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股东诉讼制度包括股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼.在制度设计上,我国法律对股东直接诉讼制度的规定很不完善,对股东派生诉讼存在制度性缺失,股东诉讼缺乏可操作性.我们应当通过创设股东派生诉讼制度、修正股东直接诉讼制度、提升民事责任体系的地位、健全侵权责任的承担方式、合理分配举证责任等方式,完善股东诉讼制度.  相似文献   

"以慢致快""以静制动"是太极拳的基本要点,如何"以慢致快",如何理解"以慢致块"是习武初学者理解太极拳理论的关键。本文从拉长攻击过程、动作自动化和"入道"等三个方面分别论述了太极拳"以慢致快"的含义。以期为广大太极拳爱好者提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

This article presents an exploration of the methodology of action research. It is a reflection on a study where an action research methodology used by the researcher to research and develop theory, became part of the model of professional development. In this way, the action research methodology permeated into the culture of the way people worked together. This article describes how a researcher can not only use action research methods to gather data on a development, but can also lead a group of action researchers towards a greater awareness of their own practice in their own institutions. A greater awareness of the bigger issues in education is also an outcome achieved by facilitating critical discussion on key issues. There can be action research for research purposes, action research for action purposes and action research communities that can lead to emancipatory practices in education. These are concurrent strands within action research communities.  相似文献   

礼仪道德是由意识、行为和习惯所形成的系统.礼仪意识是人们对礼仪的认识及有关礼仪的思想观念;礼仪行为是表现礼仪观念的个体的、群体的和社会的行为;礼仪习惯是在礼仪意识的沉淀和行为的固化的基础上形成的秩序.三者相互作用和影响,形成了礼仪从观念到行为,从个体行为到群体行为,从一时到永久的过程.  相似文献   

The article contributes to the theory of action research by focusing upon kinds of action an individual may undertake in relation to their research endeavour. The article explores action as illusion, as occurring at different speeds according to context, as ‘cure’, as repair to maintain a system, as system improvement, as border skirmishes, as deconstruction and as stealth action. Each of these kinds of action has implications for the action researcher seeking to bring about change. The article explores the ways in which the action researcher can challenge the status quo and bring about creative, educative, democratic frameworks for living in society.  相似文献   

滥用市场支配地位行为的法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从法律的角度分析,滥用市场支配地位行为是指具有市场支配地位的企业利用其市场支配力危害竞争、损害公共利益与私人利益因而应当承担法律责任的行为。它具有四个方面的重要法律特征:行为主体是拥有市场支配地位的企业,行为的主观目的是获取垄断利润,行为的客观方面表现为一系列“不当”或“不公平”的经营方式,行为的后果具有反竞争性。其法律责任集中表现为承担相应的刑事责任、民事责任和行政责任。  相似文献   

试论异化刑事侦查行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为,仍然是当前审理公安行政案件面临的一个非常重要的问题。在学术上有不同的理论观点,在实践中各地的认识和做法也一不致。作者在总结以往理论和实践成果的基础上,试图从一个新的视角,用一个统一的标准以区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为,作者简要分析了学术上区分和认定刑事侦查行为与具体行政行为的不同理论观点,提出了异化刑事侦查行为概念,特征,探讨了构筑异化刑事侦查行为理论的价值取向,建立了异化刑事侦查行为的逻辑起点,明确了异化刑事侦查行为范围,指出了异化刑事侦查行为理论在司法实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Action learning is based on the premise that action and learning are inextricably entwined and it is this potential, to enable action, which has contributed to the growth of action learning within education and management development programmes. However has this growth in action learning lead to an evolution or a dilution of Revan's classical Principles (RCP)? We illustrate, using examples from a case study organisation, how action learning enabled action but also how action learning supported some participants in avoiding conflict. We argue that key decision makers in the organisation are, often unacknowledged, part of the action learning process and that while the action learning sets enabled participants to practice questioning taken-for-granted-assumptions, this questioning needed to be extended and supported within wider communities. We also argue that critical theory can enhance action learning by enabling better questioning and we refocus attention on the need for ‘organizing insight’ (Vince, 2004). Finally we reemphasise the social aspect of critically reflective practice and in the spirit of engaging and extending the community of reflective practice we offer our reflections; opening a space for others to question and reflect extending further theory which illuminates the idea of action learning.  相似文献   

诉之利益理论是诉讼法学的一个基本理论,但在我国行政诉讼法学界没有得到应有的重视。诉之利益的性质和要件是诉之利益理论中的核心问题。在行政诉讼中,诉之利益的性质表现为:诉之利益既是当事人的利益,又是国家的利益;诉之利益具有程序法和实体法两方面的性质;诉之利益为诉讼要件。为了正确判断当事人提出的诉讼请求是否具有诉的利益,应当从客观和主观两个方面来分析诉之利益的要件。  相似文献   

Action research in graduate management research programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how action research may be applied to graduate management research programs. After distinguishing action research from traditional research and establishing that the former is more appropriate for developing managerial competencies than the latter, the paper discusses issues of conducting action research within a graduate management research program. These issues centre on the key concept of distinguishing between action research project and a thesis action research project. Distinctions between action research projects at Masters and PhD levels are noted. It is argued that ideally the core action research project has to be part of the PhD candidate's full-time work. Future difficulties are canvassed.  相似文献   

审级制度的产生和设定与诉讼效益这一价值目标密切相连。诉讼效益已成为衡量一个国家审级制度是否科学与文明的重要尺度之一。科学的审级制度能够达到诉讼效益。诉讼效益对审级制度提出了更高的要求。我国的审级制度面临着前所未有的效益危机。重构审级制度已经成为必然。重新界定四级法院的性质和功能,使其有机运行,提高诉讼效益。针对不同类型的案件,建构多元化的审级制度。  相似文献   

意志是主观心理状态,意志行动则是主观见诸于实际的行动,教师教学中的意志行动是由意志支配的指向当下教学活动的行动。由于教师在教学实践中意志与意志行动处于矛盾的状态,教师的意志行动十分艰难。化解艰难的策略为超越、当下、身体以及和谐,它体现了教师意志行动的智慧。  相似文献   

抽象行政行为就其本质属性而言 ,具有可诉性 ;抽象行政行为违宪、违法 ,较具体行政行为更具有危险性和破坏性。唯有开放抽象行政行为诉讼 ,才能更为及时且切实有效地维护相对人的合法权益  相似文献   

A field study focused on learning capabilities within action learning sets was used to evaluate potential opportunities between action learning and transformational learning. The use of action learning as a methodology for the acquisition, sharing and transfer of information while integrating an added perspective for transformational learning within the action learning set was investigated. There could be occurrences of transformation within action learning and critical action learning sets. However, there could be the added possibility of using action learning as a potential vehicle for an enhanced or more specific focus on transformational learning. It is useful to explore this potential, especially when there is an increased awareness regarding associations between action learning and transformational learning. Within such learning environments, there could also be the increased potential for outcomes that transform an individual, group or organization. The use of transformational elements based on discussions and resulting themes that occur within action learning sessions are discussed with the aim of encouraging personal development, enhancing skills and engaging in adult learning that could lead to organizational development. Recommendations for these environments are also presented.  相似文献   

The creation of action research cycles is a fundamental part of action research projects. The aim of this article is to present the methodological challenge that is inherent in designing action research cycles. The article reports on my lived experience as I conceptualised and implemented a structured and systematic way of ordering and reporting the cycles within cycles in a mentoring self-study action research project. The paper discusses the journey that led to structure, and recognises the messiness that preluded this achievement within the action research process. I suggest that messiness is an inherent part of creating action research cycles. The path towards ordered structure is assisted through critical reflective practice and structured mentoring conversations. Of value to both emerging and more experienced action researchers, this article contributes to the practice of doing action research.  相似文献   

Complexity theory is essentially a formal attempt to question how coherent and purposive wholes emerge from the interactions of simple and sometimes non-purposive components. Explicit recognition of complexity can provide a fresh and enlightening perspective on action research. Through an expository discussion of the foundational postulates of complexity theory this article demonstrates the theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research, with particular emphasis on the relevance of complexity in educational and workplace contexts. Complexity is an emerging theoretical perspective, which presents possibilities for revolutionizing approaches to action research, as well as strengthening arguments promoting the value of action research in a wide range of contexts. Complexity, it is argued, can provide a valuable theoretical underpinning for action research. Furthermore, action research provides a valid methodological approach to the study of complexity. This article is primarily theoretical and attempts to demonstrate the application of complexity to a specific action research project will be left to future publication(s). Rather, this article explores the general applicability of complexity as both theory and metaphor in action research. The article begins with a brief exploration of the theory, particularly focusing on its application in the social sciences. The theoretical and methodological connections between complexity and action research are discussed through several of the foundational postulates of complexity, how these manifest in action research and how they add to our understanding of action research itself.  相似文献   

日益严重的环境污染问题给人类的生存带来了深重的危害。环境侵害具有其特殊性,与此相对应,环境侵害民事诉讼也具有与一般民事诉讼不同的法律特征,主要体现在环境侵害的法律特征、法律救济以及环境侵害民事诉讼主体的特殊性、举证责任、诉讼时效等方面。通过对环境侵害民事诉讼特点的论述,旨在建立和完善符合环境侵害民事诉讼内在特点的法律机制。  相似文献   

Critical action research emphasises participation, democracy and social critique, and thus has had considerable potential for feminist scholarship and action. Feminist action research, in turn, has gained a foothold in education, for example, through the work of Hollingsworth, Miller, Lather and others, although much action research might still be termed gender blind. This theoretical resource provides a discussion of recent developments in feminist ideas and their relevance for critical action research, suggesting that there is much to unite the two paradigms. The resource's overall aim is to call attention to the importance of feminist ideas for action research, and to demonstrate what feminist action research has to offer, not only for girls and women pupils and teachers, but for other marginalised and discriminated groups.  相似文献   

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