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介绍了VB中实现多媒体播放的几种方法以及API技术,说明了在VB中使用API技术实现多媒体的方法,并给出了相关的代码.  相似文献   

异常处理技术是程序设计语言中实现软件健壮性的主要方法。着重介绍VB.NET语言中异常处理有关概念及实现方法,分析比较异常处理技术在VB.NET和VB6中的差异。  相似文献   

如何实现数据报表是在开发VB应用程序时经常碰到的一个问题,本文主要介绍了在VB中利用DataReport实现数据报表的设计方法和编程要点.  相似文献   

异常处理技术是程序设计语言中实现软件健壮性的主要方法。着重介绍VB.NET语言中异常处理有关概念及实现方法,分析比较异常处理技术在VB.NET和VB6中的差异。  相似文献   

VB具有很强的多媒体处理功能,尤其以利用MCI实现多媒体最为简单.本文阐述了在VB中利用MCI控件进行多媒体程序设计的方法.  相似文献   

该文讨论了利用VB远程控制DEXA骨密度仪的运行,主要包括可编程控制器的设置、可编程控制器控制命令以及VB应用程序,并给出了系统的实现方法与示例程序.  相似文献   

在VB的应用程序开发中一些高级功能的实现必须借助于API函数.本文介绍了在VB应用程序开发中调用API函数的方法,并给出一个菜单项目前添加图标的实例加以说明.  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用VB实现学校机房U盘实时监控的原理和方法,并给出了实现的关键代码.  相似文献   

介绍了用Windows应用程序开发工具语言VB,实现对AutoCAD图纸标题栏数据的提取的理论方法和实际操作实现.  相似文献   

VB中巧用Excel实现报表设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合实例介绍了在VB中利用Excel实现复制报表的设计的方法,该方法把VB强大数据库管理与Excel灵活的报表设计有机结合起来,简化了编程,提高了程序的便利性.  相似文献   

结买、结籴是市易务官吏或由市易务招募商人,承办政府上供采买和购置沿边军粮的制度.其原则是政府预支本钱给承办人,预支数额要比原来政府采购的成本低.承办人以房、田契书和金银作抵押,并向主管部门立下保证文状,不能按时完成承办额要受处罚,赢亏自负.结买、结籴本钱的性质是预支款而非贷款,不必按市易赊贷法支付利息.由于结买上供预支本钱少,未能推广,结籴军粮虽可赢利,但多被市易务官吏及其关系户承办,存在经营不善、挪用结籴款等弊端,半途而废.  相似文献   

Background The assumption that parents have some effect on their children's attitudes to learning is one that few educationalists would challenge. The ways in which this influence is brought to bear are a slightly more complex and contentious matter, however.

Purpose The paper uses data from a tri-national PhD study on pupil attitudes to examine perceptions of the ways in which parents influence children's orientations towards foreign language learning (FLL). The comparative element is useful in providing a contrasting range of settings in which to examine the issue. The paper thus aims to provide some indication of the similarity and importance of particular influences by identifying features that seem significant, irrespective of setting.

Sample A total of 411 learners of French, German and English (as foreign languages), represented in roughly equal numbers from across the ability range, took part in the survey. The pupils, aged 15 – 16, were drawn from two centrally located mixed comprehensive schools in each country—England, Germany and The Netherlands. The schools were similar in terms of size, social intake and their semi-urban location. Care was taken to ensure as close a gender balance as possible.

Design and methods The study was designed as a qualitative survey and involved three data collection instruments. The first stage of data was collected using a written word association prompt distributed to the whole sample. The second stage involved around half the pupils generating written accounts of their attitudes and the factors they perceived to be influential. A total of 80 pupils took part in the final stage, consisting of 14 focus group interviews. A system of open coding was applied to all the data to support the process of inductive category building used in their analysis.

Results The findings offer some evidence for an association between parental and pupil attitudes. Parental influence appears to operate in a number of ways, ranging from the role model potential of positive/negative behaviours and the communication of educational regrets, to the ways in which parents help to construct their children's understandings of language importance and status. The extent of parental language knowledge appears to be an important additional factor.

Conclusions The evidence suggests that the ways in which parents contribute to the construction of their children's understanding of language utility are particularly important, and that this may be a key factor in the more positive attitudes demonstrated by the German pupils and the more negative orientations among the English participants.  相似文献   

The article analyses how the intentions of early provision in Norwegian schools have been expressed in the education policy reforms in Norway from the 1970s to the present day. The first area deals with the intentions that most explicitly cover early provision; prevention, early detection and intervention. The second area of analysis relates to the early provision intentions with an emphasis on the correlation between individual and environmental factors seen in light of differentiation and disability. The third area examines how significance is attached to pupils’ social background with regard to early provision in learning in schools. Finally, consideration is given to the relationship between early provision intentions and efforts to prevent pupils dropping out of upper secondary education. The analysis also shows that the policy guidelines on early provision for schools and teachers have been weak and unclear. This is due to the fact that the early provision intentions have primarily been expressed in reports to the Storting, and rarely given any kind of focus in national curricula.  相似文献   

新《劳动合同法》实施后,劳动和人事并轨,高等院校被纳入《劳动合同法》的适用范围。只有高校人力资源管理工作者充分重视、学习和理解《劳动合同法》的精神,对《劳动法》及《劳动合同法》中适用于高校管理工作的相关条款间主要内容的异同点进行对比和分析研究,才能适应新条件下高校管理需求,解决管理过程中可能出现的问题,处理好劳动合同关系,依法规范高校人力资源管理工作,全面提升高等院校人力资源管理水平。  相似文献   

宗教的心理学是心理学的一个重要的历史形态。宗教心理学可以有两种不同的含义。一是科学的含义或是科学传统中的宗教心理学,是科学家运用科学方法对宗教心理的研究。这是科学心理学的一个分支。二是宗教的含义或是宗教传统中的宗教心理学,是宗教家按照宗教的方式对人的心理行为的说明、解释和干预。后者既是宗教活动提供的传统文化资源,同时也是现代科学心理学的传统历史资源。宗教中的心理学提供了关于人的信仰心理方面的重要的阐释、以及干预人的心理皈依的重要的方式。这为科学心理学的发展和进步提供了非常丰富和重要的心理学思想理论、心理学研究方法、心理学干预技术。心理学的创新就必须提取宗教的心理学中的资源。  相似文献   

开放式公共实验室管理的探讨   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:16  
介绍了进行开放式公共实验室管理的尝试和体会。按照实验室的功能进行布局,根据教学和科研的特点,采取多种形式的管理模式,努力发挥多学科共处的优势,营造活跃的学术氛围,并注意筹集维护经费,以便保持仪器的完好率。实验教学中以实验技能训练为核心,进行实验内容的设置和规划,实现学生参与实验的全过程,提出今后进行实验教学改革的构想。  相似文献   

我国农产品电子商务发展对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农产品相继出现了流通不畅、价格下跌的情况,农产品"卖难"的情况越来越严重,给农民收入的增加带来严峻的挑战。农产品电子商务是将信息技术、网络技术等现代先进的科学技术与传统农业结合起来,利用科学技术指导农产品的生产、组织及其加工,以提高农业的信息化、现代化、规模化、标准化以及智能化水平。发展农产品电子商务可以解决我国农业发展过程中存在的问题,有助于提高我国农民的收入,使"三农"问题得到缓解。  相似文献   

The literature on higher education acknowledges the importance of context to the effective completion of research by postgraduate students but overlooks to study the importance of this factor for academics in higher education. The research reported here explores the extent to which academics in higher education sense that their research engages them in a collective effort, as against individualistic effort and the extent to which, in the latter case, they feel isolated. It also explores the extent to which their sense of teamwork or isolation is perceived as impacting on their abilities to perform effectively. The study reports on interviews with fifteen academics in a higher education institution (HEI) in the UK and reveals the widespread sense that, for the most part, research is not conducted in a teamwork setting, leading to feelings of isolation. The paper reveals the extent to which isolation is perceived as impacting negatively on the conduct of knowledge management and suggests that the kind of issues impacting on students appear to pertain also to academics. The article explores ways of overcoming these problems as well as future avenues for research.  相似文献   

帝王或朝廷往往以命人应制的方式直接推动词的创作。唐宋应制词长盛不衰的原因首在于帝王需要娱乐,其次是颂升平、美风俗的政治导向。早期应制词表现出由诗向词演进的轨迹,对词体的正式确立有特殊意义。唐五代应制词较为集中地描写宫廷生活以及塑造宫廷女性形象,对词的香艳本色特征具有凝定作用;徽宗朝为主体的北宋应制词以歌功颂德、粉饰太平为主,在词风上主要向俗与谑的方向发展;孝宗朝为主体的南宋应制词,仍以歌功颂德、粉饰太平为主,在词风上显现出雅俗共赏、避俗趋雅的追求。这一特殊的词体与宫廷文化环境息息相关,随之而变。富艳精工是历朝应制词人的艺术追求。应制词在具体技法上显得单调程式化。  相似文献   

清代今文家一致认为,孔子作《春秋》寓改制之意,此种观念不仅体现在他们的《春秋》学上,也体现在他们的《论语》解释上。从刘逢禄的《论语述何》、宋翔凤的《论语说义》,至戴望的《论语注》,都贯穿着此种共同的主题。不过,这些学者在解释的过程中有所差异,刘逢禄的解释着眼于“句”,宋翔凤的解释着眼于“篇”,而戴望的解释则从字开始,进而扩展到篇。总之,他们的企图都在建构一种可信的改制解释体系,不过,具体细节的差异却彰显出《论语》改制观的共同特征,即解释时都强调了思想的共通性引申,而忽略知识学的关联。这种解释特征,为晚清康有为的《论语》研究及其变法观念提供了考察的线索。  相似文献   

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