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促进学生的理解是教育的终极目标。UbD 理论新近提出的"理解的六个维度"(即解释、释义、应用、洞察、移情和自知),详细阐述了理解每个维度的功能、特点和表现,有助于我们更好地理解"理解"。理解的多种维度观不仅理清了理解与知识的关系,区分了表层理解和深层理解,而且还体现出认知与情感的协调统一,突出了学习者自我调节的重要性。  相似文献   

理解是教学目标的基本诉求,成熟的理解涉及解释、释义、应用、洞察、移情和自知六个维度。逆向设计开发UbD单元模板,在教学上具有重要运用。尽管为理解而教对教师、教材以及评价都构成了一定的挑战,但在目标、评估、教学的一致性上,在理解六维度对教与学的"概念透镜"上,在关注单元、课程内容螺旋递进上,对教学而言具有一定程度的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

刘良华在《数学理解的六种维度观及其启示》一文中介绍了数学理解的六种维度,即:解释、释义、应用、洞察、移情、自知,并指出这六个维度从多个角度阐明了什么是数学理解,学生实现数学理解时应有何种表现.这六种维度观对我们深入认识数学理解,改进数学教学提供了一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

将学习科学的研究成果转化为教育实践者指导实践的模式,UbD不失为一种有效的课程设计.新的学习科学强调深度理解、善用前拥知识和反省知识状态,与之理念一致的UbD是重理解的、优质的、持续改进的课程单元设计,其工作原理需要揭示UbD作为认识性载体和实践性载体的内在机制.UbD作为认识性载体的内在机制,关涉课程的学习目标、知识的理解方式、教学的核心问题;而UbD实践性载体的内在机制关涉先进的工具和程序、积极的策略和经验、逆向的进程和思维.厘清UbD的作用机制,有助于完成学习科学到教学实践变革这一教育研究新的使命.  相似文献   

抽象难懂的地理概念会给教学目标落实增加难度。UbD理论意为“追求理解的教学设计”,通过逆向教学设计帮助学生深入理解知识,建构学习方法。本文以“海水的运动”为例,应用UbD理论进行逆向教学设计和实施,实践表明有利于促进地理抽象概念实验教学的有效开展。  相似文献   

UbD理论主张教学应为理解而教,建议教师通过巧妙、合理的设计,帮助学生实现真正的理解。UbD理论指引下的英语教学,应把握好"理解""逆向"两个关键词,教学设计应能帮助学生持久理解内容、解决核心问题,掌握技能。设计路径为:大任务前置,解决核心问题;合作探究,掌握知识技能;评价反刍,升华持久理解。  相似文献   

奥苏伯尔提出,如果将足够的精力投入到复习中,学生可能会终身记得在校期间学习的知识.学生掌握知识需要经过领会、巩固和应用三个阶段,教师上好复习课不仅可以帮助学生巩固知识,还能提高学生分析和解决问题的能力.追求理解的教学设计简称"UbD",其针对解决的问题是如何使更多的学生真正理解他们要学习的知识.本文在"UbD"模式为指导下,从确定预期结果、确定合适的评估证据、设计学习体验活动三个阶段出发,分析"物体的浮沉条件及应用"复习课的设计,探索能够让学生真正理解学习内容的复习课教学设计策略.  相似文献   

<正>基于理解的作文逆向教学设计源自于美国课程学家格兰特·维金斯和杰伊·麦克泰(Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe)的"追求理解的教学设计"(Understanding by Design UbD)模式。UbD是一种计划课程的架构,强调帮助学生理解重要的概念,并将学习结果迁移到新的情境中。UbD从一个新的视角,引导教师跳出一般的教学设计思维,依据成  相似文献   

基于UbD理论探讨了逆向设计的特征、逆向设计案例的模式构建、逆向设计的反思三个方面,以初中物理中“机械和功”单元教学设计为例,应用理解为先教学设计模式下新的课堂理念和实践路径,将有助于推动初中物理课堂教学改革,促使逆向设计在初中物理教学中得到深入应用。  相似文献   

《义务教育数学课程标准(2022年版)》提出了“重视单元整体教学设计”的要求.教师在设计课堂教学时,应关注知识的内在逻辑关系,使得学生在单元整体学习中掌握和理解数学知识.同时,UbD理论强调“理解”、主张“逆向”、关注“整体”,与新课程标准下单元整体教学设计理念不谋而合.基于此,文章分析了单元整体教学和UbD理论的内涵,并结合UbD理论指导下的单元整体设计流程,针对“一元二次方程”单元整体教学展开探究,旨在探索一套全新的单元整体设计模式,并提升初中数学课堂的教学质量.  相似文献   

提高应用文写作教学效率是时代的要求,社会的要求。本文分析了目前应用文写作教学的现状和研究趋势,从教学观念、课程设置、教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等五个方面分析探索构建应用文写作教学的新体系。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the effect of a mindfulness-based curriculum designed especially for preschoolers on facets of executive functions. Fifty-one preschoolers were randomly assigned to either a mindfulness and kindness curriculum (MC) or an active control dialogic reading program (DR). A battery of behavioral and neurophysiological tests was used to tap into facets of executive control (inhibition, shifting). Electroencephalography data were acquired during the attentional network task (ANT). Relative to DR, children in the MC group exhibited a reduced difference in the N200 Event related potentials (ERP) amplitudes for the congruent versus incongruent conditions during the ANT paradigm representing inhibition and shifting abilities. On the behavioral tasks, both groups improved on executive functions (EF) but on different facets; MC group showed increased inhibition and the DR group demonstrated significantly greater shifting abilities. The results highlight the sensitivity of electrophysiological data to detect subtle cognitive changes. The understanding of how mindfulness-based interventions in preschoolers affect facets of executive functions can enable further refinement and maximization of the benefits of these interventions for this age group.  相似文献   

Curricular reform is a complex endeavor having many facets including (a) the development of teaching materials, (b) the identification of appropriate instructional approaches, (c) the implementation of processes by which these new materials and approaches will be introduced into practice and sustained, and (d) the appropriate attention to the social context in which it all occurs. Its full understanding requires that it be viewed from a multiplicity of perspectives including various psychological, socio-cultural, subject matter, philosophical, and economic perspectives. In this essay, the many facets of curricular reform are explored in terms of what scholarship from these many perspectives has to offer. Examples of research results are cited and promising research opportunities are identified.  相似文献   

Subject matter knowledge for teaching and the case of functions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interest in teachers' subject matter knowledge has arisen in recent years. But most of the analysis has been general and not topic-specific. This paper shows how one may approach the question of teachers' knowledge about mathematical topics. It demonstrates the building of an analytic framework of subject matter knowledge for teaching a specific topic in mathematics and then uses the concept of function to provide an illustrative case of a paradigm for analyzing subject matter knowledge for teaching. The choice of the aspects, which form the main facets of the framework, was based on integrated knowledge from several bodies of work: the role and importance of the topic in the discipline of mathematics and in the mathematics curriculum; research and theoretical work on learning, knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts in general and the specific topic in particular; and research and theoretical work on teachers' subject matter knowledge and its role in teaching. An application of the framework in the case of the concept of function is described and illustrated by anecdotes drawn from a study of prospective secondary teachers' knowledge and understanding of functions.Recipient of a Sir Charles Clore Post-Doctoral Fellowship.  相似文献   

The author investigated the relationship between aspects of student motivation and performance on mathematical tasks varying in cognitive demand relevant to meeting the expectations of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSS-M). A sample of 479 primarily Latino middle school students completed established survey measures of motivation and a constructed response assessment of two facets of mathematical competence. The assessment measured students' progress toward performing a procedure and demonstrating understanding by providing a written critique of a peer's work, a more cognitively demanding facet. As predicted, higher interest and efficacy in mathematics, lower performance-avoidance goals, and fewer experiences of negative emotions related to performance levels for both facets, while utility and mastery-approach goals (i.e., focusing on understanding mathematics) related only to the more cognitively demanding facet. Implications of these findings for preparing students to be successful mathematical learners, especially in the many states implementing the CCSS-M, are discussed.  相似文献   

The semiconductor industry operates in a constant state of deflation. It is vital to our survival and progress in this knowledge era. The industry is extremely competitive and requires ongoing technological advances to improve performance while reducing costs to remain competitive. Gaining an understanding of important facets of this industry is essential. Besides knowing about semiconductor history, other aspects of interest include types of semiconductor products in the marketplace and their uses, typical semiconductor-chip making process, overall industry review and trends. One critical tool used by the industry to direct product and technology development is a technology roadmap. Review of the initial and current semiconductor technology roadmap would further enhance our understanding of semiconductor industry.  相似文献   

儒学重在建设而不在于批判,但前提是对其要有清醒的了解。李泽厚通过对现代新儒家的解读,指出其核心之误是以道德代政治,文章对此进行了梳理。在李泽厚思想的多种面相中,儒学是其底色和基本面,与其说他是新康德主义者、自由主义者等等,不如视为新儒家更为准确和实在。  相似文献   

本文利用无线数字校园网的基本构建原理进行了基于无线数字校园网的应用系统的设计,探讨了该系统的总体构架,并针对不同应用方面设计了教学系统、信息发布系统和信息管理系统,最后分析该系统具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Action learning (AL) is often viewed as a process that facilitates professional learning through the creation of a positive psychological climate [Marquardt, M. J. 2000. “Action Learning and Leadership.” The Learning Organisation 7 (5): 233–240; Schein, E. H. 1979. “Personal Change Through Interpersonal Relationships.” In Essays in Interpersonal Dynamics, edited by W. Bennis, J. Van Maanen, E. H. Schein, and F. I. Steele, 129–162]. A psychological climate that fosters an environment in which learning set members feel psychologically safe enough to reflect upon both the successes and the failures in their professional life, without any form of repercussion. However, there has been little attention given to the ways that that psychological climate develops, and the differing facets that create that climate. In response to such deficit, this paper reports the outcomes of interviews with 11 managers, all of whom are former AL set (ALS) members, on their experiences of ALS membership. Drawing upon an interpretivist philosophy, the paper explores the key themes that emerged from the analysis of those interviews. The analysis serves to illustrate the differing facets that collectively contribute to the creation of a positive psychological climate that is conducive for learning. The analysis points to the relative importance of such facets as trust, honesty, vulnerability, reciprocity, confidentiality and personal disclosure, all of which have the capacity to lead to a positive psychological climate in ALSs. This paper is useful for developing an understanding of the differing facets in ALSs that create a psychological climate conducive for learning. As such, it has utility for AL facilitators, set members, academics and educational consultants.  相似文献   

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