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Key points

  • Concerns about a crisis in monograph publishing date back to at least the 1990s, and for traditional journal publishing at least a decade.
  • Two key trends behind concerns over book and journal models are pressures on funding and the emergence of open access.
  • Despite predictions of a revolution, the academic publishing sector has proved remarkably resilient in adapting to market changes.
  • Whilst showing some support for ‘open science’, even early career researchers remain committed to traditional publishing models.
  • The growth in scholarly collaboration networks and in sharing across traditional boundaries is the more likely disrupter of traditional publishing.


Key points

  • It is more important to a funder to know that the research advances knowledge and has an impact on the field than that it is published in a prestigious journal (or not).
  • Improving journal quality assurance is more important than improving the business model.
  • Focusing on open access misses the point that journals need to improve their quality standards.


Key points

  • Societies face increasing pressure to contain costs and retain revenues, which are threatened by open access mandates.
  • Funders and other science publishing campaigns need to recognize the value of learned societies and work with them to sustain the production of quality knowledge.
  • Self‐publishing via preprint servers may threaten the quality of academic research.
  • Societies can reinforce their value proposition through a model of academic entrepreneurship, including research activities, media engagement, and consultancy.

  • In 25 years, open access has become a significant part of scientific communication, but its success story should not conceal a fundamental change of its nature.
  • Open access started at the grassroots, as a bottom‐up, community‐driven model of open journals and repositories but today the driving forces are commercial, institutional, and political interests.
  • The fall of open access as a community‐driven model is running the risk of becoming dysfunctional for scientists and may create new barriers and digital divides.


Key points

  • The UK policy landscape supports access for the users whilst allowing publishers to maintain business models.
  • Advancements such as EPUB 3, aligning publishing with web technologies, and the Inclusive Publishing hub help publishers reach accessibility compliance.
  • Print impairment is not an on/off switch, and each reader has his or her own unique set of requirements – a fact that is supported by EPUB 3.
  • The time is ripe for publishers to make firm commitments to accessibility initiatives.


Key points

  • Trends point to increased democratization within STEM, driven by open access, Internet delivery, and digital natives.
  • The current journal publishing system does not meet the needs of researchers who want timely access to the latest results.
  • Demographic and sociological changes are likely to undermine the inherent conservatism of STEM.
  • Traditional STEM systems ignore the latent market of knowledge workers, but new information services do not.
  • Radical approaches to STEM are required if we are to respond to the ‘perfect storm’ of changing needs and expectations.


Key points

  • Although ‘peer review’ has quasi‐sacred status, times are changing, and peer review is not necessarily a single and uniformly reliable gold standard.
  • For publishers, peer review is a process not an outcome.
  • Academics understand peer review, but are often ignorant about the quality checking mechanisms within wider publishing.
  • Self‐publishing has led to the much wider availability of publishing services – these now being used by all stakeholders in publishing.
  • How should universities evaluate comment and ideas that were first disseminated within a non‐academic market?
  • Rather than an upper house, is peer review today more of a galley kitchen?

Using data from Web of Science, this research investigates how physical science researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research complied with its open access policy, and compares the citation counts of articles published through gold and green models.It was found that, for articles published between 2008 and 2015, 9% were available through gold open access routes and 13% were available through green routes; most were not openly accessible. Citation rates were comparable for green open access and non-open access articles, but citation rates for gold open access articles were lower. After controlling for publication year, citation rates of gold, green, and non-open access articles were comparable. Among gold open access articles, citation rates were highest for open access journals with article processing charges, but after controlling for publication year, articles published in hybrid journals, followed by those in open access journals with article processing charges, achieved the highest citation rates. Articles published in free open access journals had the lowest citation rates. The results suggest that green open access is the most economical approach to comply with open access policies, and that it provides researchers with at least as much research impact as gold open access.  相似文献   


Key points

  • Early career researchers (ECRs) consider journals the central form of communication – but are concerned about pressure to publish.
  • ECRs want to share but currently accept the closed publishing system because of the need to build a traditional reputation.
  • ECRs know – and appear to care – little about publishers but trust them as publishing and reviewing facilitators.
  • Editors are criticized for not managing peer review with better selection of reviewers.
  • Megajournals are not seen as the future journal form and criticized for lack of selectivity.
  • ECRs want open access/science in principle but are circumspect about their contribution to it.
  • ResearchGate is a key force for change as ECRs consider it a mainstay communication and reputation platform.



The purposes of this study were: to determine the number of articles requested by library users that could be retrieved from the library''s collection using the library catalog and link resolver, in other words, the availability rate; and to identify the nature and frequency of problems encountered in this process, so that the problems could be addressed and access to full-text articles could be improved.


A sample of 414 requested articles was identified via link resolver log files. Library staff attempted to retrieve these articles using the library catalog and link resolver and documented access problems.


Staff were able to retrieve electronic full text for 310 articles using the catalog. An additional 21 articles were available in print, for an overall availability rate of nearly 80%. Only 68% (280) of articles could be retrieved electronically via the link resolver. The biggest barriers to access in both instances were lack of holdings and incomplete coverage. The most common problem encountered when retrieving articles via the link resolver was incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


An availability study is a useful tool for measuring the quality of electronic access provided by a library and identifying and quantifying barriers to access.


  • Lack of holdings, including access to recent articles restricted by embargoes, was the most common barrier to locating full text, accounting for over 90% of all identified problems.
  • Availability rates for electronic articles varied by year of publication and by the database in which the OpenURL request originated.
  • Link resolver error rates varied widely based on the source of the request and frequently resulted from incomplete or inaccurate metadata.


  • An availability study is an inexpensive, practical tool for assessing the quality of electronic access to journal articles.
  • The results of an availability study can help libraries identify barriers to access and thereby allocate limited resources to areas that will provide the most benefit to users.
  • Link resolvers might be more accurate if the quality of metadata in OpenURLs was improved and the behavior of full-text targets was standardized.
A user who attempts to access an electronic article expects the process to be seamless: click a link or two, and the article appears. Unfortunately, this process is not always so simple. Many factors can prevent users from retrieving an article, including:
  • Collection and acquisition problems: The library may not subscribe to the desired journal, or the article and/or journal may be unavailable for some other reason.
  • Cataloging and holdings problems: The journal may be cataloged or indexed incorrectly, or the library''s holdings data may be wrong.
  • Technical problems: Problems may occur with the journal provider''s site or the library''s proxy server.
While many libraries use link resolvers to make it easier for users to retrieve articles, these can introduce additional points of failure. The resolver might not be configured correctly, the knowledgebase (database of library journal holdings) might include incorrect information, or article metadata from the source database might be incomplete or incorrect.At the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Library, users occasionally complained about access problems. These complaints provided anecdotal information about barriers to access, but library staff needed more solid data on which to act: How often were users able to retrieve a desired article? What problems did they encounter in the process, and how often did these problems occur? An availability study was conducted to answer those questions.First described by Kantor [1], an availability study is a method for evaluating how well a library satisfies user requests and identifying barriers to satisfying those requests. An availability study consists of the following steps:
  1. gather actual user requests (or simulate them)
  2. try to fill those requests using the same tools and methods a user would use
  3. record what happens
  4. analyze the results


Key points

  • Braille remains a relevant technology for access.
  • Properly structured content is vital for ease of understanding, as are correctly labelled links and action buttons.
  • Accessibility has hugely improved in the past 30 years but remains a fragile benefit, relying on stringent adherence to standards.


Key points

  • Current publishing restrictions cause duplicated – and wasted – effort to delivery of accessible information to students.
  • Universities have a legal obligation to provide access, but this is not required from publishers.
  • Initiatives to support access are helpful, but do not completely resolve the accessibility problems.



The investigation provides recommendations for establishing institutional collection guidelines and policies that protect the integrity of the historical record, while upholding the privacy and confidentiality of those who are protected by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) or professional ethical standards.


The authors completed a systematic historical investigation of the concepts of collection integrity, privacy, and confidentiality in the formal and informal legal and professional ethics literature and applied these standards to create best practices for institutional policies in these areas.


Through an in-depth examination of the historical concepts of privacy and confidentiality in the legal and professional ethics literature, the authors were able to create recommendations that would allow institutions to provide access to important, yet sensitive, materials, while complying with the standards set by HIPAA regulations and professional ethical expectations.


With thoughtful planning, it is possible to balance the integrity of and access to the historical record of sensitive documents, while supporting the privacy protections of HIPAA and professional ethical standards. Although it is theorized that collection development polices of institutions have changed due to HIPAA legislation, additional research is suggested to see how various legal interpretations have affected the integrity of the historical record in actuality.


  • Ethical standards call upon special collections professionals to collect and provide access openly, while protecting individual privacy.
  • A systematic historical investigation of legal and professional ethics literature can lead to standard best practices that address issues of privacy and access.


  • Special collections professionals can establish guidelines that preserve the historical record and maintain collection integrity and access, while adhering to privacy legislation and ethical concerns.
  • The framework suggested here can be used to write a collection development and access policy that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.
  • Librarians who interact regularly with hospital administrators or researchers using patient data need to be aware of the ethical and legal issues involved in patient data retention.


Key points

  • Bookshare is the world's largest library of accessible titles provided to members and through special agreements.
  • Dyslexia is often forgotten as an impediment to access but must be accounted for within accessible publications.
  • Certification of accessibility provides confidence for purchasers and a marketing tool for publishers.
  • Accessibility requires multiple routes to access, on different platforms and in different formats.
  • Accessible artworks need particular attention, and this is often lacking in ‘accessible’ publications.



The research studied the status of hospital librarians and library services to better inform the Medical Library Association''s advocacy activities.


The Vital Pathways Survey Subcommittee of the Task Force on Vital Pathways for Hospital Librarians distributed a web-based survey to hospital librarians and academic health sciences library directors. The survey results were compared to data collected in a 1989 survey of hospital libraries by the American Hospital Association in order to identify any trends in hospital libraries, roles of librarians, and library services. A web-based hospital library report form based on the survey questions was also developed to more quickly identify changes in the status of hospital libraries on an ongoing basis.


The greatest change in library services between 1989 and 2005/06 was in the area of access to information, with 40% more of the respondents providing access to commercial online services, 100% more providing access to Internet resources, and 28% more providing training in database searching and use of information resources. Twenty-nine percent (n = 587) of the 2005/06 respondents reported a decrease in staff over the last 5 years.


Survey data support reported trends of consolidation of hospitals and hospital libraries and additions of new services. These services have likely required librarians to acquire new skills. It is hoped that future surveys will be undertaken to continue to study these trends.


  • Data support reported trends in the decrease in the number of hospitals and hospital libraries.
  • About 44.0% of hospitals had some level of onsite library service in 1989, compared with between 33.5% and 29.1% of hospitals in 2005/06.
  • More electronic services and resources, such as Internet access and online materials, are being offered by hospital libraries, in addition to more traditional services
  • Library staffing appears to be more unstable today than in 1989, with more libraries reporting a decrease in the number of staff.


  • Hospital libraries continue to change in response to changes in the health care environment as health care administrators respond to financial pressures, library staff are downsized, degreed librarian positions are eliminated, and reporting structures change.
  • MLA must continue to track the status of hospital librarians and libraries in light of the changing environment with surveys and other means, in partnership with others such as the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


Key points

  • Humanities and the social science journals need flexible funding models.
  • Pragmatism and collaboration are key to transforming traditional publishing initiatives.
  • The Uopen Journals model sets a 6‐year development target for developing sustainable journals.
  • Actively involved editors are key to a journal's success.

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