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"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运"是北京奥运会的三大理念,也是中国向国际奥委会做出的郑重承诺.在7年多的筹建过程中,全国人民齐心协力、攻坚克难,在奥运建设中创造了一个个奇迹,向国际社会奉献了一份厚礼,为现代中国树立了国际形象.北京奥运会圆满结束了,北京奥运会的三大理念与奥林匹克精神永存,它将在发展我国的体育事业和祖国的现代化建设中永远发挥作用.  相似文献   

本文以聋生身心特点为依据,从课堂教学物理环境、信息环境,心理环境三方面对聋校课堂教学环境进行分析,认为聋校课堂教学环境的创设应把握:物理环境的适宜性、信息环境的有效性以及心理环境的相容性  相似文献   

运用相关样本T检验的方法对福州市高中学生近三年的体质健康测试结果进行了分析,结果发现:同样的学生在高中三年的体质健康水平之间的差异呈高度显著性;不同学校,不同年级的学生体质健康情况夜表现出了差异性。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine the relationship between children's experiences of three different types of violence and academic achievement among primary school children in Kingston, Jamaica.MethodsA cross-sectional study of 1300 children in grade 5 [mean (S.D.) age: 11 (0.5) years] from 29 government primary schools in urban areas of Kingston and St. Andrew, Jamaica, was conducted. Academic achievement (mathematics, reading, and spelling) was assessed using the Wide Range Achievement Test. Children's experiences of three types of violence – exposure to aggression among peers at school, physical punishment at school, and exposure to community violence – were assessed by self-report using an interviewer administered questionnaire.ResultsFifty-eight percent of the children experienced moderate or high levels of all three types of violence. Boys had poorer academic achievement and experienced higher levels of aggression among peers and physical punishment at school than girls. Children's experiences of the three types of violence were independently associated with all three indices of academic achievement. There was a dose–response relationship between children's experiences of violence and academic achievement with children experiencing higher levels of violence having the poorest academic achievement and children experiencing moderate levels having poorer achievement than those experiencing little or none.ConclusionsExposure to three different types of violence was independently associated with poor school achievement among children attending government, urban schools in Jamaica. Programs are needed in schools to reduce the levels of aggression among students and the use of physical punishment by teachers and to provide support for children exposed to community violence.Practice implicationsChildren in Jamaica and the wider Caribbean experience significant amounts of violence in their homes, communities, and schools. In this study, we demonstrate a dose–response relationship between primary school children's experiences of three different types of violence and their academic achievement. The study points to the need for validated violence prevention programs to be introduced in Jamaican primary schools. Such programs need to train teachers in appropriate classroom management and discipline strategies and to promote children's social and emotional competence and prevent aggression.  相似文献   

American schools, especially their physical education and sport programs, provide some of the most hostile social geographies in all of society for gay youth. With the aim of transforming schools toward more democratic and sexuality sensitive institutions, this paper reviews the literature on sexuality and education. In the review, three themes, critical for educators pursuing sexuality sensitive change in schools, are presented. These themes include the following: cultural experiences of gay and lesbian youth in the home, community, and school; consequences of sexuality-based victimization; and the role that physical education teachers and sport coaches can play in fostering sexuality sensitive schooling.  相似文献   

被遗忘的领域:身体与自我的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身体不仅是物理实体,而且处于社会和历史之中,承载着一定的社会关系.现代以来,被视为他人或自然的工具的身体,逐渐成为自我控制和改造的对象.教育领域中,学生的身体处于被自我或他人压制、控制和忽略的地位.身体具有三个层面,即物质层面、美学层面和哲学层面,是自我价值感、力量感、美感、道德感的重要来源.对身体健康发展的束缚,必然以牺牲精神的发展为代价.学校教育必须寻求自我和身体的和谐发展,将身体的"物质-美学-哲学"三个层面结合起来,促进个人寻求合适的生活方式.  相似文献   

以二十七届奥林匹克运动会为起点,围绕四个方面,阐述了我国体育事业发展的基本现状、存在的问题以及今后发展的对策,提出了一些新构思想.  相似文献   

通过对国家12省市特殊教育学校体育现状调查发现,我国特殊教育学校体育现状发展不容乐观,同普通中小学校体育和特殊学校教育自身比较有相对滞后现象,影响着我国特殊教育学校整体的发展。提出了对我国特殊教育学校体育课程建设、体育师资队伍建设、体育设施条件和特殊体育教育科学研究等问题的发展对策。  相似文献   

冯红梅 《毕节学院学报》2010,28(11):121-125
论文研究黔东南州三大民族,即苗族、侗族、汉族学生的体质状况及其特点,并对相互之间进行比较,探讨其体质健康水平异同的原因,并提出相应的对策和建议,以期为本地各级学校体育教育改革提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计等研究方法,对来自河北省6个地区的39所有随班就读残疾儿童的普通学校领导、体育教师和残疾学生进行调查,结果表明:领导和教师对接纳残疾儿童随班就读持消极态度,对残疾儿童体育教育没有给予应有的重视,随班就读生体育意识差,体育课出勤率和课外体育活动参与率都很低,教学内容“常人化”,不符合残疾儿童特点。文章分析了原因并提出对策和建议。  相似文献   

城乡学校体育互动发展的路径和可行性模式,必须从城乡均衡发展的高度来审视学校体育发展方向,从政府和教育部门主导、城乡结合、多元融合等方面入手,采用城市带动农村、强弱搭配优势互补、网络化信息化等模式,大力发展学校体育,补足、完善农村学校体育发展短板,利用城市学校的师资资源优势,选择突破点,在农村学校加大投资力度,加强体育监督,互帮互助,实现城市学校和农村学校体育的互动发展,以期更好地推进学校体育城乡之间的均衡发展,促进教育公平。  相似文献   

学校体育的功能问题一直是学校体育基本理论中的一个热点问题.运用系统理论中的结构-功能分析方法,对现代学校体育的功能层次进行了理论探讨.研究认为,学校体育功能是由自然质功能、结构质功能和系统质功能三个层次组成的动态系统,对学校体育功能层次的分析将有助于对学校体育功能的准确理解,进而有利于学校体育实践工作的开展.  相似文献   

This article argues that the nation's commitment to young people involves proper concern for their physical health, their psychological health, and their spiritual health. In this context the notion of spiritual health is clarified by a critique of John Fisher's model of spiritual health. Fisher developed a relational model of spiritual health, which defines good spiritual health in terms of an individual's relationship to four domains: the personal, the communal, the environmental, and the transcendental. In the present analysis, we make comparisons between pupils educated in three types of schools: publicly funded schools without religious foundation, publicly funded schools with an Anglican foundation, and new independent Christian schools (not publicly funded). Our findings draw attention to significant differences in the levels of spiritual health experienced by pupils within these three types of schools.  相似文献   

由于受地区经济发展水平和地理环境的制约,云南省中小学的体育经费低于全国平均水平;最近3a来,有一半以上的学校没有场地建设费、体育行政办公费和体育服装费;各学校间体育经费分配、支出极不均衡,悬殊过大;部分学校领导对学校体育缺乏全面、深入的认识,体育经费被挪用、占用.因此,学校应严格执行体育经费在学校教育经费中所占比例的有关规定,合理分配使用体育经费.  相似文献   

从“科技奥运”和“人文奥运”的角度出发,采用乐器声学原理和文献资料法,运用科学发展观与现代文化学的理论与方法,探析对兰州太平鼓构造和材料的改进,初步论述兰州太平鼓传统体育文化等西部民族传统体育文化的重构规律及其对丰富人文奥运内涵、增强民族凝聚力、重建文化中国与中国文化的当代形象、实现中华民族伟大复兴的意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provoke thought and hopefully stimulate action in physical educators in relation to moral education through physical education. A brief overview of three moral education programs in public schools serves to enlighten the reader concerning the possibilities for such development. Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental approach to moral education is discussed in greater depth since the author recommends this model as the foundation for moral education programs in physical education. A review of cognitive-developmental moral research culminates in the establishment of three guiding principles related to (a) nature of moral dilemmas, (h) nature of the environment, and (c) role of the teacher. An application of Kohlbergian techniques to physical education is discussed in relation to the three guiding principles. The paper concludes with an appeal to physical educators for greater concern and involvement with this long-standing goal of physical education for moral (character) development by the implementation of programs in the gymnasium classroom and in teacher education programs with concurrent research to support such programs.  相似文献   

邓金 《青海师专学报》2002,22(5):127-128
西部大开发给西部农村学校体育发展带来了前所未有的机遇,西部农村学校体育随着农村教育的综合改革,已取得了长足的进步,但与发达地区相比,还存在着较大的差距;体育观念,体育投入,教育队伍建设仍是制约西部地区农村学校体育发展的主要因素,笔者对此提出建议,旨在对发菜西部地区农村学校体育提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

笔者通过调查统计、查阅文献资料等方法对中小学体育现状进行研究,结果显示,目前中小学不重视课外体育的现象普遍存在,尤其是课外运动训练和课外运动竞赛,这不利于学生形成终身体育,更不利于体育后备人才培养。分析其原因,笔者认为中小学课外体育制度不完善是最重要的因素;对此,提出加强中小学课外体育活动制度的建设,并结合当前学校体育现状提出建议。  相似文献   

School desegregation plans and program efforts in bilingual education, special education, compensatory education, and others designed to promote equal educational opportunity for minorities are threatened with a teaching staff best described as being “burned out,” highly stressed, of low morale, having high absenteeism, and subject to physical abuse. This study examines the extremely low level of teacher morale at inner-city schools and finds major “ethical” stressors such as racial tension among faculty, falsifying of school records, and sexual harassment by school officials emerging as factors contributing to teacher exit and absenteeism. With the use of multivariate discriminant analysis procedures and a sample of 400 high school teachers at nine high schools (three black, three white, and three Hispanic in terms of predominant ethnicity), a set of stressors were derived which uniquely characterize teachers at predominantly black, white, and Hispanic high schools. An economic framework is also presented for understanding the nature of the teacher morale, exit, and absenteeism phenomena in urban schools.  相似文献   

挑战与应对:高校德育有效性的理性思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自新中国成立以来,我国学校德育所受到的重视程度与智育、体育、美育等形成了鲜明的对比。然而,学校德育有效性普遍不佳是一个不争的事实。本试图探讨其原因,并从“知道”与“体道”及其一体化的角度规定衡估德育有效的标准,进而从科学的德育定位,德育实施和队伍建设三方面提出增进德育有效性的措施和途径。  相似文献   

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