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Mythmaking in Alien Abduction Narratives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Examination of alien abduction discourse has the potential to inform our understanding of symbolic practices. This essay uses 130 narratives of individuals who claim to have had contact with extraterrestrial beings to argue that alien abduction discourse is a living myth. This myth—the Myth of Communion—is rhetorically significant because it illustrates the formative power of narrative while also revealing certain characteristics about our cultural condition.  相似文献   

吴祖光在40年代连续创作了三部风格独特的神话剧作品《牛郎织女》、《捉鬼传》和《嫦娥奔月》,这种回溯古老神话传说的戏剧形式在当时受到了极大的关注与欢迎。现代神话剧既是对古老神话戏曲传统的继承,也是对现代话剧表现形式的拓展。吴祖光的神话剧分别采用了仙境-人间与鬼域-人间的空间模式,借助古老的神话题材体现出对于现实社会的思考。论文主要从吴祖光神话剧的双重空间形态的视角来考察剧作家独特的审美追求。  相似文献   

This paper aims at showing the close ties between Renaissance literature and science as emerge from the use and the transformation, in a post-Copernican context, of the myth of Phaeton—according to Greek mythology: the boy who tried to conduct the chariot of the Sun and died in this attempt. G.B. Benedetti’s analysis and criticism of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, book two, provides an insight into this literary and scientific issue. Astronomical poems and variations of Phaeton’s myth by other illustrious Renaissance men—including T. Brahe and King James of Scotland and England—are taken into account, as well.  相似文献   

信息技术的产生与应用,现代学校的创建与功能,被给予了神话般的力量.于是有人认为信息技术无所不能,通过现代学校,所有的人都能受到完善的教育.通过比较学校结构与信息媒体现象的类似性,深入剖析两种“神话”产生的缘由与引发的思考,解读哲学存在论逼近下教师“介入者”的角色,践行信息技术与课程整合中“用教材教”的行为.  相似文献   

In this article I investigate how one group of teachers deliberated about Israel education with the intention to “modify the myth” as they engaged in curriculum reform. I begin from the idea that curriculum development should be an in-house endeavor that encourages faculty to embrace their roles as curricular decision-makers. Participants readily shared insights and suggestions from personal experiences and practices and explored goal language for teaching a critical Israel. However, moving from individual reflection to practical decision-making proved complicated due to factors stemming from personal and professional identities, school structure and culture. I consider implications for harnessing teacher potential as Israel education curriculum developers.  相似文献   

制度化向来被视为课程变革研究中的一个难解之谜,这在很大程度上是由于制度化阶段具有的悖论特征。对课程变革制度化的新制度主义分析表明,教育组织的双核结构、制度丛内部的相互牵制和高昂的制度变革成本是导致制度化难以实现的原因,而快动制度与慢动制度之间的角力、制度理想与制度现实之间的摩擦,以及社会结构与行动者具有的能动性之间的互动则为制度变革创造了可能。这些发现让我们对课程变革制度化的一些基本问题有了新的理解。  相似文献   

New Zealand has received world-wide accolades for its Early Childhood Education (ECE) curriculum, Te Whāriki. This paper explores the tension between economic imperialism, and a curriculum acknowledged as visionary. The foundational ideas of Te Whāriki emanate from sociocultural and anti-racist pedagogies. However, its implementation is hampered by the overarching policy discourse of Human Capital Theory (HCT), with its instrumental emphasis on economic outcomes. While Te Whāriki offers local cultural and educational possibilities, HCT is presented by those espousing economic disciplines, as having universal application. These tensions, largely unacknowledged and unexplored, place ECE teachers in positions of difficulty. While trying to meet aspirational curriculum goals in their daily practices, teachers’ attempts are constrained by supranational economic discourses. I ask how Edward Said’s (1999, Out of place: A memoir, New York, Knopf) concept of contrapuntal readings can offer spaces for resistance to the dominance of economics.  相似文献   

This study discusses the representation of (the) literacy (myth) in popular movies and a teaching and research project on cinematic literacy narratives. It attempts to reveal the existence of a powerful ‘Pygmalion template’ in contemporary movie culture. Focusing on a discourse or culture clash ‘Pygmalion movies’ simultaneously contribute to the discursive construction and deconstruction of the literacy myth. Because of their polysemic character, these films offer fertile grounds for inquiring into the problematic nature of literacy acquisition and discourse or culture clashes. Inviting pre‐service teachers to reflect on these issues, the authors created a curriculum as contact zone in which films are used as a primary source of knowledge and insight together with students’ movie analyses and interpretations, personal narratives, and theoretical readings. This exploratory study of on‐line discussion groups revealed the students’ contradictory and competing movie readings. Organizing the curriculum as a contact zone deepened the students’ and one’s own understanding of literacy as an ideological site of struggle in (movie) culture.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to redress the current preoccupation with the idea of difference for structuring art curricula by reclaiming connectivity for realising value and strategic intelligence in art. In doing so, it makes use of the diverse role narrative plays in culture to establish a rationale for future art curricula, so that myth and mythic artistic methods that reconcile us to the world are given priority over the more recent preference for art to be subversive, like parable. This more complex analysis of the way story informs cultural activity is used to contrast with Efland, Freedman and Stuhr's oversimplified use of narrative that neglects the importance of myth and its equivalent in procedural knowledge for understanding and making durable art. An alternative approach to structuring the art curriculum is mapped out that gives priority to connectivity (myth) over difference (parable) by drawing on meta‐narratives over‐looked in postmodern thought.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the impact of the curriculum on primary school children’s acquisition of clock-reading knowledge from analog and digital clocks. Focusing on Chinese and Flemish children’s clock-reading knowledge, the study is about whether the differences in sequencing of learning and instruction opportunities—as defined by the curriculum—result in differences in accuracy and development of clock-reading knowledge. By means of (1) an in-depth qualitative analysis of the Chinese and Flemish mathematics curriculum standards and textbooks and (2) a quantitative analysis of 11,743 students’ accuracy in reading the time, the current study mirrors the differential impact of alternative curriculum designs for primary education. The results of the analyses reveal that Chinese children acquire clock-reading knowledge—for analog and digital clocks—2 years earlier than their Flemish peers, due to a 2-year earlier exposure. Discussing these results, it is argued that the Flemish curriculum tends to underestimate what children are capable of and that clock-reading within the Flemish primary mathematics curriculum builds on dated assumptions and research results. Building on these outcomes, it is argued that curriculum development should be the result of collaborative inquiry involving policy makers, researchers, and teachers.  相似文献   

新一轮的课程改革以"为了每位学生的发展"的理念为核心,从知识传授、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价以及课程管理等方面进行了改革,而课堂是实施新课改的主战场,在课堂这个空间中,存在着教师、学生及他们相互间的活动等,他们共同就形成了一种文化——课堂文化,塑造一个良好的课堂文化是贯彻实施新课程改革的关键。  相似文献   

新一轮的课程改革以"为了每位学生的发展"的理念为核心,从知识传授、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施、课程评价以及课程管理等方面进行了改革,而课堂是实施新课改的主战场,在课堂这个空间中,存在着教师、学生及他们相互间的活动等,他们共同就形成了一种文化——课堂文化,塑造一个良好的课堂文化是贯彻实施新课程改革的关键。  相似文献   

"诗教"是中国传统诗学的重要范畴,中国新诗建设者曾对它的历史不足严加批判。但是,"诗教"的事实在新诗中依然存在,传统"诗教"理论中的核心意识"天人合一"其原型是中国的"化生"神话,而中国新诗将其演化成了一种"生生"生存诗教,应对着中国现代的"苦难"历史语境。通过对"化生"神话与中国新诗的"生生"生存诗教之间关系的梳理,对中国新诗的民族性考察以及重建中国诗学话语有着一定的意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the initial stages of an empirical study of a new secondary school in New Zealand. The school vision and organisation reflect current international twenty-first-century learning discourse by confronting long-established beliefs concerning the nature of education and knowledge and the roles of teachers and students. The school's focus is on developing the dispositions and competencies of students through thematic, intersubject, inquiry-based learning. While these twenty-first-century ideas appear widely accepted worldwide, there is little research on the impact of these ideas on student learning. This study considers the challenges faced by the school in moving from aspirational vision to curriculum enactment during its first 18 months of operation. The focus of this paper is the curriculum design and development process. The issues faced by staff in this twenty-first-century school will be of interest to educationalists worldwide who are involved with the planning of new schools and curricular innovation within existing schools. Four key questions that arise from the study and that will form the focus of future research are identified.  相似文献   

A particular trait of the educational system under socialist reign was accountability at the input side—appropriate facilities, centrally decided curriculum, approved text‐books, and uniformly trained teachers—but no control on the output. It was simply assumed that it met the agreed standards, which was, in turn, proven by the statistics provided by authorities. The introduction of professional testing methods for national large‐scale assessment efforts and participation in international surveys such as Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) unveiled the myth of the traditional “all is good” message spread by the former party rulers. But another aspect of the introduction of external independent testing has probably even had a bigger impact: the fight against the pervasive corruption in student admission it became part of. If any, the successful use of independent external testing in this struggle has done a lot to have its methods accepted by the audience at large. The article describes the experiences of the author as a senior consultant to ministries and newly established testing institutes in former Soviet and socialist republics.  相似文献   

美国密歇根州立大学小学教育专业以培养卓越教师为目标,以全面综合的课程设置为优势,以富有成效的见习实习制度为特色,铸造了密歇根州立大学小学卓越教师培养的神话。在课程设置上,综合学习与写作课程,奠定卓越基础;计划课程结合主修学科课程,搭建卓越脚手架;教师教育课程,锻造卓越锋刃。借鉴密歇根州立大学小学卓越教师培养,建议从国家层面制定我国卓越教师专业标准,从高校层面改善小学教育专业课程结构,增强实习的专业性。  相似文献   

This paper has two main foci: (1) the history of curriculum design, and (2) implications from the new sciences of chaos and complexity for the development of new forms of curriculum design and teaching implementation. Regarding the first focus, the paper posits that there exist—to use Wittgenstein's phrase—‘family resemblances’ between Peter Ramus’ 16th century curriculum design and that of Ralph Tyler in the 20th century. While this 400‐year linkage is by no means linear, there are overlapping strands from Ramus to Comenius to the Puritans to colonial New England to Horace Mann to Ralph Tyler. What unites these strands, all belonging to the Protestant Methodization movement that swept across northern Europe into colonial America and the USA, is the concept of Method. Taylor's ‘time and motion’ studies set the stage for Tyler's Basic Principles of curriculum design—those starting with set goals and concluding with measured assessment.

The second focus draws on the new sciences of chaos and complexity to develop a different sense of curriculum and instruction—open, dynamic, relational, creative, and systems oriented. The paper concludes with an integration of the rational/scientific with the aesthetic/spiritual into a view of education and curriculum informed by complexity.  相似文献   

Philosophers of education have argued that in order for Environmental Education's goals to succeed, students must form bonds and place attachments with nature. Some argue that immersive experiences in nature will be sufficient to form such attachments. However, this may not be enough, requiring other means of motivating them for environmental stewardship. Here, I explore the role the imagination could play for helping (re)enchant students’ perception of themselves‐in‐relationship‐with nature which could support the work these educators are already doing. I explore philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical domains to begin developing a holistic vision of what imagination could contribute for human‐environmental flourishing. Philosophically, I build from Martha Nussbaum's work that stories imaginatively shape our understanding of ourselves and the world, arguing that story—namely, myth—may have a unique power to enchant student's moral and ethical imaginations. I attempt to synthesise Michael Bonnett's rich ‘primordial’ phenomenology with what some mythologists identify as ‘implicit myth’—both of which are drawing attention to the human‐environmental interrelationship. Psychologically, I posit that if myth of this kind can develop a human‐environmental imagination in students, it may serve to create conditions to motivate students to act for environmental stewardship. Pedagogically, I close by identifying authors who seem to embody this primordial and mythic way of being in the world, arguing that studying their writings may help educators and students cultivate this human‐environmental imagination. I draw particular attention to Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poetry for exemplary inspiration and guidance.  相似文献   

我们需要对课程的内涵做严密的探讨,这基于如下背景:理论探究的混乱;新课程改革实践的困惑;课程与教学之关系的难于把握;教育学科体系有序化的任务。探讨课程概念的内涵,在逻辑思路上要依次明确内涵探讨的基本任务,把握这个概念所指对象的基本定位,从基本属性、结构属性、生成属性三个层次上做完整的分析,基本属性即为定义,结构属性即为课程要素及其关系,生成属性即为课程构建的三个层次。需要把握课程的相对边界。  相似文献   

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