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公共图书馆与盲人服务   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为每个公民提供图书馆的服务是公共图书馆的职责。为盲人服务也是公共图书馆应尽的义务之一。本文主要分析了为盲人服务的法律基础,国外图书馆、我国公共图书馆对盲人服务的现状以及我馆开展盲人服务的基本情况。从中可以看出,国内大陆公共图书馆开展对盲人的服务与先进国家及我国港台地区相比存在较大差距。因此,对于国内公共图书馆如何更好地为盲人提供服务做一简单探讨。  相似文献   

近日,为配合安宁市争创全国文明城市,同时为视障读者提供一个学习空间,安宁市政府专门拨款10万元,在市图书馆内建立盲人有声读物阅览室。图书馆根据现有馆舍条件,为方便视障读者进出和借阅书刊及利用电脑,专门在成人阅览室划分出一个区域,新购置了阅览桌椅,配置了两台专供盲人使用的电脑。订购了《读者》、《中国盲童文学》、《文化世界》、《医学荟萃》等四种盲文期刊、300多册盲文图书,此外,还订购了包括文学、医学、政治、法律等丰富内容的46种磁带、140种MP3有声读物。盲人有声读物阅览室的建立使图书馆的社会服务职能得到进一步加强和延伸,同时也让视障人员有了自己的精神家园,体现了社会对他们的关怀。  相似文献   

盲人在我国是一个巨大的群体,他们也有和正常人一样接受学习的权力,尽管我国目前已经建立起了图书馆盲人阅览室,但是在运行过程中依然存在不少问题。本文针对我国目前图书馆盲人服务过程中存在的问题,提出了完善我国盲人数字图书馆服务的几点建议。  相似文献   

文章有针对性地阐述了公共图书馆开展盲人服务的相关理论,在此基础上。概述了大陆公共图书馆开展盲人服务的基本情况,并以公共图书馆服务的基本理念为依据。分析了我国部分城市公共图书馆盲人服务建设和运行中所存在的主要问题及产生的原因,并对我国公共图书馆进一步搞好盲人服务工作提出具体的相关建设性意见。  相似文献   

通过梳理图书馆盲人服务的概况,剖析盲人服务存在的问题,提出公共图书馆盲人服务的实践策略.  相似文献   

我国公共图书馆盲人服务体系发展构想   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
文章通过对国内五百多家公共图书馆盲人服务状况的调查,分析了目前国内公共图书馆盲人服务的资源、宣传、无障碍设施、资金等方面存在的问题,参考国外图书馆界的做法,提出建设我国公共图书馆盲人服务体系的建议,并分析了其可行性。  相似文献   

基于"有教无类"的思想和《公共图书馆宣言》等相关文件的规定,从公共图书馆职能的视角,论述了公共图书馆为盲人提供信息服务的作用。从文献资源、发展规模以及服务方式等方面,分析了我国盲人图书馆(室)目前的发展现状,并以此为基础,指出公共图书馆为盲人服务的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着构建和谐社会任务的提出,作为社会公益事业的公共图书馆开始越来越密切地关注特殊群体的特殊需求。贵州省图书馆与省残疾人联合会于2007年11月开始筹建为视力残障者提供特殊服务的盲文及盲人有声读物借阅室。经过近半年的筹备,于2008年5月24日正式开放。  相似文献   

为了能够更好地发挥盲人图书馆(室)帮助盲人读者吸取知识、提高盲人读者的文化水平和就业能力的作用,需要志愿者参与到盲人图书馆(室)服务工作中。志愿者服务队伍作为一支生力军,可以弥补图书馆人力资源的不足;其平等无私的帮助,能使盲人读者感到人间温暖,“看到”明媚的阳光。  相似文献   

我国盲人数字图书馆建设概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对盲人数字图书馆的概念,基于国外盲人数字图书馆的建设情况,重点介绍我国当前盲人数字图书馆的发展历程及其网站建设过程中所用到的关键技术--WCAG2.0无障碍网页设计、DAISY(数字式声音信息系统)和盲人浏览器的设计与实现技术,最后提出完善我国盲人数字图书馆服务的几点建议,并展望我国盲人数字图书馆未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Is it even possible to design museum exhibits that have an above average chance of engaging visitors in meaningful experiences? Museum‐based researchers and designers, working over the past several decades, have endeavored to address this and other questions. Recently, a promising Ideas‐People‐Objects (IPO) model of the visitor experience, subsequently elaborated on to include Physical (IPOP) has been used in the design and subsequent study of visitors' museum experiences. Here I briefly describe the model and introduce three papers featured in this issue of Curator: The Museum Journal that offer new insights and perspectives for understanding the theory behind the model, as well as features of the IPOP model that have been used in the design and interpretation of exhibitions, and a comparison of analytic techniques that produce results that can be used in IPOP‐related research.  相似文献   

图书馆应尽快建立职业准入制度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从图书馆人力资源现状为切入点剖析建立职业准入制度的必要性和紧迫性及其对发展图书馆事业的重要意义。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   


This paper, based on a presentation given at a continuing-education conference at Mississippi State University (MSU), explains how to catalog electronic journals. Among the topics discussed are what e-journals should be cataloged, the need for collection development policies, and the fields used by MSU Libraries to catalog their e-journals.  相似文献   

What does it mean to be a professional, and do librarians meet the academic definition of a professional? Professions are strongly related to identity, and stereotypes associated with the culture of a profession are going to have some effect on the public’s perceptions of that profession. The stereotype of the vaguely purposed but somehow controlling older person (who “shushes” patrons to maintain silence) does not contribute positively to the professional image of a librarian. Library users do not even superficially understand what librarians do, and this leads to an undervaluing of the impact and importance of librarians. In the modern environment of budget challenges, it is important to be able to articulate the value of both libraries and particularly librarians. This article explores the sociological academic literature on professions to determine if librarianship meets the requirements to be a profession, if library literature supports librarianship as a profession, and why it matters for librarians to be seen as professionals.  相似文献   

Recent trends in librarianship point to themes of crafters, artisans, and makers in library spaces. The American Library Association's Center for the Future of Libraries includes the Maker Movement as one of its trends. Librarians can support these makers and entrepreneurs by thinking of libraries as a place to create through community building and engagement, and considering job skills needed for success and confidence to staff such spaces, but this transformation requires administrative support. This article summarizes this movement for libraries and suggests a route to success through a case study of a year-long grant on Making Maker librarians.  相似文献   

Artworks are highly coded power objects. At best, they serve aswindows onto profound and unspeakable experience; at worst,they're simply ``wall obstructions.'' In this paper, two issueswill be addressed: (1) What do artists, in their role asextremely subtle information designers, have to teach us abouthow deep knowledge is conveyed? What do their visual strategiesteach us about interface? And (2) how can a digital program bedesigned that respects the properties inherent in each artwork,and yet harnesses the power of multimedia to make connectionsacross space and time?  相似文献   

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