is not a stand‐alone part of the curriculum like math or reading, teachers with high levels of spatial anxiety may simply avoid incorporating spatial activities in the classroom. Results suggest that addressing teachers' spatial anxieties may improve spatial learning in early elementary school.  相似文献   

Anatomy knowledge has been found to include both spatial and non‐spatial components. However, no systematic evaluation of studies relating spatial abilities and anatomy knowledge has been undertaken. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review of the relationship between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment. A literature search was done up to March 20, 2014 in Scopus and in several databases on the OvidSP and EBSCOhost platforms. Of the 556 citations obtained, 38 articles were identified and fully reviewed yielding 21 eligible articles and their quality were formally assessed. Non‐significant relationships were found between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using essays and non‐spatial multiple‐choice questions. Significant relationships were observed between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using practical examination, three‐dimensional synthesis from two‐dimensional views, drawing of views, and cross‐sections. Relationships between spatial abilities test and anatomy knowledge assessment using spatial multiple‐choice questions were unclear. The results of this systematic review provide evidence for spatial and non‐spatial methods of anatomy knowledge assessment. Anat Sci Educ 10: 235–241. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relation between spatial ability and visuo-spatial and verbal working memory in spatial text processing. In two experiments, participants listened to a spatial text (Experiments 1 and 2) and a non-spatial text (Experiment 1), at the same time performing a spatial or a verbal concurrent task, or no secondary task. To understand how individuals who differ in spatial ability process spatial text during dual task performance, spatial individual differences were analyzed. The tasks administered were the Vandenberg and Kuse [Vandenberg, S. G., & Kuse, A. R. (1978). Mental rotation, a group test of three-dimensional spatial visualization. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47, 599-604.] mental rotation test (MRT) and a reading comprehension task (RCT). Individuals with high (HMR) and low (LMR) mental rotation differed in MRT scores but had similar RCT performance. Results showed that the HMR group, in contrast with LMR counterparts, preserved good spatial text recall even when a spatial concurrent task was performed; however, Experiment 2 revealed a modification of spatial concurrent task performance in LMR as well in HMR group. Overall, results suggest that HMR individuals have more spatial resources than LMR individuals, allowing them to compensate for spatial working memory interference, but only to a limited extent, given that the processing of spatial information is still mediated by VSWM.  相似文献   

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