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This article explores the historical roots of Ernest Boyer's impact on Christian higher education in the United States. Boyer's stints as a student at two Christian colleges (Messiah College in Pennsylvania and Greenville College in Illinois) and his first faculty and administrative posts at Upland College in California were significant influences in the development of his vision for the Christian college—a vision that led to greater legitimacy and credibility in the landscape of American higher education. Ernest Boyer's innovative, yet historic understanding of the distinctives of Christian higher education contributed to the successful accreditation process of nearly one hundred small, private institutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, I advocate for enhancing critical thinking skill development in undergraduate education by taking advantage of the increased experiential maturity of today's students. I argue that many undergraduates are in fact ‘adults’, by virtue of their age or experiential maturity, and they should be educated as such. Undergraduates who have not yet transitioned into ‘adulthood’ would also benefit greatly from exposure to the adult education teaching techniques that emphasize critical thinking development. The demographics of higher education today demand a reexamination of outdated pedagogical practices. Considering college and university students to be the adults that most of them are, or soon will be, would more effectively educate all of today's undergraduate students.  相似文献   

This article addresses the policy debate over “college for all” versus “college for some” in the United States and analyzes the relationship between “some college” (as a formal education attainment category) and earnings. Our evidence confirms—using data from the American Community Survey (ACS), the Panel Study on Income Dynamics (PSID), and the Survey on Income and Program Participation (SIPP)—that more (postsecondary) education, on average, is associated with higher median earnings. However, there is emerging evidence that a proportion of workers who have attained lower levels of education (i.e., “some college”) earn more than those who have attained higher levels of education (bachelor's degree).

We focus particular attention on the subset of Americans who fall into the U.S. Census official category entitled “some college.” This is a heterogeneous group who have alternate educational credentials but who have not acquired a formal associate or bachelor's degree. Instead of an unequivocal focus on “college for all” or even “community college for all,” we argue that educators and policymakers should consider “some college” as a viable pathway to future labor market success. In sum, we conclude that some types of “some college” could lead to a reduction in earnings inequality.  相似文献   

现有研究主要关注向上流动的农村大学生进入大学后的学业与社会表现,而较少关注他们与家庭的情感联系。本研究利用全国范围的定量调查数据以及访谈数据,探索正在接受高等教育的农家子弟在向上流动的过程中与父母的情感联系。研究发现,从本科、硕士到博士阶段,农家子弟与父母的情感关系呈现出“U型”趋势,从最初的感激亲密到中期的埋怨疏离,最后走向了更高层次的包容理解,本科后期至硕士教育阶段成为农家子弟与父母间关系最为紧张的阶段。这种情感关系的起伏转变,在很大程度上与人生重大事件有关,这些事件触发了根植于城乡二元结构间的资源与文化不平等,使这些农家子弟饱受“阶层的隐性伤害”。  相似文献   

This essay revisits college presidents during the early 1960s to investigate the long history of how academic leaders manage racial unrest on college campuses. Throughout time, the concept of a welcoming and inclusive climate for black students on majority-white campuses has functioned as an illusion alongside the prevailing reality of racism on and off American campuses. In turn, this essay exhibits how political structures, as well as university hierarchy, have shaped academic leaders' approach to social change in higher education. Therefore, this work demonstrates the need to reevaluate higher education history as a lens for understanding the current American sociopolitical context that shapes present-day academic leaders and their challenges of addressing racism on college campuses. In summary, this work renders a richer and more nuanced understanding of the complexities college presidents, students, and campus stakeholders, such as governors and boards of trustees, face to provide equal and meaningful educational opportunities to all students.  相似文献   

Community college practitioners frequently bemoan negative or stereotypical representations of community college students and community college life in general in the popular media. Saturday Night Live skits and satirical news reports in The Onion enjoy poking fun at community colleges, while mainstream news outlets often fail to challenge stereotypes of community colleges as lacking academic rigor. Those frustrated by these portrayals should know that the press overwhelmingly lauded 2 year colleges during the early decades of the “junior college” movement. Such reporting celebrated the new institutions' missions, and praised their speedy growth as components of public education. In fact, the press often implied that these new campuses reflected an inevitable step in the evolution of American higher education. This paper analyzes media reports about public 2 year colleges (at the time called junior colleges) published during the 1920s and 1930s. The term junior college is used in this historical review since the term was common during the era in question.  相似文献   


Because of its prominent role, football has the potential to positively impact a university in several ways. Previous research on college athletics has focused on the financial impact of athletic success on institutions (e.g., donations). This research examines the marketing capabilities of college football by measuring alumni perceptions of a large southeastern university's move to NCAA Division IA football. A total of 297 alumni participated in a telephone survey. A high percentage of alumni believe IA football is prestigious and that the move to IA has influenced game attendance intention. Alumni believe the university's image has been positively influenced by the move to IA, and 21% believe the perceived value of their college degree has been enhanced by the move to IA. Findings from this study can aid universities in understanding the importance of football to alumni and how athletics can keep alumni connected with their alma mater.  相似文献   

美国社区学院社区教育的发展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转学教育、职业教育和社区教育是美国社区学院的三大主要职能,相对于前两种职能而言,社区教育是最后产生的,却是目前发展最为强劲的职能,它是社区学院开展成人教育、继续教育、终身学习、社区服务、社区为本的教育的重要形式.  相似文献   

This viewpoint commentary focuses on a proposal for integrated anatomy education in undergraduate college from Dr. Darda published in the Anatomical Sciences Education. Although the proposal is for college level education, the proposal echoes some ideas proposed a century ago by Abraham Flexner when he wrote his report titled “Medical Education in the United States and Canada.” It begins with an acknowledgement of the author's status as an outsider. There have been numerous calls for change in basic science education, particularly in medical education. Interestingly, however, the monumental reforms of the “Flexner Report” were impelled largely from outside the specific discipline of medical education. The commentary discussion then moves to observations about the proposal for Integrative Anatomy and support for the proposal from both the Flexner Report and the 2009 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, “Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians.” The essay considers the benefits of the research on the learning sciences that now inform our work in education; the influence of competency‐based education that frees education from a lock‐step approach of course completion to a student‐focused integrative approach to learning; and the availability of online resources for anatomy education through repositories, such as MedEdPORTAL. The final observation is that the changes underway in education and in the sciences basic to medicine, in particular, are substantial and will require the dialogue that Dr. Darda is promoting with his provocative proposal. Anat Sci Educ 3: 101–102, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

高校招生考试制度改革历来是各国高等教育领域的共同话题。美国是世界上经济发达的国家,也是高等教育发达的国家,美国高校的招生考试制度有其自身的特色。本文通过对美国高招制度特点展开研究,并选取美国三所名校为个案,旨在为我国高校招生考试制度的完善提供一些启示。  相似文献   

As policymakers, community college trustees have a responsibility to help keep their communities strong. How they do this is by helping to give everyone a chance for higher education. Thomas Friedman says that John F. Kennedy's vision was to put a man on the moon. His vision is to put every American on a campus. To do this, trustees can use these 7 “New Rules of Business:” (a) having a renewed focus on higher education accountability, (b) continued anxiety over college affordability, (c) waning public support, (d) growing expectations, (e) increasing competition, (f) changing demographics, and (g) the growing leadership crisis.  相似文献   

The inadequate number of American young adults selecting a scientific or engineering profession continues to be a major national concern. Using data from the 23-year record of the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY) and working within the social learning paradigm, this analysis uses a set of 21 variables to predict young people's employment in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or medicine (STEMM) at ages 36 to 39. The LSAY is one of the longest and most intensive longitudinal studies of the impact of secondary education and postsecondary education conducted in the United States. Using a structural equation model, the study found that mathematics continues to be a primary gateway for STEMM professions, beginning with algebra track placement in grade eight and continuing through high school and college calculus courses. Home and family factors such as parent education and parent encouragement of science and mathematics during secondary school also enhanced the likelihood of entering a STEMM profession.  相似文献   

职业教育是美国社区学院的主要职能,对我国高等职业教育的发展有一定的借鉴作用。美国社区学院办学特色明显,以服务地方经济为宗旨,有其独具特色的课程体系。我国高等职业教育的发展,需要进一步明确高职的职能及培养目标,调整人才培养模式,在课程的设置等方面探索一条能实现高职院校职能的道路。  相似文献   

Research consistently demonstrates elevated rates of depression among college‐aged women, yet evidence of racial differences in depression among this population are poorly understood. Moreover, the correlates of depression among Asian American women are also understudied. In this exploratory analysis, we examined mean differences in depression levels in a sample of Asian American (n = 117) and European American (n = 257) students from a women's liberal arts college. We also estimated associations between depression and relational health in three types of relationships (mentor, friend, and college community) using ordinary least squares regression. Relational health was examined as a buffer (i.e., moderator) against depression. Results indicated no differences in depression levels between Asian American and European American women. Relationships with the college community were associated with lower levels of depression in both groups of women. Limited evidence suggested that relational health served as a buffer. Results are discussed in light of interventions for college campuses.  相似文献   

Each year, many community college leaders find themselves, either methodically or haphazardly, making decisions about intercollegiate athletics. There have, however, been few empirical studies on how and why community colleges initiate, expand, or terminate athletic programs. Two studies investigating leaders' perceptions of intercollegiate athletics provide data which may be helpful to community college officials considering the pros and cons of athletic programs. Recommendations are provided regarding the need for statewide guidelines on community college athletics and the importance of a campus-based Council on Athletics.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代以来社区学院的社会角色之争,一直是美国高等教育界辩论的一大议题,并引发了高等教育界对社区学院社会角色的深刻反思.本文从结构功能主义、冲突主义、人力资本三大理论派别对社区学院社会角色的相关研究进行了述评.  相似文献   

美国社区学院是美国高等教育的重要组成部分,其特色的职业教育体系远近闻名。以美国一个卓越社区学院——圣莫尼卡社区学院为例,通过对该校的办学理念、学科课程、教师队伍、筹资方式、教育职能等方面独特之处的详细介绍,给我国高职院校的建设发展以深刻启示。通过借鉴美国一流社区学院的建设发展经验,由此促进我国高职院校的高水平发展。  相似文献   

大多数学者认为异地高考政策更加有利于家庭条件较好的随迁子女,少数学者则认为该政策能有效保障农村随迁子女的教育权益,但已有文献仍缺乏关于异地高考政策对两类流动人口高等教育机会影响差异的比较研究。基于2017年中国流动人口动态监测调查数据,本文探讨了异地高考政策对城乡随迁子女高等教育机会的影响,并探究了该政策的调节作用。研究发现,异地高考政策对农村随迁子女高等教育机会的促进作用显著高于城镇随迁子女,且这种效应仅在高政策门槛地区存在,低门槛地区不存在。从政策的调节作用来看,异地高考政策有助于提高农村流动人口子女随迁的意愿,且对农村随迁子女高等教育机会的促进作用要显著高于农村留守子女。同时,异地高考政策可显著降低农村随迁子女家庭社会经济地位对其子女高等教育机会的影响。为此,各地方政府应坚持并完善异地高考政策,充分发挥该政策促进高等教育公平的杠杆作用;流入地政府要进一步提高本地高中教育服务能力;中央政府要进一步推进、完善高考录取制度改革。  相似文献   

部落学院是美国民族高等教育的一个组成部分,在美国高等教育体系中占有一定的地位。部落学院在传承部落民族文化,增加高等教育机会,提升民族人力素质,促进部落经济发展方面起到了重要的作用,但从发展现状来看,它正面临着来自政府、教师和学生等各方面的挑战。  相似文献   

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