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科学区角活动是幼儿园科学教育中的重要形式,幼儿可以在科学区角中自由地选择和探究材料,增长科学知识,是集体科学教学活动的有益补充.本文选取幼儿园科学区角中材料投放这一方面进行研究,并对材料投放中存在的问题提出了解决的对策.  相似文献   

施燕 《幼儿教育》2012,(31):34-35
幼儿园科学区角活动是一种幼儿个别化的、对周围生活中的自然事物和现象进行自主探究的学习活动。在科学区角活动中,教师的主要任务是进行间接指导,而幼儿则自主选择材料,自由结伴,进行个别化的、操作性的学习。这其中,材料设置质量的高低是活动能否成功的关键。在幼儿园,我们可以看到,教师投放材料的依据主要是两个:丰富与否,新颖与否。然而材料的丰富性和新颖性只是评价科学区角活动材料的部分标准,而不是全部标准。针对目前教师较为  相似文献   

采用自编问卷和访谈法对江苏省某科学教育特色幼儿园教师进行问卷调查。结果发现:科学区角活动虽已成为幼儿园科学教育的重要手段,但仍然表现出较强的集体教学痕迹。活动规则主要包括材料的分类、整理和操作,但针对幼儿合作交往的规则偏少;幼儿的探究行为专注性较高,但创造性程度相对偏低;教师注重个体静态的学习,却忽视同伴间的合作探究。主要建议:从尊重幼儿探究的个体差异、营造支持性学习氛围、鼓励幼儿交流与合作和促进幼儿主动学习四个方面提升科学区角活动的开展质量。  相似文献   

幼儿园科学区角材料投放及使用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究选取了北京市两所中等水平幼儿园的6个班级(每所幼儿园各1个大、中、小班)为研究对象,通过观察和访谈,了解了在幼儿园科学区角投放材料的种类、来源、更新情况及幼儿对材料的使用情况和教师的指导情况,并对教师科学教育能力的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

<正>幼儿园的科学区角,是针对活动的开展、幼儿的特点等因素,投放多种多样的材料,供幼儿在游戏时间,对周围事物或者现象进行自主探索、学习的地方。丰富的区角材料、适合的区角布置等,都会让科学区角变得生动起来。而幼儿在科学区的游戏中,通过观察发现、提出疑问、尝试操作等方式,在知识、能力等方面也都会有所提高。妙用幼儿园的科学区角,让幼儿在玩玩闹闹中快乐地学习更多快乐的知识。随着对区角游戏越来越重视,更好  相似文献   

时丽亚 《学子》2014,(5):12-12
正科学区角活动具有灵活的空间,它能为幼儿提供动脑思考、动手操作等大量的活动机会,每位幼儿可以自由选择、结伴开展活动。怎样使科学区角更具生命力、使幼儿的科学区角活动更具实效性?要解决这两个问题,关键在于教师在活  相似文献   

朱爱芳 《文教资料》2011,(29):151-152
在小班幼儿探究式科学启蒙教育中,如何发挥幼儿好奇的天性。提高发现问题的能力呢?其实,只要有心,我们就会发现问题无处不在。可以利用主题活动、自然角、科学区、科发室等活动与设施,结合幼儿园的各项传统或特殊活动、日常生活中的偶发事件等提高幼儿发现问题的能力。结合小班幼儿的年龄特点,考虑其思维发展、社会经验、阅读操作技巧等方面的局限,充分利用老师、家长、同伴、幼儿园及社区(尤其是教师和家长)资源.为幼儿的查阅活动提供直接或间接的指导,提高幼儿解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

生态式幼儿园区域活动初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在和幼儿园一线教师接触的过程中,我们强烈地感受到,许多教师已经认识到了区域活动的重要性,也很想将区域活动搞好,却不知道如何搞,切入点在哪里。浙江师范大学杭州幼儿师范学院的秦元东博士、王春燕博士,一起合作主持的浙江省教育厅2005年度科研课题,“幼儿园区域活动研究:一种生态学视角”,针对传统幼儿园区域活动中存在的一些问题,提出了“生态式幼儿园区域活动”的概念,触及区域活动和集体活动之间的积极互动关系、区域活动和社区之间的关系、区域活动和家庭之间的关系、区域活动中教师指导策略、生态式幼儿园区域活动对幼儿园课程设置提出的挑战、生态式幼儿园区域活动中各区域之间的关系等方面问题。本刊特辟专栏,及时反映他们的思考与整理、提升的经验,以期引起更多人关注生态式幼儿园区域活动研究的发现与困惑,共同推动幼儿园区域活动研究不断深入。  相似文献   

幼儿园区角领域是教师的另一个教学环境,也是幼儿的活动领域。废旧材料在幼儿园区角中的利用要遵循安全原则,不会对幼儿造成伤害,有很强的趣味性。有些家长对利用废旧材料可能带有偏见,那么幼儿园要转变幼儿家长的观念,让家长能够支持废旧材料在中班区角活动中的使用。本文就废旧材料如何有效地在中班区角中使用进行讨论和分析。  相似文献   

随着新课标的不断改革和推进,在幼儿园区角活动教学过程当中,区角成为课程实施的重要标准和渠道,在幼儿园日常教学活动当中。教师利用区角引导学生进行学习和提升,有助于促进幼儿的个性发展提升幼儿的逻辑思维,帮助幼儿更好地进行健康成长。但是在幼儿园当中教师实施聚焦活动不能够很好地发挥其作用,并且存在一些不足的现象。所以本文就以浅谈幼儿园区角活动开展存在的问题及解决方案来进行分析和探究。  相似文献   

幼儿园中科学教育与艺术教育实践,被作为两个不同的学科各成体系,彼此分离。基于对科学与艺术一种自然而融合关系的认识,处理好幼儿园科学教育与艺术教育两个领域的教育目标互通,内容相融,活动设计与实施相互交叉的关系,使其既符合幼儿认知发展规律也符合幼儿教育规律。  相似文献   

幼儿的科学教育是一个引人关注的领域。长期以来,学前教育工作者和幼儿园教师对其他领域有了具体而较为成熟的操作模式和经验,但对科学领域的具体教学实践尚在摸索之中。本研究试图对在幼儿园如何开展“科学探索活动”进行研究,尝试从长远发展的角度,探讨在幼儿园开展“科学探索活动”的价值和方式。  相似文献   

This study explores the impacts of selected early science experiences in kindergarten (frequency and duration of teachers' teaching of science, availability of sand/water table and science areas, and children's participation in cooking and science equipment activities) on children's science achievement in kindergarten and third grade using data for 8,642 children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study‐Kindergarten cohort (ECLS‐K). A theoretical model that depicts the relationships between the study variables was developed and tested using structural equation modeling. Results demonstrated that availability of science materials in kindergarten classrooms facilitated teachers' teaching of science and children's participation in science activities. Likewise, the frequency and the duration of kindergarten science teaching was a significant predictor of children's science activities but not of the children's end of kindergarten science achievement scores. Children's engagement with science activities that involved using science equipment also was not a significant predictor of their end of kindergarten science achievement. However, children's participation in cooking activities was. Children's prior knowledge, motivation, socio‐economic status, and gender were all statistically significant predictors of their science achievement at the end of kindergarten and end of third grade. Results of this study indicate that early science experiences provided in kindergarten are not strong predictors of children's immediate and later science achievement. Findings of the study suggest that the limited time and nature of science instruction might be related to the limited effect of the science experiences. Implications for teacher education programs and educational policy development are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 217–235, 2011  相似文献   

This article shows how links between science and literacy offer kindergarten children the opportunity to create and express their individual understandings about environmental change through emergent environmental literacy. This article reports on one of the science experiences in a kindergarten classroom in which the children explored the phenomenon of environmental change. The kindergarten science program can help children learn how scientists look at the world; young children can express these concepts through nonnarrative compositions. The article concludes with suggestions for teaching practice in the kindergarten science program.  相似文献   

Children's kindergarten experiences are increasingly taking place in full- versus part-day programs, yet important questions remain about whether there are significant and meaningful benefits to full-day kindergarten. Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study's Kindergarten Cohort ( N = 13,776), this study takes a developmental approach to examining associations between kindergarten program type and academic trajectories from kindergarten (ages 4–6 years) through 5th grade (ages 9–12 years). Full-day kindergarten was associated with greater growth of reading and math skills from fall until spring of kindergarten. Initial academic benefits diminished soon after kindergarten. The fade-out of the full-day advantage is in part explained by differences in the children who attend part- and full-day kindergarten as well as school characteristics.  相似文献   

Researchers agree that science education should begin at childhood, due to its contribution to later cognitive skill development. However, in most cases only a small portion of kindergarten and elementary school activities is related to science. Given the tremendous impact teachers have on children and on the success or failure of their curriculum, teachers' efficacy belief toward science teaching (TEBTST) should be of significant concern. It is suggested herein that in order to improve TEBTST, the science curriculum should be developed not only from the perspective of the child's needs, but will explicitly consider the teachers' needs as well. Such an approach is described in this study, and is labeled as the Inquiry Events (IE) teaching method. This method involves relating to an open-ended problem situated in real life, that encourages investigation of a variety of issues—ethical, economic, scientific, etc.—which both kindergarten and elementary school teachers are accustomed to considering. The method encourages teachers to relate to these daily situations by introducing scientific questions, which they would ordinarily ignore or omit. Using the STEBI (Science Teaching Efficacy Beliefs Instrument) questionnaire before and after a 4-day workshop introducing the IE method, it was found that IE improved TEBTST and increased their confidence in teaching science.  相似文献   

基于对《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中科学教育要求的思考,文章阐述了幼儿园课程资源的内涵,并根据目前幼儿园课程资源的开发和利用存在的问题,探讨幼儿园科学课程资源的理想建构,并对幼儿园科学课程资源的筛选和建设诸方面做了简要论述。  相似文献   

The political, economic, social, equity, and historical influences on the status of kindergarten education and early childhood teacher education in the United States are discussed. There are many sources of data that create a picture of the diverse programs, resources, and opportunities that kindergarten children experience, including the preparation of kindergarten teachers. This article addresses the questions: What does kindergarten curriculum look like today compared with other times? What is the status of full-day kindergarten? What are the influences of the high-stakes testing movement, school budgets, and economic status across communities? How has early childhood state teacher certification changed during the past two decades? What is worthwhile learning? This article takes an editorial position that supports an intellectually significant curriculum in which specially prepared early childhood teachers match teaching with the ways in which kindergarten children learn, and might want to learn more.  相似文献   

本研究根据目前有效教学研究的最新范式,选取2类幼儿园教师,共6人组成3组,运用半结构化访谈的研究方法获取言语数据,对其在幼儿园科学教育领域的集体教学活动设计时的思维特征进行了研究。发现幼儿园专家教师此问题情境中的思维活动在内容、组织、策略三方面表现出明显的差异特征。  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which preschool teachers and children (ages 4–6) used literal and inferential language within the context of whole-group instruction in four kindergarten classrooms in Hong Kong. A total of 20 sessions of videotaped classroom observations of linguistic interactions between teachers and children were transcribed and then analyzed using a coding scheme to determine the cognitive complexity of teacher questions and child responses with reference to four levels of abstraction, representing a literal-to-inferential continuum. The results indicated that the teachers’ questions were predominantly literal in nature (83 %), and similarly the majority of the children’s responses (77 %) were also literal. Furthermore, it was revealed that in an average instructional session: (a) teachers produced significantly more utterances than children; (b) the difference in the quantity of teachers’ questions between literal and inferential levels was statistically significant; (c) similarly, the difference in the quantity of children’s responses between literal and inferential levels was also statistically significant; and (d) children produced a significantly larger quantity of shorter than longer utterances. As there is distinct value in whole-group instruction as a salient context for teacher–child interactive, linguistic engagement in kindergarten classrooms in Hong Kong, it is particularly vital that early childhood educators understand what types of linguistic interactions are occurring there and how to target professional development for teachers to better support language learning in young children.  相似文献   

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